Mika,Vorpax,Kiri and Omegis Have potential!!!!
posted01/01/2006 01:02 AM (UTC)by
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08/08/2005 04:00 AM (UTC)
Yes, i know we shouldn't mix the MKC characters and stories with the games, but Mika(Jamie Pressily),Vorpax(Tracy Douglass),Kiri(Sung Hi Lee) and Omegis(Angelica Bridges) have so much potential. I don't feel like going in to detail of what their stories and history will be but they all have great potential.
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12/31/2005 01:59 AM (UTC)
It's wonderful how much potential you have when your dead....
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

12/31/2005 02:28 AM (UTC)
Umm they can bring them back. And unlike you, i've seen all 22 episodes of MKC, so i don't need a smart mouth little brat telling me about MK. I know every thing. So you can leave my thread if you are going to be a jerk, because i can be a jerk to.wink
12/31/2005 03:47 AM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Umm they can bring them back. And unlike you, i've seen all 22 episodes of MKC, so i don't need a smart mouth little brat telling me about MK. I know every thing. So you can leave my thread if you are going to be a jerk, because i can be a jerk to.wink

What does seeing all of the MKC episodes have to do with your overall knowledge of MK? You've got some nerve talking to tgrant like that. You don't know everything so stop with the whole "Mr. Know It All" act.

Anyway, I don't think it's necessary to have any of the MKC characters in an MK game. They wouldn't fit into the storyline anyway except for possibly MIka.
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12/31/2005 04:25 AM (UTC)
Uh... you forgot Zebron. grin
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12/31/2005 06:11 AM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
i don't need a smart mouth little brat telling me about MK. I know every thing.

More often than not, brats are younger than those who're calling them that name; Ty's got four years on you, child. tongue
12/31/2005 02:58 PM (UTC)
Doesn't matter how many episodes of MKC anyone's seen, like it or not, MKC is not part of the MK timeline. The series is it's own thing, using Midway's MK licsence, but created and written by people putside Midway. So since the characters listed don'tactually exist in MK, you've got more chance of seeing Mokap as the final boss than any of them even being mentioned in MK7, or any future games.
12/31/2005 04:55 PM (UTC)
Of those, I think only Vorpax (Tsungs servant right?) and Omegis were interesting (she is the witch right?).

But I think ONLY Omegis should be used, she would be a cool female in Mk, very interesting to see. I loved all the witch stuff she had, she seemed to be very powerful.

Vorpax, as much as I like her, is just another Tanya. We don’t really need her.
12/31/2005 06:51 PM (UTC)
Mick-Lucifer Wrote:
Uh... you forgot Zebron. grin

He's right NEVER forget Zebron.
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Dedicated, hopeless...Li Mei fan.

12/31/2005 06:52 PM (UTC)
Yeah, they do have potential... To be forgotten.
12/31/2005 07:43 PM (UTC)
Of them all, Omegia has the most potential. there are current existing character who have the story and or potential for Mika, Vorpax and Kiri.

Kiri is basically jsut a female Raptor. Khameleon already occupies this role.

Vorpax is a traitor, and someone who jsut wants power, betraying bad guy after bad guy. God we have enough trash with repetitive stories like that (Tanya, Kano). Though, since she was made Queen of her race and able to breed, she could pose a threat to earth. but really, IMO, and this isnt official, but Khameleon could take this role. A primitive female out to mate to restore her people.

Mika, she was one of Quan Chi's trio of assassins. Sareena, Kia, Jataaka and even Ashrah fill this spot. She is not needed in the slightest.

Omegis has ties with Shang Tsung, although obviously none of MKC is canon with the MK Games.
12/31/2005 09:18 PM (UTC)
I think its best if the two properties stay seperate. Enough people insinuate that plot angles from the movies and TV shows are canon already, without giving them more reasons to try. Fact of the matter is, its all done by Threshold, and they aren't Midway, thus they don't have any bearing on MK's canon whatsoever, unless Boon, Vogel and the rest let them. And considering how it sounds like they have the archetypes for those characters filled already, I don't think they need to start introducing personality clones as well as pallette swaps.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

12/31/2005 11:42 PM (UTC)
Threshould helped Midway create Frost.
12/31/2005 11:45 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Threshould helped Midway create Frost.

More incentive that they should never work together again. grin

Okay, so I was joking, I liked Frost, as much as one can like an underdeveloped character with no motive, background or future. Technically she is just a female version of Subby though, so not really much to create there. I'd like it if they brought her back and gave her a better story, preferably one which confimed her as Subby's sister, like Tobias originally intended.
01/01/2006 01:01 AM (UTC)
Weskerian Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Threshould helped Midway create Frost.

