Make up ur own character!!!!
posted10/20/2005 07:23 PM (UTC)by
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10/13/2005 02:55 AM (UTC)
I have three characters i want to submit. These are themwowconfused

Place of Origin: Earthrealm
Alignment: Neutral
Allies: Ermac, Scorpion, Garen
Foes: Sub-Zero, Shao Khan, Smoke
I am an enigma, a ninja of many talents, wielding a sword emblazoned with the image of the Earthrealm Kamidogu, lost in the battle with Onaga. Many believe I am a Child of the Elder Gods, but the truth is far more fantastic.
I am Scorpions son, thought lost by all when Scorpion and his family were slain seemingly by Sub-Zero. Resurrected by Quan Chi, also thought dead, I was sent to deal with Scorpion. But when I saw my long lost father, I froze. Turning on my heel and running, I set myself upon my father's path: Revenge against Quan Chi.

Appearance: Wearing his fathers old ninja garb, the hood and mask he removed, and his face can be seen. He is bald, but a flame burns eternally on his entire scalp, and his eyes glow red. He emblazoned a spider upon his chest in yellow, and has the power to throw webs around to hold his opponents in place.

Powers: As mentioned before, he can throw webs, also he can spit venom, much like Reptile. His sword has the ability to fly, but only for a short duration.

Fatality 1: He completely embalms his enemy with webs, and then bites him on the neck. Blood spurts, and the body shrinks. Arak steps back, wiping his mouth. The web flies off to reveal a disiccated corpse, he/she has been completely drained of blood.

Fatality 2: Arak draws his sword, and spins away some ten feet, before throwing his sword at the enemy. The sword lances him, takes his head off, then flies back to Arak, who raises the weapon high in triumph.

Place of Origin: Edenia
Alignment: Good
Allies: Sindel, Kitana, Jade, Liu Kang, Arak
Foes: Tanya, Reptile
I, a cousin of Kitana, was thought lost to the realms when I disappeared as a child. But in reality, I stumbled across an old temple, which I gather from the murals on the wall was a meeting place for the Elder Gods. I found a golden ring with a ruby set in it, a ruby so deep I felt as it I would become lost in its depths. The Ring was actually a template for the Kamidogu, and it contained powers of fire and telekinesis. I learned martial arts from a passing hermit, who served in the Edenian army. I have since returned to the world, vanquishing threats to Edenia with the Ring of the Gods.

Appearance: wearing a red tunic and black trousers, he wears his ring on the outside of his glove. His belt buckle is inscribed with an insignia proclaiming his noble birth, and his Trident glitters in gems. His eyes bright blue and his long black hair hanging free, he is a free spirit.

Powers: He is immune to and can control fire, and anything he moves by telekinesis is wreathed in a red glow. He can also levitate, and can cover his ring hand in fire, like Kobra's Burning Fist.

Fatality 1: Garen flings his opponent into the air, and covers his fist in flames. When the foe finally comes down, he uppercuts, causing the enemy to explode on contact.

Fatality 2: Garen punches his enemy three times, stunning him. He then backs off and begins to stroke his ring, causing it to glow. Finally when the glow is blinding, he extends his fist, and a red beam of energy issues from it, lancing his foe and incinerating him until bones are left before he falls.

Place of Origin: Netherrealm
Alignment: Evil
Allies: Shinnok, Moloch, Drahmin
Foes: Scorpion, Arak, Sub-Zero, Nightwolf
I am a Demoness, sworn to pain and to cause it. Shinnok has instructed me to find his amulet, since Quan Chi delivered him a facsimile. I met Scorpion, who said he could help me if I helped him find Quan Chi. I completed my end of the bargain, but he forgot me altogether, and chased after the sorcerer! WHAT TREACHERY!
I swore I would find him and make him pay, even if I had to traverse the realms. I finally found a way to do so, a strange sword called a Kriss...

Appearance: Arika is still a demon, but she is beginning to purify, due to the Kriss. Her demonic shape has disappeared, but her scaly skin remains, and she has had to find clothes. Her eyes are strange, one blessed white and the other unholy red. Her stark white hair has shades of black now, and she has torn at it at several places.

Powers: she utilises both the Kriss's holy power and what remains of her demonic abilities. She can throw lava and vomit blood at her opponents, but she can now issue blasts of light, her anger is making her transition from demon to human difficult.

Fatality 1: Arika dazzles her opponent with light, then proceeds to rip off an arm and take a bite out of it. He/she stumbles back and screams, and Arika then pounces on him/her and devours them whole. She walks away with a swollen belly, leaving a bare skeleton still twitching...

