Kung Lao and Baraka in the remake BECAUSE...
posted01/24/2010 01:55 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
12/15/2009 06:55 AM (UTC)
Obviously we don't know if this is a remake, a reboot, or what have you, but if this is a remake of the original game, then I think Kung Lao and Baraka would have a chance at making the cut because of Shaolin Monks.

I know many believe the events in MKSM aren't accepted as canon, but I think the game's opening scene is believable enough. This way, you would have at least 9 returning characters (make it 10 if they include a revamped version of Reptile) and then they can have 10 additional new characters
01/08/2010 02:25 AM (UTC)
A) Don't want a reboot/remake/redux.

B) Don't want Kung Lao present at the first tournament because it destroys his character.

C) The Mortal Kombat tournament is meant to find the best Earth fighter to face Outworld's champion. Baraka should have no presence there.

D) The day Shaolin Monks officially becomes canon is the day I officially stop being a Mortal Kombat fan.
01/08/2010 02:26 AM (UTC)
10 New Characters


10 Returning Characters:
Kung Lao
Liu Kang
01/08/2010 02:32 AM (UTC)
Sadistic_Freak Wrote:
10 New Characters


10 Returning Characters:
Shang Tsung
Liu Kang
Johnny Cage

I edited the roster and all the 10 characters I mentioned were all in the first MK movie and it would be nice to have this roster and 10 new ones if it will be a remake of the first MK.
01/08/2010 02:41 AM (UTC)
If this is a remake of the original then you gotta have Reptile. Wasn't he one of the first secret characters? Shang Tsung's protector? I agree with having Jade because she was "a secret warrior from a previous tournament" and maybe even Smoke (only because it says the same thing for him in MK2) but Reptile was in the movie too.
01/08/2010 03:25 AM (UTC)
If it's a remake of the game, they wouldn't go by the movie, they would obviously go with the game itself...
01/18/2010 03:02 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
If it's a remake of the game, they wouldn't go by the movie, they would obviously go with the game itself...

Yes but at the same time, they could gather some critical information from the movies. Remember MK movies ALSO have some real personal information about a character that we've never heard about until then. So whenever happens, lets hope this MK9 is canon and follows the MKD or MKDA storyline.
01/18/2010 05:26 AM (UTC)
WWFrules Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
If it's a remake of the game, they wouldn't go by the movie, they would obviously go with the game itself...

Yes but at the same time, they could gather some critical information from the movies. Remember MK movies ALSO have some real personal information about a character that we've never heard about until then. So whenever happens, lets hope this MK9 is canon and follows the MKD or MKDA storyline.

Umm, they don't need the movies to help them create something that they made themselves... Literally, MK writers don't need help from Krischnoff or whatever the hell the guy's name is who made MK turn into a movie to gather information about something the creators of MK created.

Therefore, getting information off of a movie for more "character depth" wouldn't make any sense if the guys who are making MK are the guys who created MK so... No, they don't need help from the movies. Because if they did, Shinnok would be Raiden and Shao Kahn's father right about now... And we all know that the relationship between those three are completely false.
Historical Favorite
01/18/2010 06:37 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
WWFrules Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
If it's a remake of the game, they wouldn't go by the movie, they would obviously go with the game itself...

Yes but at the same time, they could gather some critical information from the movies. Remember MK movies ALSO have some real personal information about a character that we've never heard about until then. So whenever happens, lets hope this MK9 is canon and follows the MKD or MKDA storyline.

Umm, they don't need the movies to help them create something that they made themselves... Literally, MK writers don't need help from Krischnoff or whatever the hell the guy's name is who made MK turn into a movie to gather information about something the creators of MK created.

Therefore, getting information off of a movie for more "character depth" wouldn't make any sense if the guys who are making MK are the guys who created MK so... No, they don't need help from the movies. Because if they did, Shinnok would be Raiden and Shao Kahn's father right about now... And we all know that the relationship between those three are completely false.

I'd disagree, pointing out that any reboot could only be helped by plucking out the best bits from MK's various media. It's not as if the developers would have to follow the films to the letter, but borrowing bits and pieces shouldn't be an issue.

