MK MMO! *Updated with character customization ideas*
posted10/17/2011 12:05 AM (UTC)by
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Thanks to xB$INx for the Kick-Ass Sig.

Member Since
07/15/2011 11:53 PM (UTC)
Ok so i just thought of this RIGHT NOW!

I was looking at some DCUO Footage and thought to myself: "HOLY CRAP, AN MK MMO WOULD BE BAD ASS"

So what are your thoughts of one?
Here's how i think it should go down:


Ive noticed MMO's are like REALLY big on Character customization, so here's how i would set it up:

Sex - Pretty simple, just choose your characters sex.

Body Type- Choose how big or small you want your character to be.

Gear- Here you will choose your character's look (Like whether they have shoulder pads, Loin cloths, Mask/No Mask, and things of that Nature), But not EVERYTHING is going to be unlocked of course, you will have to do some Raids and other challenges or whatever an MMO incorporates to unlock stuff.

Powers- Here you will choose your power, Depending on the primary power you choose, it will determine what abilities could be available to you (Example: Primary Power: Telekinesis, Abilities: TK Slam, Levitation, Etc.) Also abilities can also be upgraded by gaining points on Missions, Raids, Battles, Etc ( will be talked about soon), and once the appropriate level is reached, you will be able to choose a Secondary Power.

NOTE ON POWERS: Gunman or whatever you call anyone with armory is considered a power as well, Guns, Abilities, Nades will be a apart of the abilities.

Fighting Style- Here you will choose your fighting style, since the game will obviously be in 3rd-Person, this is kind of tough to think about. (Maybe you guys can help me out a bit here?)

And Finally... Your characters name!: Pretty simple, just name your character.

Also i'm kind of interested on names you guys come up with for your character, if you dont mind ;). Anything i missed? tell me and i'll add it.

NOTE: THIS THREAD IS NOT COMPLETED YET, I am still in the process of thinking this through, i want this MMO idea to be well thought through and not make me looking like i'm typing out of my ass.

Story: Gameplay: Enviroment: Other things i will think about while i keep doing this thread:
09/20/2011 10:50 AM (UTC)
What the fuck are you talking about?
09/20/2011 01:30 PM (UTC)
LemyAddum Wrote:
What the fuck are you talking about?

If you know what MMO means, you'll understand what he's talking about.

He's talking about making Mortal Kombat a "Massively Multiplayer Online" game, such as World of Warcraft and all those other games... Even though WoW is technically and MMORPG...

To be honest, I don't think I'll quite enjoy MK as an MMO becuase it just wouldn't feel anything like the game. Though maybe you could convince me that it could play the same if you actually list your ideas on how to make it an MMO.
09/20/2011 06:39 PM (UTC)
I'd be open to it. Of course it won't feel like an MK game though, because it's not strictly a fighting game. You'd have to know what you're signing up for when you play it, otherwise you're in for quite a shock. Just like Pat Robertson when the hellfire doesn't rain down on Disney World.... He's just shocked.

I think it'd be kind of fun to have an MK MMO, though character creation would have to be emphasized, because I don't want to play Mileena and run into thirty other Mileena's every ten minutes. If they somehow managed to balance the Armageddon style character creation while making it as in depth and varied as possible, it'd be very interesting to play the game with everyone's personal fighting styles. That is, of course, if they make it a MMO fighting game in an open MK world where pvp is important. It wouldn't work in a game where you fight monsters/npc's or do raids or something... Because that becomes impossible to balance and maintain any sort of strategic element... So it'd have to be purely pvp in this case.

If they did an RPG, it would also be fun to explore in a fleshed out MK world with classes based on MK archetypes. Lin Kuei, Shokan, some kind of twin dagger class that merges elements of Mileena, Skarlet, etc... And molds them to fit an rpg combat system.

Frankly, I don't think the MK team is capable of putting that much effort into something though...
09/27/2011 05:44 AM (UTC)
As much as I like MMOs and MMORPGs...I would rather have MK RPG first. Then if the RPG was good (Not asking for a MK version of DA:O or Mass Effect, but at least something decent) and proving that the MK team can make something other than fighting games, then create the MMO or MMORPG. But to be honest, I don't see Neatherrealm Studios taking up either challenge anytime soon.
About Me

Thanks to xB$INx for the Kick-Ass Sig.

