MK: Rememberance and Retaliation My future mK idea
posted02/02/2007 07:55 PM (UTC)by
About Me

how bout a cup of shut the hell up.

Member Since
09/15/2006 10:57 PM (UTC)
This is my idea for a future Mortal kombat game.

When you start you can select the game you wish to play.


Rememberance has every character from MKA and some newer ones.
The game is a long konquest for each character revealing their story up until MKA.


Retaliation has the characters that were still alive (Canon endings)
Also will have new characters (10)
Konquest mode featuring new characters only
1-1 fighting
mini games (Mortal kombat mini golf, and backyard football MK style)
Krypt like MKA

Old characters will have storylines revealed in the Konquest mode for Retaliation

About Me

how bout a cup of shut the hell up.

01/19/2007 12:24 AM (UTC)
Well here is the first story. Its written script style and wil be written little at a time


(Shirai Ryu Camp (Earth)
The screen looks up and we look at a camp with different size tents around the area. The camera zooms in to the camp and we see a ninja clad in yellow with short black hair and brown eyes. His name is SCORPION. He is talking with another ninja clad. He is a lot younger than SCORPION. It is his son KOMODO
KOMODO: The grandmaster wishes to see you father
SCORPION: Do you know what it is about
KOMODO: I do not
SCORPIOn: very well
SCORPION walks off to the largest of the tents. He walks inside. Inside sit an extremely pale man with odd red markings on him and the grandmaster SAGO. SCORPION bows before SAGO.
SCORPION: You wanted to see me grandmaster
SAGO: Yes SCORPION. This is QUAN CHI. He is a sorceror from Outworld. He has come looking for the best the Shirai Ryu have to offer and i offered you.
QUAN CHI: Yes i am looking for someone to go on a quest for me. To go and retrieve something for me. It is a risky quest that only the most worthy may complete.
SCORPION: What's in it for us
QUAN CHI: The elimination of your rival clan the Lin Kuei.
SCORPION: i'll take the job
QUAN CHI (smiling broadly): Excellent you should leave right away. But before you go, i want to see your abilities for myself in the training ground.
SCORPION nods and leaves the tent followed by SAGO and QUAN CHI.
(At this part the player takes over the control of Scorpion)
(Shirai Ryu Training Area (Earth)
QUAN CHI: Well i had to see it to believe it. You do live up to your rep
SCORPION (bowing): Thank you.
QUAN CHI: Ah yes for more details of the quest. There are four...uh... how do you say landmarks from here to the temple of the elements where you are going. First the small town of Rin'Doch, then the Temple of Argus, Third the Botan Jungle, and finally the Death Desert. Then you reach the temple. That is all i can tell you here. I will meet you at the town of Rin'Doch. Oh but one more thing before i go. Collect anything and everything you can. And show no mercy.
QUAN CHI leaves the area and out of the encampment
SAGO: Good Luck (bows head)
SCORPION: (bows)

Phew. That was tough. Part two of Scorpions quest to come soon
About Me

I hate this place.

01/21/2007 05:04 PM (UTC)
Hmm... so that's the explanation of how Quan Chi hired Scorpion? You know, when QC says he wants to see Scorp use his moves, you could have the player control Scorpion and it'll be like training, except in the game it'll be acknowledged like Scorpion showing off.

Just a thought. This isn't too bad, but I still want to know why Scorpion has to go to so many places...
About Me

how bout a cup of shut the hell up.

