MK: Shaolin Monks.. Fire and Ice Sequel (Idea)...
posted12/26/2010 10:02 AM (UTC)by
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Member Since
05/09/2006 12:22 AM (UTC)
ok.. so they definitely need to bring us a sequel to MK: Shaolin Monks..

After we all found out about talks of there being an action / adventure game staring sub-zero & scorpion.. they should definitely re-consider.. and put it back into production.. Only this time.. the game play (through levels) should be 2d (played on a single plane).. with only the boss battles played in 3d (like how shaolin monks already is)..

So with this game.. the options would be..

Story / Coop.............
1 / 2-6 players (online)
1 / 2 players (offline)
(with the option of competitive (individual) scoring on / friendly fire - never..)

1 / 2-6 players (online)
1 / 2-4 (offline)
AI (bots) included / optional (similar to MK:SM survival mode)
(gameplay would be how MK: Shaolin Monks vs. mode already is..)

also.. fatalities would remain intact.. but.. the screen wouldn't zoom in on whose doing it / nor fade to black.. causing other players gaming to f*** up!.. you'd simply have a power meter (that when full).. you'd maybe press a button or input a code.. hear the *dun-nun-na* chime.. and while performing the characters signature fatality.. you and your victim would be temporarily invincible.. would be alot better this way.. so gameplay remains uninterrupted..

also.. you should be able to either have / unlock a heavy roster of playable characters.. i'm talking mk trilogy or armageddon size!

think an MK game like this would be pretty awesome!!..

As for the 2 player coop (offline)...........

here is an example of how the screen should work..
Example 1

I know it's of a mario game.. but.. I'm referring to how the screen seamlessly splits and combines as the players separate and rejoin.. which kicks ass!!

here is another example...
Example 2

man.. I'd love to play an HD classic Ninja Gaiden (remake) like this as well.. drools.. tongue
10/22/2010 02:20 AM (UTC)
I'd never seen multiplayer like that before, that's pretty cool.

I would definately like a game like that (minus 3d boss fights) might as well keep it all in 2D.
10/22/2010 07:11 AM (UTC)
Nah,keep it in 3D since the first one was in 3D at the beginning.
About Me


10/28/2010 03:16 PM (UTC)
1-6 players for story mode, based on a fighting/brawler game?? That's just bad on a fundamental level.

And no to 2D. Sequals should be similar to the original in terms of game genre / gameplay. Making it a 2D would make it too different from SM and would make it yet another spin-off rather than a sequal.

I personally don't see them making a game like Shaolin Monks, based on Sub and Scorp (based on the MK story), as these two never spent all that much time together. The only time they ever interacted with each other was in MK4 - the one and only time they ever fought.

Even if they based it on the original Sub Zero, everytime he met Scorpion they fought. Wouldn't work as far as story goes in terms of a coop game.

About Me
12/19/2010 10:35 AM (UTC)
well.. i'm glad "humansmoke44" agrees with me wink.. lol

as far as the whole 2d / 3d game play goes.. i guess it's all a matter of preference on what is preferred.. i myself prefer my fighters / platformers to be on a 2d plane.. more accuracy (in directional inputs), better judgment of distances (for jumping) and no camera angle issues that most 3d cameras in games tend to inherit.. also.. graphics can look a whole lot better when the world is viewed from one angle (more time for detail).. which MK:9 is proving right now (as we speak) compared to the other 3d mk's..

well.. we all know that sub-zero and scorpion would probably never team up.. as well as say.. liu kang / scorpion.. kang lao / sub-zero.. but with shaolin monks they already made that possible.. as in having characters be unlockables and being able to pair up with one another.. i just think it would be awesome.. to be able to play as your favorite mk character online.. with the shaolin monks fighting engine.. making some pretty interesting mixes and matches.. and as far as the 2-6 players in cooperative play.. it probably wouldn't work for story mode.. probably better to keep it 2 players.. but.. the new castlevania game on xbox live is 2-6 online.. and worked out well (in my opinion).. so i think they could do something similar to that but with an mk twist..
12/26/2010 10:02 AM (UTC)
I want to see this game made, especially if it has a badass plus funny story, My fav always been Sub-Zero and my bros fav Scorpion so Id love to see 2player, there aren't many coop 2player games in the market now that thers online.
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