09/28/2011 12:02 AM (UTC)
LadyRaiden Wrote:
As much as I like MMOs and MMORPGs...I would rather have MK RPG first. Then if the RPG was good (Not asking for a MK version of DA:O or Mass Effect, but at least something decent) and proving that the MK team can make something other than fighting games, then create the MMO or MMORPG.
But to be honest, I don't see Neatherrealm Studios taking up either challenge anytime soon.

Yea i agree, but it would be cool if they did.... ima post up my details @ probably Midnight.
10/08/2011 01:14 AM (UTC)
I like the idea of maybe implementing some kind of customized feature for characters garments although I wouldn't want to become too outlandish like making Johnny Cage wearing a "JOHNNY" tattoo across his chest and putting poke a dot circles shirts Jax. But that could be a good feature to add to Mortal Kombats characters.

I would also imply that Mortal Kombat's character still should retain their primary costumes and to add the customized look maybe as alternates for their costumes.
10/08/2011 01:31 AM (UTC)
It would be cool to customize characters like in Tekken 6. Change the characters costume colors and add accessories and stuff like that.
10/08/2011 06:45 AM (UTC)
You forgot to add Race.






Stuff like that.

10/08/2011 08:17 AM (UTC)
Oh, I remember having made a whole thread about this in ancient times, back in the MK Armageddon days... I fully support an MK MMORPG.

You can read about my ideas here!
Remember not to bump the thread, as it is rather old.

Or read below:

Jaded-Raven Wrote:
I am both a Mortal Kombat and a World of Warcraft fan. Since MK Deception's Konquest mode where Shujinko runs around and "does quests", I have thought how cool it would be to make a Mortal Kombat mass-multiplayer-online-role-playing-game, an MMORPG. Ideas has run through my heads and I have written ideas down, trashed them, wrote new ones and so on, until I found the best result.

At first I was in doubt of when the MMORPG would happen in the MK timeline. The easiest way to make factions would be, if the timeline was when Shao Kahn was an emperor of Outworld, in MK2-Trilogy. Then there would be a good-side faction and an evil-side faction. But It didn't seem realistic to have thousands of humans and thousands of Edenians, thousands of Outworldians and thousands of Tarkatans to run around, beating eachother up at that time... So I had to change the timeline...

Then Armageddon came out! After having played and complete it with all characters, I think I have picked the perfect timeline for the MMORPG: After Armageddon. Let us say that Taven's ending is true... That nothing happened when he killed Blaze. The warriors would go to each their own and the war would continue. But this time its tougher than ever!

Below you'll read how things are going in the different factions at this point. I haven't found a place for all characters yet, so please be patient with me. I will also make a list of those who has died, but then again, no one really dies in MK, so they'll have a chance to make it to the game :)

Here goes:
(The descriptions will go like this: Realm, Class, Class' background and faction, Starter area, Leading characters.)

Class:Shaolin Monk.
Class background: The Temple of Light has lost their guardian. Raiden is no longer allied with the Elder Gods as he has become corrupted by evil. Now Fujin will guide the warriors of the temple as the ultimate war is coming to Earthrealm.
Faction: Good.
Starter area: The Temple of Light.
Leading Characters:
-Fujin, guide and new guardian of the Earthrealm, god of wind.
-Kung Lao, master shaolin monk.

Class: Special Force Unit.
Class background: The Special Force unit of Outworld Interrogations has become world wide known for their great assets. They recruit more and more to prepare for the war to come, and to deal with the growing Black Dragon Clan threat.
Faction: Good.
Starter area: Training Ground at the Earthrealm Base.
Leading Characters:
-Sonya Blade, General of the SFOI (Special Force unit of Outworld Interrogations).
-Major Jackson (Jax) Briggs, leader of the SFOI recruitment.

Class: Black Dragon Member.
Class background: The Black Dragon clan was very close to extinction, but a new clanleader upheld the clan and it has become more brutal than ever. Having a deal with the new Kahn Army, they wreak chaos and havoc in Earthrealm.
Faction: Evil.
Starter area: Temple of Argus in Botan Jungle.
Leading Characters:
-Kabal, clanleader of the Black Dragon.
-Kira, Kabal's right hand assassin.

