make the mk story SIMPLE
posted01/09/2006 02:38 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
03/02/2003 09:18 PM (UTC)
simple like mk1 and 2 was..the story rite now is to complex n to stupid...when dat happens to a series only the nerds/harcore fans tend to follow n stay wit it...makin the next one simple as the mk1 n 2 would fix alot of things and attract more new players
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01/01/2006 01:19 AM (UTC)
So you would rather a childrens book

IMO the story needs to get deeper and more descriptive.
01/01/2006 01:22 AM (UTC)
chardballz Wrote:
So you would rather a childrens book

IMO the story needs to get deeper and more descriptive.

wat?? the shit that it is now is a CHILDRENS BOOK...its a JOKE... the story use to be good n now its just ah wtf...
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01/01/2006 01:48 AM (UTC)
Digital_Assassin Wrote:
simple like mk1 and 2 was..the story rite now is to complex n to stupid...

Digital_Assassin Wrote:
wat?? the shit that it is now is a CHILDRENS BOOK...its a JOKE.

Kinda ironic
01/01/2006 01:54 AM (UTC)
ur not readin rite...mk1 n 2 were SIMPLE and GOOD...dats how mk7 should be they should go back to those roots....
01/01/2006 02:07 AM (UTC)
So basically, you want there to be a de-evolution of the story depth? No fleshing out of the characters' stories? Wow, you are truly idiotic. I mean, your other ideas in the past sucked, but this one is just plain shitty. I think your thinking of MK's storyline being too complex is because you're too stupid to understand it. And you want MK's storyline to "go back to it being simple and good"? Explain that.
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01/01/2006 02:55 AM (UTC)
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
So basically, you want there to be a de-evolution of the story depth? No fleshing out of the characters' stories? Wow, you are truly idiotic. I mean, your other ideas in the past sucked, but this one is just plain shitty. I think your thinking of MK's storyline being too complex is because you're too stupid to understand it. And you want MK's storyline to "go back to it being simple and good"? Explain that.

i was 2 nice to say that
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01/01/2006 06:32 AM (UTC)
I don't think the differences between MK1 or 2 and MK6 have anything to do with too much depth in the story. It's more that the stories have become too convoluted. Plot holes keep coming up in games, characters keep dying and getting resurrected...The flow of the main storyline still works well, but the sub-plots can be a bit lacking in continuity and fluidity. You're not usually sure what endings actually happened between games, and when you increase the number of characters from 7 or 12 to 20 some, it gets even harder to figure out whether Hsu Hao was killed by Jax or Noob is Sub Zero's brother or Rayden killed Shujinko or whether Shang Tsung or Quan Chi are dead...The list goes on and on. Is Kitana dead? Is Goro? How many times will Cage's soul return from the heavens?

This is why I would love to see characters get intro movies. Parts of the movies involving interlocking plots with other characters can overlap to cut down on the sheer amount of video needed, but I would like to find out happens to every character or valid plot point between MK6 and MK7 and into the future. I think that these are the problems with MK's storylines, not that it's too deep and difficult. If MK plotlines are too complex for anyone over the age of 12 or 13....well....see Sub Zero post. That was good stuff by the way. Hilarious!
01/01/2006 07:05 AM (UTC)
Baraka407 Wrote:
I don't think the differences between MK1 or 2 and MK6 have anything to do with too much depth in the story. It's more that the stories have become too convoluted. Plot holes keep coming up in games, characters keep dying and getting resurrected...The flow of the main storyline still works well, but the sub-plots can be a bit lacking in continuity and fluidity. You're not usually sure what endings actually happened between games, and when you increase the number of characters from 7 or 12 to 20 some, it gets even harder to figure out whether Hsu Hao was killed by Jax or Noob is Sub Zero's brother or Rayden killed Shujinko or whether Shang Tsung or Quan Chi are dead...The list goes on and on. Is Kitana dead? Is Goro? How many times will Cage's soul return from the heavens?

This is why I would love to see characters get intro movies. Parts of the movies involving interlocking plots with other characters can overlap to cut down on the sheer amount of video needed, but I would like to find out happens to every character or valid plot point between MK6 and MK7 and into the future. I think that these are the problems with MK's storylines, not that it's too deep and difficult. If MK plotlines are too complex for anyone over the age of 12 or 13....well....see Sub Zero post. That was good stuff by the way. Hilarious!

