posted11/26/2005 08:48 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
08/05/2004 11:12 PM (UTC)

Okay I need to explain her outfit: I was thinking about Mileena and how she is based on deception, her sexy image hides her hideous intentions and her mouth (her beautiful mouth) And I was thinking where else have we seen deception like this. And it came to me. Little Red Riding Hood. That stupid little bitch can tell her granny from a wolf but then I started thinking about the Cloak. And I thought, Mileena might look good with a cloak so I just came up with these two concepts. I'll do another, better drawing tomorrow.

Fighting Styles:
Ying Yeung -Suits her character
Eagle Claw -Suits Kitana very well so it suits Mileena too and I kinda feel that this style seems to link with Mileena. The stance at first doesn't seem that threatening but when using it, it becomes quite lethal.

I was surpised to see that Bo' Rai Cho and Kitana's militia had so easily defeated Baraka's diversionary squad. But I cannot say I was troubled by it. I was in control of the most powerful army in existence after all. However I knew Baraka would not be so pleased for me. He felt I had betrayed him. He sent word for me to meet him in the ancient Beetle Lair. I knew it was a decoy and not Baraka. What did that bastard take me for? I was hungry and the Tarkatan made an excellent meal but I still craved for Baraka. His treachory fueled me to hunt him down. When I finally caught up with him I fought him, face to face. Baraka was a formidable opponent but his dependancy on his blades was his weakness. I defeated him and enjoyed my reward. But there was still one thing I yearned for. Kitana's head.

After the warrior Ermac released the Earthrealm forces from Onaga's spell I followed Kitana. Just as she reached the portal to Edenia I grabbed her and pulled her into the Netherealm. The transformation was magnificent. Her flesh seared and her face withered as the Netherealm took its toll on her pure soul. Weary, I chained her up in the Netherealm wastelands and left her to feed the Oni. Now she knows what it feels like to be trapped in that hideous place. Maybe now she understands how I felt! All those years!
As I left the Netherealm, taking Kitana's blue veil as my trophy I encountered Shinnok. Stripped of his powers since his last attempt to destroy Edenia. A worthless piece of shit. Well, not entirely. His powers may be gone but his knowledge of the realms exceeds anyone able to traverse them. I offered him a deal to help me to do what so many infedels have failed to do. Conquer the realms. And why have the failed? No plan. No true desire. They lust for power they already have. They have nothing to prove. They have no suffering like I do! I will prove I am superior. And those who oppose me will perish
About Me

11/21/2005 11:35 PM (UTC)
you gave a jab, lockdown, grapple and otherwise Chin Na heavy style like Eagle claw to Mileena? lolz. Plotline...we'll see.

Thank goodness people are beginiing to do theese again. I't been ages since I last saw one.
11/21/2005 11:41 PM (UTC)
I hate the way Mileena was so weak in MKD, I want her stronger, she should be high-tier.
11/22/2005 01:26 AM (UTC)

I honestly enjoyed reading that. What a perfect bio and depth of character! You really got me. I actually felt disgusted and happily pleased to see her monstrous yet seductive nature. She is a PSYCHO!

I love that about Mileena, she can be so vile, so full of hatred and desire for revenge, but not just any kind of revenge, this one is really personal, really deep, it goes beyond the death of a loved one, it makes you feel and think like its all justified, like she has the right to do what she does because she has suffered what others havent.

She knows no love. She is a monster. She didnt ask to be like that, she didnt ask to be created, and she has to live with the idea she will always be second, the clone.

You get 100/10 for this story Keith, much better then the Sonya one. The pics are great! I really like the outfit ideas. I also think a cloak fits Mileena. It would be cool to see her in an outfit like your first pic. Half her face in shadow, and her moth visible, no veil. Awesome!

Keith Wrote:
I hate the way Mileena was so weak in MKD, I want her stronger, she should be high-tier.

Actually, Mileena is in the Top 10 top tier list. I think she is #9. She is very strong/fast in deception, dont underestimate her, but yeah, she is nothing compared to her Mk2 days (the best of that game).
About Me
Project MKK: Coming soon...

Currently working on: MKD & MKA - The One Ring Theory
11/22/2005 08:07 PM (UTC)
Keith Wrote:
I hate the way Mileena was so weak in MKD, I want her stronger, she should be high-tier.

Strength doesn't mean high tier. Jade is far stronger than Mileena in MKD, but Mileena is far better to use than her. Just because Mileena isn't that powerful, it doesn't mean she sucks in any way. If you ever watch vids of the experts playing as her, you'll see how formidable she is.