Fatality 2: Arika punches her foe to the ground, then raises her hands like Scorpion does when he does Hellfire. A geyser of flame spurts through their chest, and consumes them.
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Dork in the background yelling, "AAAAAGGGGHHHH, he comes for your burrito!!!"

10/13/2005 03:01 AM (UTC)
really shweet characters, but there's already a thread about this.
10/13/2005 09:19 PM (UTC)
Name: Gerrard
Earth realm
Allies: Liu kang, Jade, Cage, Sonya, jax(if they return)
Enemys: Goro, Scorpion, Shau Khan
Hes an assasin who lives alone waiting for his chace to exact his revenge on Shou Khaun. For what reason is still a mystery. He is a skilled wrestler.(yes i know i said wrestler but i want to see a cool wrestling character)

Apperance: he is a relativly muscular person with a long face and sharp eyes. His eyes are blue, hair is brown. He wears a Pair of black pants with a black belt that has a silver buckle. He hase taped up hands like a boxer and a snake tatooed on his back and around his arms.

Powers: he has minor control over the earh( he can move it and manipulate it to some degree) His battle axe can cause shock waves.

Fatality: He uses a back breaker on his opponent which shatters there spine and then he ripps there body in half.

2) he cuts his opponents chest open and breaks pulls there ribs apart.
10/17/2005 08:15 PM (UTC)
Name: Norman "Vicious" Cartegie
Origin: Earthrealm
Alliance: Neutral
Allies: Liu Kang, Johnny Cage, Kung Lao
Enemies: One Being

The name vicious comes with Norman Cartegie's fetish with killing. In Earthrealm's cities Vic as he likes to call himself is an insane serial killer who has great pleasure in killing mortals and men in combat. Unaware of the different realms, Cartegie was hunted down through all of Earthrealm by forces who saw him as a great danger and a scare to all people around him. Vic stumbled across Johnny Cage in Earthrealm and in a sick and twisted way wished to scar and mutilate the actor's face. Vic put up a great fight with Cage but was bested by the infamous and celluloid acting star. Cage could have turned Vic in but being aware of Vic's "Vicious" nature decided that he would be a great ally to have on his side or to have to distract the forces in Outworld.

Johnny Cage decided to unleash Cartegie in the wild instead of sending him the authorities in Earthrealm. Cartegie has a very twisted humor and likes to play with his victims before killing them. Favoring his very simple cutting blade Vic has been trained in the art of Kempo and Jujitsu, Vic was also an ex-marine but was kicked out due to insanity. Vic decided to listen to Johnny Cage and was unaware of what he would get himself into. Vic had met Liu Kang and Kung Lao along with many other warriors that had existed with very intense powers and great strength. Vic is very intrigued by the new world he finds himself in.

Vic understood the situation with the One Being, if all the realms were united that would mean that there would be no existance at all. Vic decided to aid the Earth warriors in preventing the realms to unite so that he may continue his own sadistic ways and protect what he values most "KILLING"
10/18/2005 04:10 AM (UTC)

Allies: Raiden, Jax, Frost, Kung Lao
Foes: Tanya, Shao Kahn, and the one who betrayed him

He is a Hunter by trade and survives by living off of nature. For money time to time he will help people in need for their services or money. But, one day thinking he was helping a man hunt down a murderer he found himself surrounded by an unknowing clan wanting to kill him. He barely survives thanks to the help of his pet which is a white sabor tooth tiger long lost thought to be incstinct and untamiable. He now wonders form realm to realm searching for the one who put an attempt on his life making friends and foes along the way.

Someone large in size and muscilar. When hunting he wher's a dark green with black outlining leather suite leting him move swiftly and hide in the shadows. When in Kombat he wheres and blood read suite made form plate armor and a metal helm aallowing him to to handle fierce blows. And although big he id still fast and has a bow made from the core of a tree only found in Living Forest and sword that has a orange and red flame surrounding it as if it was forged in hell.

Special Moves
He has a pet that he can command to attack but while he is controling the beast himself he is extremely vulnerable. He can send a flaming spirit from his sword at you(kinda like Liu Kangs fire ball) He can also shoot a very powerful arrow at you but he can only do this at certain distances far from you. He also has one last ability which stuns you when you are close enough.

Fatality 1
He summons his pet and sends it to prowl towards you as you yell in fear the cat pounces on you bringing you to the groun has it claws you on your chest and torso and face mean while you are still fighting and yelling trying to get the cat off you as you quickly start to bleed to death the cat jumps to your throat and in one bight takes your head off bringing it to his master and you then take the head and hold it in the air as your trophy.

