Lets talk about the Persistent Online Mode
posted08/30/2014 11:46 AM (UTC)by
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09/02/2010 01:56 AM (UTC)
This at least sounds like an interesting gameplay mode to have in a fighting game and it's honestly not being speculated on much right now. It's really a surprising aspect that's sort of under the radar since it was only briefly mentioned by Boon. I'm curious though, what are your theories / speculation on what it could be?

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06/14/2014 07:47 AM (UTC)
I too think this a fascinating aspect of the game. I really want to learn more about it.

Persistent is the word they keep throwing around. That word brings to mind things like MMOs. What if you could create a kind of profile/avatar? And using that, participate in on going activities in some sort of city, like that Outworld Marketplace stage, but larger. There could be tournaments held, awards to win, Clans to join. Realtime events going on. Maybe you can win costume pieces a la Killer instinct. The sky and NRS's ambition are really the limit here.

I know that would definitely keep me coming back.
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"Pray for the Kahn's Mercy"

06/14/2014 10:13 AM (UTC)
DjangoDrag Wrote:
I too think this a fascinating aspect of the game. I really want to learn more about it.

Persistent is the word they keep throwing around. That word brings to mind things like MMOs. What if you could create a kind of profile/avatar? And using that, participate in on going activities in some sort of city, like that Outworld Marketplace stage, but larger. There could be tournaments held, awards to win, Clans to join. Realtime events going on. Maybe you can win costume pieces a la Killer instinct. The sky and NRS's ambition are really the limit here.

I know that would definitely keep me coming back.

Holy shit dude, that is amazing. Like an online Konquest mode.

I reckon it'll just be a stat-tracking thing but I would be so down for that
06/14/2014 10:26 AM (UTC)
I'm not a fan of the idea of an 'always online' game.
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06/14/2014 02:45 PM (UTC)
Charybdis Wrote:
DjangoDrag Wrote:
I too think this a fascinating aspect of the game. I really want to learn more about it.

Persistent is the word they keep throwing around. That word brings to mind things like MMOs. What if you could create a kind of profile/avatar? And using that, participate in on going activities in some sort of city, like that Outworld Marketplace stage, but larger. There could be tournaments held, awards to win, Clans to join. Realtime events going on. Maybe you can win costume pieces a la Killer instinct. The sky and NRS's ambition are really the limit here.

I know that would definitely keep me coming back.

Holy shit dude, that is amazing. Like an online Konquest mode.

I reckon it'll just be a stat-tracking thing but I would be so down for that

Judging by the way Boon reacts when talking about it I expect it to have a little more innovation than just tracking stats. I like where DjangoDrag is going with his thinking.
06/14/2014 03:13 PM (UTC)
Charybdis Wrote:
DjangoDrag Wrote:
I too think this a fascinating aspect of the game. I really want to learn more about it.

Persistent is the word they keep throwing around. That word brings to mind things like MMOs. What if you could create a kind of profile/avatar? And using that, participate in on going activities in some sort of city, like that Outworld Marketplace stage, but larger. There could be tournaments held, awards to win, Clans to join. Realtime events going on. Maybe you can win costume pieces a la Killer instinct. The sky and NRS's ambition are really the limit here.

I know that would definitely keep me coming back.

Holy shit dude, that is amazing. Like an online Konquest mode.

I reckon it'll just be a stat-tracking thing but I would be so down for that

I'm thinking stat-tracking too. Maybe a scoreboard for the characters where the most used character, or character with most wins, is on top. Players can influence it by taking their favourite characters online (and winning). confused
06/14/2014 06:43 PM (UTC)
If this were any other MK, I wouldnt be expecting very much from the online modes. But NRS has been increasingly more and more ambitious since WB picked them up. They have resources and manpower they've never had before. And with this being a new gen game, the only real limit IS their ambition.