01/21/2007 05:30 PM (UTC)
Part two

(town of Rin'Doch (Earthrealm)
SCORPION has just arrived in the town of Rin'Doch. He walks up to a man with a metal plate and a glowing red eye on his face. He has a lock of blonde hair on a necklace hanging on his bare chest. he is KANO.
KANO: Who are you, what are you doing here
SCORPION: I am SCORPION and i am here looking for someone.
KANO: I see. Well you are in the wrong place. See this is my town and i run the show, and i dont take well to strangers.
SCORPIOM: I do not intend to stay long.
KANO: Well i do not intedn to let you stay at all! FIGHT!!
(player has a boss battle with kano)
(Rin'Doch (earth)
The battle has just ended and KANO is on his back. SCORPION walks up to finish this pitiful excuse for a human being. KANO raises his arms over his face
KANO: Please have mercy on me
SCORPION (hesitates) very well
SCORPION helps KANO to his feet
KANO: So what brings you to this rat hole of a town
SCORPION: I looking for the one known as QUAN CHI. Have you seen him. He is an extremely pale fellow.
KANO: Yea i saw a bloke like that. He is right down this road at the big hut at the end of the street. He said that he knows the fella that lives there. Whats that blokes name.....uh some Tsung guy i dunno.
(player takes over and goes to the hut)
(SHANG TSUNGS hut (Rin'Doch (earth)
SCORPION enters the hut and QUAN CHI is sitting at the table
QUAN CHI: Well done Scorpion. You made it without trouble i hope
SCORPION: A couple of run ins but nothing serious. You said that there was something you wished to tell me here.
QUAN CHI: Yes i came to tell you that there is a little reward for making it to each landmark. being a sorceror i can give you special abilities. And i still want you to prove your worth to me. So by making it to each destination, i will grant you a new special move. And seing as you are here i can grant you a move.
QUAN CHI raises his arms and a green light hits Scorpion. You now have the ability to shoot a spear out of your palm that will grasp your opponent bringing them over to you for a free hit.
SCORPION: Thank you (bows)
QUAN CHI: The next place in your quest towards the temple is actually another temple. The temple of Argus. unfortunately it has been taken over by a group known as the TENGU. You must eliminate them once you arrive. they are not as hospitible towards strangers as your friend KANO was.
SCORPION:Why cant...
KANO busts into the room
KANO: you there SCORPION, come quick some blokes in blue are here and they are destroying everything
SCORPION leaves the room with kano
(player takes over and beats up lin kuei thugs)
finally they reach the biggest and baddest one TREMOR
TREMOR: So two of you beat up the best the lin kuei has huh. No matter you cant take me FIGHT!!
(player does a boss battle)
(Rin'Doch (earth)
KANO walks over to the defeated TREMOR
KANO: Nasty bloke wasnt he
SCORPION: yes he was. KANO do you know where the temple of Argus is.
KANO: Sure i do. Its down that road. Why?
SCORPION: I told you i wasnt intending on staying long
KANO: Well bye then. And good luck
(player takes over)

there you go part II. In Pt III Scorpion has a run in with DAEGON, and the TENGU. And some others. Keep watching to find out
About Me

how bout a cup of shut the hell up.

01/23/2007 09:55 PM (UTC)
Well im enjoying this even if you guys arent

(Temple Of Argus (earth)
Scorpion has arrived at the Temple of ARGUS. He sees a man with flowing brown hair and a small goatee. He wears armor that is made of an extroadinary metal and a bright orange cape.
SCORPION: Hello there, who are you
STRANGER: I am DAEGON, and you are?
SCORPION: I am Scorpion.
DAEGON: Well Scorpion, you appear to be Tengu, so i must send a message to your clan to vacate my fathers temple immediately. your death will suffice
DAEGON: Dont interrupt me fool. FIGHT!!!
(player takes over and does a boss battle)
(temple of argus(earth)
Daegon has landed on his back and charges again at Scorpion only to get clotheslined by Scorpion. Daegon stands and gives in.
DAEGON: Enough, continuing is foolish.
Scorpion bows
SCORPION: agreed
DAEGON: So what brings you here
SCORPION: I am on a quest and i must get through the temple.
DAEGON: Good luck. TOMARO TENGU and his clan have the place to themsel...Hey wait a minute! I know you and I can defeat them and regain my fathers temple
SCORPION: Well if it is for the greater good then very well.
(player takes over and beats up on Tengu)
Scorpion and Daegon walk up to Tomaru Tengu.
TOMARO: What are you doing. My clan was peaceful here
DAEGON: Do not lie swine! This is my fathers temple and we have come to reclaim it!
TOMARO: If only i could let it go that easy. MORBA!!!! Come here now!!!
A ferocious beast comes out of the doorway and growls ferociously.
TOMARO: If you can best my beast then and only then will i allow you, the temple. MORBA attack!!!
(player takes over in a boss battle)
The defeated morba lies dead on the ground. Daegon walks up to Tomaro and scares him from the room
DAEGON: Thank you for your help warrior. You will always be a friend of Dae...
SCORPION: Hey that door!!! It matches the dragon on your face!!
Daegon does a 180 and sees the dragon on the two doors. Daegon walks up to the door and places his hand on the door. A beam of light emerges from the door and it opens. A magnificent sword lies inside.
DAEGON: Thank you for your help Scorpion. Now you know why i am in my fathers temple. This sword will help me start an organization, the red Dragon will be the name. i already recruited a useful looking member, MAVADO. WIll you join this new clan
SCORPION: After i complete my primary objective i shall look into it. Now i have a question for you.
DAEGON: Very well. What is it?
SCORPION: do you know the way to the Botan Jungle from here?
DAEGON: Why yes i do. It is up the path to the north. Good luck Scorpion
(player takes over)

Well there you have it Pt III

In pt IV, scorpion meets Kabal in the botan jungle.
About Me

how bout a cup of shut the hell up.