Yeah, I see what you're saying. The MK storyline does have its flaws and I think Vogel needs to make sure the continuity is good and also the fluidity like you said. If there were to be like intro movies or something like that, I think we need to really get a feel of how the different characters are with how they think and their motives and all that stuff.

As for my, lol..well, I have to let the dark side kick in every now and then. You can't be nice all the time, right? I just had to do it, because honestly, I just can't stand some crap that goes on. I know there's not really much I can actually do about it since I'm not a moderator like I am on another site. I'll probably get some skull points, but it's ok. I'm sure the mods (well, at least people like ]{0MBAT and Jerrod) know me enough to know that I'm not a constant trouble maker. I guess you could say I'm pull a bit of a Melvin Udall in As Good As it Gets. wink
01/01/2006 07:32 AM (UTC)
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
So basically, you want there to be a de-evolution of the story depth? No fleshing out of the characters' stories? Wow, you are truly idiotic. I mean, your other ideas in the past sucked, but this one is just plain shitty. I think your thinking of MK's storyline being too complex is because you're too stupid to understand it. And you want MK's storyline to "go back to it being simple and good"? Explain that.

o man im drunk rite now..happy new years to everyone!... and no dumbass i want a good simple n nice story for once like mk1 n 2 had because they were perfect..they had nuthin to do wit a corny dragon king or vampires or any of that bs......i understand the story its just shity n retarted now im not even as interested in it as i was before....lmao uh o ... and y u tryin 2 talk shit??? u lucky we dont know each other in real life or i would of had my hands wraped around ur fuckin neck ....ahh but anyway back to drinking now...happy new year
01/01/2006 07:35 AM (UTC)
n when i said "complex" i ment like over did it or went to far...
01/01/2006 09:12 AM (UTC)
Digital_Assassin Wrote:
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
So basically, you want there to be a de-evolution of the story depth? No fleshing out of the characters' stories? Wow, you are truly idiotic. I mean, your other ideas in the past sucked, but this one is just plain shitty. I think your thinking of MK's storyline being too complex is because you're too stupid to understand it. And you want MK's storyline to "go back to it being simple and good"? Explain that.

o man im drunk rite now..happy new years to everyone!... and no dumbass i want a good simple n nice story for once like mk1 n 2 had because they were perfect..they had nuthin to do wit a corny dragon king or vampires or any of that bs......i understand the story its just shity n retarted now im not even as interested in it as i was before....lmao uh o ... and y u tryin 2 talk shit??? u lucky we dont know each other in real life or i would of had my hands wraped around ur fuckin neck ....ahh but anyway back to drinking now...happy new year

If you actually paid attention to those earlier storylines, you could see that it was building up more and more. With the Dragon King and the vampire race, that only expands the story more. If it didn't expand, the story wouldn't go anywhere. I'm not saying it has to expand so much that it's ridiculous, but it makes sense with the way the story has been expanding and progressing.

The reason for me "tryin 2 talk shit" is because this isn't the first time I've had the displeasure of coming across your nonsense. If you're going to try to make a strong argument or whatever, at least explain things more and clearly. Your threat is amusing, but pathetic, especially with you being drunk and all. Even if you weren't drunk, it's still pathetic.

Btw, there's an edit button for a reason. I suggest you use it. Also, it would be wise to not be drunk while posting on forums.
01/01/2006 10:42 AM (UTC)
I wonder if the problem with the MK storyline isn't that they have had different writers with a lot of imaginative flair since the beginning. At first Mortal Kombat as Tobias's baby, and as much as I hate the guy for leaving with a game half-finished (unprofessional much?), he did very well with the first stories. When you think about it, the original MK games (1 and 2) were convoluted and quite twisted (Kitana and Mileena, Shang Tsung, the original MK boss, being a servant to someone bigger, and Reptile's extinct race) they just weren't elaborated on in more than biographies and endings. MK3 was actually kind of horrible, but more because of the choices Tobias made with the more futuristic direction (the Cyber Ninjas and Stryker, for instance). MK4 went back to basics and started to greater analyse the stories that had already been started from MK2 and MK3, and hell, even MK1 (Scorpion's vendetta, for instance). Plus they introduced some of the mythology of Mortal Kombat, which Tobias again had a hand in.

