Minigames? Shall they die...
posted10/10/2005 11:02 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
05/14/2005 12:54 AM (UTC)
Do we still need "Minigames" or should they be scrapped for Mk7?
What do you think?

Speaking of Mingames, here's some very silly dumbass ideas I made up about a second ago:

Essentially a Mario Cart/Crash Racing style affair, but with the Mk clans special powers making an appearance in this cartoonish racing minigame.

Characters would be...



Uses his spear to grab the back of a nearby Opponent kart ahead of Scorpion, using it to pull their kart backwards, so Scorpion can gain the lead on them. Shouts "GET BACK HERE!"

HELLFIRE: Raises Fire from the ground several karts distance ahead of Scorpion enabling him to hit a kart infront and then one driving into the fire pillar from behind. Causes damage to the karts of enemies. Scorpion is immune to his own attack.

SUPER SPECIAL: (gained by travelling over a special power-up pad. Would probably have a different name, as it's essentially a car Fatality!)

The Skull on the front of Scorpion's Toasty! Dragster spews a continuous Flamethrower which lasts for 20 seconds. Karts hit by a light blast from this will set on fire and spread the fire to any other kart's they touch. A sustained blast of 5 seconds is enough to take the full health bar of a kart. If an Opponent is wrote-off by this method his Kart will either explode in a shower of flames and bones or the entire kart may become a flaming skeleton! At which point "Toasty!" will be announced.

KART: The Toasty! Scorpion:
A Hell Dragster with firey exausts and emblazoned designs. A large Skull fixed to the front of the kart and a curving Scorpion's tail at the back.



When activated, you can hit a kart directly in front of you. Naturally the frozen kart is completely immobilized for a limited time.

Works exactly how an oil slick would. Is deployed via streams of ice from the vehicles exausts. Karts behind slip and slide everywhere.


Freezes a kart directly in front. The car is Deep Frozen and if you ram the vehicle it will shatter and be destroyed. Only three deep freeze specials is the limit when you collect them.

KART:The Sub-Zero Frosty Van!
A modified Ice Kream Van!



Damages a car in font of Raiden, stunning them very briefly.

Teleports in front of the kart you were behind.


Raiden summons a Thunderstorm that strikes the track with lightning while making driving conditions difficult with the rain-drenched track. Raiden is immune to his own lightning bolts, but he can still slide out on a wet track!
Karts hit by the lightning are retired from the race...

KART: The Elder God Thunderbolt:
The Kart's roof is a giant Raiden hat! The spoilers of the kart have Van De Graff generators attached for maxium madness! Of course, the Kart, also buzzes with streams of electricity!



The Blades on the front of the kart slash up and down causing severe damage to anyone who gets in the way!

Damage-dealing double projectiles.


The Kart's Blades impale a kart in front. They can now be smashed in to other karts, lifted up, or dumped over the top of Baraka's vehicle, putting them on their back and out of the competition. Also, if you activate Blade Fury while you have them impaled, you will tear them apart! You can only impale one car, though...

KART:The Tarkatan Massacre:
A big, ugly Baraka faced truck!

Well those are just some stupid ideas for a mini-game, but I'm sure you could have Sektor's kart with homing missiles on, too! grin
Also, I guess you could have a Mini-Game within a Mini-Game and have "Test your Kart's Might!" by tapping buttons to power up your engine to pull various heavy objects!

Anyway, back to my original question: What is your stance on Mini-Games?
I know, it's generally considered best to concentrate on the main game, but what do you feel about the Mini-Games in Mk, so far?
What direction should they take for the future?(Definately not the one I detailed...grin)
Do you have any of your own ideas for Mini-Games?(detail them!)
Do you care?
Do you want to see the back of Mini-Games and get rid of them?

About Me


10/03/2005 10:42 PM (UTC)
haha good idea, but would be to much for a mini game.

maybe a simpler slot car version would work
10/04/2005 05:36 AM (UTC)
LOL I like your idea. In fact I was thinking about a MK kart racing like game as well.

I was also wondering what a MK shoot em up game would be like.

In the end I think minigames should stay, as long as they are good.
10/08/2005 08:53 AM (UTC)
Konquest could have minigames:


In one part of a level, you need information from someone. They won't tell you. That's where it begins. You either 'Get to the Point!' or 'Jump them!' modes where you will make sure they say what you want. Like "The Punisher", but rhytm-style play.

Get to the Point!:

You'll immediately attack them, beginning it.

Jump Them!:

Later in the Konquest Day, you will find them again and jump them, beginning the minigame.

How to Play:
A circle will appear in the middle. Then a button will fly across. When it hits the circle, press the button and you will perform an action. Obtaining a PERFECT will raise the 'Answer' bar by a big amount, a GREAT will raise the bar by a good decent amount, BAD will raise the bar a little bit, but not hitting it at all or pressing it TOO early will decrease it.
The 'Answer' bar is like the health meter, but you have to fill it until it passes the dragon logo. When it does, they will spit out the answer. Some people might be harder, or they might reverse the interrogation, meaning you have to hit the buttons as fast as you can to get back in.


One objective might be to find someone captured or to collect something, escaping the traps. Another rhtym style minigame.

How to play:
The directional buttons guide the Kombatant around, Low Kick is Jump, Low Punch is Initiate Evade Mode, High Punch is Punch and High Kick is Kick. You are to evade the traps in any way, i.e., (and I make up the levels) in the OWIA you need to free Sonya, you'll have to get past the tripwire. Press Low Punch to start the mini mini-game where you have to press the button that appears in the middle to sucsessfully jump over the tripwire, or to wall run over the chasm.
The second trap is a blank hallway filled with traps. Press Low Punch to start the evasions leaping over gunfire, rolling under missiles and jumping over spikes.
The third is to take out the guards. Low Punch starts another minigame to leap over guys and kick them in the head, or to (if you're Cage), to slide under their legs and hit them in the joy department, grin, with the Punch button.

How do you think?
10/10/2005 11:02 AM (UTC)
My Grandma likes puzzle kombat they should keep that, but chess is lame and they should bring back "Test Your Mite!"
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