MK:Revival(finally updated)(Noob Saibot Bio revealed!!!)
posted07/13/2007 08:00 AM (UTC)by
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11/26/2006 09:02 PM (UTC)
Let me start by saying some important things that happened in the last minute of armageddon.
1.Taven defeated blaze and all the surviving kombatants powers increased.
2.Scorpion clan and family were truly revived with the power of Blaze then Quan chi appeared and stole his son.
3.The current Subzero realeased his ice powers i an attempt to turn his brother good and purge him of his evils.Though it worked Subzero's ice powers were part of his blood and his blood weakened severely so that he couldn't live he then died,and Noob saibot though purifed could no longer use either his ice powers or Shadow powers.
4.Meat gained infinite shapeshifting powers and quickly dissapeard.
5.Reiko killed both onaga and and shao kahn he then became the new ruler of outworld
6.Reptile found a krypt in it was a female zatareen who introduced herself as khameleon they then both became human in appearance
7.Liu kang defeated The now evil Raiden gained enough power to become an elder god he then saved kitana from death by millena.They then became queen and king of edenia.
8.everybody else died
I will post the current storyline soon
11/28/2006 09:52 PM (UTC)
Now for the current storyline
The emporer of outworld reiko and his generals Lord Reptile and Lady Khameleon are approached by a member of the brotherhood of shadow."Let me get this straight you want us to lend you my zataaren army so you may invade the main realms so you can get thier komidogus and the free the one. being what's in it for me?" said Reiko."why my lord i can control the one being and i will galdly use it to aid you and your realm master Reiko"."Fine you my use my army" replied Reiko."Thank you very much" said the member of the brotherhood of shadow as he turned into quan chi and killed Reiko.Lord Reptile ordered his children to attack."Fools you all work for me now and you can't attack me" said Quan Chi."That may ne so but i am not part of Reiko's army i am his bodyguard" said a powerful Shokan warrior." I am the new scourge of outworld i am the son of kintaro and sheeva,i am Sharo!" said the shokan warrior"now fight me!"I will not fight you but my apprentice will" said quan chi.Suddely a warrior came in."tantalus i have raised you welll ever since your father Hanzo died amd i saved you from his muderer .Now i will turn you into my most loyal warrior" said quan chi.As quan chi touched Tantalus he suddeny became covered in shadows."You are now noob saibot!.Defeat him!"The shadow warrior easily defeated him.Now put that fool in the dungeon" demanded quan chi.
Liu kang had sensed this disturbance as did Taven they knew that they would need to find new warriors to fight in this mortal kombat.Liu kang suggested his son.... next i will post charachter bios.
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11/30/2006 09:05 PM (UTC)
Dude that's deep...
Okay sorry i havent been able to get the bios out yet i was waiting for more peopel to check it out and i've been pretty busy.But i am comforming that i will make an rpg maker game for it but it won't be done for a long time.
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-Courtesy of TheCypher-

12/26/2006 07:54 AM (UTC)
TheMightyMeatLord Wrote:

6.Reptile found a krypt in it was a female zatareen who introduced herself as khameleon they then both became human in appearance

Will there be an unrated edition? wink
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Sig made by Prodigy004
12/26/2006 02:45 PM (UTC)
Sure would suck having Noob who can't fight...
TheMightyMeatLord Wrote:
Now for the current storyline
Liu kang had sensed this disturbance as did Taven they knew that they would need to find new warriors to fight in this mortal kombat.Liu kang suggested his son....
Liu Kang? Wow, I didn't know he got his memories back...
Finally i have done a character roster with alignments and mini descriptions