Class: Tekunin Cyborg.
Class background: The newly founded cyborg clan is an offspring of the old Lin Kuei clan. The members of this clan has given up their soul to become stronger with cybernetic enhancements and they will do anything to stay in this world.
Faction: Neutral.
Starter area: Tekunin Air Base.
Leading Characters:
-Sektor, founder of the Tekunin.

Class: Matriarch Guard.
Class background: After the Armageddon clash in the wastelands of Edenia, The Edenians are torn. Kitana now serves as their queen and they finally have a guardian after stating their freedom from Outworld. The Matriarch Guard serve the queen and will protect her at all cost.
Faction: Good.
Starter area: Castle Ground.
Leading Characters:
-Kitana, Queen of Edenia.
-Taven, guardian of Edenia.
-Jade, leader of the Matriarch Guard and general of the Edenian Army.

Class: Storm Rebel.
Class background: With the truth uncovered, the people of Edenia are torn. The bastard son of Argus, Rain wants to claim the throne and become what his destiny leads him to, to become the prince of Edenia. He has formed a group of Edenians who believe in him and they call themselves the Storm Rebels, having an alliance with the new Kahn Army.
Faction: Evil.
Starter area: Pyramid of Blaze in Edenia Wastelands.
Leading Characters:
-Rain, the leader of the Storm Rebels and claiming to be the real heir of the throne.

Class: Shokan.
Class background: With the prince of the Shokan dead, the Shokan had a civil war. Some wanted to keep the alliance with Edenia, others was still true to Outworld. Returning from the Armageddon clash, Kintaro and Sheeva took the position as their new leader and convinced their people that they need not any of those alliances. It is time to show the Shokans are independant and stronger than ever.
Faction: Neutral.
Starter area: Kuatan Mines.
Leading Characters:
-Kintaro, leader and general of the Shokan.
-Sheeva, queen-warrior of the Shokan.

Class: Shirai Ryu Ninja.
Class background: The Shirai Ryu has been a dead clan for many years, until Scorpion asked the Elder Gods to give them life back after serving as their Champion. The Elder Gods saw Scorpion as a failure, so they only kept half of the deal. They ressurected the Shirai Ryu, but as undead spectres in Scorpion's image. Raged of this treason, Scorpion leads a crusade against those who serve the Elder Gods.
Faction: Neutral.
Starter area: Edenian Ruins.
Leading Characters:
-Scorpion, master of the Shirai Ryu.

Class: Kahn Troop.
Class background: With Shao Kahn gone after the Armageddon clash, Reiko took his place as the new emperor after a bloody battle of those wanting the throne. Reiko was accepted to become the new emperor by the Kahn Army, but the Tarkatans was raged of it not being Baraka on the throne, so they left and has waged war on Reiko since.
Faction: Evil.
Starter area: Kahn Battleground.
Leading Characters:
-Reiko, new emperor of Outworld.

Class: Tarkata Warrior.
Class background: After Shao Kahn's disappearance in the Armageddon clash, Baraka was ready to take his place as the new emperor of Outworld, but Reiko beat him to it. All Tarkata raged of this they left the Kahn Army and waged war on Reiko.
Faction: Neutral.
Starter area: Tarkatan Base in the Living Forest.
Leading Characters:
-Baraka, general of the Tarkata.

Class: Brotherhood Wraith.
Class background: After Shinnok took his throne back in the Netherrealm, Noob and Smoke and the rest of the Brotherhood of the Shadow was banned from his region. Finding the portal Quan Chi once used to escape the Netherrealm, they used it and made their base on the other side, allying themselves with the new emperor of Outworld.
Faction: Evil.
Starter area: Dragon King Catacombs.
Leading Characters:
-Noob, leader of the Brotherhood.
-Smoke, bodyguard of Noob.

Class: Lin Kuei Warrior.
Class background: The Lin Kuei was newly reformed by the ice warrior Sub-Zero. After the Armageddon clash, he returned to his clan and learnt that there was a fight of the throne of Outworld after Shao Kahn's disappearance. By secretly watching the fight they found out that Reiko became the new emperor, thus preparing for a grand war which would most likely come soon.
Faction: Good.
Starter area: Lin Kuei Palace.
Leading Characters:
-Sub-Zero, grandmaster of the Lin Kuei.


