Kreate-A-Fighter MK2011 sequel
posted11/06/2011 01:31 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
10/27/2011 10:33 PM (UTC)
I have another idea for the sequel. Bring back KAF for Mortal Kombat 10. The graphics and textures should be the same as the in-game fighters. It should be similar to MKA but with graphics and textures like MK9. The clothing should be the same. Also two of the KAF fighters should be playable in the story mode. Male and a female character both featured in they story. It will be 10 sets of voiceovers for the each male and female to operate in the story mode. It should be two good characters of KAF in the story mode and two bad characters of KAF a in the story mode. Bad KAF will be featured as well. It will be a total of four featured in the story mode. 30 generated names to choose for the characters will allow them to be notice by other fighters in the story. For example, Quan Chi: " You have no chance of defeating the Brotherhood of Shadow, Myran,". The names will be called out by the annoucer at the character selection too.

If you agree with me, we can start a petition to send to NRS.

If not, just an idea I came up with.
11/03/2011 12:45 AM (UTC)
Do you know how many names they would have to program into the game for the voice thing to work, they would have to base it off like on Knights of the Old Republic where no one calls you by your name just saying you, or your. However i would not mind having a custom character in story mode but in my opinion it is to advanced, they would have to borrow an engine from or something.
11/04/2011 11:48 AM (UTC)
Create-a character feature the story,no. Too much to incorporate into it and too time consuming. I really even find it hard to put them in Arcade because it would lack quality story art and video sequences. They could just let you write a story like in MK:A and maybe have cut scenes of your matches in the background as the story scrolls for you to read but I really think it should only be for versus and online. Also KAK lobbies should be separate from the main roster online for tourneys obviously. Unless the KAK system ends up actually balanced wow
11/04/2011 06:36 PM (UTC)
I see your angle 20 generated names can go in. 10 for the men and 10 for the women. The others characters in the story mode won't have to say their name in a full sentence. Just call their name once. They wouldn't be call by a whole lotta characters or anything. Just by the main ones like Raiden, or Quan
11/04/2011 06:45 PM (UTC)
LycaniLLusion I see your point as well. But the reason why I said for KAK to be featured in the story mode is because the other warriors were killed. The two KAK's will be Earthrealm based warriors that Raiden discovers and recruit. A male and female. MKA KAK was okay but you only had to make one. You couldn't make two or three. This one should let you make four. You should be able to switch at the selection screen to choose KAKs. I like you idea about their endings. It can just show them in a fight with an opponent and you can write the story for them as well as their bio. If we act now they can get to work on it and I can write a fullproof dialog of the idea.winkwow
11/06/2011 01:31 AM (UTC)
Your idea is good but not great for a mode in the next game. A game like that should be its own game alone. That would be more fitting in a MK:SM 2 game than an actual MK fighter.
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