Now to the bio. It rules! It shows Mileena evil, vicious side perfectly. Excellent job with that. I have two problems with it however. Firstly, Kitanas soul is not pure. If it were, she would not have been able to enter the Netherealm with Mileena. Kitana was once evil as we know. If she had not been, Mileena wouldn't have been able to bring her there. the other thing is the transformation. Why is that happening to her? Nightwolf and Shujinko are good guys who have both gone to the Netherealm but neither has had such a thing happen to them.
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src=" Oblivion Awaits You...

11/22/2005 08:35 PM (UTC)
11/22/2005 09:44 PM (UTC)
tgrant Wrote:
Keith Wrote:
I hate the way Mileena was so weak in MKD, I want her stronger, she should be high-tier.

Strength doesn't mean high tier. Jade is far stronger than Mileena in MKD, but Mileena is far better to use than her. Just because Mileena isn't that powerful, it doesn't mean she sucks in any way. If you ever watch vids of the experts playing as her, you'll see how formidable she is.

Now to the bio. It rules! It shows Mileena evil, vicious side perfectly. Excellent job with that. I have two problems with it however. Firstly, Kitanas soul is not pure. If it were, she would not have been able to enter the Netherealm with Mileena. Kitana was once evil as we know. If she had not been, Mileena wouldn't have been able to bring her there. the other thing is the transformation. Why is that happening to her? Nightwolf and Shujinko are good guys who have both gone to the Netherealm but neither has had such a thing happen to them.

The transformation is what happens when pure souls are dragged kicking and screaming into hell. I wasn't happy with how simple it was for good people to go wandering around the Netherealm in MKD and MKSM
11/22/2005 11:48 PM (UTC)
I like the story and styles... but that coated look... i don't know... im a HUGE fan of the leotard and long boots and gloves...
11/23/2005 12:06 AM (UTC)
The drawings are pretty decent. When it comes to her styles, well, I'm still confused about Ying Yeung. Is that even a real fighting style? As for Eagle Claw, I kind of see where Chrome is coming from with that one. As for her Sai, well..yeah..

Storywise, I have some problems. tgrant already listed some, but I'm going to list those again anyway.

-Mileena was the one who asked Baraka to meet her at the Beetle Lair, not the other way around. You see, Baraka was the only one who really knew that she was deceiving the Edenians so she felt like she needed to eliminate him since the Edenian/Outworld army crushed Baraka's Tarkatan forces thus probably enraging Baraka and maybe he'll spill the beans.

-Like tgrant pointed out, Kitana's soul is NOT pure so she can enter the Netherrealm. Either way, I don't like the direction that you had Kitana's story go.

-Shinnok wasn't exactly trying to destroy Edenia. He was trying to take it over. Also, that's the only time he attempted that. You made it sound as if he tried to do it before by saying "last attempt".

-I guess it may make sense for her to want to conquer other realms, but she still has to deal with Shao Kahn and Onaga, otherwise, either one of them, especially Onaga, could and would crush her.

Anyway, yeah, Mileena's pretty high up in the tier uh...high mid-tier if I'm not mistaken, mostly due to her Mian Chuan style, but her strengths also like in D + 4 in Ying Yeung and her throw.
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11/23/2005 03:53 AM (UTC)
Keith Wrote:
I hate the way Mileena was so weak in MKD, I want her stronger, she should be high-tier.

mileena is the 8th best fighter in MKD. and w/ your fighting list your taking away her best stance. mian is the reason why she is the 8th best fighter. if your not sure how to use her go look at my guide in the MKDECEP forum. sai is her worst stance, sadly sad fuckin boon furious

anyway i like the pictures, and the story. im sick of reading stories of how kitana kills mileena or vice vers. its so old and dumb, does nothing for either character. i like how you didnt do that.
About Me
Project MKK: Coming soon...

Currently working on: MKD & MKA - The One Ring Theory
11/23/2005 08:46 AM (UTC)
Keith Wrote:
tgrant Wrote:
Keith Wrote:
I hate the way Mileena was so weak in MKD, I want her stronger, she should be high-tier.

Strength doesn't mean high tier. Jade is far stronger than Mileena in MKD, but Mileena is far better to use than her. Just because Mileena isn't that powerful, it doesn't mean she sucks in any way. If you ever watch vids of the experts playing as her, you'll see how formidable she is.

Now to the bio. It rules! It shows Mileena evil, vicious side perfectly. Excellent job with that. I have two problems with it however. Firstly, Kitanas soul is not pure. If it were, she would not have been able to enter the Netherealm with Mileena. Kitana was once evil as we know. If she had not been, Mileena wouldn't have been able to bring her there. the other thing is the transformation. Why is that happening to her? Nightwolf and Shujinko are good guys who have both gone to the Netherealm but neither has had such a thing happen to them.

