MK Comics: Where the hell is Johnny Cage?
posted01/28/2015 06:49 PM (UTC)by
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01/23/2004 01:55 AM (UTC)
For those of you that have read chapter #4 we finally get a glimpse at how Cassie Cage interacts with the Mortal Kombat universe. She's spunky, charismatic, and a bit of a wild child, which is a fresh new addition to the cast. We can see that she has a strained relationship with her mother Sonya and she hints that Johnny Cage has a soft spot for her, but throughout the whole issue he's only mentioned and alluded to.

You get a sense of how the name Cage stacks up in their universe where an underage Cassie Cage can get into nightclubs with no problem simply by dropping her dad's name which means he has some pull. This was a cool dynamic never before seen in any media covered in Mortal Kombat. My question is though, what has he been up to and why is he not involved in his daughters life much?

I can see that Johnny Cage and Sonya must have split a while back while Cassie was growing up which is an interesting dynamic, granted, parents separating and isolating their child is nothing to marvel about but in Mortal Kombat it is used as a plot device to further develop both Johnny, Sonya, and Cassie. This also leaves all three characters the freedom to advance their stories in their own respective ways.

What I'm hoping for, and it's a long shot, is that Johnny Cage is not around because he's in the realm of Seido developing his abilities. I felt that in Mortal Kombat (2011) Raiden and Cage traveled together the most, perhaps Raiden saw Johnny Cage's potential and sent him there to maximize it? That arcade ending and the mentioning of his ancestry was a real cool element added to Johnny Cage, hopefully he comes back as his witty self, but now that he's a father he fights this time with something to lose.
01/26/2015 01:41 PM (UTC)
The only way to make Cage work this time is by giving him the seido-storyline they hinted at in his fake-ending.

That would be lovely

Keep him in his joke-moviestar role and i'm done with him like i'm done with his forever-special-forces-wife Sonya.
01/26/2015 02:18 PM (UTC)
He was/is in Seido, which is why he wasn't/isn't around glasses
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01/26/2015 02:24 PM (UTC)
Johnny Cage stars in the nutcracker coming to a theater near you.grin
01/26/2015 02:25 PM (UTC)
Cage is out knocking up some strange.
01/26/2015 02:36 PM (UTC)
nightbreed_16 Wrote:
Johnny Cage stars in the nutcracker coming to a theater near you.grin

01/26/2015 04:05 PM (UTC)
Make johnny a serious character and no longer the guy who throws jokes here and there and I am totally done with him.

Johnny cage's character was always awesome when he would crack jokes and yet be a powerful warrior.

If they turn him into some sort of Neo or some sort of Serious character then he won't work, at least for me.
01/26/2015 04:13 PM (UTC)
I don't think that he is not involved/never home, we only saw a few panels of Cassie at the condo and she appears to be in her late teens so he doesn't need to be at home with her all the time.

He is also a famous actor, so he probably isn't home all the time, but I don't think he's a deadbeat or anything. He could have just been out for work reasons.

I think the main reason we didn't see him is because they are just saving his appearance for another issue though lol
01/26/2015 04:18 PM (UTC)
Yeah, we've only had. 1 finished issue, and 1/3rd of the Cassie issue is out. He could be the one to bail out Cassie, who knows. Too early to tell.
01/26/2015 05:35 PM (UTC)
Sonya talked about Johnny having to deal with Cassie, so he's definitely not out in some other realm somewhere, and his condo doesn't exactly look abandoned. I think it's way too early to say he's not involved in his daughter's life just because he wasn't seen this chapter.
01/26/2015 06:24 PM (UTC)
I'm so sick of hearing fans go on about some super serious seido Johnny Cage. Having Johnny Cage not act like a Johnny Cage is the stupidest fucking idea.

Oooooh he's so serious and edgy ooooh, just stop. The only people who like this idea are fans who never liked Cage to begin with, just stay away from the character and stop trying to ruin him.
01/26/2015 06:45 PM (UTC)
OttoVonRuthless Wrote:
I'm so sick of hearing fans go on about some super serious seido Johnny Cage. Having Johnny Cage not act like a Johnny Cage is the stupidest fucking idea.

Oooooh he's so serious and edgy ooooh, just stop. The only people who like this idea are fans who never liked Cage to begin with, just stay away from the character and stop trying to ruin him.

Agreed 100%, I can't agree more with this person.

I am personally not a Johnny Cage fan and yet I still don't want him to change because I understand that this is what makes his character great.

If you take away Johnny Cage's likeable personality then you will end up with a character that will be hated by many and I'll be the first.
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01/26/2015 06:57 PM (UTC)
Yeah you need a comedic character. That was one of the best parts of MK9 story mode. Would him becoming a little more focused be, ok? Maybe. But he still needs to be who he is. I like that he seems to be, successful enough that cassie gets buy on his name
01/26/2015 06:59 PM (UTC)
Because of people like you guys, Scorpion still searches for vengeance after almost 30 years, and Sonya Blade doesn't change because she shouldn't just because.

I for one don't like character keeping the same old shit going on and on over again.

