Kollectors Edition. Worth it?
posted02/25/2015 02:24 PM (UTC)by
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07/10/2014 01:05 AM (UTC)
Ok, let's get something out of the way: I'm getting the Coarse Kollector's Edition. I might even get the Europian version somewhere down the line. But anyway let commpare what you get in the Coarse and Europe kollectors editions for MKX to MK9's kollector's edition. For starters, what do you get?

Coarse: A Gold and Black Scorpion Statue, Gold and Black Scorpion Skin, Certifaction of Authenicity (which I think is just card saying Coarse made this), Goro and the Kombat Pass.

Europian: A Scorpion statue based off of the cover of MKX, Gold and Black Scorpion Skin, MKX Comics, Volume 1 aka Chapters 1 - 3. Steel Pack and Cards, Goro and Kombat Pass

MK9: Scorpion Statue, Sub-Zero Statue, Artbook, 2 exclusive themes and 3 exclusive gamer pictures and MK1 Ermac costume

So, with all of them, you get a Scorpion Statue, but in MK9, you also get a Sub-Zero statue. Also, in MK9, you get 2 exclusive themes with 3 exclusive gamer pictures. But you do not get the Season Pass and you'll have to buy the Ermac costume again if you plan on get the other 6 klassic skins. MKX versions both, however, do come with the Season Pass as well as Goro, which as of right now we don't know if he's a pre-order only character, and a gold and black scorpion which I do believe is exclusive, of which the Ermac costume isn't. Also, with the Europian version, you get a physical copy of the first 3 comics as well as some cards. So if we compare them all:

MK9: Somewhat not worth it unless you want the Scorpion and Sub-Zero statues. Otherwise, 3 gamer pictures, 2 themes and Ermac's MK1 costume? And yea there's a artbook but you can get most of the art in the game. (Also note, I got this kollectors edition just a couple weeks ago.)

Coarse: Also somewhat not worth it. You get the season pass and a exclusive skin which is a step up as well as a neat statue but in comperasion to the Europe verison, you feel like you should get more. Also, do I REALLY need a card that tells me that Coarse made this? We already refer to it as Coarse Kollector's edition. But if it's a card that has your name on it, well, what if you found one on ebay and instead of having your name, it says like John Smith or something.

Europe: This is the only version that's worth it (In my opinion.) You get a HIGHLY detailed statue as well as everything the Coarse version has other then the Card. Yea, really going to lose sleep over that. Also, you get the first 3 comics and some steel cards. If I can someday get my hands on this version, i'll be happy. Also, now I see why they're already sold out.

So, do you agree? Are the kollector's edition not really worth it? But if you do get one, which one? (Edit) Also, here's where I got the information http://community.wbgames.com/t5/Official-Announcements/Mortal-Kombat-X-editions-All-the-information-you-need/m-p/396836#M17
02/24/2015 02:44 AM (UTC)
I might do the Gamestop limited edition. But same problem. Don't know if it will even end up being worth it.
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02/24/2015 02:47 AM (UTC)
If your a MK collector and you like statues, then it's worth it.

I'm going the $99 one myself, not into statues
02/24/2015 02:48 AM (UTC)
Well, it depends on how much of a kollector you are. Are you willing to pay a extra $40 for a exclusive skin, a Art Book and the Season Pass? It's really more like would you pay $15-$20 for a exclusive skin and a art book.
02/24/2015 02:49 AM (UTC)
starzilla83 Wrote:
Ok, let's get something out of the way: I'm getting the Coarse Kollector's Edition. I might even get the Europian version somewhere down the line. But anyway let commpare what you get in the Coarse and Europe kollectors editions for MKX to MK9's kollector's edition. For starters, what do you get?

Coarse: A Gold and Black Scorpion Statue, Gold and Black Scorpion Skin, Certifaction of Authenicity (which I think is just card saying Coarse made this), Goro and the Kombat Pass.

Europian: A Scorpion statue based off of the cover of MKX, Gold and Black Scorpion Skin, MKX Comics, Volume 1 aka Chapters 1 - 3. Steel Pack and Cards, Goro and Kombat Pass

MK9: Scorpion Statue, Sub-Zero Statue, Artbook, 2 exclusive themes and 3 exclusive gamer pictures and MK1 Ermac costume

So, with all of them, you get a Scorpion Statue, but in MK9, you also get a Sub-Zero statue. Also, in MK9, you get 2 exclusive themes with 3 exclusive gamer pictures. But you do not get the Season Pass and you'll have to buy the Ermac costume again if you plan on get the other 6 klassic skins. MKX versions both, however, do come with the Season Pass as well as Goro, which as of right now we don't know if he's a pre-order only character, and a gold and black scorpion which I do believe is exclusive, of which the Ermac costume isn't. Also, with the Europian version, you get a physical copy of the first 3 comics as well as some cards. So if we compare them all:

MK9: Somewhat not worth it unless you want the Scorpion and Sub-Zero statues. Otherwise, 3 gamer pictures, 2 themes and Ermac's MK1 costume? And yea there's a artbook but you can get most of the art in the game. (Also note, I got this kollectors edition just a couple weeks ago.)