01/24/2007 09:28 PM (UTC)
Part IV

(botan jungle (earth)
Scorpion is makes it to the start of the dense forest. He hesitates for a moment then walks inside. He is wandering for a few seconds keeping on the alert when he bumps into someone. The someone has brown hair that partially covers his eyes. He wears a black and red knit cap. he wears a black bikers jacket. His name is KABAL
KABAL: Who are you.
SCORPION: Same could be said to you
KABAL: I am Kabal. i have made my home in this jungle. Are you part of any clans
SCORPION: yes i am Shi...
KABAL: Are you red dragon
SCORPION: no i am Shyrai Ryu
KABAL: Oh. Well good. Those red dragons arent to be trusted
SCORPION: I have spoken to their leader though. His name is Dae...
KABAL: Daegon. Yes i know he tried to recruit me. I refused and he sent MAVADO after me. That is why i am here in the jungle.
SCORPION: I have heard of this MAVADO. DAEGON spoke highly of him
VOICE: As he should!!!!
A grappling hook comes out of the trees and hits Kabal in the stomach. He doubles over in pain.
The hook is forcefully removed from Kabal's abdomin and is caught by a warrior in a long black trenchcoat.
MAVADO: DAEGON wishes that you join our clan KABAL
KABAL: You know the answer already i am black dragon. Never will i bow to the likes of a red Dragon like you
Mavados eyes narrow and his eyes dart to Scorpion who is standing over Kabal.
MAVADO: You! you dont appear to be black dragon. or red dragon for that matter. So ill ask you. Will you unlike the idiot you are tending to join the red Dragon.
SCORPION: Ive already met your master, Daegon and already spoke with him.
MAVADO: Ah yes the ninja who vacated the Tengu out of ARGUS' temple eh. Well then. Did you say yes?
SCORPION: I said i didnt know. Im already on a quest right now.
MAVADO: Not the answer i was looking for!! Sorry ninja, FIGHT!!!
(player does boss battle)
Mavado shoots a grappling hook at a low branch right as Scorpions spear gets to him. Mavado shoots a dust at Scorpion and he becomes rooted in place.
MAVADO: now you wont move. As you watch me slice Kabal here to oblivion. Or you can put your quest aside and join.
Kabal looks at Scorpion and mouths Dont do it. Mavado notices and gives Kabal a hard kick to the spine
MAVADO: I will ask you again ninja. Will you join the Red Dragon, and you can do your quest later. Or will you allow me to rip Kabal to pieces. Scorpion looks at Kabal. Kabal moves his eyes from side to side to motion a head in disapproval.
Just then Mavado begins to slice up Kabal. Starting with the face. When he is finished Kabal is nothing but a bloody mess.
MAVADO: See what you made me do.
At that moment Mavado's powder wears off and Scorpion charges the red dragon warrior. He manages to clip a bit of Mavado's leg with his spear. But he is gone. He looks over at the red mass that used to be Kabal. Just then Quan Chi appears
QUAN CHI: I missed you at the temple
SCORPION: yes a little side tracked
QUAN CHI: Well since you are here i can grant you the move i was going to give you there as well as here.
A green light bursts out of Quan Chi's hands and hits Scorpion
QUAN CHI: There you now have the ability to summon flames and do a firey backflip kick. Only place left to go is Death Desert. That is where i will meet you. good bye.
(player takes over)
Scorpion is almost out when he runs into a young woman with bright red hair.
WOMAN: Have you seen Kabal
SCORPION: Yes. The one known as Mavado has killed him
The woman looks at Scorpion.
WOMAN: How dare you lie to KIRA of the Black Dragon.
SCORPION: Im not lying
KIRA: yes you are i can tell!! Fight!!
(player does boss battle.)
Kira lies defeated.
KIRA: Well i guess you werent lying. Where is Kabal's body
SCORPION: At the entrance
KIRA: Thank you
She begins to walk away
KIRA: What do you want?
SCORPION: Do you know the path to the death desert
KRIA: You are foolish to go there. Oh well. That path to the north
SCORPION: THank you kira
(player takes over)

There you guys go part IV in scorpions many part quest. Next is Pt V
where he runs in to Cyrax before he was cybertroned

BTW. Kabal in this episode is before he fought with Mavado. And as we all know Kano finds him and yadayadayada

The other episodes. Daegon. Before he got old. Red dragon and black dragon just formed

Scorpion isnt dead yet

Tremor is still is around just on my whim.

What else. uh... Quan Chi and Scorps trust each other right now.

Remember this is just my retelling of events with my own variations on it
About Me

how bout a cup of shut the hell up.

