Message to Warner Bros. about the HD Kollection
posted12/19/2010 08:24 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
10/17/2010 06:02 PM (UTC)
So I'm not sure whether or not you actually read from fan sites, but just in case you do, here is some advice:

If this game exists: Most of the people who would want to buy the HD Kollection already know that it exists, in some way. There are many different release dates floating around the internet, which we are all trying to figure out which one is correct, and which ones are BS. You gain ABSOLUTELY NOTHING by keeping quiet about the game. Anyone who is not a fan, but would buy, wouldn't even know about it until they are in a store when it is available, and again, the hardcore fans already know that it exists, so what's up with the silent treatment? We are not unreasonable, if its release has been pushed, everyone is still going to buy it, so I don't really see the point in this.

All that the silent treatment is doing is making me google and check the Mortal Kombat websites each day for an update, which is pretty darn annoying. I/we would just like an official announcement from the game's publisher on its existence and possible release date, that's it.

Now, if the game isn't real, or has been permanently delayed or scrapped, I think that you should let the fans know, so that we can just move on and focus on Mortal Kombat 2011. You have nothing to gain from us thinking that a game is coming out, and then constantly looking for updates from other sources because the publisher will not say anything. It's just annoying, nothing else. No one is going to hate the company and boycott any games in either case, but an official announcement would be nice, so that your fanbase (you know the people who give you money) know at least whether or not a project is real. It's not your obligation to inform the public about every little thing that you do, but information was some how leaked, and now you have possibly incorrect information floating around, so I think you should set the record straight in this case.

Final thoughts/wrap up: I think that no matter what happens (announcement or not), people who are going to buy the HD Kollection and or Mortal Kombat 2011 are going to make their purchases regardless. So this isn't life or death, money or no money, everything or nothing; it's simply annoying. It's unfortunate that this leak has caused the fans to want an answer, but that is the situation. Please handle accordingly and manage the situation instead of doing nothing at all.
11/16/2010 07:50 PM (UTC)
Funny. I sent them an angry e-mail similiar to this. They responded by saying that I should look at the game manual or call some b.s. number if I'm having troubleshooting problems.
11/16/2010 09:32 PM (UTC)
"You have nothing to gain from us thinking that a game is coming out, and then constantly looking for updates"

That statement is kinda contradicting. They've got people googling like crazy. And there is an awful lot of hype now regarding a game they haven't said a single word about. Sure it pisses you off... but it's brilliant.

11/16/2010 09:59 PM (UTC)
. They've got people googling like crazy. And there is an awful lot of hype now regarding a game they haven't said a single word about. Sure it pisses you off... but it's brilliant.

I agree...
I think it's the best way to stir the hype for a product.
Sure is annoying for us... but in the end, the sells will prove they were right.
11/16/2010 10:30 PM (UTC)
Could you give us the contact information you send the e-mail too? I think it is about time for us fans to stick together and start mailing them like crazy, of course to the same adress.

Hopefully they will realise how many people want an official statement on this game, whether its positive or negative.
11/16/2010 11:14 PM (UTC)
shankdaddy Wrote:
"You have nothing to gain from us thinking that a game is coming out, and then constantly looking for updates"

That statement is kinda contradicting. They've got people googling like crazy. And there is an awful lot of hype now regarding a game they haven't said a single word about. Sure it pisses you off... but it's brilliant.

I know why that might seem like a good form of marketing, but the people who are googling like crazy are the same people who would have purchased the game anyway, so they're not really creating additional "hype", they are just hyping up the fans that were most likely going to buy it even if they formally announced it.

WB handling of this game doesn't really make any sense at all; if they wanted to reach more people than just the MK Fans that already know about the game, they would need to advertise, not keep quite. Someone who is not a huge fan of Mortal Kombat would probably mix up the HD arcade kollection and the new game that is coming out next year, so I do not think viral marketing is really effective in this case.
11/16/2010 11:15 PM (UTC)
It really is a shame it's all gone down like this, but I don't believe the sky is falling.... just yet. At some point (hopefully soon), I expect there to be some answers. WB has failed on numerous occasions since purchasing the MK brand. This could be very, very bad. I think they'll come to there senses and make this right. Even if it's a full blown "the game is cancelled", I don't think they'll just leave us in the dark. At least I hope not. The coming weeks should be quite interesting.
11/17/2010 02:52 AM (UTC)
ruben-fcu Wrote:
Could you give us the contact information you send the e-mail too? I think it is about time for us fans to stick together and start mailing them like crazy, of course to the same adress.

Hopefully they will realise how many people want an official statement on this game, whether its positive or negative.

The e-mail:

They also gave me:

The phone number:410-568-3680

They may ignore you and send you something unrelated. A few hours later they sent me a spam message advertising Cats and Dogs 2.