The transformation is what happens when pure souls are dragged kicking and screaming into hell. I wasn't happy with how simple it was for good people to go wandering around the Netherealm in MKD and MKSM

That should not be changed. You cannot tamper with what is already canon. Kitana should not have suffered anything unless it was a mentality problem maybe. See Ashrah's ending for that.
11/23/2005 11:20 AM (UTC)
I liked the story and the pictures are very good
But I think Mileena must die at the hands of Baraka
11/23/2005 06:33 PM (UTC)
I meant by weak as in her hits, She's a great character to use but the highest she can get is 45% and its not easy to do that. her hits don't do that much damage and I would have preferred her to be like she was in MKII. But yeah, Mileena is still my best charcter to use. grin

Anyway thanks for the comments.

(This isn't really a bio I want for MK7 its more of a what if kind of thing, thats why I got rid of aspects I disliked in previous games.)
11/23/2005 06:54 PM (UTC)
Keith Wrote:
I meant by weak as in her hits, She's a great character to use but the highest she can get is 45% and its not easy to do that. her hits don't do that much damage and I would have preferred her to be like she was in MKII. But yeah, Mileena is still my best charcter to use. grin

Anyway thanks for the comments.

(This isn't really a bio I want for MK7 its more of a what if kind of thing, thats why I got rid of aspects I disliked in previous games.)

She's already broken enough as it is. Why would you want her to be more broken? confused So what if she does up to something like 45% damage? Not all characters should be capable of high damage. If she was both super fast and super strong and super safe, she'd be so damn broken, it wouldn't be funny at all.
11/23/2005 07:18 PM (UTC)
Keith Wrote:
As I left the Netherealm, taking Kitana's blue veil as my trophy I encountered Shinnok. Stripped of his powers since his last attempt to destroy Edenia. A worthless piece of shit. Well, not entirely. His powers may be gone but his knowledge of the realms exceeds anyone able to traverse them. I offered him a deal to help me to do what so many infedels have failed to do. Conquer the realms. And why have the failed? No plan. No true desire. They lust for power they already have. They have nothing to prove. They have no suffering like I do! I will prove I am superior. And those who oppose me will perish

What kind of deal offered Mileena to Shinnok and why would he accept it?!?
I am just curioussmile
About Me
Project MKK: Coming soon...

Currently working on: MKD & MKA - The One Ring Theory
11/23/2005 10:34 PM (UTC)
Keith Wrote:
I meant by weak as in her hits, She's a great character to use but the highest she can get is 45% and its not easy to do that. her hits don't do that much damage and I would have preferred her to be like she was in MKII. But yeah, Mileena is still my best charcter to use. grin

Other characters only get higher because of broken stuff which allows them to do so. It's not her fault she's less damaging. It's the MK Teams fault for making such a trashy game. All that ignored, if it were properly done, her damage is scaled down because of her high speed. Balance is crucial.
11/24/2005 12:53 AM (UTC)
For all the comments about Kitanas soul, maybe she got “purified”. It IS possible, since Nightwolf and Ashrah did it, why cant she had done it? She has been battling since the end of Mk2 for the good of her family, people, realm, and the outerworlds as well.

She could had purified from her sins a long time ago.

Sometimes its not good to read too deep in the lines because everything is possible, specially since MK endings, bios and stories are never 100% accurate.

So Keiths story can be cannon.

$UB-Z?R0 Wrote:

What kind of deal offered Mileena to Shinnok and why would he accept it?!?
I am just curioussmile

LMAO!!! That is something seriously disgusting to think about. :-/
11/24/2005 05:51 AM (UTC)
queve Wrote:
For all the comments about Kitanas soul, maybe she got �purified�. It IS possible, since Nightwolf and Ashrah did it, why cant she had done it? She has been battling since the end of Mk2 for the good of her family, people, realm, and the outerworlds as well.

She could had purified from her sins a long time ago.

Sometimes its not good to read too deep in the lines because everything is possible, specially since MK endings, bios and stories are never 100% accurate.

So Keiths story can be cannon.

$UB-Z?R0 Wrote:

What kind of deal offered Mileena to Shinnok and why would he accept it?!?
I am just curioussmile

LMAO!!! That is something seriously disgusting to think about. :-/

Yeah, but that takes something that is so highly established for her whole character and fucks it up. I seriously doubt she had purified from her sins. When did Nightwolf do it? If you mean in his ending, I doubt that will happen. Even so, he has magical powers. Kitana doesn't. As for Ashrah, she has the Kriss to slay demons and to further purify herself. With Kitana, she is trying to make up for all of the bad things she has done in the past, but her soul is still tainted with evil nonetheless.

