MK reboot
posted12/23/2014 09:51 AM (UTC)by
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06/22/2014 09:00 PM (UTC)
Mortal Kombat 9 was a reboot, old news. But Ed mentioned a few times that he wants to take MK to a different direction. that leads us to MKX

So far we have seen NEW,

Gameplay, Stages and Characters.

How do you feel about them so far? and is this the new direction MK should take?

12/05/2014 10:28 PM (UTC)
12/05/2014 11:29 PM (UTC)
Ok cool. what makes you think it is than?

I think the gameplay looks faster, we can finally run again :) Being able to choose from 3 different styles per character is something i like aswell.

stages im not so impressed by them, so far. its been discussed in the Netherkast. and thats exactley how i feel about them.

Characters i have mixed feelings about. Total kahn reminds me of Ogre from tekken, i think thats cool. He looks like he belongs in MK.
Dvorah is 50/50. maybe she has to grow on me.
ferra thor, is just not my type of character. his attacks look kinda sloppy, idk.

12/05/2014 11:56 PM (UTC)
They are taking MKX in a great direction.

The stages that we have so far are nice and most may be stage fatalities.

Variation system is a very good addition.

Game Play seems good.

Nice to see that the "RUN" is back, but it is not the same. In the past it was the R button and hold forward. Now it's, press forward(dash), forward(dash)+block. Not sure if it will change come game release, but that's how it was stated in a past interview.

I'm more interested in the newbies than classic characters. However, Cassie has not grown on me yet.

I'm going to get slap happy with Kotal using his paddle. Who's ready for a beat down?

Have a phobia of insects? I'm gonna sting you with D'Vorah!

You ready to get flattened by Torr? Bring it on!

12/06/2014 03:10 PM (UTC)
I kinda have lol. but im ready to bring it on once MKX is released, hah.
its more how she looks and acts i guess? she looks more like she belongs in injustice, same goes for ferra/thorr. but thats just mine opinion.

I forgot about cassie, mainly bc i dont know what to think about her. she's a hybrid of her parents i guess thats cool.

As for the run button, maybe we can configure it? holding down dash or enable it by pressing a button. I remember playing trilogy on the PSX, it had 4 shoulder buttons which worked great for me. But on the snes it was less appealing as you had only 2 shoulder buttons. but that wont be a problem since xbox and ps both have 4 shoulder buttons grin

The stages look good as "stages" But when it comes to stages for MK, i expect more purples, shrines portals etc. Idk, thats just what i link to certain realms of MK. Its a part of what made me like about MK. it created the right setting for MK i guess.

So far the new stages look kinda generic, which is not a bad thing perse. Ii just miss that vibe that i know of MK. maybe its the color pallete? like all the stages and characters are made out of contrasts instead of colors?

12/06/2014 05:15 PM (UTC)
My take on the stages is that they look fine. The Kove is probably the most MK-ish stage thus far because of the ship and the castle on the mountain.

Just don't worry about the stages we have, because there are a lot more to come and may intake your interest.
12/08/2014 05:25 PM (UTC)
my worry isnt just about the stages, its more overall. yeah the kove is most mkish, tho it reminds me more of pirates of the carribian haha.

my interest in MK is not as big as it used to be. so its ok. :) i was just curious how other ppl here think about it.
12/08/2014 09:05 PM (UTC)
Eventually (I know it's never going to happen) but I'd like a game with a completely new cast. If returnee's are necessary, then the max number would be 4 returning characters and the rest new.

Sure, it could be a one-off, maybe a reboot, maybe even a prequel, but I'd love to see what they could do with it. Maybe take it back to one of the original tournaments, bring in the OG Kung Lao, Goro, Shang and maybe a Sub-Zero.
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"BEER ME!" - Noob Saibot

12/08/2014 09:22 PM (UTC)
I had a long ass hell post but I'm just gonna say that Mortal Kombat [2011] gave me everything I ever wanted and everything to cater to the nostalgic fans. It was basically MKTrilogy 3.0, I guess.

NetherRealm Studios can do whatever they fuck they want with Mortal Kombat X. If I hate the game's gameplay, then I always have Mortal Kombat [2011] to fall back on for the rest of my life.

But as of now. I welcome the new characters with open arms. The gameplay, I'm not too sure about because I haven't experience it yet, but it does leave me concern since the game has hint of mechanics of Injustice, a game I hated. But I've been fooled by "looks" before.
12/14/2014 09:53 PM (UTC)
I agree with mk11 being like mk trilogy 3.0. I like mk11 and think it was the best direction so far. It had iys flaws but its one of my favorite. I played trilogy and mk11 both alot! :)

I have no problems with new characters, atleast not if they remind me of mk or are from the 3D era. Imo 2 new characters would be enough next to the 3D era characters as for mkx. I would mind less if tobias helped creating them. He created the best characters of MK imo. Unfortunatly thats wasted thinking.
12/14/2014 10:48 PM (UTC)
MindStrikes Wrote:
I agree with mk11 being like mk trilogy 3.0. I like mk11 and think it was the best direction so far. It had iys flaws but its one of my favorite. I played trilogy and mk11 both alot! :)

I have no problems with new characters, atleast not if they remind me of mk or are from the 3D era. Imo 2 new characters would be enough next to the 3D era characters as for mkx. I would mind less if tobias helped creating them. He created the best characters of MK imo. Unfortunatly thats wasted thinking.

MK 11 has not been made yet, lol. I know you meant MK2011 (MK9), but the way you wrote it was like confused I guess you just forgot to use the apostrophe (MK '11).

12/14/2014 10:51 PM (UTC)
MK2 nostalgia is old news where is my deadly alliance nostalgia pandering grin
12/14/2014 11:41 PM (UTC)
lol, now that you mentioned it tongue

yeah love to see most of them returning. same goes for some MK4 characters
About Me

I will rock you.

12/15/2014 01:47 AM (UTC)
MindStrikes Wrote:
Mortal Kombat 9 was a reboot, old news. But Ed mentioned a few times that he wants to take MK to a different direction. that leads us to MKX

So far we have seen NEW,

Gameplay, Stages and Characters.

How do you feel about them so far? and is this the new direction MK should take?

The new characters and stages are really good in my opinion and I like the direction that the game is
12/23/2014 09:51 AM (UTC)
I love mk9 and stoked for the upcoming game and all, but I really don't like the alternate time line direction this game took.

I hope that this alternate time line doesn't stick to be honest, I'd like for maybe the end of this game to have Raiden in so much shit that he decides to stop his Armageddon self from causing the time chance that conducted the MK 9 and X time line in the first place.

Sure it would make the current and last mortal kombat to be pointless, but it would also be a good decision to continue off from the original time line and what events happen after Armageddon, D'vorah, ferra torr, Cassie, and Kotal still would have a chance to exist only just their lives will be more different due to the changes that didn't happen due to raiden warning his Armageddon self not to fuck with the timeline.

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