posted04/29/2012 02:30 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
04/18/2012 11:20 AM (UTC)
i'd like a Mortal Kombat v Street Fighter game, what do you guys think
04/27/2012 01:09 PM (UTC)
I think this is the wrong section you posted this thread. It would fit in the General Discussion section or the Mortal Kombat Series General section.

Also, this topic has been posted many times over, but I will say what I said in those other threads as well.

No. I wouldn't want an MKvsSF game for that sole reason that I don't want another MK game that is Teen rated like MKvsDCU was. However, I might be interested if Capcom agrees to have their Street Fighters become as fierce and gory as the MK characters and that there will be fatalities without censorship.

Cammy doing her CQC Ultra combo where she breaks the bones of her opponent as an X-Ray move would be quite an awesome sight. ^^
04/27/2012 02:43 PM (UTC)
I REALLY, REALLL, REALLLLY want one only if it's got gore, period!!!

There are MANY amazing Fatality ideas for the street fighter characters if CAPCOM ever allows it. It could easily be done for a once in a life time chance, at least they are debating it, maybe it will happen.

Also, I could really see Akuma do his Raging Demon move, but the head is all that's left and falls down as the smoke clears.

Cammy should do that air roll, landing on the opponent's neck with her legs and pull off the head by flipping backwards instead of taking the whole opponent to the ground with that pile drive.

They could bring back the MKT's Brutalities but incorporate the X-Ray system!

It would also be a great way to introduce Tag-Team Fatalities:

Kitana/Chun Li (ONLY) - Chun Li leg-stabs opponent in the form of her Super Lightning Kick, Kitana fan lifts the torso off opponent

Sub Zero/Ryu (ONLY) - Sub Zero Deep Freezes/Ryu Hurricane Kick Shatters Opponent

Scorpion/Ken (ONLY) - Scorpion spears the opponent's head but pulls the whole body to him, Ken jumps in with a flamming dragon uppercut, decapitating them

Raiden/Gen (ONLY) - Raiden shoves his lightning rod into opponent like a shishkobob, Gen retrieves it for him by doing his quick -through-opponent move ripping the opponent up vertically, THAT WOULD BE SWEET/QUICK

Sindel/Rose (ONLY) - Sindel's evil weave grabs opponent's head, Rose's sleeves grab the feet, and they stretch the opponent like a rack
04/27/2012 03:00 PM (UTC)
Either SF would have to get dumbed-down to flow with MK


MK would have to get real serious and technical to flow with SF.

I don't see either franchise willing to meet in the middle.
04/27/2012 03:07 PM (UTC)
blacksaibot Wrote:
Either SF would have to get dumbed-down to flow with MK


MK would have to get real serious and technical to flow with SF.

I don't see either franchise willing to meet in the middle.

I don't find Street Fighter's gameplay more advanced than MK's, it is the balancing in MK that is the issue, but SF has balance issues as well. Unlike MK, SF has a pro player base that helps Capcom with these things where MK's pro player base is lacking (not saying there aren't any pro MK players, they are just alot fewer than SF's).

If NRS and Capcom worked together, then they would create something magnificent and they can probably learn something from one another too.

I prefer MK standards though when it comes to gore, fatalities and such. The SF supers and ultras just aren't as cool or fun as MK's fatalities and X-ray moves. But if the SF characters got those things, then it would be awesome!

I feel inspiration to draw Cammy as an MK character and with a matching story... ^^
04/27/2012 03:29 PM (UTC)
It will never happen.
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04/29/2012 02:30 AM (UTC)
I love it when an MK vs SF thread appears, which is about once a month.

I do have a question, though. Most MK characters seem to be a lot more powerful than most SF characters to me, especially the bosses. But then again there's a lot of intra-game power discrepancy too (like how lightning doesn't kill people immediately, stabbing people doesn't either, etc). I mean, call me biased, but the MK bosses make Bison look like a chump, although Gill/Urien might be able to hold their own (I like SFIII and you can suck it). I'm just trying to think how SF bosses and MK bosses could hold a mutual alliance that doesn't disrespect either franchise's bosses.

What kind of story do you guys think it would be able to have?

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