Regarding calling the Raiden/Kahn/Shinnok relationship false, it isn't. The game and the movie continuities are two completely different things. So it works.
01/18/2010 11:33 AM (UTC)
XiahouDun84 Wrote:
The Mortal Kombat tournament is meant to find the best Earth fighter to face Outworld's champion.

Thank you. So few people understand how the tournament is meant to work.

Just for everyone's benefit, lemme paint a mental picture. This is the canonical way MK1 is supposed to operate:
Imagine a bracket, y'know, like 8 fights, then 4 fights, then 2 fights, then 1...shaped with branches like a sideways tree? I'm sure you've seen one before in real sports? Okay well every single person in that bracket is from Earthrealm. And the guy who fights through every other human and makes it to the end, that guy has proven he is the single greatest martial artist in the entire realm. So that makes him Earth's representative. That is the true purpose of the Mortal Kombat tournament: To find Earth's greatest warrior.
At the very end, he fights Outworld's representative, as if there were a SECOND bracket and they meet at the ends. Like, uh...like how in football, the NFC and the AFC each have playoffs first, then the two winning teams meet at the Superbowl. (But the Outworld bracket only has one name in it because fighting Goro would just be a waste of Kahn's soldiers, sending them to their deaths, so Goro always gets a bye straight to the end, lol) So in this metaphor, the "Superbowl" is the subboss fight, Earth's best guy vs. Outworld's best guy, to decide who the Champion of Mortal Kombat is. And whoever wins gets to come back 50 years later ("once a generation") to defend his title. And as we all know, if Outworld gets a ten championships in a row winning streak, they get to invade Earthrealm. (And note that they don't automatically get to HAVE Earthrealm, they just get permission to invade. They'd still have to fight a war. It's just that the chances of Earth winning such a war were thought to be slim to none. Little detail, but often overlooked.)
So you see, there's a REASON there's only one fighter from Outworld in the MK1 game and only the humans are playable. No Kitana in MK1, no Mileena, no Baraka, Reptile and Shang aren't even in the bracket! They're a bodyguard and a glorified referee who gets beat up AFTER Liu Kang has won the tournament and become champion. It's JUST Goro. It's ALL Goro. Every egg, ONE basket.

Y'know, it's probably the goddamn movie that has people confused about how it works. They put in Kitana, they have Johnny cutting that stupid deal that makes Shang the last challenger, completely negating Goro's champion title, a move so nonsensical and against the rules it could only work in the WWE...15 f*cking years of "that shit ain't canon" and still it lingers.
And hey, here's a lightbulb for above your head: if we put all the good MK2 characters in MK1, what do you do now for the sequel? You just shot your wad early, genius, so what now? Start making shit up? Skip ahead to MK3? That's ALSO something the damn movie did and look how THAT turned out. Congratulations, your brilliant reboot idea is actually MK Annihilation: The Video Game.
Y'know what happens when someone who doesn't know how to work an oven starts playing with the knobs? Usually, they burn the damn house down. That's what most of the people making reboot suggestions are.
The only good remake is one that keeps to the story we ALREADY HAVE because it's REALLY tightly planned out the way it is and just going around making changes without stopping to figure out what the future consequences will be, will NOT improve anything. Again, if you've got a complex machine and you don't know how it works, do not touch. You will break it. And set it on fire. And burn the franchise down. Fire bad! Big no-no!
So with that in mind, there's only four characters I'd accept being added to a remake of MK1: Ermac, because it's already been retconned in that he was there as a spy or something hidden, Smoke and Jade, because of the "undiscovered warrior from MK1" text, and again, they'd just be spies or something hidden, not in the bracket, and Nimbus Terrafaux, the Gamepro April Fools joke, because judging from appearance, he's just a human being, just some cannon fodder for one of the main characters to do a fatality on (none of them die except Sub-Zero, someone more ought to), and it's a Midway tradition to make rumors real.

