MK: rise of the ninjas
posted08/03/2007 08:03 PM (UTC)by
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robots in disguise

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07/26/2007 08:25 AM (UTC)
i want a ninja game with all of the present ninjas and even introduce some new one like slash and whoever else leave comments and more ninja ideas plzwinkwink
07/26/2007 09:50 AM (UTC)
Oh, this isn't going to be popular.

Quickly replace Ninjas with the word Pirates. It'll work trust me.

Plus you do realise the only "true" ninjas are possibly Sub Zero and Sektor. The rest are assassins mostly.
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07/26/2007 11:23 AM (UTC)
JohnBoyAdvance Wrote:
Oh, this isn't going to be popular.

Quickly replace Ninjas with the word Pirates. It'll work trust me.

Plus you do realise the only "true" ninjas are possibly Sub Zero and Sektor. The rest are assassins mostly.

oth of them are chinese assassin having nothing to do with ninja for the most part. The only ninja in MK is Scorpion. The rest are masked assas-sins or mercenaries or whatever.

Besides, more ninjas? Thats like the finishing ehadshot to MK. Ninjas are bad ideas.
07/26/2007 11:55 AM (UTC)
JohnBoyAdvance Wrote:
Oh, this isn't going to be popular.

Quickly replace Ninjas with the word Pirates. It'll work trust me.

Plus you do realise the only "true" ninjas are possibly Sub Zero and Sektor. The rest are assassins mostly.

I had the idea about pirates a while back. I thought it would be cool in MK if done right.

Anyways, this idea is not good, imo. There is only one ninja in MK. Scorpion, because he is Japanese, and that's where the ninja originated from. Although, I admit, Scorpion is not the best ninja in terms of the "real ninja".

The rest are just assassins in ninja like outfits. Having good ninja concepts in MK wouldn't be bad, but it has to be done right. I'd start with Scorpion and his clan for a revamp.
07/26/2007 02:53 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:

oth of them are chinese assassin having nothing to do with ninja for the most part. The only ninja in MK is Scorpion. The rest are masked assas-sins or mercenaries or whatever.

Besides, more ninjas? Thats like the finishing ehadshot to MK. Ninjas are bad ideas.

Oh, right my bad. You can't keep up with em.
07/26/2007 04:35 PM (UTC)
IMHO I say we abid the Ninja's/ Assassins Adu. Except for Scorp and Sub-0
(not because i like them, because they are the main/popular two characters in MK) and it will go downhill, if they go.
07/26/2007 10:18 PM (UTC)
lol, Funny debate, out of all the template ninjas, who would qualify as an actual ninja?

Although, I would say assasins and ninjas are equal for all intents and purposes. A ninja is just a Japanese assassin with a cool name.

Personally, I think the labels work something like this:

Original Sub-Zero/ Noob Saibot: Mercenary. I don't think anyone would disagree with me here. Noob basically just goes where the gettin's good.

Scorpion: Ninja. He might be undead, but he's deffinately a ninja. I know he recently became the Elder Gods champion, but I don't think it'll last. If Quan Chi's still alive, he'll revert to his ninja ways in no time. I wonder what will happen when he finds out who Noob really is?

Reptile: Bodyguard/Servant That what he's always been referred to anyway. He tends to just watch things from the shadows as well.

Sub-Zero Jr: No doubt for me here: CHAMPION! Sub-Zero is one of the 9 souls chosen by Raiden to protect earth [MK3]. I like to think of them collectively as the "The 9 Champions." It just sounds so cool. He's deffinately a hero even if you don't like the name I just made up on the spot.

Smoke: Ninja because his powers support stealth. I define Smoke as a shapshifter with just one shape: smoke! Being able to become incorpeal at will definately supports the stealthy ninja archtype.

Ermac: Warrior. 1000 warriors in fact!

Rain: Prince/ Half-God [I only got MKA last week, to be honest, I'm still fuzzy about rain's exact bio. He is taven's half-brother, right?]