However, when Tobias left, they got new guys in to write the story. I'm sure there may have been others in the interim maybe, but we'll just say Vogel for the time being. Now, Vogel has been given storylines to work with that have already been established, but like any fiction writer, he wants to put his own flair to the Mortal Kombat franchise. That's why not only were certain angles from Tobias's game either forgotten or ret-conned, but also why others seem to be leading away from his original idea, and also why so many new angles have popped up (like the Vampires and the Dragon King, for instance). So you get a lot of points of contention between Tobias's writing and Vogel's writing, but its to be expected because they are not the same person, and I doubt they even ever had contact with each other. Personally, I like where Vogel is taking the MK storyline. I have complaints, as everyone does, but overall I like it. And the conflicts and plot holes just mean that people like me, who write fan fiction, have plenty to write about.

Just as a pointer though, you cannot say things like "good" or "nice" when describing something, because those terms don't have a real meaning, and are dependent on a person's perspective. To me, the storyline we have is both good and nice, but to you it isn't. You might consider using a Thesaurus to better illustrate your point, if you really want to make one.
01/01/2006 11:53 PM (UTC)

I love the past storylines, but the current ones are superior, not because of writing abilities, just like someone said, its because the game itself has grown, evolved.

It would be stupid to go back and have the old simple story that takes only 2 seconds to memorize.

I love the story of:

Mk1 (the main story is amazing, and all the characters involved)
Mk3 (the main story is fantastic! Apocalyptically beautiful, same with most of characters, not all though)
Mk4 (the beginning of what you call “complexâ€? storylines, it was well elaborated, and most of the characters had decent storylines).

Mk2 is a strange case, you see, the characters have excellent storylines, but the main storyline of the game is quite poor and stupid. A fake tournament, a new challenge, blablabla, it was really…poor. And even so, it had a nice feel for the fans.

So no, Mk SHOULD NEVER return to the old style, its quite impossible.

I loved MKDAs depth for example (till now, its probably the best storyline ever for an Mk game and most characters), the beauty to discover the characters past, the present and possible outcomes in the future. You learn how X is involved with Z, unknowingly tied with F, and F can be a key for either X or Z…how can we not love this?

MKD was a let down was poorly written IMO, the only good thing about this was the ONE BEING plot, other then that....the story was not as deep and beautiful as MKDA.

Complex is fun, gives you ideas to think, theories to formulize…simplicity just gives you the answer with no fun to go beyond the text.

The story must keep evolving, no need to go back.
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01/02/2006 06:19 AM (UTC)
Let's keep the name calling to a non-existent level, shall we? We all get angry about things, but it doesn't have to lead to calling people idiots or dumbasses.

Anyway, the complicated storylines of MK are the most interesting and the best. If I wanted to here about simple, linear, boring stories, I'd read either Scorpion's from MK1-MK:DA. When stories get changed and modified, that gets annoying, and having the stories changed to something simple at this stage would ruin the whole MK mythology.
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01/02/2006 08:27 AM (UTC)
Digital_Assassin Wrote:
simple like mk1 and 2 was..the story rite now is to complex n to stupid...when dat happens to a series only the nerds/harcore fans tend to follow n stay wit it...makin the next one simple as the mk1 n 2 would fix alot of things and attract more new players

If you ask me, the simplest of the games was probably Deadly Alliance.
It had a pretty clean cut plot, and the most cohesive collection of endings of ALL the Mortal Kombat games.

Confusion was minimal.
It even had a cliff hanger that all but spelled out what to expect from it's subsequent sequel.
01/02/2006 10:08 AM (UTC)
Mick-Lucifer Wrote:
Digital_Assassin Wrote:
simple like mk1 and 2 was..the story rite now is to complex n to stupid...when dat happens to a series only the nerds/harcore fans tend to follow n stay wit it...makin the next one simple as the mk1 n 2 would fix alot of things and attract more new players

If you ask me, the simplest of the games was probably Deadly Alliance.
It had a pretty clean cut plot, and the most cohesive collection of endings of ALL the Mortal Kombat games.

Confusion was minimal.
It even had a cliff hanger that all but spelled out what to expect from it's subsequent sequel.

Actually, therein lies the beauty of MKDA. How good a story is isn't dependent on how simple or complex a plot is, but how cohesively it fits together and sets up the next installment. I think the reason MKD's plot was a failing was because MKDA set it up to the absolute King and then they ignored what they had already done so well. Instead of keeping MKDA's excellent set of endings and events, they changed almost all of it in favour of a frankly inferior plot angle. While the twists in the two were about the same in number and severity, MKD just wasn't as sensible, plus it lacked the Konquest mode that filled us in on all the events last time.
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01/02/2006 10:16 AM (UTC)
Weskerian Wrote:

Actually, therein lies the beauty of MKDA. How good a story is isn't dependent on how simple or complex a plot is, but how cohesively it fits together and sets up the next installment. I think the reason MKD's plot was a failing was because MKDA set it up to the absolute King and then they ignored what they had already done so well. Instead of keeping MKDA's excellent set of endings and events, they changed almost all of it in favour of a frankly inferior plot angle. While the twists in the two were about the same in number and severity, MKD just wasn't as sensible, plus it lacked the Konquest mode that filled us in on all the events last time.