Character creation:
The character creation is somewhat like Kreate-a-kharakter from MK Armageddon, but more class-specific. Clothing in this MMORPG won't have that much to do with the character stats, though some outfits may have +armour. Also more outfits can be found and unlocked throughout the game and you will be able to change your character's appearance, though not the physiques, like body, face, hair and such. Both male and female can be chosen of each class.
Each class has class-specific moves to unlock, but they can also learn moves from their travels, making each character individual.

You will not start out with a weapon, but as you progress throughout the game you will pick up various of weapons, and then at some point early in the game, you will have to choose what weapon you will specialize in, and so your character developes moves for that weapon.

Special moves:
The special moves you develope depends on how you develope your character. If he is very aggressive in melee combat, he will have strength and melee based special moves, and if he is very defensive, he will get special moves to protect himself etc. It also depends on where you train your character. If you train your character in Edenia, you will obtain magicks from that realm and certain moves will be unlocked for you to choose from.

Class speculation:
Red Dragon Clan - At first I wanted the Red Dragon clan to be a class you could choose, instead of the Tekunin, but they are too similar to the Black Dragon class, also then I would have human-race only classes in Earthrealm which I think would be rather boring. So instead I think the Red Dragons would be better to have as antagonists.

Cursed Centaurians - Like Motaro was in Armageddon with two legs. But first of all, I did not choose them to be a playable class, because I hate what they did to Motaro, though understandable seeing from the MK team's point of view. So they are antagonists, and I think it would be cool to see both cursed and four-legged Centaurians in the MMORPG. Second, I thought it would be too much with having both Shokan and Centaurians as playable classes as they are very similar in both style and manner.

Vampires - It would be very cool to be able to be a Vampire in the MMORPG, and it would also be easy to make them fit into the game because of the lack of lore... You could do anything to them, really! But then I thought of some complications, as they are vulnerable to the Earthrealm sun, so they won't be able to wander around there, and it would also be tiresome to hide everytime the sun was up. So they shall be antagonists in Outworld.

Oni - Well, the only Oni's known to have been to other places than the Netherrealm are Drahmin and Moloch, so it is limited how many others who even know of the other realms. Besides, as you can read below, I have other plans for the Netherrealm inhabitants, so I'll leave this here for now.

Other realms:
Netherrealm - In WOW (World of Warcraft) when someone dies, they come back as a ghost at the nearest ressurection point, and then you can either choose to ressurect there or find your body... I wanted to do something else with the MK MMORPG, so instead of running around playing hide and seek with a dead body, it would be cool to ressurected in the Netherrealm! From there, you have to fight your way back to a portal that will lead you to the nearest safe point of your death.

Heaven - This started basically like the Netherrealm idea, but it just seem unrealistic to come to eaven and fight your way back to life. I am still unsure about how the Heavenrealm should be like, but I have thought of making the corrupt Raiden fight the Elder Gods, and when you arrive at the Heavenrealm you choose either to help the Elder Gods defeat Raiden or help Raiden defeat the Elder Gods...

Orderrealm/Chaosrealm - Orderrealm and Chaosrealm have a constant war while they also have problems within their own realms. Orderrealm has the Seidan Guards to protect and uphold the law of Order while the Resistance led by Darrius tries to stop the oppression of the people. Chaosrealm is invaded by Seidan Guards and the two tribes fight one another in a constant battle. The two realms would mainly work as zones to make quests in.

I think the gameplay should work as an evolved version of MK Armageddon, MK Deception and MK Shaolin Monks gameplay. You should be able to run around and do some quests, fight with your moves while you walk around, and when a greater NPC comes forth, it will be in real MK style, like when Taven fought those who challenged him in MK Armageddon. You could also duel with friendly and those from other factions in the same way.

I think that was all... Please state your oppinion of this idea and come with your own ideas to an MMORPG. I think an MMORPG of Mortal Kombat could be very possible and it is also possible to make this game come true. Besides, MMORPG is a genre very popular today and may be how future games will be like!
10/11/2011 06:19 AM (UTC)
It could be the first fighting MMO. This idea had to have crossed Ed Boon's mind or at least someone at WB.
About Me

May the MK ninja$ live!

10/17/2011 12:05 AM (UTC)
it should be an MMO that keeps adding new stuff like new weapons and powers.and there should be a store to buy armor,clothes, should be able to help friends and duel enemies.
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