MK: Destruction- just a rough idea of an MK3 style adventure
posted01/13/2006 07:36 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
08/05/2004 11:12 PM (UTC)
I don't know if MK1 would make a good adventure game, mainly because its set on Tsungs Island only. That kinda contricts the possible legnth of the game along with its variety of different settings. That being said, MKSM lasted 3 hours and it had the entire Outworld at its disposal.

MK3 would make an excellent adventure (forget MKSM ever happened and this was done by a good company), the entire realm of a destroyed Earth, wandering around New York city with dead, souless bodies and a swirling portal overhead sucking up souls above you. That would be awesomo!

MK4 would also make an excellent adventure game as it branched out into Earth, Edenia, Outworld and the Netherealm.


Mortal Kombat: Destruction

*Includes a higher quality version of the PSX game, Mortal Kombat Trilogy with both male and female (n64) khameleons.


Liu Kang
Sonya Blade
Jax Briggs
Kung Lao

VS *includes a computer AI to fight

Sonya Blade
Liu Kang
Jax Briggs
Kung Lao
Queen Sindel
Kurtis Stryker
Shang Tsung



Outworld- The Black Tower, Shao Kahn's Fortress.

Camera pans spiraling up the tower a lá MK1 Movie, and zooms into a chamber which shows Kahn sitting on his throne with a soul cage hovering on either side of him.

Raiden narrates: "For centuries Earth has used Mortal Kombat to defend itself against the Outworld's Emeperor Shao Kahn. But, Kahn becomes frustrated by failed attempts at taking Earth through tournament battle. He enacts a plan which began 10,000 years ago."


A shadow priest enters a tomb, he is carrying a torch, lighting up ones that are hanging on the walls as he goes, he reaches a sarcophagus. After prising it open, he reveals a skeleton, he then removes his hood. It's Shang Tsungs. He begins an incantation and the skeleton raises up, flesh begins to grow over the bones, followed by skin. Long silver and black hair hangs down from the body. Tsung lets the body down gently and dresses her in a light robe.

Raiden: "During this time Kahn had a Queen. Her name was Sindel and her young death was unexpected. Kahn's Shadow priests, lead by Shang Tsung, make it so Sindel's spirit would someday be reborn: Not on the Outworld but on the Earth Realm itself."


People are walking along the street in New York, its a normal day. As people go about there everyday business, few notice the increasing strenght of the wind, leaves are hurled up high into the sky. As the citizens begin to look up they see the clouds begin to swirl and what looks like a black whole opens up in the now blood red sky. Lightning crackle as people's souls are sucked from their bodies into this portal, leaving behind the empty shells that are charred corpses. Chaos ensues in the city as buildings collapse and new ones form up from the ground, the tallest of which stands twice as high as all the others. It is an evil looking tower, built to resemble a very obscure looking skull.

Raiden: "This unholy act gives Shao Kahn to step through the dimensional gates and reclaim his Queen. Thus enabling him to finally seize the Earth Realm.
Upon breaching the portal into Earth, Shao Kahn slowly transforms the planet into a part of the Outworld itself.
Kahn strips the Earth of all human life: Claiming every soul as his own."


Like in MKDA's intro where it shows flashes of Kano, Tsung and Scorpion it shows, Liu Kang, Kabal, Stryker, Sub-Zero, Nightwolf, Jax, Kung Lao and Sonya.

Raiden: "But there are souls which Kahn cannot take. These souls belong to the warriors chosen to represent Earth in a new Mortal Kombat."


Shows Motaro leading a legion of centaurs across a desert plain. It is just one of Kahn's extermination squads.

Raiden: "The remaining humans are scattered through out the planet. Shao Kahn sends an army of fierce Outworld warriors to find and eliminate them."


Shows Raiden hovering amongst some clouds, lightning flaring all around him.

Raiden: "You have been chosen to represent Earth in Mortal Kombat. Be warned. Although your souls are protected against Shao Kahn's evil; your lives are not. I cannot interfere any longer as your Earth is now ruled by the Outworld Gods. "


I just think MK3 would make a better choice for an adventure game and as an adventure game would have to last more than 10 hours, 4 is not nearly enough.
01/06/2006 06:55 PM (UTC)
Awesome Keith!