1.Lin Kuei(Good,Formerly Noob without shadow or ice powers he must rely on his ninja skills as the new Lin Kuei Grandmaster
2.Subzero(Good,a roughly 16 year old boy who has ice powers has recently become Lin Kuei's aprentice
3.Scorpion(Good,The undead spectre now alive leads his clan and wife in a search for his son and final vengence against Quan Chi)
4.Noob Saibot(Evil,True name Tantalus he does not know that his father is Scorpion now has been given shadow powers as Quan Chi's highest ranking warrior)
5.Ragnarok(Neutral,Leader of the Dark Dragon)
6.Nisa(Neutral,head assain to the Dark Dragon)
7.Khameleon(Evil,Female ruler of the zaterrens along with Reptile is now one of Quan Chi's generals)
8.Reptile(Evil,Male ruler of the zaterrens along with Khameleon is nwo one of Quan Chi's generals)
9.Jerrod Kang(Good,Son of Kitana and Liu Kang as the main hero he must find his predicted trainer)
10.Krono(Good,The greatest fighter in The United States has been aproached by Taven to help stop Quan Chi.He agreed hoping to prove hsi fighting prowless)
11.Taven(Good,The protector of Edenia and the Mortal Kombat champion he and Liu Kang must now gather the forces of good to stop Quan Chi.)
12.Strago(Good,the last student of Bo'Rai'Cho after seeing the ghost of his dead master he knows he must train Jerrod Kang)
13.Quan Chi(Evil,Main villan is trying to gather the komidogus so he can fuse with the One Being)
14.Nitaro(Neutral,One of the vampire race without there leader Nitara there realm has fallen into turmoil he plans to use the One beings power to fix that.)
15.Sharo(Good,New leader of the Shokan he has been freed from the Outworld dungeon by Scorpion he plans to take his revenge on Quan Chi by helping Scorpion)
16.Spider(name may change)(good,Scorpions wife has been training in the ninja ways so she can get her son back)
17.Dan Killer(Good,New head of Special Forces)
18.Reiko(Good,Thought to be dead dethroned emporer he is revived by Sharo so they can help Scorpion kill Quan Chi)
19.Rampage(Evil,An Oni beast,hates Reiko for improsing him in an Outworld jail,has been freed by Quan Chi to serve him)
20.Ripper(Good,One of Shiru's greatest ninjas,will do anything to help Scorpion)
21.Meat(Neutral,not satisfied with having an identity he plans on taking the power of the one being)
22.Techno(Good,a technology obessed member of the Special Forces)
23.Smoke(Good,After defeating the god fusion of Sektor and Cyrax he travels to the lin kuei headquarters to help the forces of good)
24.Sektor(Thought to have been killed by Smoke he ends up in Outworld and makes a deal with Quan Chi to help Quan Chi if Sektor gets his hands on Smoke)

Well thats the plan for now me and painkiller1022 are working on the rpg.Bio for Lin Kuei koming soon.
12/28/2006 12:37 AM (UTC)
Purely Awesome Characters. It will be great working with you on this.
Finally Lin Kuei's bio!!
with picture,fighting stlye,weapon,and special moves.

I have gone by many names.Subzero,Noob Saibot.But none of those names fit me now I have lost both my ice and shadow powers.Though I suppose I should be thankful that my brother had freed me from the control of evil,costing me my powers, by losing his life, but part of me felt empty.However a knew warrior has joined my clan who has ice powers just like me,my brother,and my sister used to have.He is inexperienced,I must teach him.I have recently been approached by the Mortal Kombat Champion, Taven,he says that an old enemy of my family's,the sorceror Quan Chi,has returned to summon the One being.I have agreeded to help him for 3 reasons.1.To once agin fight my rival Quan Chi.2.To see my new aprentice's skills.3.To steal the power of the of the One Being in hopes of reviving my ice powers.

Fighting style:

Weapon style:
Ancient sword(its that sword that Taven finds in Arktic in konquest mode)

Special moves(remember these moves are for rpg maker):
Shuriken throw(throws ninja stars at oppent hitting all oppenents)

Lin Kuei Punch(hits one oppent with a powered up punch)

Lin Kuei focus(focuses on his power to strengthen his skills)

There you go next one up is the new Subzero.
Subzero's bio!!

I have grown up my whole life in an orphange.My parents supposedly died in some war.My whole life i have had ice powers.Though i could bearly manipulate them i could stil create simple ice formations.One night a man in shining armor came and told me of a place where a man could teach me not only how to fight but how to use my ice powers.I said i wanted to go there and suddenly i was there.Now a man known as Lin Kuei who takes his name from the clan that i am part of and he is grandmaster.That man who came to me came to my master,and from what i understand wants us to help him with something.I will gladlt accept.

