MK10 Characters
posted03/12/2012 10:52 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
12/06/2010 07:41 PM (UTC)
I wonder how the characters and their stories will turn up in the next game?

Scorpion - he'll learn the truth from Sareena that Quan Chi was responsible for his family and clan's deaths.

Sub-Zero - he'll return human with the help of Sareena and his cryomancer ancestors in Outworld.

Liu Kang - kidnapped unconsciously by Netherrealm forces, Quan Chi and Shinnok place false memories in his mind to make him think Raiden is to blame for everything that happened in Earthrealm. But he'll learn the real truth later on.

J. Cage - he'll give up the life of a movie star and starts focusing on protecting Earthrealm. His powers go out of control and Raiden sends him to Seido.

Sonya - with so many losses of her friends and father, she goes into a soul journey until being hunted down by Netherealm demons. Jax; under the control of Quan Chi, taunts her and Kano is still one of her targets to finish off.

Reiko - with Shao Kahn dead, both him and Mileena become emperor and empress of Outworld.

Mileena - she becomes empress of Outworld with Reiko at his side.

Reptile & Khameleon - he will serve under Shinnok first. Then fight alongside the Forces of Light. Well for Khameleon, wish she can truly appear.

Sheeva - she'll probably turn good and go to Australia with her fellow shokans. But not Goro and Kintaro.

Kenshi - he'll join the Forces of Light. his intentions for killing Shang Tsung are put to an end when he learns from Sonya and Raiden of the sorcerer's death. So instead, he'll put his vengeance on Quan Chi.

Kitana - she'll be under the control of Shinnok and Quan Chi and joins the Brotherhood of Shadow. Later, she'll be free.

Mavado - with Daegon mysteriously killed, along with Hsu Hao, Mavado will wield his old comrade's weapons and joins Shinnok.

Rain - intends on ruling Edenia. the anti-Liu Kang.

Ermac - King Jerrod, now reborn, takes control of Ermac and intends to help save all the Forces of Light including his beloved Sindel and Kitana from the NR armies.

Li Mei & Bo'Rai Cho - fights against Shinnok's forces with the Forces of Light.

Fujin & Raiden - Fujin takes Raiden's place when things start to go difficult. Raiden becomes mortal as the Elder gods punishment for the mistakes he's caused.

Kai - joins the Forces of Light when he learns Liu Kang is alive. Kai tries to save Liu from destroying Raiden.

Ashrah - starts off as a member of the Brotherhood of Shadow. Then later wields the Kriss as she begins purifying herself.

Sareena - she helps save Kuai Liang from the Netherrealm. She also knows the truth of Quan Chi did to Scorpion including the identity of Noob as Bi-Han. She fights alongside Sub-Zero.

Smoke & Jade - she returns thanks to that mysterious woman and Smoke returns again as both a cyborg and an enenra... or he returns human again but with enenra powers still.

Cyrax - gets restored by the SF and joins the good guys

Sektor - becomes the Grandmaster of the Lin Kuei and Sub-Zero intends to overthrow him for the title and reforms it. Later, Sektor will form the Tekunin.

Baraka & Kano - they still live fighting for Outworld

Skarlet & Nitara - Both are blood-based. Skarlet still serves Kahn and now serves Reiko & Mileena to kill Quan Chi. She doesn't trust Reiko though. Nitara intends to save her race.

Noob Saibot - Bi-Han returns as Noob again and intends to overthrow Shinnok as the new ruler of the Netherrealm. Noob and Scorpion go at each other's throats.

What's your ideas?
02/14/2012 12:42 AM (UTC)
I don't have any clear idea but most of yours are somewhat good. I wish there were not so many vengeance motives, also that Quan Chi doesn't end up with that many ppl wanting to kill him. But maybe he deserves it after all.

Next game's plot? Shinnok invading, but nobody cares. They're all trying to see who's gonna kill Quan Chi for good.:P

I think that Kenshi's intentions could be, or in my mind should be about stopping Shinnok first, so becoming protector of earthrealm. But i really doubt this will happen.