I mean, look at Noob-Smoke's ending. Sub-Zero was able to be in the Netherrealm despite being a strong ally to the forces of good. Keith's story for Mileena can't actually be canon, because there are some errors such as Baraka telling Mileena to meet him at the Beetle Lair when it's actually supposed to be the other way around.

I mean, things can change, but that doesn't make the story less than 100% accurate although I'm totally discarding MKSM's story for it even contradicts things within itself as well as other things.
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11/24/2005 06:52 AM (UTC)
Keith Wrote:
I meant by weak as in her hits, She's a great character to use but the highest she can get is 45% and its not easy to do that. her hits don't do that much damage and I would have preferred her to be like she was in MKII. But yeah, Mileena is still my best charcter to use. grin

Anyway thanks for the comments.

(This isn't really a bio I want for MK7 its more of a what if kind of thing, thats why I got rid of aspects I disliked in previous games.)
you still dont understand. she doesnt need to deal out heavy damage. shes that GOOD w/ out it. look at jade, she deals out heavy damage w/ out blinking, but shes a weak character overall. jade is unsafe and slow. on the other hand mileena deals small damage, but she has the speed and safeness to make up for it. mix in two 4,1's w/ out it being a 4 hit combo, you got urself 40% damage w/ out doing any work. her 50/50 in 2nd stance is too great in this game. which is why she is the top female in mkD and how she can compete w/ the big boys (bo rai, NS, dairou etc..)

but they do need to work on her moves tho. in high level play her moves are pointless to use. they should have made her sai fireball like it was in mk2. comes out fast and easy to do.
11/24/2005 12:41 PM (UTC)
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
queve Wrote:
For all the comments about Kitanas soul, maybe she got �purified�. It IS possible, since Nightwolf and Ashrah did it, why cant she had done it? She has been battling since the end of Mk2 for the good of her family, people, realm, and the outerworlds as well.

She could had purified from her sins a long time ago.

Sometimes its not good to read too deep in the lines because everything is possible, specially since MK endings, bios and stories are never 100% accurate.

So Keiths story can be cannon.

$UB-Z?R0 Wrote:

What kind of deal offered Mileena to Shinnok and why would he accept it?!?
I am just curioussmile

LMAO!!! That is something seriously disgusting to think about. :-/

Yeah, but that takes something that is so highly established for her whole character and fucks it up. I seriously doubt she had purified from her sins. When did Nightwolf do it? If you mean in his ending, I doubt that will happen. Even so, he has magical powers. Kitana doesn't. As for Ashrah, she has the Kriss to slay demons and to further purify herself. With Kitana, she is trying to make up for all of the bad things she has done in the past, but her soul is still tainted with evil nonetheless.

I mean, look at Noob-Smoke's ending. Sub-Zero was able to be in the Netherrealm despite being a strong ally to the forces of good. Keith's story for Mileena can't actually be canon, because there are some errors such as Baraka telling Mileena to meet him at the Beetle Lair when it's actually supposed to be the other way around.

I mean, things can change, but that doesn't make the story less than 100% accurate although I'm totally discarding MKSM's story for it even contradicts things within itself as well as other things.

You are correct about the other errors but I was only referring to the netherrealm-soul part. Even though Kitana has no magical powers to purify her sins, I doubt thats the only way to achieve it. A lot can be done through meditation or even help from others, besides, she comes from a woman who can fly, scream very load, shoot fire balls from her mouth, and kill with her hair, there must be something in Kitana! Not to mention the possibility that Sindel knows these arts and could help her purify her soul.

Edenia is after all a magical place, maybe they are advanced in medicine and magical healings like the ones in our world (China, India, Africa, etc).

And it ruins nothing about her character at all. She can had purified her soul but still feel guilty for all the crimes she committed. Being purified is similar to be forgiven, but its not the same thing for one to forgive himself/herself. Her story would remain intact.

Nightwolfs bio/ending being cannon or not isnt really important, whats important is that it let us know that there is a possibility of purification.

And yes, I agree MKSM should never be cannon. The story of that game know my opinion already. wink
11/24/2005 07:42 PM (UTC)
Eh, I guess...But either way, I wouldn't want Kitana's story to go in that sort of direction.
11/24/2005 08:02 PM (UTC)
danadbab Wrote:
Keith Wrote:
I meant by weak as in her hits, She's a great character to use but the highest she can get is 45% and its not easy to do that. her hits don't do that much damage and I would have preferred her to be like she was in MKII. But yeah, Mileena is still my best charcter to use. grin

Anyway thanks for the comments.

