posted01/25/2015 04:31 AM (UTC)by
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11/16/2003 04:02 PM (UTC)
Hey guys. It just hit me that the last MK was released almost 4 years ago. And that whole time period is very vivid to me. I was 19 when that game was released, and I'm 22 now as I will be when MKX releases. I still have the demo beta on my PS3 for MK9. Time never really seemed much to me. Even an amount as great as 10 years doesn't seem that big of a deal. But 4 years is 4 years, and I've thoroughly enjoyed/am I enjoying MK9. I just want to say, that all this MKX stuff is making me really nostalgic for MK9 even though it's still a current game. And I'm really looking forward to sharing the MKX experience with you all and making new memories. See ya homies ^5

01/23/2015 02:58 PM (UTC)
fist bump for the feels dude.
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I will rock you.

01/23/2015 03:02 PM (UTC)
I have had a lot of good memories too playing Mortal
01/23/2015 03:20 PM (UTC)
Definitely dude, can't believe how fast time flies. Hopefully you'll make another memories thread for MK11. :D
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01/23/2015 03:23 PM (UTC)
I was 20 when MK:DA came out. Sweet old times..
01/23/2015 03:27 PM (UTC)
Shouldn't you be 23
01/23/2015 03:39 PM (UTC)
subzert Wrote:
Shouldn't you be 23

Almost 4 years. Not quite, and it depends on when his birthday was. I was 14 when MK9 came out, and i'm 17 now.
01/23/2015 04:09 PM (UTC)
@redman you are just 17! Gosh i feel old :(
01/23/2015 04:29 PM (UTC)
I cant remember what grade I was in when MK9 came out, I was definitely in high school though, I was either a junior or a senior lol

01/23/2015 04:49 PM (UTC)
subzert Wrote:
@redman you are just 17! Gosh i feel old :(

yep lol
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Props to MINION for making this sig.

01/23/2015 05:11 PM (UTC)
MK-DA Wrote:
I was 20 when MK:DA came out. Sweet old times..

Yup, the good old days of grin

I remember when all we had on "MK5" was that render of Jax and Scorpion fighting...this one:

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Props to MINION for making this sig.

01/23/2015 05:25 PM (UTC)
I was a freshman in High School when MKDA came out and a junior/senior(I graduated HS in 3 years instead of 4) when Deception came out. I can't freaking believe both of those games are 10+ years old now or that even MK3 and the Mortal Kombat movie are both gonna be 20 years old this year.

I've been playing Mortal Kombat for over 20 years now. Started when I was 6 years old when my older brother and his friends let me play MKII on Genesis. Completely fell in love with the game. So many fond memories from that time of playing both MK1 and MKII on the Genesis(got my own system for Christmas in '94) and the HYPE for the Mortal Kombat movie in 1995. I will never be as hyped for a movie and going to see it will never be as magical as going to see both Mortal Kombat and Batman Forever was in 1995.
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01/23/2015 08:26 PM (UTC)
Well I'm old lol. When MK9 came out I was 29 I am 33 now lol. And 10 years old when MK one came out good times. With a quarter I was damaged at an early age lol. I played it in arcades at that time. MK9 I may have not played everyday in the lady 4 years buy I am playing now for fun and I'm on q mk binge be ause of mkx coming lol.
01/23/2015 08:34 PM (UTC)
MK9 came out during the best time of my life.

I was 17, a senior in high school. I used to play it during the summer all the time. I had my first girlfriend around the same time and I remember trying to teach her how to play. It was great.
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01/24/2015 05:43 PM (UTC)
FerraTorr Wrote:
MK-DA Wrote:
I was 20 when MK:DA came out. Sweet old times..

Yup, the good old days of grin

I remember when all we had on "MK5" was that render of Jax and Scorpion fighting...this one:

I had that image as a wallpaper for almost a year. The anticipation whenever they announce a new mk game, brings out my inner child.

And here's how MKO used to look like for everyone who wasn't arround back then..

01/24/2015 06:19 PM (UTC)
You're too young. This forum needs a 35+ room.
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MK Khronology: 58.49% complete...
01/24/2015 06:34 PM (UTC)
The video store with an MKII arcade machine in the back I first beheld and learned MK on is a hair salon now.

The arcade next to a movie theater (where I saw both films) where I played MK3 closed its doors last year after limping along with air hockey tables for years. In the same shopping mall, now rebuilt into a strip mall, was another arcade that got UMK3 - a dollar store now sits where that space once occupied. And a third arcade building 15 minutes down the boulevard where I played MK4 is a crappy diner now.

Those are the memories I cherish. Christ, I'm old.