Always kicking me when I'm down.
11/17/2010 10:04 PM (UTC)
I called the Warner Bros. phone number that provided in the other post. I spoke with a Midway Technical Support guy. He told me that MK:HDAK was a Midway project and now that Midway is closed; he is not sure what would become of such a project. It's my assumption that Warner Bros. doesn't even know if this project even exists anymore.
11/17/2010 10:58 PM (UTC)
Da_Bidness Wrote:
I called the Warner Bros. phone number that provided in the other post. I spoke with a Midway Technical Support guy. He told me that MK:HDAK was a Midway project and now that Midway is closed; he is not sure what would become of such a project. It's my assumption that Warner Bros. doesn't even know if this project even exists anymore.

How do they not know? They need to get up off their asses and find out and release the damn thing.
You guys need to calm down about this seriously. IF they havent released any information about it yet or anything at all its probably because they arent going to release it until 2011 or release it along side the new Mortal Kombat, Just becuase random vendors put up a release date which wasnt true which they do all the time doesnt mean Warner Brothers is at fault here
11/28/2010 11:47 AM (UTC)
Umm.according to IGN's website MK:HD Kollection will not be released until 2011 and the date is TBA (to be announced).
11/29/2010 04:03 AM (UTC)
TheManWithTheGoldenGun Wrote:
You guys need to calm down about this seriously. IF they havent released any information about it yet or anything at all its probably because they arent going to release it until 2011 or release it along side the new Mortal Kombat, Just becuase random vendors put up a release date which wasnt true which they do all the time doesnt mean Warner Brothers is at fault here

So, the reason they haven't released any information about this game is because it is probably going to be released in 2011 or along side the new Mortal Kombat? Do you mean the new Mortal Kombat that is going to be released in 2011 that has a TON of information available? Also, no where in the post does it indicate that Warner Bros. is at fault for anything other than being annoying. It could be such a simple solution: a statement from Warner Bros. indicating whether the project is real and an estimated release date. Seriously, how long would that take them to put together? Five minutes max?

Do they have to do it? Absolutely not; should they do it? It would be nice; so, why not? I'm not really sure--maybe because they like the supposed hype that it generates, but as stated in the post, this hype is only hyping the people who were already going to buy the game. Anyone else will need to be advertised to because they are not on Mortal Kombat forums looking up a game that hasn't been formally announced by its publisher.

So basically the approach, or lack of one, is: annoying to the fans, and if the game is real, not helping Warner Bros. to sell more copies. Warner Bros. staying quiet does not help anyone, including themselves.

Case closed.
TheDarkPassenger Wrote:
TheManWithTheGoldenGun Wrote:
You guys need to calm down about this seriously. IF they havent released any information about it yet or anything at all its probably because they arent going to release it until 2011 or release it along side the new Mortal Kombat, Just becuase random vendors put up a release date which wasnt true which they do all the time doesnt mean Warner Brothers is at fault here

So, the reason they haven't released any information about this game is because it is probably going to be released in 2011 or along side the new Mortal Kombat? Do you mean the new Mortal Kombat that is going to be released in 2011 that has a TON of information available? Also, no where in the post does it indicate that Warner Bros. is at fault for anything other than being annoying. It could be such a simple solution: a statement from Warner Bros. indicating whether the project is real and an estimated release date. Seriously, how long would that take them to put together? Five minutes max?

Do they have to do it? Absolutely not; should they do it? It would be nice; so, why not? I'm not really sure--maybe because they like the supposed hype that it generates, but as stated in the post, this hype is only hyping the people who were already going to buy the game. Anyone else will need to be advertised to because they are not on Mortal Kombat forums looking up a game that hasn't been formally announced by its publisher.

So basically the approach, or lack of one, is: annoying to the fans, and if the game is real, not helping Warner Bros. to sell more copies. Warner Bros. staying quiet does not help anyone, including themselves.

Case closed.

And thats where you are wrong. They could announce it the day before it came out and you would all still buy it.
12/01/2010 06:31 AM (UTC)
TheManWithTheGoldenGun Wrote:

And thats where you are wrong. They could announce it the day before it came out and you would all still buy it.

I said, more than once, in the original post that the hardcore fans will buy the game no matter what happens. Below are quotes from the original post:

“We are not unreasonable, if its release has been pushed, everyone is still going to buy it, so I don't really see the point in this.”

“Final thoughts/wrap up: I think that no matter what happens (announcement or not), people who are going to buy the HD Kollection and or Mortal Kombat 2011 are going to make their purchases regardless.”

So, I think we agree here.

12/19/2010 12:29 PM (UTC)
I saw this game on the releaselist from the Dutch distributor (Macromedia). The release date is set for June 30 2011.
I think it's kind of sloppy that WB never said anything about delaying the game's release, but at least it seems it's still getting released.
12/19/2010 07:59 PM (UTC)
The Buzz Is Growing..!
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12/19/2010 08:24 PM (UTC)
I agree that warners handling of this title is sloppy and annoying. I actually forgot about this HD collection for a while because of all of the news regarding MK (2011) coming in
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