01/25/2007 11:34 PM (UTC)
Part V

(death desert (earth)
Scorpion has made it to wear the grassy earth meets the tan sand of the death desert. He looks ahead of him and all he sees is sand. Endless hills of sand. He takes a step onto the sand and feels his feet sink. He ignores it and keeps walking. He takes a few steps when he sees a ninja in yellow. He appears lin kuei. Scorpion knows how the lin kuei are. He walks up to the yellow ninja. The ninja doesnt pick up on scorpion until it is too late. the ninja falls hard. Scorpion walks up to the ninja.
SCORPION: Are you lin kuei
NINJA: What is it to you
SCORPION: Your clan has repetidely attacked me and i want it to stop!
NINJA: I wont go down that easy!
The ninja shoots a green net out of his chest and Scorpion struggles with the net.
NINJA: You dont beat Cyrax with a hit in the head bub.
Scorpion summons flames from underneath him and burns through the net. He gets into fighting posistion.
SCORPION: and you dont beat Scorpion with a green net
CYRAX: Have it your way! ill kill you with something else: FIGHT!!!
(player does boss battle)
The defeated Cyrax lays in the sand.
SCORPION: You lin kuei dont know when to give up do you.
Scorpion walks away from Cyrax. He notices something in the dirt.
SCORPION: What is this.
Scorpion picks up the gleaming white object. Only to find out that it is a human skull. Scorpion drops the skull. He does some more walking and he bumps into Quan chi.
QUAN CHI: Very nice. You can now be granted a new move
The familiar light comes from quan chi's palms to scorpion.
QUAN CHI: There you now have the ability to do a teleport punch move. Now you are almost at the temple. Retrieve what is inside and then i will give you the reward you seek Scorpion
SCORPION: thank you
(player takes over)
Scorpion walks up to a man with dark shades.
STRANGER: Who are you
SCORPION: Scorpion. And you?
STRANGER: You dont know me. How i am a famous actor. The posi... Johnny Cage.
SCORPION: Well Johnny. Do you know the path to the temple of the elements.
JOHNNY CAGE: Yeah up that way. Dont go there though scorpion. Its foolish of you. Youll be killed. Not that i care. Less competition for me to attract the hot ladies.
SCORPION: Whatever
(player takes over)

Well that was short. But it is the last part before the temple of elements
01/26/2007 01:34 AM (UTC)
Hmmm...Pretty Good I suppose. Did Leo's story Inspire you? lol, never the less, good job and effort Ermacsmainman.

About Me

how bout a cup of shut the hell up.

01/26/2007 01:45 AM (UTC)
I am bored

Part VI

Scorpion reaches the base of the Elemental mountain. He looks up to the high temple up at the top. There is a sign at the base of the temple. ONLY THE WORTHY MAY PASS.
SCORPION:........I am worthy
Scorpion climbs the mountain. He reaches a platform and looks around. Suddenly the wind picks up to amazing levels. a man in elder god armor floats down.
MAN: Are you worthy to climb the mountain
SCORPION: Yes. Who are you
MAN: I am Fujin. God of wind. Every breeze you feel comes at my whim.
SCORPION: How do i prove my worth to you Fujin
FUJIN: Fight me. NOW!!!
(player does boss battle)
Fujin bows after a fair defeat
FUJIN: Congradulations, Scorpion you have proved your worth to me. However yyou must prove your worth to three others. Good luck
SCORPION: bows. Thank you Fujin
scorpion walks further up the mountain. Socrpion reaches another platform. He notices the earth is jagged up here.All of a sudden a rocky creature appears from the mountain and begins to speak
CREATURE: Well Scorpion you have made it to platform number two. To prove your worth you must show me your power. TEST YOUR MIGHT!!!
(player does test your might)
CREATURE: Well done you have proved your worth to the Earth God
Scorpion climbs up the mountain.
Scorpion reaches the third platform. Scorpion notices the mountain has sprung a leak. He walks over to check it out when a liquid form takes shape in front of him.
BEING: Scorpion. You have proved your skills in fighting and might. Now i must test your vision. TEST YOUR SIGHT!!!
(player does test your sight)
BEING: You have done the water god proud Scorpion
Scorpion climbs up the mountain. Scorpion reaches the fourth platform. He notices the rising of the temperature. Then a pyro appears in front of him.
PYRO: Hello. You have one test left. Prove it to me and you may move on. TEST YOUR ENDURANCE!!!
(player tests endurance mode)
PYRO: Excellent you may move on
Scorpion reaches the temple. He enters the temple. He looks around at the magnificent marble pillars and the dragon symbol all around him. He walks up to a podium. behind it lies an amulet frozen in time and space. Scorpion is about to grab it.
VOICE: Dont touch it.
Scorpion whirls around and sees none other than SUB ZERO
SCORPION: Sub Zero!! What are you doing here?!
SUB ZERO: I am here for what you are about to steal. I wont have it FIGHT!!!
(player does a boss battle)
Scorpion embeds his spear into the shoulder of Sub Zero. He screams in pain. Scorpion tugs on the spear with all his might. Sub Zero once again screams and falls to his knees. Scorpion walks up to his defeated nemesis.
SCORPION: give me one good reason not to kill you right where you kneel.
SUB ZERO: Please Scorpion have mercy
SCORPION: I dont see why you deserve it. But very well. Leave here
Scorpion walks towards the amulet, when. Sub Zero attacks him from behind. Sub Zero freezes Scorpions legs in place.
(Test your might)
Scorpion breaks the ice only to be impaled by sub zeros icy sword. Scorpion falls to his knees. He looks up at Sub Zero
SCORPION: No, no n....
Sub Zero rips Scorpions head from his shoulders