Coarse: Also somewhat not worth it. You get the season pass and a exclusive skin which is a step up as well as a neat statue but in comperasion to the Europe verison, you feel like you should get more. Also, do I REALLY need a card that tells me that Coarse made this? We already refer to it as Coarse Kollector's edition. But if it's a card that has your name on it, well, what if you found one on ebay and instead of having your name, it says like John Smith or something.

Europe: This is the only version that's worth it (In my opinion.) You get a HIGHLY detailed statue as well as everything the Coarse version has other then the Card. Yea, really going to lose sleep over that. Also, you get the first 3 comics and some steel cards. If I can someday get my hands on this version, i'll be happy. Also, now I see why they're already sold out.

So, do you agree? Are the kollector's edition not really worth it? But if you do get one, which one?

Got to point out so people aren't misinformed, including yourself bud; but the European Kollector's edition doesn't come with Goro or the Kombat Pack. And it's a Scorpian figurine that's in the Coarse one, not a statue. So yeah the Coarse one is definitely worth it considering the figurine is by Coarse and Coarse figures can sell for hundreds; but the European version isn't worth it at all in my opinion.
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02/24/2015 02:50 AM (UTC)
There worth it I think. I like the one Scorpion statue but I got the corse version cause I already own the print comic book. It came, out already so getting it in april is lame be ause if your a fan following the, comic and buying print as opposed to the digital by the time the game comes out print issues 1-5 will be out which I believe is online digital chapters 1-15 if 3 digital to one print
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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

02/24/2015 02:56 AM (UTC)
Originially I had the Gamestop Limited Edition but just recently upgraded to the Coarse Edition. Had a friend convince me that it'd be worth it in the long run.

Not to mention that Cold War Scorpion skin will be available later on. As well as all the other skins.

So I'm going for the statue. Although I'm still baffled on how you're going to put all this effort and detail into something then polish it off with a shoddy paint job.

Regardless though, I think the statue will be the equivalent of MK9's Fight Stick. Best bang for your buck...especially if you're a collector.
02/24/2015 03:41 AM (UTC)
The MK9 "statues" you're talking about are bookends, which is kind of different but not really I guess.

I got that one, because it wasn't just Scorpion (even though it is Scorpion kicking Subbie's butt as always.) I did think that one was worth it, because I do like statues.

As for the MKX collector's editions. I don't really think any of them are worth it. If I were to get any of them, I'd get the Coarse one, because it's unique, but it's just scorpion so I don't care.

I'm not even going to get the season pass because I don't care about guest characters and it kind of sounds like we may be getting more than one. So I'll just pay for actual MK characters separately.

Honestly the boringness of the collector's editions are a relief to me, I shouldn't be spending over $150 on a video game.
02/24/2015 03:58 AM (UTC)
Absolutely not worth it at all none of them! I was so excited for this game and ordered the collectors edition straight up but then I thought about it and figured out I was paying $169 for the game, a crappy statue and a comic which I had already read or I could just pay $79 for the game so today I just downgraded to the regular game.

Also I live in Australia so for some fucked up reason we don't get the kombat pass with any edition of the game so I figured I am better off saving my money and getting the extra characters later.

Kollectors edition would have been better with either all the comics included, a sweet art book or a book with character bios and MK lore past and present
02/24/2015 11:17 PM (UTC)
I had every intent to buy the most expensive version of the MKX (I always do this for Mortal Kombat and for Mortal Kombat only) but once it was announced it was a Scorpion statue, I was turned off.

If it was ANYONE other than Scorpion, I'd purchase the Coarse edition. I know Scorpion is practically the face of MK (Hell, Boon voices him!) but I wanted something unique this time around.

I already ordered the $100 Gamestop version.
02/25/2015 04:53 AM (UTC)
While I would have preferred the import version due to the fact that the Scorpion statue looks 10 time better, I too settled on the Course Edition.
02/25/2015 02:24 PM (UTC)
Can anyone name 5 collectors editions these days that are worth it?

The last time I bothered they included art books or making of DVD's. Now...T-shirts, "iconic" hats and cheap plastic statues, oh and DLC that will cost you 15 bucks if you try and get it any other way.

No it's not worth it.
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