MK idea please tell me what you think
posted03/20/2006 01:43 PM (UTC)by
About Me

"because real men throw eggs"

Member Since
03/18/2006 01:07 AM (UTC)
OK, the name of the game is Mortal Kombat:Avegance(sorry if thats not how you spell it).You pick your person, and in Level 0/training,someone dies and he/she vows to avenge there death.The people are: Liu Kang, Jax, Johnny cage,Kung Lao, KItana, Sub-Zero and Sonya.

Anyway, Shao Kahn has turned the people of Earth to his power.He sends them out to kill Anyone in Mortal Kombat.

The Bios are:

Sub-Zero: It was a normal day, like anyother, untill Raiden appard before me.He was hurt, badley.He said to me:"Sub-Zero, Shao Kahn has-"Before he could say the rest, someone ran into the room, jumped, and attacked Raiden.Before i could react, the thunder god was dead.I then saw the person's face: Noob Saibot.Inraged,i fought him untill he ran.After he left some people walked into the room with red eyes,and they tried to kill me.After the fight, i vowed to avenge Raidens death and discover the message he was trying to send me.

Liu Kang: It was a normal day, like anyother, untill Kitana appard before me.Then i turned around and Kung Lao was behide me. Kitana said:" I have a message from Raiden, Shao Kahn has-" but before she could say anymore, some people with red eyes appard and tried to kill us.We fought back.At the end of the fight i saw something shocking:Kung Lao and Kitana were dead.The Raiden, he was hurt, badley, then he said"Liu Kang, Shao Kahn has power over the Earth, he is useing them to kill the people that defeated him in the past." and with that, he was gone.I looked at my dead friends. Inraged, I vowed to avenge there deaths.

I will finish the rest later.
About Me

"because real men throw eggs"

03/19/2006 09:34 PM (UTC)
Now, the rest.

Kitana:Raiden had appard to me.He was hurt.Badley.He said to me:"Kitana,Shao Kahn has power over the Earth! He is useingthem to distroy the people that foiled his plans for power in the past.Please tell this to Liu Kang" And with that, the thunder god was gone.I walked though the portal to Eath to tell Liu Kang.But when i got there it was too late.Liu Kang was dead.So was his friend, Kung Lao.Inraged, i vowed to avenge there deaths.

Kung Lao:There was something in my head, a voice, that was saying: Find Liu Kang, Find Liu Kang, Find Liu Kang....So,i found him and just then Kitana appard.She said: Liu Kang, Kung Lao, Shao Kahn has-" But before she could finish, some people with red eyes came and tried to kill us.After the fight, they were both dead.Then Raiden came to me. He was hurt.Badley.He told me that Shao Kahn had turned the people of Earth to his side.After he left, i looked at my dead friends and vowed to avenge there deaths.

Johnny Cage:I was having a good time with a new movie when everyone in the room's eyes turned red.They tried to kill me.After the battle,Sub-Zero walked in and told me Raiden had died.Raiden brought me to Mortal Kombat and that helped me make great movies.I Joined him in his quest to avenge his death.He told me that Shao Kahn had made thoses people try to kill me.

Jax: my team and i had just finished off the rest of the Black Dragon.When we got back every body near us tried to kill me and Sonya.I lived though the battle but Sonya didn't.The Raiden appard before me and said:"Jax, Shao Kahn has turned the people of Earth evil.He has sent them to kill the people that foiled his plots for power in the past.Like you and Sonya." and with that he was gone.Inraged,I vowed to avenge her death.

Sonya: My team and I had just finished off the rest of the black of the black dragon.When everyone near me tried to kill me.But jax tried to save me.He did, but died.After i killed the person that killed him, Raiden came to me. He was hurt, badley.He told me that Shao Kahn hade power over the Earth, and i was on his hit-list.When the god of thunder left, i looked at my dead friend.I vowed to avenge his death.

The Bios are also the persons training.
About Me

"because real men throw eggs"

03/20/2006 12:20 AM (UTC)
i almost forgot, the game would be MKSM-style There are also two hiddin chacters, Scorpion and Kano. The unplayible chacters are Rain Reptile Ermac Noob Saibot robot smoke and human smoke and of course, Shao Kahn and Motaro. Kano's bio:Me and my team where just attacked by the specal forces.They think i am dead.Little do they that they saved my life.We where about to ambush and distory the Specal Forces when all my team's eyes turned red and they tried to kill me and Jarek.I looked over.The specal Forces killed him!I vowed to avenge his death. Scorpions bio:All of a suddin i was in the Earthrelm.Then i knew why.Another MortalKombat.I'm getting sick of them and i plan to put a stop to them by any means nessasary.But ill need some help....
03/20/2006 01:43 PM (UTC)
sounds ok if you can pick anyone from mk1
the bio's need work
idea;s theres
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