Lets Talk (((( SOUND EFFECTS ))))!
posted09/05/2009 01:31 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
03/25/2003 08:14 PM (UTC)
I think that the graphics are good, but not great; there are a lot of things that could be improved, the sound effects being one of them so this is not a complaint, only a strong suggestion! This may seem a little trivial, but to make any suggestions about gameplay would be rather pointless at this point in time, but COSMETIC issues have almost just as much to do with gameplay as the fighting engine, because things we see and hear draw us more into the game.

In previous MK games, since the first installment, I was always impressed with the ((( SOUNDBOARD ))). It works wonders with the gameplay...makes it more realistic and interactive--the more complex the sound effects, the more interactive and personal is the gameplay. I will say honestly, I was rather disappointed with the sound effects. Out of ALL of the MK installments, I think MK4 by far and bar-none had the best sound effects!!! I was very impressed! I thought the characters had much more personality. They actually talked and tuanted, from Sonya's "get out of my face!" to the fighters saying "Ooooohh my eye!!" or "Ooooohhh my leg!!" The game feel was much more interactive and personal. However in MK: Deadly aliiance the characters voices were cut back to a mere grunts and moans. I did expect a little more from them. I kind of likened them to zombies--not lifelike and rather stiff! It's like you being shot in the arm, leg or head or with a 45 or an oozie or being wacked in the face with a 2X4 or steal mallet or set on fire with gasoline and saying "ouch." I don't know about you, but if any of the above happened to me, I would either be yelling at the top of my lungs, tearing up, or calling on G-d!!!...Some of us I know would probably be cussing like sailors!!!

Now this obviously isn't real life, and the chracters probably won't cuss in this game, but the whole idea of MK is aiming for REALISM. They have done a good job sofar maintaining the realism along with the science fictional element, but I think that the sound effects are sub-par. I am not impressed with the sound effects--haven't been since MK4. Sub Zero's ice ball in MK4 for one was very well done! It sounded like real magic (if that makes since)...

I think that it would be very very cool if they matched the sound effects with each texture and material. For example, Jax's steal arms--they would sound like (( STEAL )) whenever they made contact with other steal objects. And when his steal arms hit flesh and bone they would sound like steal hitting flesh and bone... if a fighter flew up in the air and came down on wood, it should sound different from them falling down onto stone, or grass, or dirt. You would be able to hear Superman's cape flapping or Kitana's long hair swinging or hitting the small of her back (even if it is subtle). If the fighter hits you with a weapon, it should sound like a weapon hitting or slicing into flesh! You get the point...They should AT LEAST upgrade the CHARACTER'S VOICES. I would like to see them with more dialogue--not just the classic "Get over here" or "Gotcha" that we are used to, but how about giving every character a some tuants. Sonya's "Get out of my face" in MK4 was my favorite! lol...gave her some attitude! Thats what I like to see in fighting games, PERSONALITY!!! I wish they would make the grunts and groans more dramatic, and add some screams and yells and some hollering and "Oooohhhh my fricken leg!!!!!!!!!!!!"..."my eyes!!!!!!!"..."let go of my arm!!!!!!!!" "Ooooooohhhhh I'm gonna throw you over there!!!!!!" and topped off with some classic MK GIBBERISH! HYAAMOSSSSAAAAAAAAA!!!! IBOUGHTAMITSUBESHEEWHENISHOULDHAVEBOUGHTAHONDA!!!!!!! To me the characters are just too quiet and dead!

I would really like to see a customizable soundtrack in this game...musically, and voiceover features.

I know that programming game is a lot more than what the finished results looks like and takes a lot of memory to add the smallest features into the game, but some games already have these features I mentioned and more, so it's not so out of the legue for it them to be implemented into this game, especially with this new more advanced engine! The standard has already been raised and the time and era has advanced, so there's not too much more room left for reasons as to why this can't be done and why that can't be done. I believe the overall game quality should change along with the advancement of the console and the era!

09/05/2009 01:31 PM (UTC)
I was conversing about arena sounds not long ago with ThePredator151 and thought that the sounds could be improved and more in depth but yeah sound could very well be improved in many categories in MK. Like you said,the characters are like zombies at times. The characters should say more things to make them personal and unique. Scorpion always had his "Get over here!" so why not try to make that kind of statement with all of the characters. I wouldn't care if it were not in english and couldn't understand a word...at least they would be saying something. As for the use of cussing,in my opinion some light cussing could actually work...the use of words like shit,damn,or hell. I do believe that there is cussing with uses of the f bomb in other M rated games...actually I think I have heard the word in a few shooters.
Aside from that note,I would like to here more in depth sound with fatalities such as blood gurgling screams,head turning crunches,and the music should be heart racing or creepy horror music(such as the classic evil violin sounds from movies...listen to the beginning of Long Hard road out of Hell by Marilyn Manson to hear similar violin sounds at the addy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8vooAYQWvLc).
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