Levels that should/shouldnt return in MK7
Mortal Kombat X
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Levels that should/shouldnt return in MK7
Aside from the new levels that will be in the game, what classics should be there as well?
The Dead Pool-If they make you fighting on a bridge like it is in MK2.
Goro's Lair-If Goro is in the game, you should fight him here. If he isn't, then I still would like to fight in this level again.
Shang Tsung's Throne Room (MK1)-To me, this stage had the most creepy music and feel to it of any MK game level to date.
The Pit 2-Just like it was from MK2.
The Bell Tower (MK3)
The Dead Pool-If they make you fighting on a bridge like it is in MK2.
Goro's Lair-If Goro is in the game, you should fight him here. If he isn't, then I still would like to fight in this level again.
Shang Tsung's Throne Room (MK1)-To me, this stage had the most creepy music and feel to it of any MK game level to date.
The Pit 2-Just like it was from MK2.
The Bell Tower (MK3)

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StretchShrimp: Destroyer of OWG: Most dominate clan on Xbox Live
Shang tsungs throne room will be cool if shang tsung comes back in his old form because of the last battle with raiden and onaga. Goros lair will also be great. The subway will be by far the best comeback level because it would be awsome to knock someone into the the subway path and watch them get hit. The best thing that i like about the levels in MK Trilogoy was that when you uppercutted at a certain level(including the subway which had one) they would fly up into another level. I think one of them was that you start in scorpions lair and when you uppercut you end up in that room with shou kahn sitting. Than when you uppercut again i think it goes to the Tomb level with the cieling spikes. That was cool. The bell tower also came in mind. that level would be cool to fight in 3D.

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StretchShrimp: Destroyer of OWG: Most dominate clan on Xbox Live
Shang tsungs throne room will be cool if shang tsung comes back in his old form because of the last battle with raiden and onaga. Goros lair will also be great. The subway will be by far the best comeback level because it would be awsome to knock someone into the the subway path and watch them get hit. The best thing that i like about the levels in MK Trilogoy was that when you uppercutted at a certain level(including the subway which had one) they would fly up into another level. I think one of them was that you start in scorpions lair and when you uppercut you end up in that room with shou kahn sitting. Than when you uppercut again i think it goes to the Tomb level with the cieling spikes. That was cool. The bell tower also came in mind. that level would be cool to fight in 3D.
There's only a few levels that I'd REALLY like to see new and improved for MK7.
The Graveyard
Shang's Throne Room
Goro's Lair
Reptile's Lair
The Subway
and that MK4 room with the blue faces
The Graveyard
Shang's Throne Room
Goro's Lair
Reptile's Lair
The Subway
and that MK4 room with the blue faces

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graveyard (mk3), living forest,(death traps and multi tiered), ice caves (mkda), the pit (mk2), acid bath (mkda), bell tower (mk3), inside the pit (mk1), netherrealm (mk3), elder gods temple (mk4, soulnado death trap), sky temple (mkd), the nether ship (interrior and exterrior), shang tsungs temple (mkda)
man picturing allof this is making me want a mortal kombat:trilogy type game every character in every game in 3d wiht 3 fighting stances... and every level ever multi tiered, weapons, death traps etc..... oh the orgasm
man picturing allof this is making me want a mortal kombat:trilogy type game every character in every game in 3d wiht 3 fighting stances... and every level ever multi tiered, weapons, death traps etc..... oh the orgasm

what i would like to see back is thedesert stage in umk3 where it has cyrax in the corner or something because it looked kindof cool to add a character that was not a boss character in the backround. plus i like to see the street level since it reminds me of home
-Shang's Throne
-Pit II
-Bottom of the Pit
-Moloch's Lair
-Elder God's Stage
-Lost or any portal stage other than the ones in MK:DA/MK:D
-Kahn's Kave (Didn't really make much sense to me. :/)
-Jade's Desert (The new desert stages are better)
I didn't include any stages that appeared in MK:D, by the way. 'Return' to me means ones that didn't appear in the most recent game.
-Shang's Throne
-Pit II
-Bottom of the Pit
-Moloch's Lair
-Elder God's Stage
-Lost or any portal stage other than the ones in MK:DA/MK:D
-Kahn's Kave (Didn't really make much sense to me. :/)
-Jade's Desert (The new desert stages are better)
I didn't include any stages that appeared in MK:D, by the way. 'Return' to me means ones that didn't appear in the most recent game.
Subzero2 Wrote:
Isnt this on MK:D
~Crow~ Wrote:
I didn't include any stages that appeared in MK:D, by the way. 'Return' to me means ones that didn't appear in the most recent game.
I didn't include any stages that appeared in MK:D, by the way. 'Return' to me means ones that didn't appear in the most recent game.
Isnt this on MK:D
I was referring to the Prison of Souls from MK4... not the Dark Prison from MK:D. Anyway, neither of those should return, especially the one from MK:D.

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Falling cliffs was a really farfetched stage, but it was really fun to play on. IMO

-Jade's Desert (The new desert stages are better)
personally i believe that jades desert is a good one and personally i believe the new ones dont even look close to a real desert except for the floor u fight on that stage is as close to a real desert than any other ones
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