Fighting stlye
Nan chaun

Weapon stlye
Ice daggers

Special moves
Ice ball(freezes a single oppenent)

Ice shower(freezes all oppenents)

slide(slides at one oppenent)

Next up is Scorpion!
12/30/2006 08:27 AM (UTC)
Good job. I really like the story you have going
12/31/2006 09:41 PM (UTC)
Nice. These dudes are just perfect for the game. I can't wait to see scorpion.
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"because real men throw eggs"

01/02/2007 11:19 PM (UTC)
you said that taven beat blaze and everyone got stronger. wouldnt that mean that all the new people would have to be as strong as goro or they would be squashed like a bug?
01/03/2007 05:13 AM (UTC)
If everyone was stronger... that would mean Armageddon would come...
laofan Wrote:
you said that taven beat blaze and everyone got stronger. wouldnt that mean that all the new people would have to be as strong as goro or they would be squashed like a bug?

Not all of them got stronger in strength per say .This is what the power did to them.

Taven-Became the protector god of Edenia

Liu Kang-made him an elder god

Meat-gave him infinite shapeshifing powers

Reptile-gained human appearance

Scorpion-Granted his greates desire,for his family and clan to come back to life truly.

Lin Kuei-Was unconsious so he didnt get the power.

Quan Chi-Gained unlimited magical power.

Finally Scorpion Bio!

At the end of Armageddon my family and my clan had been truly revived,and i was no longer a spectre.I was in a state of joy that I could not put into words,but then it all ended.Quan Chi my rival ran up stole my son and teleported away.I was furious I commanded my clan to hunt down Quan Chi.Though i heard that he had become the leader of the brotherhood of shadow,I could do nothing,no longer being a hell spectre my powers would dwindle in the netherealm and I would stand no chance against Quan Chi.However,I have learned that Quan Chi has killed the emporer of Outworld,Reiko and imprisoned the shokan leader,Sharo.Me,my wife going by the name Spider,and my greates warrior Ripper have gone to Outworld to free Sharo and kill Quan Chi from the inside out.

Fighting stlye:

Weapons stlye:

Mugri ryu

Special moves:
1.Bloody spear(you know this move)
2.Teleport punch(teleports and punches all oppenents)
3.Ninja sacrifice(stabs himself doing damage but then hitting the oppenent and doing more)

next Noob Saibot.
Now for Noob Saibot

I dont remember much from my childhood all i know is what master Quan Chi tells me.He says that he was a good friend of my father,Hanzo Hasashi, until he was killed by a cruel ninja known as Scorpion.He also killed my mother,and tried to kill Quan Chi.However he used his powerful magic to escape taking me with him so Scorpion would not kill me.Ever since that day Quan Chi has been raising me and teaching me how to fight.He says i am now ready to lead his army as the forces of good he says that the evil forces contain my father's killer Scorpion.I will destroy him at all cost!!!!

Fighting stlye:


Weapon stlye:

Ninja sword

Special moves:
Shadow slam(you know its that move were he slams an oppenent up and down

Shadow clones(summons a bunch of shadow clones to attack all enemys)

Shadow ball(shoots a shadow ball paralyzing the oppenent)

next up Ragnarok
I'm sorry to report that appears painkiller has stopped working on the game i may pick it up but for now it looks like its on hold.I will continue to post the storyline.
05/20/2007 10:23 PM (UTC)
Sorry, but I'm not really digging this. The stories that have been written are a mess and they really contradict a lot of what's been established.

Scorpion and Quan Chi making it to the next-gen and Quan Chi kidnapping Scorpion's son only makes Scorpion's story even more redundant and 1-dimensional than before.

If Sub-Zero could release his powers to free his brother from the evil taint, he would've done so after Noob Saibot was knocked unconscious by Taven.

Reptile already knows Khameleon.

Raiden did not become evil. He simply became dark and ruthless, with an "ends justify the means" kind of mentality when it comes to protecting Earthrealm.

Liu Kang and Kitana living happily ever after sounds very sugarcoated.

As for everyone else dying, sounds like a huge waste to me.

There are a lot of spelling, spacing, and grammatical issues.

The Kamidogu were destroyed by Shujinko in his battle against Onaga.

No character can actually be "fused" with the One Being. The One Being's consciousness is split and makes up the fabric of the realms.

The whole neo-Noob Saibot thing doesn't make much sense.

I don't agree with the style choices, especially Noob Saibot's, which REALLY makes him out to be that extremely stereotypical ninja, especially with the "Ninjitsu" spelling.

What I suggest is to start the story from scratch and to follow the canon story unless you are trying to do some kind of alternate universe thing.
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
Sorry, but I'm not really digging this. The stories that have been written are a mess and they really contradict a lot of what's been established.