My memory of MK9's release day was coming 2nd place in a tournament the previous night (winning the Kollector's edition), picking up the tournament edition with the stick the next morning as soon as the store opened, and walking carefully with it down a hill covered in ice to my workplace, where I arrived late, lol
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This beautiful sig was made by MINION.

01/24/2015 07:16 PM (UTC)
I know how you guys feel, I have had the overwhelming urge to play some Mk ever since the comic came out last week and the reveals and tweets started flying in on the same day.

I'm probably gonna play some Armageddon or Mk9 after college homework, maybe some Shaolin Monks. Fuck yeah!

I had fell off of Mk for a little while, but when Mk9 was released I was mesmerized by how, grown up everyone looked graphic wise. And the way they did the story mode was so cool. I was broke and did not have a PS3, but I think they aired Johnny's first chapter on TV and I was hooked. I went online and watched the rest of the story mode and gameplay, I couldn't stop watching.

I couldn't afford and new gen console, so to satisfied my cravings I went out and got all of the old ones. (My brother own the first ones I played so I had to buy them again when he moved out.) I played so much DA and Armageddon!

It wasn't until like a year later that I was able to play Mk9 at A-kon anime convention. First thing in the morning I ran to the game room and was ecstatic when they said they had MK9. I was able to play on my own for hours until everyone else woke up and the gameroom got crowded but the other gamers were friendly and were good sports about how bad I sucked. Lol

Good times good times. grin
01/24/2015 07:23 PM (UTC)
Yeah MK is incredibly nostalgic for me, it was the first video game I ever played, I was probably 3 or something when I was first introduced to the series lol my parents would let me mess around with it and by the time I was 4 or 5 I was obsessed and have been ever since.
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Dedicated, hopeless...Li Mei fan.

01/24/2015 07:30 PM (UTC)
Yup as someone that is over the age of 30 I've been messing around with MK for a while. It was fun during the adolescent part of my life but when I became a teenager I started to really get into Capcom and SNK fighters which I felt were just so much better than MK so I lost interest. That changed though with the first screenshots I saw of Deadly Alliance where I felt that MK was finally evolving. I joined this site almost immediately after seeing the first screenshot that had Li Mei and I've been lurking about ever since (there's a reason my view total is so high hahaha).
01/24/2015 07:36 PM (UTC)
I can officially say that I have playing MK for 20 years now. This series has been apart of my life for so long, I know I will still continue playing unroll I can't play video games anymore.

01/24/2015 09:49 PM (UTC)
It has been 20 years for me as well. Discovered MK2 on Genesis at 6 years old and here I am 20 years later eagerly anticipating MKX at nearly 27. It feels very lucky to have this franchise especially still around and still extremely popular.
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Props to MINION for making this sig.

01/24/2015 10:04 PM (UTC)
JaymzHetfield Wrote:
It has been 20 years for me as well. Discovered MK2 on Genesis at 6 years old and here I am 20 years later eagerly anticipating MKX at nearly 27. It feels very lucky to have this franchise especially still around and still extremely popular.

Our stories are pretty much the same. Started out on MKII on the Genesis at 6 years old and I just turned 27 a couple of weeks ago.

Let me ask you, were you as absolutely BEYOND hyped for the Mortal Kombat movie back in 1995 as I was? Going to see that flick was like pure magic for the 7 year old me.
01/24/2015 10:22 PM (UTC)
FerraTorr Wrote:
JaymzHetfield Wrote:
It has been 20 years for me as well. Discovered MK2 on Genesis at 6 years old and here I am 20 years later eagerly anticipating MKX at nearly 27. It feels very lucky to have this franchise especially still around and still extremely popular.

Our stories are pretty much the same. Started out on MKII on the Genesis at 6 years old and I just turned 27 a couple of weeks ago.

Let me ask you, were you as absolutely BEYOND hyped for the Mortal Kombat movie back in 1995 as I was? Going to see that flick was like pure magic for the 7 year old me.

I actually was not aware at all that there was a movie until it had just come out on video. I remember walking with my dad and brother past a video rental store and seeing the standee advertising "Mortal Kombat: The Movie" in the window and it blew my little mind.

I convinced my dad to rent it and I loved it. I later rented MK3 from that very store enough that it would have just been smarter to buy it haha. I did see MK: Annihilation in theaters though, I was extremely excited...we all know how that went.
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Props to MINION
01/24/2015 10:27 PM (UTC)
Played MKI when it first came out in the early 90's when I was just a kid, good thing I have older brothers or would never be allowed to have such a gory game. loved the game and lore ever since, and played every version also was first on this site when it looked like what @MK-DA showed
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