Change will help me liking them.
01/26/2015 07:01 PM (UTC)
I couldn't take Johnny seriously even if they deliberately tried. I would probably laugh at that more actually. I don't think he's playable though, Cassie took up the smartasshole mantle.
01/26/2015 07:01 PM (UTC)
I hope he's training in Seido, that would be a great way to push forward in some long overdue character progression. Johnny's sense of humor is a part of who he is, no amount of training or strength would change that. I highly doubt anyone wants to see a Cage, who is like Liu Kang, they just want to see a bit more importance in his participation, myself included. He could just be out filming a movie, which I would find rather bland and disappointing. The events of Shao Kahn's invasion should be motivation enough to prepare for future threats. He should be training and growing more powerful, but that wouldn't change his personality, just his outlook. You know he'll still be wise cracking while kicking ass, look to Cassie's style for evidence.
01/26/2015 07:05 PM (UTC)
OttoVonRuthless Wrote:
I'm so sick of hearing fans go on about some super serious seido Johnny Cage. Having Johnny Cage not act like a Johnny Cage is the stupidest fucking idea.

Oooooh he's so serious and edgy ooooh, just stop. The only people who like this idea are fans who never liked Cage to begin with, just stay away from the character and stop trying to ruin him.


Nobody is saying he should become a different character. They are wishing for awesome character development like what being trained in Seido would bring. He could still be the JC we all know and love, cracking jokes and being cocky but he'd be focused, with more fighting skill and power.

I like him and yet want him to develop because it makes him a better character.

I don't know if you watch Game of Thrones but nobody would give a shit about Daenerys Targaryen had she not stood up for herself and changed in Season 1.

Character development > Characters staying stagnant for 20+ years.
01/26/2015 07:06 PM (UTC)
I'm all for change, but when changes like that happen they always come undone. It's always a temporary digression. You have to remain true to what the character is at it's base and build on it. A self-serious, Seido guard is not what Johnny Cage is, though I might be interested in seeing Cage attempting to fill that role, with varying success.

There is a DNA to these characters, being a goofy narcissist is in Cage's DNA. He can only change so far away from that before he ceases to be Johnny Cage as people know him. Alter the design, give him some new moves. Just making him aware of his connection to Seido could change him a lot, but he has to be a goofy, humorous egomaniac.
01/26/2015 08:12 PM (UTC)
NickScryer Wrote:
OttoVonRuthless Wrote:
I'm so sick of hearing fans go on about some super serious seido Johnny Cage. Having Johnny Cage not act like a Johnny Cage is the stupidest fucking idea.

Oooooh he's so serious and edgy ooooh, just stop. The only people who like this idea are fans who never liked Cage to begin with, just stay away from the character and stop trying to ruin him.


Nobody is saying he should become a different character. They are wishing for awesome character development like what being trained in Seido would bring. He could still be the JC we all know and love, cracking jokes and being cocky but he'd be focused, with more fighting skill and power.

I like him and yet want him to develop because it makes him a better character.

I don't know if you watch Game of Thrones but nobody would give a shit about Daenerys Targaryen had she not stood up for herself and changed in Season 1.

Character development > Characters staying stagnant for 20+ years.

I wasn't saying I didn't want the character to develop, I was stating that I'm against his character being completely serious and no it's not bullshit, there's users on this forum that have stated countless times that they hate that Johnny Cage cracks jokes and they want him to be a completely different character.

Also I love Game of Thrones and the books even more. But Daenerys is my least favorite character.
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Mad Props to MINION, The SIG Sovereign!

01/26/2015 08:18 PM (UTC)
Goku would be a better analogy than Danerys. Think of all the times he evolved into a more powerful warrior, yet he is still goofy ass Goku. This is what I think 97% of us want. For Johnny to embrace his Seido heritage and "power-up" but still BE the Johnny we know and Love.
01/26/2015 09:26 PM (UTC)
OttoVonRuthless Wrote:
I wasn't saying I didn't want the character to develop, I was stating that I'm against his character being completely serious and no it's not bullshit, there's users on this forum that have stated countless times that they hate that Johnny Cage cracks jokes and they want him to be a completely different character.

Also I love Game of Thrones and the books even more. But Daenerys is my least favorite character.

Ok fair enough, my apologies I have never seen those posters.

She's also one of my least favourite's but she's most TV watchers favourite and shes a good example of someone who did have great character development in the first season. Now book 5 is a completely different story :P

0RI0N Wrote:
Goku would be a better analogy than Danerys. Think of all the times he evolved into a more powerful warrior, yet he is still goofy ass Goku. This is what I think 97% of us want. For Johnny to embrace his Seido heritage and "power-up" but still BE the Johnny we know and Love.

Yup better example since like Johnny, Goku has died a lot too! grin
01/26/2015 09:46 PM (UTC)
"Where the hell is Johnny Cage?"

Drinking. 99 bottles of beer on the wall, 99 bottles of beer...
01/26/2015 10:09 PM (UTC)
Now book 5 is a completely different story :P

She's a total idiot in A Dance with Dragons
01/26/2015 11:22 PM (UTC)
I do want him to change, but not entirely. His sense of humor should stay, but he should stop being a total dunce.
01/26/2015 11:43 PM (UTC)
I see no reason the potential Seidan story should make Johnny a completely serious character. Whoever said a character has to be fully serious or fully comical anyway? Bo Rai Cho's both, he's the man who trained Liu Kang and Kung Lao, and a drunk who uses his own vomit to make opponents slip, and he's got gas.

I'd like Johnny's MK9 ending to happen, because it'd develop his character a bit, to be a WMD who could destroy the world if he couldn't keep his power in chest in check. But he shouldn't become Hotaru with shades.

Though if he did, his seriousness should be hammed up a bit. It should be played for laughs.

A theory just came to mind: what if he's the unexpected boss? He becomes drunk with his own power, and after learning to control himself, now threatens to unleash it at will unless his demands are met? That's one way I could accept him becoming fully serious (but he should still wear his shades).

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