It would be a Kombat Kollection of all the best MK Games, and I guess some of the not so great MK Games (maybe not every game), on a two disk set. I'd like included:
1)MK 1 - MK 3
2)Ultimate MK 3
3)MK 4 & MK G
5)The PS1 and N64 versions of MKM:SZ
As for bounus features on the second disk let's say, they could include a behind the scenes look at the making of each of the games featured in the collection, as well as interviews with both creators, and some of the character actors, and a more in depth history of the MK fracnchise, cause on both MK:D, and MK:DA I felt Midway was a little vague. Also, maybe a brief history of Midway itself.