Scorpion and Quan Chi making it to the next-gen and Quan Chi kidnapping Scorpion's son only makes Scorpion's story even more redundant and 1-dimensional than before.

If Sub-Zero could release his powers to free his brother from the evil taint, he would've done so after Noob Saibot was knocked unconscious by Taven.

Reptile already knows Khameleon.

Raiden did not become evil. He simply became dark and ruthless, with an "ends justify the means" kind of mentality when it comes to protecting Earthrealm.

Liu Kang and Kitana living happily ever after sounds very sugarcoated.

As for everyone else dying, sounds like a huge waste to me.

There are a lot of spelling, spacing, and grammatical issues.

The Kamidogu were destroyed by Shujinko in his battle against Onaga.

No character can actually be "fused" with the One Being. The One Being's consciousness is split and makes up the fabric of the realms.

The whole neo-Noob Saibot thing doesn't make much sense.

I don't agree with the style choices, especially Noob Saibot's, which REALLY makes him out to be that extremely stereotypical ninja, especially with the "Ninjitsu" spelling.

What I suggest is to start the story from scratch and to follow the canon story unless you are trying to do some kind of alternate universe thing.

'Bout time i got a critic.

to answer your criticism:
1.Your opinion i also thought son facing father a kind of cool thing.But i know a lot of people hate the recent stuff thats been happening to Scorpion.
2.No, he knew he would die if he released his ice powers and he didnt know 100% it would work.He only did it in the armageddon battle because he figured he was going to die anyways.
3.Started writing this before Khameleon's bio was realesed(or even that it was known she would be in the MKA for the wii).
4.Well IMO he is evil even though he thinks he's doing the right thing.
5.Figured since they werent going to play a big part in this story might as well end all the troubles that have been happening to them.
6.Needed to get rid of them.
7.I know i'm lazy.
8.I am aware more will be explained on what Quan Chi means.
9. It is a bit more complicated in my story you'll see later.
10. Basically who is Noob Saibot is chosen and given powers by Quan Chi.
11.He only recently became noob saibot and thus was trained with ninjitsu and kept it as Noob Saibot.
12. I have no plans of starting over but i may take some of your advice if i make the game.

Well anyways thanks for the feedback!smile
06/28/2007 01:39 AM (UTC)
TheMightyMeatLord Wrote:
to answer your criticism:
1.Your opinion i also thought son facing father a kind of cool thing.But i know a lot of people hate the recent stuff thats been happening to Scorpion.

Considering how Scorpion's post-retcon story mainly consisted of revenge, I don't see what I said as an opinion. How many more games do we need Scorpion's story to be about revenge? Honestly...He's been fucked up and over for years now, and it's very disgusting. He was a character I used to like as he was actually worth something. But now, he's just a washed up joke that's still loved by fanboys/fangirls who care only about the surface qualities. I don't see why Scorpion should become the leader of the Shirai Ryu given his lack of wisdom and overall incompetence.

TheMightyMeatLord Wrote:
2.No, he knew he would die if he released his ice powers and he didnt know 100% it would work.He only did it in the armageddon battle because he figured he was going to die anyways.

I don't see how releasing his ice powers is going to save his brother. Wouldn't the more logical thing be to break Shinnok's control over him? And given the way Sub-Zero's story is, for him to die like that doesn't do much justice, nor does it give any proper closure.

TheMightyMeatLord Wrote:
3.Started writing this before Khameleon's bio was realesed(or even that it was known she would be in the MKA for the wii).

That's no excuse. If you paid attention to Reptile's MK4/MKG ending and/or Reptile's MKD trading card bio, you'd know that he knew Khameleon.

TheMightyMeatLord Wrote:
4.Well IMO he is evil even though he thinks he's doing the right thing.

By that mentality, I suppose you would be considering Hotaru, Havik, Darrius, and Dairou to be evil, even though they are listed as "neutral" characters.

TheMightyMeatLord Wrote:
5.Figured since they werent going to play a big part in this story might as well end all the troubles that have been happening to them.