The three cyber ninjas are a whole different template from the 2D games, there roles are:

Sektor: He shoots missiles & flame throwers. To me, that says Warrior all the way, possibly even Juggernaut. His first act of free will was to single handedly slaughter Shao Kahn's armies afterall!

Cyrax: He's the gadget man! He's got an arsenal of nets, bombs, a saw, & a arm device that allows him to open portals at will. He walks through deserts and lava fields without chaffing. Oh, and he self-destructs, just in case...
I don't know if I'd call him a ninja per se, but in D&D, Cyrax would be the rogue in the party.

Smoke: Again, he's a ninja. He apparently kept his shapeshifting ability, and also has the upgrades of being a robot. That makes him a pretty dangerous double threat [off topic, I know, I just love Smoke]. The fact that he's always a hidden character [or the most expensive unlockable character in Deception] is also strong evidence for Ninja.
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07/26/2007 10:53 PM (UTC)
I like it.

All the male,female and cyborg ninjas plus sum new.
07/27/2007 03:28 AM (UTC)
ahhh, of course! I forgot to do girl ninjas. Alright, Here we go again [whether you like it or not :)]. Hmm, i'm less familiar with these ladies, I think I'll need to refer to the trading cards for this one:

Kitana: Princess. Well, that was pretty obvious, but she has earned the title in recent games. She's been captured and rescued and captured again. Plus one time she got killed, resurrected, and slapped with the mind control [does anyone else think mind control is used a little TOO often in sci fi entertainment?] She's also proven herself an effective ruler by negotiating a military alliance with the shokan, and also a shaky truce with the centaurs. Unfortunately, it appears that Kano was the better military tactician, due to his innate sneakiness. Does anyone else think Kano went from kinda lame to total gangsta in Deadly Alliance?

Mileena: Seductress, and specifically, a Vagina Dentata. You might not have heard of this one, but I think Mileena fits the role perfectly even if it was unintended. A Vagina Dentata is a mythological creature that attempts to seduce and kill the hero. She is striking beautiful, but should one attempt fornification with a Vagina Dentata, they soon discover that her vagina is lined his sharp jagged teeth. Next thing you know, the hero's wang looks like a rotweiler's chew toy [look it up if you don't believe me]. The hero can dodge this problem by using a stick to remove the teeth, or he might just put the mouse back in it's house, but that's no fun.

Jade: Ninja/ loyal friend. She's the sneaky one alright. She hid in the shadows spying on Onaga, and witnessed the enslavement of Kitana and the earthrealm warriors. She also uses seemingly mundane weapons that become lethal in her skilled hands. She is also loyal to Kitana like Sam is to Frodo. Her attitude towards loyalty and patriotism contrast against Tanya, whom she despises.

Tanya: TRAITOR! She screwed over Edenia how many times now? First Shinnok, and then Onaga. Why Tanya, Why? She does it to pursue her own ambitions for power. POWER! Frankly, I don't really like Tanya, I hope Blaze smacked her down in the final fight.

Frost: Arrogant Youngster. She's a natural fighter, but unfortunately, a little too confident for her own good. She nearly got herself killed trying to steal the dragon medallion from Sub-Zero, and apparently learned nothing. At this rate, she'll soon go the way on Annikan Skywalker. Mark my words, MK8 will feature the first female cyborg ninja! Darth Frost!!!

Kameleon: Well, the only thing we really know about her is that she's a female raptor, and she has awesome hair. Her bio says that she hates Shao Kahn, and plans to kick his ass in the future [but who doesn't wanna kill that guy, seriously, even the bad guys got it in for him]. She apparently has tried to copulate with Reptile at least once, but was unsuccessful. We also know that the Raptors operated on a Matriarch society, which might explain why reptile has a tendency to serve others over himself [he's instinctively subserviant]. I'm willing to guess that she was not born a slave, as Reptile was, but rather lived before the domination of Zeterra. Again, I'm just guessing. All in all, I suspect she's an Alpha female type, and if her and Reptile ever do consumate their relationship, Reptile will still be a bodyguard and underling.
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07/27/2007 04:55 PM (UTC)
You forgot Chameleon.