Since Shao Kahn will probably have a rest, well Nitara's intentions should remain the survival of her specie but that story with the help needed from Cyrax? She should sort of help the good guys, be promised something in return or learn about another enemy of hers. Like learning about a second hand role that helped Kahn merged the 2 realms or something. Maybe the cleric of chaos Havik could bring anarchy in Vampirerealm. Ashrah? Well, Ash should be prevented from ascending the Netherealm by someone but i'd say someone fighting Shinnok along with Raiden.

In my opinion the red dragon should fight the black dragon off course. Daegon's and Hsu Hao's deaths are cool motives for Mavado i agree. But Maybe Jarek or Kira should have a spot as Mav's targets. Drahmin and Moloch? Well not much need to be said, they should remain 2 of the Netherealm monsters that trespassers that want a piece at Shinnok will have to defeat.

I don't wish to see Raiden become dark. He should really rely on the other good guys (MK4 and later) to help him save his comrades. Then do something good for everyone at least once in a while.
About Me do not think much of a man who is not wiser today than he was yesterday.
02/14/2012 09:24 PM (UTC)
Sub-Zero (no automation; just old Kuai Liang)
Noob Saibot
Cyber Ninjas (their alternate costumes are human)
Liu Kang (normal)
Kung Lao
Quantum Chi (sub-boss; playable)
Shinnok (boss; unplayable)
I thinkRaiden and the other could make an appearance but not be playable. I think Reiko should become the emperor of Outworld, perhaps setting a side story.
02/16/2012 02:44 PM (UTC)
Raiden should be turned mortal by the Elder gods and strip him of his powers. At least his moves won't be lost.
About Me

Thanks redman for the sig!

02/17/2012 06:54 AM (UTC)
Kai- With Liu Kang dead, Kai, in his youthful arrogance, attempts to become more than what Liu was, even if he must risk his life and soul.

Tanya- Double agent, feigning loyalty to Shinnok, but beneath that cloak lies an allegiance to Quan Chi.

Sonya Blade- With her father's soul acting as her guide, Sonya sets out to fix what Shao Kahn has destroyed, independently. Her grudge with Kano pales to what truths lie ahead.

Sindel- As she was once resurrected, so shall she be again. Quan Chi, impressed with her fighting ability and resourcefulness, brings her back to assume a role as one of his loyal. But even a powerful sorceror can make a mistake...

Fujin- With the sudden disappearance of Raiden, Fuin feels a strong responsibility and duty to his realm. Donning the guise of Protector of Earthrealm, Fujin blindly and furiously sets out to begin repairing the damage left by the merger.

Baraka- With his master destroyed, Baraka develops a plan to show all realms that his race is the superior. Any race for Shao Kahn's throne can be dealt with later. He utilizes the flesh pits to expand his already large horde of Tarkatans... On to step 2.

Scorpion- With Quan Chi backed in a corner, Scorpion forces an admission of destroying his family and clan from the sorceror. That is, would have, had Tanya not intervened. She tells the spectre that Sub Zero nor Quan Chi had not slain has kin, but she knew of an active spirit in Earthrealm that may know. She tells him that to find the spirit, he must find Sonya Blade.

thats all i have haha. Sorry if it sucks. :/
02/19/2012 02:27 PM (UTC)
Liu Kang - Goes rogue when he becomes blinded by false memories by Quan Chi. He and Raiden fight against each other due to betrayal. Ermac (Jerrod) able to find Liu Kang and help him come to his senses and tries to show him the truth of what happened between Raiden and Kahn.

Raiden - Stripped of his powers by the Elder gods as punishment for all the mistakes and destruction. He ends up stuck as a mortal leaving Liu Kang to hunt him down for abandoning him and his friends. Unable to help the mortals of earth, all he can do is watch. But Shinnok has plans for Raiden now that he's stripped of his status.

Rain - The anti-Liu Kang joins forces with Mileena and Tanya as they try to conquer Edenia with Kitana gone.