End of Part VI

Next up. Scorpion starts in the netherrealm. These parts might take a while. It isnt easily split but ill find a way.
Scorpion meets: Shinnok, broth of shadow, bunch o fun stuff
About Me

I hate this place.

01/26/2007 01:51 AM (UTC)
Nice effort, keep it up. I don't get why Scorpion wuld just let Kano die. Quan Chi told him to show no Mercy. Quan said he'd give Scorpion a move with every location he finds. Where is Quan Chi with Daegon? And also, why is everything so close to eachother? Jungle, Town, Temple, so close. The Red Dragon came before the Black Dragon.
About Me

how bout a cup of shut the hell up.

01/26/2007 07:57 PM (UTC)
boomboom Wrote:
Nice effort, keep it up.

I don't get why Scorpion wuld just let Kano die. Quan Chi told him to show no Mercy.

Quan said he'd give Scorpion a move with every location he finds. Where is Quan Chi with Daegon? And also, why is everything so close to eachother? Jungle, Town, Temple, so close.

The Red Dragon came before the Black Dragon.

It is explained why Quan want with daegon.
Everythings close because thats just the way i have it. Sorry
Also i know that the red drag came before the black but this is my retelling with a little twist on things
About Me

how bout a cup of shut the hell up.

01/26/2007 11:25 PM (UTC)

(soul chamber (netherrealm)
Scorpion has woken up to find himself surrounded by menacing creatures.
From what he can see out of the hole in the celing, the sky is blood red. There is nothing but the stench of burning flesh and rotting corpses. Scorpion manages to get to a full stand. He looks at his hands, they are starting to rot. Scorpion looks around as to find a clue to where he is.
VOICE: welcome to the Netherrealm Scorpion
scorpion turns to see a man with a pale face, he wears a crown on his head
sCORPION: Who are you? Where am i? What am I?
MAN: I am Shinnok, You are a spectre and you are in the pits of the Netherrealm.
SCORPION: Well, Shinnok. How do i get out?
SHINNOK: hahahahahaha. Fool! You dont get out. Your here till the end of time.
Shinnok disapears.
(player takes control.
Scorpion walks up to a man with black hair with a white stripe down the middle, he stands next to a woman with the same hair pattern.
MAN: Im sorry only Brotherhood of Shadow members beyond this point.
SCORPION: Brotherhood of What?
MAN: Shadow. And ive asked you once to leave
SCORPION: Who demands it
MAN: Reiko, and his sister Sareena. Now leave!!!
SCORPION: You do not order me around.
(boss battle)
Sareena walks over to her defeated brother
(player does boss battle)
Quan Chi: whats going on here
SCORPION: Quan Chi. What are you doing here?
QUaN CHI: Scorpion what are you doing here
SCORPION: Trying to figure that little detail out myself.
QUAN CHI: Well i wouldnt know: I suggest you find the one known as Shinnok. His spire is not far from here
SCORPION: Thank you Quan Chi
(player takes over)

well there it is Part VIX comin soon
About Me

01/28/2007 03:23 AM (UTC)
Very nice, EM! Are you doing every character or just Scorpion?

Keep it up!

- Leo
About Me

how bout a cup of shut the hell up.

01/28/2007 03:35 AM (UTC)
im doing everyone
About Me

I hate this place.

02/02/2007 02:22 PM (UTC)
So... are you on pause, or just thinking of ideas?
About Me

how bout a cup of shut the hell up.

02/02/2007 07:55 PM (UTC)
im thinkin. Its hard. To get it right
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