Fatality 2
He starts to rapidly shoot arrows into the air shotting about 6. He then walks to you shoving you by the shoulder so you face the camera and then the first arrow hits in the shoulder bringing them to one knee then the back of the leg of the one thats kneeling then the other shoulder bringing the other knee down then the back of that leg then one lands right in front of him missing then he looks up as thanking god he isnt dead when the last arrow goes right through the front of his skull pinning him backwards to the ground with his body twitching.
not the worst character thread ever but if you call a character AKIRA you will get sued so bad!!!
10/20/2005 05:16 AM (UTC)
this is mine.

My characters name is Jubai his history is shrouded in mystry to all but the elder gods he first appered after the last Mortal Kombat tornement claiming that the elder gods killed his family.After years of training and serching he finally came across the last mortal kombat champion liu kang and challenged him to mortal kombat after a long tireing battle liu knag came out victorios but not uninjured. After jubai regained his streanth he disappered into the mist to train. After five long years he returned to face liu kang. His five years of training paid off he defeted liu kang. After his victory over liu he left only a message for the thunder god...witch read "YOUR NEXT" and he disapperd into the mist once agian.

Well that's just some of his back story it get's bloody as hell later on.
anyway this is what he looked like.

Clothes-dressed like a scruffy ninja/samurai
Wepon-Samurai sword
special move-Air Slash.
special power-complete and total power over the air.

so that's my charictor. what do you think.
Peace Out.
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Made by ThePredator151 :D

10/20/2005 04:32 PM (UTC)
blizzard this is 1 i just made up basically here it is

name: blizzard
age: unknown
allies: sub-zero , frost, noob
foes: scorpion, baraka, reptile and somke
aledgidment: good and evil
clan:lin kuei

blizzard is sub-zero, forst and noob sibots father he has been resurected only help sub-zero break the curse that as fallen apon noob he had herd of frosts death and came back his missions are simple kill smoke noobs partner and re unite the family or there ansisters and there ansisters ansisters including subzero,frost,noob and blizard would be tourtered for all eternity on his way to earth realm he passed a place he always used to play at when he was a child this place was called outworld when he arrived it had changed alot he was passing the living forest when he was attaked by i spinless demond called reptile the last of his kind just as blizzard was about to kill him he dissapeared and a group of tarkhatens surrounded him clueless of blizards powers the approached him with no caution as soon as the 1st tarkhatan went to attack it was as if time had stopped apart from blizzard he plulled out a frozen hirjako ( a flexible sword with spikes on the back side ) and slashed them in peices leaving no survivors he carried on his trail hot on noob and smoke he passed through edenia , netherrealm untill he reached earthrealm he met up with his old master at the lin kuei accademy he ws there for some thime asking around for quiet some time he had seen a lin kuei that ws very powerfull he had a different costume to all the outhers blizard asked his old master who the young mad was he replied " sub-zero your son" !!!!! with amazment he pulled the young man aside and refreshed his memory it was all happy for a while untill another group of tarkatans arrived much large then the outher 1 and this time barukka was leading them he was furious so furios all the lin kuei where killed apart from sub-zero and blizard himself he found a person sturggling for air near the main gates it was blizards master his throat had been slit by a tarkatan blizard was just about to help him untill burukka sliced blizards masters head off this pissed blizard off evan more so he added another to his list of enemys !! together sub-zero and blizeard set out a search fro noob untill they were separated sub zero found scorpion and went after him whilst blizard kept going after smoke and noob .

costume : he would have white frozen hair a ninja suit like sub-zero the lin kuei symbol because its tradition for all lin kuei to have 1 he would have like frozen trousers with a fur inside his shoes would have frozen spikes for extra power and it would hurt a hell lot more :) he would have a dark blue mask which covers his nose and mouth ( bottom half of the face ) then a black cotten robe to go over it all

weapon : hirjako a weapon he was gifted when he was learning the arts of the lin kuei and frost spikes

specal moves :

floor freeze ( all the ground freezes in the room )
ice wall ( a large wall of ice appears and topples over on top of the enemy )
deadly storm ( large gusts of wind with sharp bit of ice )
avalanche ( tuns of snow caves in on the enemy and freezes )
ice prison ( a cage of spikes surround the enemy and move in )

so what do you think
10/20/2005 07:23 PM (UTC)

Ladies, there is already a thread about this Here (with the same title, I might add). You can all stop posting here now. All we need is someone with the thread keys to shut this thread down. Thank you.

On another note, who likes pizza?
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