Sub-Zero - Returning to the living with the help of Sareena. He was shown a cave where all the cryomancers existed in Outworld. There he finds a dying cryomancer, who helps him restore his humanity by sacrificing himself and his knowledge to Kuai Liang.

Noob Saibot - Free from the soulnado, his powers became both shadow and ice. He intends to conquer the Netherealm and put Quan Chi and Shinnok out of the way. He even intends to have some business with Scorpion after the specter learns the truth.
About Me
I know what I have given you. I do not know what you have received.
02/20/2012 02:11 AM (UTC)
Liu Kang: He didn't die to me in MK 2011, but however his soul was in limbo going to be turned to Quan Chi soon. But Shinnok sees potential in Liu Kang, so like what Dragovitch did to Mason in Call of Duty: Black Ops and makes him a sleeper agent. Rayden and the Elder Gods revive him, but Liu Kang is very cynical of Rayden.

He is drawn to Shinnok in secret and his death is faked. Shinnok has him make his own path to conquering realms. He then revives Shang Tsung years later and make the new Deadly Alliance. This is one idea I had for him.

Quan Chi: Although he has the good guys who were killed as his servants now, not all is perfect. Eventually Scorpion learns the truth, faces Quan Chi and kills him.

Ermac: I'd consider his ending canon without Edenia being restored. Jerrod, now in control of Ermac, sees his wife and child being controlled by Quan Chi. He wants to free him and takes on the undead army like he did with Liu Kang's friends in Deception.

Rayden: I liked the idea of his powers being strippped and made mortal. He would have a chance to redeem himself in the end.

Sonya: Goes AWOL like in her ending, but will learn of a coming Black Dragon-Red Dragon war that comes in the MK 4 remake instead.

Sareena: She will revive and free the younger Sub-Zero as a way of paying back for his brother saving her.

Noob Saibot: He woke up in Chaosrealm and gets the help of Havik. He watches Smoke'e enerera side rebel against Quan Chi's magic. He makes Smoke his right hand man and has him swear allegiance and has him slaughter the Lin Kuei now led by Sektor.

Johnny Cage: I liked his ending, he would end up going to Seido to learn about his power.

Sub-Zero: He is going to break free, but I feel he would want to get revenge on the Lin Kuei for turning him into a cybord. He forms his own clan in the end.

02/20/2012 04:38 AM (UTC)
Smoke: Returning to the dead as an enenra. But will regain his human self. He first is enslaved by Noob Saibot but Sub-Zero & Scorpion are able to save him.

Jade: Returns to the dead possessed by the mysterious woman. Perhaps she's a spiritual oracle.

Li Mei: Rebels against Reiko's rule.

Reiko: With Shao Kahn dead, Reiko becomes the new emperor of Outworld.

Shinnok: the fallen elder god intends to conquer or destroy all the realms and uses some of the fallen warriors for his own benefits. He even uses Skarlet under his control to secretly spy on Quan Chi.

Shinnok knows of Quan Chi using his real amulet. With Quan Chi dead, Shinnok revives Shang Tsung.

Ermac: With Jerrod now in control of Ermac, he intends to help the Forces of light save their friends. He even finds Liu Kang and helps him see the real truth and let go of his anger at Raiden.

With Liu's help, Ermac goes to save both his wife and daughter.

Liu Kang: Blinded by fake memories of Raiden, Liu Kang intends to kill him for betrayal. He is then free by Ermac & Kai and helps save the others even Kitana.
02/29/2012 03:55 AM (UTC)
Any more thoughts?
03/12/2012 06:04 AM (UTC)
What if they add a villian who has been watchin raiden and his allies since the 10th tournement
03/12/2012 10:52 AM (UTC)

That could be cool. Shinnok and Quan Chi seems to be given as bad guys though. Along with the Netherealm onis i would like to see as sub boss or hard demons to defeat, that would make a lot of bad guys for this one game only. But i really like the idea. Doesn't even have to be a completly new char imo.
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