(This isn't really a bio I want for MK7 its more of a what if kind of thing, thats why I got rid of aspects I disliked in previous games.)
you still dont understand. she doesnt need to deal out heavy damage. shes that GOOD w/ out it. look at jade, she deals out heavy damage w/ out blinking, but shes a weak character overall. jade is unsafe and slow. on the other hand mileena deals small damage, but she has the speed and safeness to make up for it. mix in two 4,1's w/ out it being a 4 hit combo, you got urself 40% damage w/ out doing any work. her 50/50 in 2nd stance is too great in this game. which is why she is the top female in mkD and how she can compete w/ the big boys (bo rai, NS, dairou etc..)

but they do need to work on her moves tho. in high level play her moves are pointless to use. they should have made her sai fireball like it was in mk2. comes out fast and easy to do.

I still find Sindel to be the best fighter. However much I was I could say Mileena. I suppose it just depends on the player. (besides I took Mian Chuan away from Mileena because I wanted to give that to Sonya (check my Sonya Bio.) Ying Yeung I felt suits Mileena's style better than to remove it. it's not about getting rid of Mian which is her best style but because I really didn't want to get rid of Ying Yeung and Sai.
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11/25/2005 08:01 AM (UTC)
Keith Wrote:
danadbab Wrote:
Keith Wrote:
I meant by weak as in her hits, She's a great character to use but the highest she can get is 45% and its not easy to do that. her hits don't do that much damage and I would have preferred her to be like she was in MKII. But yeah, Mileena is still my best charcter to use. grin

Anyway thanks for the comments.

(This isn't really a bio I want for MK7 its more of a what if kind of thing, thats why I got rid of aspects I disliked in previous games.)
you still dont understand. she doesnt need to deal out heavy damage. shes that GOOD w/ out it. look at jade, she deals out heavy damage w/ out blinking, but shes a weak character overall. jade is unsafe and slow. on the other hand mileena deals small damage, but she has the speed and safeness to make up for it. mix in two 4,1's w/ out it being a 4 hit combo, you got urself 40% damage w/ out doing any work. her 50/50 in 2nd stance is too great in this game. which is why she is the top female in mkD and how she can compete w/ the big boys (bo rai, NS, dairou etc..)

but they do need to work on her moves tho. in high level play her moves are pointless to use. they should have made her sai fireball like it was in mk2. comes out fast and easy to do.

I still find Sindel to be the best fighter. However much I was I could say Mileena. I suppose it just depends on the player. (besides I took Mian Chuan away from Mileena because I wanted to give that to Sonya (check my Sonya Bio.) Ying Yeung I felt suits Mileena's style better than to remove it. it's not about getting rid of Mian which is her best style but because I really didn't want to get rid of Ying Yeung and Sai.
well we agree there, sindel is the best fighter grin FU JOW PAI is my favorite stance to use in MKD and her best stance mainly because of back+2 grin grin.

oh but wait the game is full of glitches and crazy safe attacks. sadly sindel is one of the few fighters they made right. wow meaning she doesnt have any glithces (besides free throws, but then her throw sucks, she can be hit before she even recovers from a throw wow YES the mk team fucked her throw so much, that after she does one, her foe recovers before she does :-X and can attack her before she can even block wow) her top mid hit pushes her foe half away across the screen, making it a balenced safe attack.. :-\

mian does not suit sonya well. if they do bring back the 3 stance system, sonya should have the ones she had in MKDA. kitana should get the mian. kitana should have eagle claw, mian and fan. in fact i think mileena should also have mian. kitana and mileena should share one style. IMO

sai should actually deal out damage in mk7. another goof the mk team made w/ mileena. her sais deal less damage then mian, but then when she gets hit she losses more power then in mian/ying. the whole when your in weapon you lose more power thing. fucking stupid furious
11/26/2005 02:33 AM (UTC)
Well, I personally think Kitana and Mileena should both use Cha Chuan but not the same style of Cha Chuan. Kitana should use the Yang style which is upright and graceful while Mileena should use the Zhang style which is fast, agile, and compact. Yes, you don't need to say it. I'm a fucking psycho. tongue

*takes deep breath* Anyhoo....when it comes to Sonya, I think TKD suits her perfectly. Kenpo Karate and TKD are very similar to their roots and such...and uh...since Kira apparently learned Kenpo during her time in Asia, I think she should use it, but the stance in MKDA/MKD was all wrong. I'm thinking she should use the cat stance.
11/26/2005 05:09 AM (UTC)
mileena has only benn in gold and mkTRILOGY and de and shaolin monks so give her a chance to come back
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