I really enjoyed reading your post, and I 100% agree, Mk3 has so much potential to be an adventure game, more then Mk1 and Mk2 anyways.

Something I keep saying is that the next adventure game should NOT be like Shaolin Monks. I think that it would be cool to play with certain characters in a “Tomb Raider: Lara Croftâ€? style of game.

For example, you choose your main character, play with him or her during some arenas, BUT at the same time, you are forced to play with others in certain specific arenas, and their involvement connects with the story or events of your and the rest of the characters.

Good ideas Keith, I would love to see that happen.
01/06/2006 07:03 PM (UTC)
queve Wrote:
Awesome Keith!

I really enjoyed reading your post, and I 100% agree, Mk3 has so much potential to be an adventure game, more then Mk1 and Mk2 anyways.

Something I keep saying is that the next adventure game should NOT be like Shaolin Monks. I think that it would be cool to play with certain characters in a “Tomb Raider: Lara Croftâ€? style of game.

For example, you choose your main character, play with him or her during some arenas, BUT at the same time, you are forced to play with others in certain specific arenas, and their involvement connects with the story or events of your and the rest of the characters.

Good ideas Keith, I would love to see that happen.

I'm glad you like them. I'll post some ideas on how gameplay could occur later.

And because I know I probably won't be able to send you a pm, that sig is awesome! Where did you get that picture?
Ah... good choice Keith... though it appears your ignoring the characters added in UMK3 and MKT... I think.. unless I missed something.

Keep it up!
01/07/2006 03:25 PM (UTC)
Theres too many characters in UMK3 and MKT so I decided to keep it at MK3 in terms of playable characters. You might see or fight or have some interaction with some characters in UMK3 although alot of MKT characters weren't even cannon.
01/07/2006 04:09 PM (UTC)
Liu Kang
Sonya Blade
Jax Briggs
Kung Lao

Depending on who you pick, you will play through some exclusive levels to your character as well as the main storyline you play regardless of characters. Instead of what really happened in MK3, your characters ending will occur. For e.g, LIu Kang defeated Shao Kahn in MK3 and if you beat this game as him you will see that, however, beat the game as Sonya and you will see her ending from MK3 (killing Kano, then Shao Kahn) This way, you have more reasons to play the game.
If you are one of those people that has to unlock everything in a game then you would have played Arcade in MKD at least 24 times to unlock all endings. For people like that the adventure which would be different each time because of exclusive levels and different character intereactions and abilities would be completed at least 5 times.

Anyway back to the characters:

After the first tournament Sonya Blade turned up missing. Jax then embarked on a rescue mission into the Outworld. He found Sonya being held captive with her nemesis Kano. In freeing Sonya, Jax also frees Kano. Kano then uses the chance to escape arrest.

The ultimate advancement in Lin Kuei technology comes with the creation of the first cyber-assasin. They begin converting their human ninjas into soulless machines. But Sub-Zero refuses to take part and is marked for death by his own clan.

After winning the first Mortal Kombat and escaping from the Outworld, Liu Kang looks to the future. He begins training a new generation of shaolin alongside Kung Lao. But nothing could prepare them for the unexpected Outworld invasion.

Liu Kang
After the Outworld invasion Liu Kang finds himself the prime target of Kahn's extermination squads. He is the Shaolin Champion and has thwarted Kahn's schemes in the past. Of all the humans, Kang poses the greatest threat to Shao Kahn's rule.


High Fireball

Low Fireball

Bicycle Kick

Flying Kick

Kung Lao
Kung Lao's plan to reform the White Lotus Society comes to a halt when Shao Kahn's invasion takes the earth by storm. As a chosen warrior Kung Lao must use his greatest fighting skills to bring down Shao Kahn's reign of terror.


Hat Throw


Spinning Shield

Diving Kick

The ninja returns unmasked. He was betrayed by his own ninja clan, The Lin Kuei. He broke sacred codes of honour by leaving the clan and is marked for death. But unlike the ninja of old his persuers come as machines. He must not only defend against the Outworld menace but must also elude his souless assasins.