Also, NRS are likely trying to keep pace with their peers over at WB. Arkham Knight is going to be awesome. Shadow of Mordor is looking incredible. The usual stuff just wont be enough over at NRS. If they don't go big here, it might actually hurt them.

Gone are the days of Midway. NRS has every possible resource available to make any game they can dream of. Money, time, tech, and skills, etc.

Dont expect mediocrity anymore.
06/14/2014 06:52 PM (UTC)
DjangoDrag Wrote:
If this were any other MK, I wouldnt be expecting very much from the online modes. But NRS has been increasingly more and more ambitious since WB picked them up. They have resources and manpower they've never had before. And with this being a new gen game, the only real limit IS their ambition.

Also, NRS are likely trying to keep pace with their peers over at WB. Arkham Knight is going to be awesome. Shadow of Mordor is looking incredible. The usual stuff just wont be enough over at NRS. If they don't go big here, it might actually hurt them.

Gone are the days of Midway. NRS has every possible resource available to make any game they can dream of. Money, time, tech, and skills, etc.

Dont expect mediocrity anymore.

That is awesome, and I wish I didn't. Unfortunately I do lol. I think your idea is awesome and that would be a lot of fun to have the option to play. I do think it will hurt them, as there are some very amazing games seen throughout e3.

I was thinking much more simple. I would much rather have your idea implemented, but my first thought upon hearing this would be a set of uber bosses, with extremely high health, power, and buffs. Everyone online would have to work together to take him down, and prizes could be dealt out based on damage done, etc.

This might not work very well for MK, I may have been playing too much Brave Frontier lately.
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"Pray for the Kahn's Mercy"

06/14/2014 06:53 PM (UTC)
DjangoDrag Wrote:
If this were any other MK, I wouldnt be expecting very much from the online modes. But NRS has been increasingly more and more ambitious since WB picked them up. They have resources and manpower they've never had before. And with this being a new gen game, the only real limit IS their ambition.

Also, NRS are likely trying to keep pace with their peers over at WB. Arkham Knight is going to be awesome. Shadow of Mordor is looking incredible. The usual stuff just wont be enough over at NRS. If they don't go big here, it might actually hurt them.

Gone are the days of Midway. NRS has every possible resource available to make any game they can dream of. Money, time, tech, and skills, etc.

Dont expect mediocrity anymore.

Well, if they want to impress me with online stuff, a functioning netcode would be nice. I've never been able to connect online in MK9
06/14/2014 07:10 PM (UTC)
Online Spectator mode would be nice.
06/14/2014 09:17 PM (UTC)
Yeah, I would be happy if they just have good netcode.
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08/29/2014 05:57 AM (UTC)
Bumpity bump because this continues to be one of my most anticipated modes for the game. I know it's a long shot but maybe Boon or whoever will drop some details at PAX. The way they talk about it it's like "trust us, it's going to be a massively integrated feature."
08/29/2014 07:03 AM (UTC)
DjangoDrag Wrote:
I too think this a fascinating aspect of the game. I really want to learn more about it.

Persistent is the word they keep throwing around. That word brings to mind things like MMOs. What if you could create a kind of profile/avatar? And using that, participate in on going activities in some sort of city, like that Outworld Marketplace stage, but larger. There could be tournaments held, awards to win, Clans to join.

If that's the case, I have practically already joined the Edenian clan :P Seriously tho that sounds so interesting. Can't wait to see what they have in store for us.
08/29/2014 10:41 AM (UTC)
I remember Ed Boong talking about some sort of virtual arcade where you would walk around in an arcade environment or something similar back around the time of MK vs DCU I think. like a lobby.

I think he longs for the days of being in the arcade and all the smells and the coins and he talked about trying to recreate that experience. grin
08/29/2014 11:30 AM (UTC)
I just hope that it won't mean "mandatory" online connection. Where I live there is no high speed internet line.

Personally, I enjoy Mk more as a single player offline experience.
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08/29/2014 02:22 PM (UTC)
Thracian_Tsar Wrote:
I'm not a fan of the idea of an 'always online' game.

