Sub_Zero_13 Wrote:
Okay, so let's just say that Noob Saibot killed Goro. But that's hardly an MKDA ending, that was more like the ending that told of what happened BEFORE the game. As for Sareena and Sektor... What's the deal with them? They were never mentioned in MKD. You think there's some future to them?
Just because a ending isn't anywhere in MK endings doesn't mean it can't happen. We won't know anything about Sektor or Sereena until they appear as characters in a future MK game that explains what has happened to them the last few years. Most of the stuff in there GBA endings are speculation when it comes to Sareena and ect. I think we will see Sareena and Sektor in the near future MK game. I guessing highly on MK7 since there is much fan demand for it. In the end what is valid can only be proven threw a character storyline in the sequel or even a mention.