Ice Shower

Front Ice Shower

Behind Ice Shower

Ice Clone

Ground Slide

Maj. Jax Briggs
After failing to convince his superiors of the coming Outworld menace, Jax begins to covertly prepare for future battle with Kahn's minions. He outfits both arms with indestructable bionic implants. This is a war Jax is prepared to win.


Single Missile

Double Missile

"Gotcha" Grab

Back Breaker

Body Slam

Ground Pound

Dash Punch

Lt. Sonya Blade
Sonya dissapeared after the first tournament but was later rescued by Jax. After returning to Earth she and Jax try to warn the U.S government of the looming Outworld menace. Lacking proof, they watch helplessly as Shao Kahn begins his invasion.


Ring Toss

Leg Grab

Square Wave Punch

Bicycle Kick

Air Throw

Flip Kick

I liked the upgrade feature in MKSM so all moves can be upgraded.

I'll get to VS characters next.
About Me

I've gone back to my original forum as the ban messages have drove me insane...empty as hell though. FILL IT UP! Tetra_Vega, get on your myspace...

01/07/2006 04:59 PM (UTC)
I just posted the idea you douche quit stealing my ideas >
01/07/2006 06:56 PM (UTC)
Actually he posted his today and I posted my first post in ProudNintendoFans MK1 Adventure thread on the 4/1/2006. And I got the idea from him not you.
About Me


01/07/2006 09:37 PM (UTC)
Hey man, Pretty cool ideas.
The world your describing would make an awesome action/adventure game.

One thing though, Raiden isnt a selectable character.
Not sure who agrees with me but i really want to be able to control Raiden as he has some of the coolest moves in the game.

I think it would be cool flying around and using an electric bomb to clear the area of enemies.

01/07/2006 10:26 PM (UTC)
While I did want to include Raiden I didn't for a few reasons.

1. He wasn't playable in MK3, stupid reason maybe but I wanted to stay as true to MK3 as possible and not adding stuff and taking stuff away.
2. Earth is merged with Outworld causing Raiden to lose his powers.
3. I always so Raiden as more of a mentor who chooses to guide his Earthrealm champions rather than join the fray himself.

01/07/2006 11:20 PM (UTC)
Queen Sindel

She once ruled the Outworld at Shao Kahn's side as his Queen. Now, 10,000 years after her untimely death she is reborn on Earth. Her evil intent is every match for Shao Kahn's tyranny. She is the key to his occupation of Earth.





Air Fireball


Sheeva was hand picked by Shao Kahn to serve as Sindel's personal protector. She becomes suspicious of Shao Kahn's loyalty toward her race of Shokan when he places Motaro as the leader of his extermination squads. On the Outworld, Motaro's race of Centurions is the natural enemy of the Shokan.


Teleport Stomp


Ground Stomp

As a chosen warrior, his identity is a mystery to all. It is believed he is a survivor of a attack by Shao Kahn's extermination squads. As a result, he is viciously scarred, kept alive by artificial respirators and a rage for ending Shao Kahn's conquest.




Ground Saw

Kurtis Stryker
When the Outworld portal opens over a large city in North America, panic and chaos rage out of control. Kurtis Stryker was the leader of the Riot Control Brigade when Shao Kahn began taking souls. He finds himself the lone survivor of a city once populated by millions.



Baton Trip

Baton Toss

Rapid Fire Gun

Nightwolf works as a historian and preserver of his peoples culture. When Kahn's portal opens over North America, Nightwolf uses the magic of his Shamen to protect his tribes sacred land. This area becomes a vital threat to Kahn's occupation of Earth.



Hatchet Uppercut

Shoulder Charge

Glow Shield

Cyrax is unit LK-4D4, The second of three prototype Cybernetic Ninjas built by the Lin Kuei. Like his counterparts, his last program is to find and terminate the rouge ninja Sub Zero. Without a soul, Cyrax goes undetected by Shoa Kahn and remains a possible threat against his occupation of Earth.


Green Net


Air Throw


Sektor is actually the code name for unit LK-9T9. He was the first of three Prototype Cybernetic Ninjas built by the Lin Kuei. Sektor was once a human assassin trained by the Lin Kuei. He volunteered for automation because of his loyalty to the clan. Sektor survives the Outworld invasion- he has no soul to take.