I might...MIGHT also be able to tolerate Kung Lao disguised as a masked guard, depending on how it's executed, because unlike XiahouDun, I believe his story works better if he didn't turn to pacifism until he faked his death in 3 and his motive for not being at the MK tournament, "I didn't want to abandon the White Lotus", doesn't make sense. The White Lotus' mission is to protect Earth from invasion. the tournament is HOW one does that and thus the White Lotus' primary function is to train warriors for the tournament, so staying behind defeats the purpose. So Liu and Kung Lao settling which one is most worthy to go with a spar and Liu winning but Lao sneaking along anyway just to watch his back because he knows Shang is a trickster is relatively logical. That said, I do NOT want to see him and Liu bickering and trying to one-up each other like f*cking children like they were in Shaolin Monks. They are MONKS, highly disciplined and serious masters of their minds and bodies. Immaturity and competitiveness is out-of-character.
Aaaaand in retrospect, I should not have written a post the length of a goddamn college essay. SOMEONE is gonna try and argue or respond and I won't be in the mood to defend my own points. There's just too much text here, even for the guy who wrote it all.
01/18/2010 04:47 PM (UTC)
OptimusGrime Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
WWFrules Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
If it's a remake of the game, they wouldn't go by the movie, they would obviously go with the game itself...

Yes but at the same time, they could gather some critical information from the movies. Remember MK movies ALSO have some real personal information about a character that we've never heard about until then. So whenever happens, lets hope this MK9 is canon and follows the MKD or MKDA storyline.

Umm, they don't need the movies to help them create something that they made themselves... Literally, MK writers don't need help from Krischnoff or whatever the hell the guy's name is who made MK turn into a movie to gather information about something the creators of MK created.

Therefore, getting information off of a movie for more "character depth" wouldn't make any sense if the guys who are making MK are the guys who created MK so... No, they don't need help from the movies. Because if they did, Shinnok would be Raiden and Shao Kahn's father right about now... And we all know that the relationship between those three are completely false.

I'd disagree, pointing out that any reboot could only be helped by plucking out the best bits from MK's various media. It's not as if the developers would have to follow the films to the letter, but borrowing bits and pieces shouldn't be an issue.

Regarding calling the Raiden/Kahn/Shinnok relationship false, it isn't. The game and the movie continuities are two completely different things. So it works.

I know that the movie and the game are two different things. I'm not stupid, okay.

I was just saying that I doubt the creators would get help from the movies. And I don't think you got what I meant with the whole father and sons issue. So...
Historical Favorite
01/18/2010 07:18 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:

I know that the movie and the game are two different things. I'm not stupid, okay.

I was just saying that I doubt the creators would get help from the movies. And I don't think you got what I meant with the whole father and sons issue. So...

I disagree with your first point.

If I didn't 'get' what you meant with the father / sons thing, please elaborate.
01/18/2010 07:56 PM (UTC)
OptimusGrime Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:

I know that the movie and the game are two different things. I'm not stupid, okay.

I was just saying that I doubt the creators would get help from the movies. And I don't think you got what I meant with the whole father and sons issue. So...

I disagree with your first point.

If I didn't 'get' what you meant with the father / sons thing, please elaborate.

Where I was going is if they really need to get help on some character or evolve them with help from the movie it's like making the Shinnok/Raiden/Kahn relation theory come true. That's all was where I was going with it.

And you always disagree with my points...
Historical Favorite
01/18/2010 08:14 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
OptimusGrime Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:

I know that the movie and the game are two different things. I'm not stupid, okay.

I was just saying that I doubt the creators would get help from the movies. And I don't think you got what I meant with the whole father and sons issue. So...

I disagree with your first point.

If I didn't 'get' what you meant with the father / sons thing, please elaborate.

Where I was going is if they really need to get help on some character or evolve them with help from the movie it's like making the Shinnok/Raiden/Kahn relation theory come true. That's all was where I was going with it.

And you always disagree with my points...

With good reason.

How is utilizing elements from the movie make other elements canon? It doesn't have to be all or nothing, you can pick and choose the best parts. Look at Deadly Alliance. As of that game, Kano is Australian like in the movies. What else did DA borrow from the film series? Nothing. You can have your cake and eat it too. You can use anything useful from other MK media to enhance the games, but you can just as easily ignore anything that doesn't fit.
01/18/2010 08:35 PM (UTC)
OptimusGrime Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
OptimusGrime Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:

I know that the movie and the game are two different things. I'm not stupid, okay.

I was just saying that I doubt the creators would get help from the movies. And I don't think you got what I meant with the whole father and sons issue. So...