Now how many ninjas are all together ?
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Project MKK: Coming soon...

Currently working on: MKD & MKA - The One Ring Theory
07/27/2007 06:01 PM (UTC)
Scorpion is the only ninja in MK. And an all inja game would not be welcomed by myself. It's a concept as stale as Scorpions story.
07/27/2007 07:57 PM (UTC)
scorpion is the only ninja. hes a ninja spectre. others are just masked, same costume assassins. and no noob saibot is not a ninja. me personally i hate pirates, no offense. but i have my own thing for ninjaswinkwinkwink
07/28/2007 01:43 AM (UTC)
meh, I say khameleon replaced chameleon. let's just pretend chameleon never existed.
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07/28/2007 01:49 AM (UTC)
Fuck Khameleon,

I prefer Chameleon over her or best - both.

They can make trio with Reptile.
About Me

robots in disguise

07/28/2007 05:57 AM (UTC)
i think that people go a little to far with the assain ninja debate i agree with the guy above ninja is just a cool name 4 chinese assassian
07/29/2007 04:20 AM (UTC)
Chameleon and Khameleon? No, you can't have two characters with the exact same name [save for one letter]. One of em's gotta go! I vote for K goes she's got wicked awesome hair, plus, a female raptor will add a lot of flavour to the next game.

Reptile, Chameleon, & Khameleon? now that's just all kinds of wrong. Threesomes = cool
Gangbangs = nasty
On a different note, yeah I'd like to see a pirate. preferably from the chaos realm since they worship water, and we need more development for the network of realms they've introduced. Yeah, a chaos pirate would be hella cool!
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07/29/2007 09:09 AM (UTC)
That, you said was reasonable, but stupid.
07/30/2007 03:01 AM (UTC)
hey, I'm the new guy, cut me some slack.

I feel like I should appologize to the guy that started this thread: no one's actually talking about ninja ideas! I don't think there are any colours left for more ninjas. I now they no longer share template, but it just wouldn't feel right to introduce a ninja without connecting him to a specific colour.
07/31/2007 11:06 PM (UTC)
agreed all colours are taken, theres others but it would just look rediculus. and khameleon should get out because thats just stupid i mean r they that desperate for more characters that they need one just like chameleon. useless. lets get creative here.
08/01/2007 04:01 AM (UTC)
I'd just like to point out that the guys saying that Scorpion is the only "ninja" in the game, and the others are just masked assassins, Ninjas are pretty much defined as being masked assassins. They were used for other things, sure, like messengers (Not sure what else) but they're best known as assassins.

I think it's pretty safe to say that the other masked ninja-like characters would be considered to be ninjas in their respective realms. Whatever word that particular realm uses for Assassins such as they. A number of them rely on stealth, when they're not in a tournament, like Reptile, and are assassins

As for the topic...I think there are plenty enough Ninjas...regulars, cyber, mutant, undead....Only one that might work would be an insect ninja. And even then, that's probably pushing it.
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08/01/2007 10:50 PM (UTC)
Tanya is not really masked in fact she wasn`t even masked at all!!
08/02/2007 01:24 AM (UTC)
Yeah, but Tanya isn't an assassin. She's just a back-stabbing skank. You know, a politician ;)
08/02/2007 04:24 PM (UTC)
i only say scorpion is the only ninja because hes the only one with trhat status. but i agree to what venomous said before
08/03/2007 12:22 AM (UTC)
Asesino Wrote:
I like it.

All the male,female and cyborg ninjas plus sum new.

i totally agree...shouldnt they bring back quake...or whatever his name was? he looked
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08/03/2007 02:49 AM (UTC)


No more ninjas in MK. Ever.
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