It's very soft storytelling though. If you're not going to make use of them, take them in a different direction. Like I said, having Liu Kang and Kitana alive and married to each other is very sugarcoated and cheesy. If you simply just end all their troubles for them, they instantly become flat and boring. There's also another problem, and I'm surprised at myself for not mentioning this sooner. Liu Kang becoming an Elder God and then becoming the King of Edenia simply does not work. The Elder Gods cannot be living in the realms as they are not to directly interfere in the affairs that go on in the realms. If Liu Kang becomes an Elder God, he would have to stay in the Heavens. If he becomes King of Edenia, there will have to be a new Champion of Mortal Kombat and a new main protector of Earthrealm (I don't mean protector god.). Overall, I find this particular story concept to be absolutely horrendous.

TheMightyMeatLord Wrote:
6.Needed to get rid of them.

Well, that's your opinion, but personally, there is some great potential with various characters you didn't put in your story.

TheMightyMeatLord Wrote:
7.I know i'm lazy.

It makes for a better presentation if you did a better job with the spelling, grammar, and things like that. I'm not expecting perfection, but I don't want to be reading a bunch of mangled gibberish.

TheMightyMeatLord Wrote:
8.I am aware more will be explained on what Quan Chi means.


TheMightyMeatLord Wrote:
9. It is a bit more complicated in my story you'll see later.

Please do.

TheMightyMeatLord Wrote:
10. Basically who is Noob Saibot is chosen and given powers by Quan Chi.


TheMightyMeatLord Wrote:
11.He only recently became noob saibot and thus was trained with ninjitsu and kept it as Noob Saibot.

I don't understand the point of having a new Noob Saibot. Why couldn't you just have made a new wraith character with different powers? I feel that it's rather lame and uninspired to take Scorpion's son and make him into Noob Saibot 2.0.

You obviously didn't seem to catch on to me bringing up the "Ninjitsu" spellling, but the correct spelling is Ninjutsu. In the Japanese language, the "u" sound is pronounced harder/softer in different regions. So in the regions that pronounce words with the "u" sound softly, it almost makes it seem like it's a silent letter. So the jutsu in Ninjutsu would be pronounced either "j'tsu" or "j'ts'" as there is no "ih" sound (in words such as pit) in the Japanese language. However, given how jutsu can be pronounced like that, it does sound a lot like it has that "ih" sound. So when romanizing the kanji for jutsu in the earlier days, there was a great confusion.

Also, let me explain something about Ninjutsu. It is derived from the terms "nin" and "jutsu". Nin has both militaristic and spiritual/philosophical meanings. The militaristic meanings of "nin" are that of stealth, espionage, and intelligence. The spiritual/philosophical meanings of "nin" are endurance, patience, forebearance, and perseverance. The essence of the term "nin" is that of valor. As for "jutsu", it has meanings such as art, method, or technique. So overall, Ninjutsu can have various meanings, the more militaristic meaning referring to the art or methods of stealth and espionage while the more spiritual/philosophical meaning refers to the art or methods of endurance, patience, forebearance, and perseverance.

Who trained him in Ninjutsu anyway, Quan Chi? According to the MK storyline, Takeda, the founder of the Shirai Ryu, was also the creator of Ninjutsu. It's teachings spread throughout Japan during the feudal era. As far as we know, Scorpion's son is young and was not exactly part of the clan in the sense that he was trained to become a Ninja in the Shirai Ryu. Also, which Ninjutsu tradition are you even referring to? Given the real world, only Togakure Ryu, Gyokushin Ryu, and Kumogakure Ryu exist but I think even then, the Ninjutsu aspects are not really taught. In terms of the MK story, we know there's at least Shirai Ryu.

TheMightyMeatLord Wrote:
12. I have no plans of starting over but i may take some of your advice if i make the game.

I just feel that the quality is abysmal. Some of the character concepts (e.g. Lin Kuei) seem awfully uninspired. I don't like the story directions. And just the overall presentation is lackluster. I know I may sound harsh, but if I could see myself doing a story and being serious about it, I would be equally harsh on myself.
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06/28/2007 09:18 AM (UTC)
The overall construction of the plot lacks quality and MK-ness. The new characters ...well, I cannot take them seriously on such infantile levels.
06/28/2007 11:57 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
The overall construction of the plot lacks quality and MK-ness. The new characters ...well, I cannot take them seriously on such infantile levels.

Gotta agree with Chrome. Just looks like a bunch of pseudo stories, no offense.

07/13/2007 08:00 AM (UTC)
the plot makes no sense at all. quan chi is not a good enough villain anymore. and lin kuei is a group name not an individual name!
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