I disagree with your first point.

If I didn't 'get' what you meant with the father / sons thing, please elaborate.

Where I was going is if they really need to get help on some character or evolve them with help from the movie it's like making the Shinnok/Raiden/Kahn relation theory come true. That's all was where I was going with it.

And you always disagree with my points...

With good reason.

How is utilizing elements from the movie make other elements canon? It doesn't have to be all or nothing, you can pick and choose the best parts. Look at Deadly Alliance. As of that game, Kano is Australian like in the movies. What else did DA borrow from the film series? Nothing. You can have your cake and eat it too. You can use anything useful from other MK media to enhance the games, but you can just as easily ignore anything that doesn't fit.

I get sick when I eat cake, so I can't have any, but thank you.

What I was trying to get out of this is quite simple but you're making it like it's THE thing to debate about as much as anything I write. Why should they get help from the movie when they're the ones who created the characters first?

Where oh where does it say Kano is Australian? I've search throughout websites containing MK information, I see no where on any site that he is. Just because Trevor Goddard had an accent in the movie? That really did not sound Australian to me, it sounded English, like where Trevor originated from.

And if suddenly the creators are gathering information on other media of MK, that means that they can make Sektor a Jamacian looking person and Ermac having red hair and a strip beard if they're going to take their unmasked looks from the cartoon...

I really wasn't expecting a large debate I wrote like two weeks ago, I really wasn't.
01/18/2010 10:00 PM (UTC)
The MK games have taken plenty from the movies.

The ten tournaments in a row rule.

Looks for Liu Kang, Kitana, and Johnny Cage for MK4.

The rivalry between Johnny Cage and Goro.

Kano's australian accent.

Icebaby, I suggest you check out some accents because Trevor did an Australian accent on purpose, so yeah that's what his accent was in the movie.

And he ended up having an accent in the games too, so there's your information about Kano that you couldn't find online. It's in the games.
01/18/2010 10:17 PM (UTC)
Zentile Wrote:
The MK games have taken plenty from the movies.

The ten tournaments in a row rule.

Looks for Liu Kang, Kitana, and Johnny Cage for MK4.

The rivalry between Johnny Cage and Goro.

Kano's australian accent.

Icebaby, I suggest you check out some accents because Trevor did an Australian accent on purpose, so yeah that's what his accent was in the movie.

And he ended up having an accent in the games too, so there's your information about Kano that you couldn't find online. It's in the games.

But um, I never really said anything that the games didn't take ideas from the movies to add into the games. I've been asking "WHY SHOULD THEY?" all this time... THAT is my question. I never said anything that the games didn't feature anything in the movie. I don't know why they need to take ideas from movies, really.
Historical Favorite
01/18/2010 10:55 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
But um, I never really said anything that the games didn't take ideas from the movies to add into the games. I've been asking "WHY SHOULD THEY?"

To improve the presentation. If the series is indeed rebooted the MK team needs to look at all of the spinoff media (movies, comics, television and whatever else) and their own games and pluck out the best parts. You take those best aspects of the franchise and put them in a blender and your left with an overall stronger product. It's the video game version of a greatest hits album.
01/18/2010 11:05 PM (UTC)
Zentile Wrote:
The ten tournaments in a row rule.

Actually, this was originally stated in the Mortal Kombat II comic that was written by John Tobias.

Personally, I'm not a fan of blurring the line between games' canon and the movies/TV shows. Mainly because the majority of ideas and concepts from the movies either suck or are disposable.

Yeah, Kano's Australian now because of the movie....whoopti-shit.
Liu Kang and Kitana are in love.....AWFUL. Should've been left out.
Scorpion has an idiotic little creature living in his hand....still non-canon and thank fucking Christ for that.

The list goes on.

The only thing of any real merit the games took from the movies was the idea of Raiden being a mentor figure.
Historical Favorite
01/18/2010 11:15 PM (UTC)
XiahouDun84 Wrote:
Scorpion has an idiotic little creature living in his hand....still non-canon and thank fucking Christ for that.