Double Missles (MKT Only)

Homing Missile

Teleport Uppercut

Smoke, unit LK-7T2, is the third prototype cyber-ninja built by the Lin Kuei. He tried to escape the automation process with Sub-Zero but was captured. His memories were stripped away, leaving behind an emotionless killer. However, Sub-Zero believes that within this machine is a human soul trying to escape.



Teleport Uppercut

Air Throw



Kano was thought to have been killed in the first tournament. Instead, he is found alive in the outworld where he again escapes capture by Sonya. Before the actual Outworld invasion, Kano convinces Kahn to spare his soul. Kahn needs someone to teach his warriors how to use Earth's weapons... Kano is the man to do it.



Knife Throw

Blade Swipe

Grab and Shake

Air Throw

Shang Tsung
Tsung is Shao Kahn's lead sorcerer. He once fell out of favor with his emperor after failing to win the Earth Realm through tournament battle. But the ever scheming Shang Tsung is instrumental in Kahn's conquest of Earth. He has now been granted more power than ever.



Volcanic Eruption

Shape Shift

VS Arenas

The Subway

Just like in MK3 except in 3D. Players can get killed by the trains if they're not careful. Players can also be uppercut through the roof and end up at the Street.

The Street
Same as in MK3, trash blows in the wind, building in the city are on fire or crumbling. Shao Kahn's fortress looms in the background with the portal crackling above it. Souls are sucked into it like in MKDA.

The Bank

Players can be pushed out of the windows and splat, down on the street below. Or players can be uppercut up to the rooftop.

The Rooftop

Players can be pushed of the side or impaled on the giant gargoyles. The smaller gargoyles can be smashed to result in extra damage. The rooftop has the best view of Kahn's destruction of the city.

The Bridge

Same as in MK3, trash blows in the wins, nothing out of the ordinary. Its alot brighter on this stage than on the others though.

The Balcony

The centaurian statues smash when players are knocked into them. Players can also be pushed down the soul well. In the adventure mode, you fight Motaro here.

The Soul Chamber

Players can be impaled on the spikes, thrown into the lava or if the fighter has good aim, knocked into the soulnado inside the giant face. Uppercutting knocks an opponent up into The Balcony stage.

The Bell Tower

Players can smash through the floors and land on the spikes below or can get crushed by the Bell. The stage could also feature atmospheric bats or perhaps ones that attack you.

The Temple

No stage fatality, however if one is not careful they might set themselves alight of one of the candles but the character will automatically put it out but not without injury. If a character is smashed through the window they land in the Graveyard.

The Graveyard

Players can use the shovels as weapons. Also if you land in an empty grave, skeletal hands will burst out from the Earth and bring your character down beneath the soil.

The Pit (Also known as the Pit III)

Players can be knocked down to the wheel blades below.

Smoke's Portal

Basically the same as in MK3. Although it might be nice with the MKII Pit's fatality.


All stages should include remakes of the original music.

01/08/2006 02:54 PM (UTC)
Great stuff Keith, keep it comming.
01/08/2006 04:54 PM (UTC)
Wow. Keith are you a game designer??? That would be a great game.
01/09/2006 05:30 AM (UTC)
Just had a crazy idea for this game. KARMA!

Y'know how every action there is a consequence, so what if, for one mission, you are to protect, let's say Liu Kang and you fail it. You still continue the game (an optional replay mission if you must) however you lose Liu Kang, like in Forbidden Siren, if someone died then that's one resource taken out.
01/13/2006 07:36 PM (UTC)
shuji_cage34 Wrote:
Just had a crazy idea for this game. KARMA!

Y'know how every action there is a consequence, so what if, for one mission, you are to protect, let's say Liu Kang and you fail it. You still continue the game (an optional replay mission if you must) however you lose Liu Kang, like in Forbidden Siren, if someone died then that's one resource taken out.

Karma does sound like an interesting idea, but I believe it would have been better suited in a different game. The MK characters have killed very violently so in terms of Karma they're gonna pay for it, oh wait...they already have...
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