More incentive that they should never work together again. grin

Okay, so I was joking, I liked Frost, as much as one can like an underdeveloped character with no motive, background or future. Technically she is just a female version of Subby though, so not really much to create there. I'd like it if they brought her back and gave her a better story, preferably one which confimed her as Subby's sister, like Tobias originally intended.

Tobias had already left Midway by the time Frost was created, so I'm not sure what you're talking about there. I don't like the idea of Frost being Sub-Zero's sister. Technically, I guess you could say that she is like a female Sub-Zero. However, I disagree with you when you said she has no motive. Her goal is to become Grandmaster of the Lin Kuei thus why she took Sub-Zero's Dragon Medallion so she can obtain its great power. I would like to see her return and there should be more to her backstory.

To ProfesserAhnka: Really? Where's the proof, hmm?
01/01/2006 01:02 AM (UTC)
I thought Frost was interesting and well developed, leaving some trace of mystery for the next games.

She having ice powers doesn’t make her a clone of Sub-Zero, or a lame character, and she is far from being boring or underdeveloped. She is just like Kenshi, a character who was granted psychic powers, but looked nothing like the first who owned that ability (Ermac).

So why is she less accepted? The ONLY thing she had that Sub-Zero had was ice powers, her look, special moves, styles, story, ending and even fatality, were nothing like him, nothing at all. It might be that Sub-Zero is a fan favorite, and fans could not accept the fact that there is another character in the world of Mk with the ability to freeze (in the same game I mean).

Frost had a very intriguing and convincing storyline (and personality) that should be exploited in the next games. Starting from her arrival in MKDA when she met the heroes of Mk, when Sonya didn’t like her at all. She knew there was something wrong with the cocky arrogant ninja, so they got into a “fightâ€? or “argumentâ€?. We begin to think why Sonya didn’t trust her, Sonya always puts faith in her instincts, so she must had had a reason.

Then we learn that Frost was trained by Sub-Zero, she was the top of his students when forming the new Lin Kuei, and he was impressed to see that she shared the same abilities he did (we later learn in MKD that Sub-Zero belongs to an ancient family/group that had powers to freeze, when he discovers the frozen tombs). We learn that she is very ambitious and stubborn.

And we get hints that she might be planning something else when training with Sub-Zero. At the end, since his ending was cannon, we learn that she tricked him, she stole the dragon medallion with the hopes of becoming the Lin Kueis new leader, she wanted to get rid of Sub-Zero, but “diedâ€? when she froze herself, the powers of the medallion were too strong for her.

So whats the story behind Frost? Who is she? And is she really dead? The tomb where she was buried by Sub-Zero was revealed to belong to members of a family that shared ice powers, so could she be his SISTER? Sister or not, will she join the RED DRAGON in order to get rid of the new Lin Kuei and make it her own? Will she join the TEKUNIN for the same reasons?

And what is her relation with SAREENA? She was after all involved in the story with Sub-Zero. We are left in suspense, not knowing if she was really by Sub-Zeros side because of loyalty (or love?), or if she was actually planning to do to him what Frost did.

IF Frost is Sub-Zeros SISTER, what will he do when he discovers she is trying to overthrow him, how will he react towards this news? Will he have the heart to get rid of her? Will he give her other chance at the risk of loosing everything?

At first the idea of Frost being Sub-Zeros sister sounded corny, but I think it has a lot of potential that could lead to many interesting twists. He is, after all, soft in the heart, not really a cold assassin…that could either be his doom or his gift to victory.

My point is, that Frost has a very strong personality, a solid storyline that leads to many paths. She also has huge potential, she could be involved with so many other characters (from Sonya, to Sareena, to other enemy clans), and has the power to involve Sub-Zero with others as well. Disliking or hating Frost because she shares ice powers is ridiculous, if that was the case and she had to be thrown out of the window, then a bunch of other characters like Kenshi should be thrown with her as well…and those characters have potential (even though some should definitely be remade)

Weskerian Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Threshould helped Midway create Frost.

More incentive that they should never work together again. grin

Okay, so I was joking, I liked Frost, as much as one can like an underdeveloped character with no motive, background or future. Technically she is just a female version of Subby though, so not really much to create there. I'd like it if they brought her back and gave her a better story, preferably one which confimed her as Subby's sister, like Tobias originally intended.

Frost is one of those characters who, at first, you know very little about (background), but are intended to return with some shocking twist or some unexpected truth. Im sure the team has thought about her, and they never intended to kill her. Im sure she is pretty much alive doing something with that ice tomb or planning Subbys downfall.

So Frost is far from being underdeveloped, while we know nothing of her past, we have a very clear vision of her present and future, not to mention that she had/has a lot of motivation.

She being Sub-Zeros sister is the BEST thing that could happen to both characters, if you read my post above you will see what Im talking about. So in that, I agree with you.
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