No sir. Scorpion's hand creature was awesome.
01/19/2010 12:54 AM (UTC)
The hand creature is an awful goddamn idea. It looks stupid, and more importantly, it doesn't make any SENSE. His name is Scorpion, not Snake. His spear is a STINGER, not something that BITES.
Now a kunai, THAT makes sense. He's a ninja, his powers as a spectre are enhanced versions of the things he was good at in life, like throwing little knives and shuriken.
01/19/2010 04:25 PM (UTC)
It was even more lame that his "Snake spear" crashed into a tree and died... I found that scene to be hilarious.

So I can see that idea not being thought of as an idea to give to Scorpion in future games.
01/19/2010 06:00 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
Zentile Wrote:
The MK games have taken plenty from the movies.

The ten tournaments in a row rule.

Looks for Liu Kang, Kitana, and Johnny Cage for MK4.

The rivalry between Johnny Cage and Goro.

Kano's australian accent.

Icebaby, I suggest you check out some accents because Trevor did an Australian accent on purpose, so yeah that's what his accent was in the movie.

And he ended up having an accent in the games too, so there's your information about Kano that you couldn't find online. It's in the games.

But um, I never really said anything that the games didn't take ideas from the movies to add into the games. I've been asking "WHY SHOULD THEY?" all this time... THAT is my question. I never said anything that the games didn't feature anything in the movie. I don't know why they need to take ideas from movies, really.

Mortal Kombat in idea came from favorite movies of Boon & Tobias...it has been stated in the past directly from them. Couple of them movies were "Big Trouble in Little China" and "Storm Riders". There really is no reason to ask why they need to add movie based ideas. The answer is obvious really,Ed and John were fans of them movies and it apparently had and influence on them...they enjoyed the notion. The blood idea also came from classic martial arts movies. You have to realize also that the idea of the game does not just come from movies but it comes from the creators personality too. I think if anything of MK needs a reboot or remake it should be the movies not the games. I say this because MK was invented from the imaginations influenced by movies and the current movies did not reflect any of that personality at all.
01/19/2010 09:08 PM (UTC)
LycaniLLusion Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
Zentile Wrote:
The MK games have taken plenty from the movies.

The ten tournaments in a row rule.

Looks for Liu Kang, Kitana, and Johnny Cage for MK4.

The rivalry between Johnny Cage and Goro.

Kano's australian accent.

Icebaby, I suggest you check out some accents because Trevor did an Australian accent on purpose, so yeah that's what his accent was in the movie.

And he ended up having an accent in the games too, so there's your information about Kano that you couldn't find online. It's in the games.

But um, I never really said anything that the games didn't take ideas from the movies to add into the games. I've been asking "WHY SHOULD THEY?" all this time... THAT is my question. I never said anything that the games didn't feature anything in the movie. I don't know why they need to take ideas from movies, really.

Mortal Kombat in idea came from favorite movies of Boon & Tobias...it has been stated in the past directly from them. Couple of them movies were "Big Trouble in Little China" and "Storm Riders". There really is no reason to ask why they need to add movie based ideas. The answer is obvious really,Ed and John were fans of them movies and it apparently had and influence on them...they enjoyed the notion. The blood idea also came from classic martial arts movies. You have to realize also that the idea of the game does not just come from movies but it comes from the creators personality too. I think if anything of MK needs a reboot or remake it should be the movies not the games. I say this because MK was invented from the imaginations influenced by movies and the current movies did not reflect any of that personality at all.

Okay, first of all, you have everything looked at in the wrong way. There was no one stating anywhere about having Boon and Tobias gathering ideas from other movies. I'm fully aware of the fact that they did take ideas from other movies. Kabal = Sand Raiders in Star Wars... that's basically a given fact.

You missed the point... I was asking why should they take ideas from the MK movies when they basically created the game themselves. So, you missed a critical point in this whole debate. Basically almost every game was literally created by an idea of something shown in the movies. Dir, but why do the creators themselves need help creating another MK game with a movie about the same thing.
01/20/2010 01:38 AM (UTC)
ahh perhaps i did get mislead...in that sense than i would have to agree with you to some extent. i just hope they would not go by such an idea because i would rather them remake it completely...the first movie ehhh...the second lets not go there lol. but yeah i did not catch on to what you meant at first. my mind is an adventure that has many side quests and i get sidetracked and i miss things sometimes lol.
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