Me too. Because I and people like me don't have internet access constantly. Just praying that this whole online thing isn't 'too' integrated leaving me with only half a game (a little like Injustice did).
SpookyScorpion Wrote:
I think he longs for the days of being in the arcade and all the smells and the coins and he talked about trying to recreate that experience. grin

You know how to recreate that? Stop encouraging online and start encouraging people to leave their houses for a couple of hours. (but i'm being cynical because i know it won't happen)
08/29/2014 02:28 PM (UTC)
Willing to bet its just stat tracking.
08/29/2014 02:36 PM (UTC)
I'd LOVE it if we got some new info in the Online modes at PAX. This is easily the most interesting detail yet to be revealed, to me anyway. Like I said before, I'm expecting something special from NRS here.

And seriously NRS, make GREAT netcode a top priority. That alone determines a modern fighting game's longevity.
08/29/2014 02:36 PM (UTC)
I doubt it will be always online where if you arent connected to the internet you have a broke game. But merely if you are connected to the internet your linked to a background interface the connects you with friends and leaderboards etc.

Which is a really cool asset to have if your connected to the internet. I dont understand the rationale behind "if I can't have it, then no one should have it." I personally think "if NRS can do it, they should do it"

As long as the game isnt broken while offline I don't see the problem, even if you miss out on some of the games feature's.

08/29/2014 02:45 PM (UTC)
Yes, the "always online" thing isn't something to be worried about. MKX will NOT require an internet connection. I'm sure they saw how well that went over with the Xbox One at first. They won't repeat that mistake and risk alienating users. No worries there.
08/29/2014 03:03 PM (UTC)
I am totally fine with whatever it is as long as I am not straight up required to be online all of the time to enjoy the game. The main reason being is because while I do have internet access, I live in a rural area and occasionally (Not often though) the internet can be a little slow and whenever it storms or rains really hard sometimes it will not work until is passes over so when those things happen I would enjoy being able to still play by myself in a single player mode.

I hope it is like MK9 where there is a good amount of offline single player things to do and you can get online if you want to.
08/29/2014 03:03 PM (UTC)
Thracian_Tsar Wrote:
I'm not a fan of the idea of an 'always online' game.

This, because it's proven time after time that it sucks the first few days and pisses people off.

Granted that I doubt it'll require you to stay online at all times, still.

And before those saying this ain't true... Diablo 3, Simcity... Yeap.
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08/29/2014 03:26 PM (UTC)
Some nice ideas but they mean nothing if the netcode is shit like in MK9. Thats all I care about. I rather have Ranked Matches as the only online mode AND a good netcode (GGPO or something similar to the new KI) than tons of modes, a konquest of some sort, and a shit netcode
08/29/2014 03:30 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
Thracian_Tsar Wrote:
I'm not a fan of the idea of an 'always online' game.

This, because it's proven time after time that it sucks the first few days and pisses people off.

Granted that I doubt it'll require you to stay online at all times, still.

And before those saying this ain't true... Diablo 3, Simcity... Yeap.

I really don't think we have to worry about anything like that. Boon and company are making it sound more like a feature rather than the foundation of the game.

But on subject,

It would be cool if there was a lobby type of thing that you could challenge people and join tourney's and clans. I personally think that it will be this only it wont have an avatar exploring a world just an online interface that connects you with people. Essentially just stat tracking online matches at its roots.
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Props to MINION for making this sig.

08/29/2014 04:32 PM (UTC)
What the heck are "netcodes"? I never had too many problems playing MK9 online. I would get disconnected from time to time but I chalked it up to my internet.

Anyway, I think creating avatars in which to stroll around a virtual arcade and challenge people to fights, as well as online Konquest type missions, being able to form clans with other people online etc. all sound like FREAKING AWESOME ideas. I'm down if they can pull it off. It would make online play a hell of a lot more interesting than it was in MK9.
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