MK10 new Roster speculation
posted05/24/2014 09:39 PM (UTC)by
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11/21/2010 08:50 PM (UTC)
Hi. News about the countdown got me excited again. So I am coming back to the forum from a long hibernation.

First of all I hope and belive that we will see the announcment of MK10 on 2nd of June.

That of course makes me wonder how the roster for the new game will look like.
With the long development process of modern games they probably started the work just after Injustice was finished. I think they have 2 years develpment cycle with their games so we should expect new one at the beginning of the next year. That said they probably already finilized the roster and are workig on details an balancing right now.
But it is always fun to speculate.

I personaly really hope that they will take the same aproach as Namco with their fighting games. What I mean by that is they should keep all of the characters from MK9, keep their move sets, expand them with new combos and tweak where neccesary to improve balance. Of course add some new fighters and new costumes but dont remove what works and proved to be great. Mortal Kombat was present at 3 EVOs and had strong fallowing so I really hope this new game would be a big expansion of MK9 rather than some kind of unpredictable revolution.

On the other hand we all know how MK9 story mode ended... It suggests the sequel
will be a reimagining of MK4. I just hope they will find some narrative way to bring all of those characters back and expand the roster with MK4 fighters and maybe some new ones. Since most of the characters now belong to Quan-Chi and Shinnok maybe they will serve them in the new tournament (but for God's sake, NOT as zombies!)

So what I want to say is I hope MK10 = MK9 + MK4 with badass next gen graphics :)
05/24/2014 06:24 PM (UTC)
I hope they go that way too and keep the playable characters from the previous game.

They already have them and that game proved to be a good tournament game with the right foundations, so even if this is a new platform it shouldn't be too much work to implement the previous characters movesets.

Personally I think this is perfectly doable from a storymode perspective, as I think the first part of the campaign will consist on the survivors and new recruits working to bring back their friends, and after that you will take those returned characters to take the fight to the new level.

You could even keep the Cyber Sub-Zero character and moveset for the ones that liked him, as it's resources that a team shouldn't just throw away, by resurrecting Kuai Liang in human form and then make Sektor use Bi-Han's remains to create a new cyborg Sub-Zero just to make Kuai Liang watch his old brother's corpse profaned by his sworn enemy (and as I've said other times, making Noob hack this cyborg like he hacked Smoke in the original timeline would make a lot of sense as that was his original body). The guys that would be harder to bring back would be Shao Kahn (and he was an unplayable boss anyway), Liu Kang (though he could still be there but now corrupted because of how the previous game ended) and Shang Tsung because of how he died (though maybe Sindel's defeat released his soul and he can come back again).
About Me

05/24/2014 09:39 PM (UTC)
Netherrealm studios had to have the sequel in mind when they did the reboot of the series. They definitely did not make their life easy with the story mode. I hope that even if they had some weird plan to move the series in the new direction by killing most of the original characters that they abandoned it long time ago. For a sake of tornament players and long time hardcore fans.
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