Lists for Fatalites, Animalities, and Hara-Kiris
Mortal Kombat X
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Lists for Fatalites, Animalities, and Hara-Kiris
posted06/13/2005 04:50 PM (UTC)byMember Since
05/07/2005 11:09 PM (UTC)
If you have any Fatality, Animality, or Hara-Kiri ideas please reply this message.
For example
Kamidogu Winds
Blizzard From Above
Over Mutation
Heartless Suicide
For example
Kamidogu Winds
Blizzard From Above
Over Mutation
Heartless Suicide

Listen Joes4 did beat you to it, but in my opinon, it's not all that great. For his no one repiles to theres. Personally I would like some feedback so I'll give you some of my ideas...
Here is a list for Liu Kang
Fatality 1: Face Ripper: Liu Kang approaches the opponent looking sympitic, he holds out a hand. The opponent takes it. Liu Kang twists his hand cracking the bone, and flips him over. Then he puts two fingers in the guys nose, and ripps his face off. Blood and skin fly everywhere. Next Liu Kang walks up and ripps out the guys eyes. He then jumps back, heats them up and at super speed throws them into the opponents empty eye-sockets. The opponent screams, runs around for a moment, the falls to the ground and dies. Fatality.
Fatality 2: Burnt to a Crisp: Liu Kang builds up energy. His eyes glow red with fire. He kicks the opponent in the chest. The opponent, has stem and burn marks on his chest. Liu Kang contuines to kick, as your opponent screams. Then Liu Kang stops. All thats left of your opponents chest is the fast-beating heart exposed to the world. Liu Kang steps forward, and grabbs the heart. Heating it up with his hand, you can see your opponent's body slowly being burnt up, on account of the heart still pumping blood, but not for long. He fastly heats up the heart, like it's in a micro-wave. Then the heart explodes. Your opponent sizzles, then falls to the ground. Burnt to a crisp...Fatality.
Hara-Kari: Brain Buster: Liu Kang shoves a fist into his head. He moves it around grabbs something then ripps it out taking half of his left head, including his ear. He holds his brian, as he falls to the ground and dies. Blood spews out through the left part of his head. Hara Kari
P.S. This is my idea of how this would be with new graphics imagine it, and it will be cool!
Animality: Dragon: Liu Kang backs up his skin bulges. His skin turns green. A spike appears in his neck. A tail starts to grow. His muscles bulge, and turn green. His legs turn more ridged and grow, now his clothing ripps. All of it. Where his shoes were now have five spike claws, on each big, green foot. The tail sharp as a knife, grows to alarming rate. His teeth get ridge. He looks blood thristy. The dragon first blows fire burning your opponents whole body. Stem rises. Then the dragon lowers it's head and bites the opponents arms and legs off. The opponent wiggles in pain. He's still alive. Damn sham. Liu Kang (Dragon Form) Rises up then shots down, and chews the opponents head off. Blood spews like crazy. Last the dragon spits something out, it lands on the front of the screen. It's your opponents skull. Animality
Note: This is an idea for freindship on account of it has to be bloodshed. It would probably have to be changed to talent
Talent: I LUV U!: Liu Kang walks up to his opponent and mingles his arms. He breaks them. Next he cracks the legs, and the opponents head. Then for a second you can only see Liu Kang, and hear bones cracking. Liu Kang steps back, and puts his hand forward, showing off his work. The opponents arms, and legs are mingled into a heart with the opponents head in the middle. Freindship
Humilation: Stuck up the pipe: Liu Kang runs forward, and kicks the opponent in the ass. Unfortunatly his foot gets stuck. Liu Kang tuggs and tuggs. But his damn foot won't come out. The opponent however, is likeing this. The opponent has his/her tounge out. They are apperently one of those anal sex lovers. Liu Kang is disgusted, but also panicking. He tugs and tugs. Then he gets an idea. He Shoves his foot upwards. and hit comes up throught the opponents head. Blood, A chunk of the opponents brain and a whole lot of shit flys everywhere. Liu Kang runs around heating up trying to get it off. Humilation
So what do ya think. Comments? Questions? Requests? Anything at all
Here is a list for Liu Kang
Fatality 1: Face Ripper: Liu Kang approaches the opponent looking sympitic, he holds out a hand. The opponent takes it. Liu Kang twists his hand cracking the bone, and flips him over. Then he puts two fingers in the guys nose, and ripps his face off. Blood and skin fly everywhere. Next Liu Kang walks up and ripps out the guys eyes. He then jumps back, heats them up and at super speed throws them into the opponents empty eye-sockets. The opponent screams, runs around for a moment, the falls to the ground and dies. Fatality.