I don't know if that "actually" is there for me, or just the hell of it, but I'll respond with resounding agreement. Not only was it disappointing that some plot elements were completely lost from the individual stories, but the transgression back to the scattered and contradictory endings was also a monumental shame.

I actually hoped it would go a step further, eliminating any contradiction from the endings. I don't begrudge them a few conflicting endings, though. Keeps us guessing. (ie. Sonya's survival in MK4 & MKDA)
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01/02/2006 10:23 PM (UTC)
I think the story for Mortal Kombat right now is amazing. The depth that they go into is just insane. I just got finished playing Dead or Alive 4 for the X Box360, and it is the worst story I have ever seen. People fight over pieces of cabage. Now THAT is a simple story, and if that is the kind of story you want for Mortal Kombat, then you should not be here my good friend.
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01/02/2006 11:27 PM (UTC)
Everything after MKD's intro is fallible, let's wait out wether they are able to ruin it even more, or explain it in a sensible way.
01/07/2006 05:01 AM (UTC)
ok u guys not readin me...the story is UNDERSTANDABLE but just becuz its understandable doesnt mean its good...infact it fuckin sucks...dats my whole point..they went to far wit mkd...they need to slow it down n go back to basics...mkda was ok but it was a let down because it felt like they watered down chi n shange they just didnt feel like real bosses to me...but mkd was just horrible.....infact i bought the game when it came out n i still didnt beat it wit everyone...cuz the story didnt excite me enough to even attempt to see all the endings..not only that but the fighting is dull n where near tekkens or vfs..but dats another issue lets stick wit the story in this thread...there was nuthin worth to be excited over accept the fact that they revealed noob to be sub classic....
01/07/2006 05:08 AM (UTC)
Are you serious? MK has the best story in fighting game history, and probably even in the history of gaming.
01/07/2006 05:26 AM (UTC)
SubMan799 Wrote:
Are you serious? MK has the best story in fighting game history, and probably even in the history of gaming.

we talkin about mkd - mka ...but mk1 n mk2 were the best in fighting game history of gaming?...idk
01/07/2006 06:21 AM (UTC)
Please... the story did not get deeper... it just got messier and more tangled!!! The one being?!?!?! What kind of shit is that!?!?!??!?
The story just became a damn mess!!!
MK1+2 had VERY good stories! Mk3 has a pretty decent story... MK4 is running thin... MK5 was a stretch... MKD was kinda the same thing as MK5... and this one being stuff is just WHACK!

The story needs to be more straightforward, but still enthralling... the little feuds between chaaracters are good... that's the good they carried from previous MK's... but the main story is really going to hell... the Mortal Kombat Tournament that the series is based on is nonexistant!!! In MK4 they should have made it a tournament started by Shinnok... even tho I'm not a big fan of all these extra realms... they have to expand the story somehow... so I dont care that they add chaos order or poopie realms... as long as they contribute to the story SUBSTANTIALLY... unline in MKD... where the new realms where pretty much just to make Konquest longer...
01/09/2006 02:38 PM (UTC)
Kamionero Wrote:
Please... the story did not get deeper... it just got messier and more tangled!!! The one being?!?!?! What kind of shit is that!?!?!??!?
The story just became a damn mess!!!
MK1+2 had VERY good stories! Mk3 has a pretty decent story... MK4 is running thin... MK5 was a stretch... MKD was kinda the same thing as MK5... and this one being stuff is just WHACK!

The story needs to be more straightforward, but still enthralling... the little feuds between chaaracters are good... that's the good they carried from previous MK's... but the main story is really going to hell... the Mortal Kombat Tournament that the series is based on is nonexistant!!! In MK4 they should have made it a tournament started by Shinnok... even tho I'm not a big fan of all these extra realms... they have to expand the story somehow... so I dont care that they add chaos order or poopie realms... as long as they contribute to the story SUBSTANTIALLY... unline in MKD... where the new realms where pretty much just to make Konquest longer...

u read my mind
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