Fatality 2: Burnt to a Crisp: Liu Kang builds up energy. His eyes glow red with fire. He kicks the opponent in the chest. The opponent, has stem and burn marks on his chest. Liu Kang contuines to kick, as your opponent screams. Then Liu Kang stops. All thats left of your opponents chest is the fast-beating heart exposed to the world. Liu Kang steps forward, and grabbs the heart. Heating it up with his hand, you can see your opponent's body slowly being burnt up, on account of the heart still pumping blood, but not for long. He fastly heats up the heart, like it's in a micro-wave. Then the heart explodes. Your opponent sizzles, then falls to the ground. Burnt to a crisp...Fatality.
Hara-Kari: Brain Buster: Liu Kang shoves a fist into his head. He moves it around grabbs something then ripps it out taking half of his left head, including his ear. He holds his brian, as he falls to the ground and dies. Blood spews out through the left part of his head. Hara Kari
P.S. This is my idea of how this would be with new graphics imagine it, and it will be cool!
Animality: Dragon: Liu Kang backs up his skin bulges. His skin turns green. A spike appears in his neck. A tail starts to grow. His muscles bulge, and turn green. His legs turn more ridged and grow, now his clothing ripps. All of it. Where his shoes were now have five spike claws, on each big, green foot. The tail sharp as a knife, grows to alarming rate. His teeth get ridge. He looks blood thristy. The dragon first blows fire burning your opponents whole body. Stem rises. Then the dragon lowers it's head and bites the opponents arms and legs off. The opponent wiggles in pain. He's still alive. Damn sham. Liu Kang (Dragon Form) Rises up then shots down, and chews the opponents head off. Blood spews like crazy. Last the dragon spits something out, it lands on the front of the screen. It's your opponents skull. Animality
Note: This is an idea for freindship on account of it has to be bloodshed. It would probably have to be changed to talent
Talent: I LUV U!: Liu Kang walks up to his opponent and mingles his arms. He breaks them. Next he cracks the legs, and the opponents head. Then for a second you can only see Liu Kang, and hear bones cracking. Liu Kang steps back, and puts his hand forward, showing off his work. The opponents arms, and legs are mingled into a heart with the opponents head in the middle. Freindship
Humilation: Stuck up the pipe: Liu Kang runs forward, and kicks the opponent in the ass. Unfortunatly his foot gets stuck. Liu Kang tuggs and tuggs. But his damn foot won't come out. The opponent however, is likeing this. The opponent has his/her tounge out. They are apperently one of those anal sex lovers. Liu Kang is disgusted, but also panicking. He tugs and tugs. Then he gets an idea. He Shoves his foot upwards. and hit comes up throught the opponents head. Blood, A chunk of the opponents brain and a whole lot of shit flys everywhere. Liu Kang runs around heating up trying to get it off. Humilation
So what do ya think. Comments? Questions? Requests? Anything at all
Wheelz Wrote:
Listen Joes4 did beat you to it, but in my opinon, it's not all that great. For his no one repiles to theres. Personally I would like some feedback so I'll give you some of my ideas...
Listen Joes4 did beat you to it, but in my opinon, it's not all that great. For his no one repiles to theres. Personally I would like some feedback so I'll give you some of my ideas...
Huh? I get loads of replies there . The point is the thread is already made...

Well that's true, but as far as I read I didn't see any. + there can be more then one
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