Kitana as a villain.
posted03/14/2015 06:04 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
06/13/2014 09:07 AM (UTC)
I actually kind of relish the thought of Kitana returning to the dark side after MKX and fighting against Earthrealm in MK11, how about you guys?
03/14/2015 12:32 AM (UTC)
Don't really see it happening. doesn't make sense so far.

So she's a little less of a Disney princess in this game and has a more take no shit attitude. Doesn't mean she is turning to the dark side.

She's seen the horror and consequences Kahns crusade I doubt she would follow in his footsteps.
03/14/2015 12:34 AM (UTC)
I predicted this a few months before she was announced. If it turns out to be true I was spot on lol
03/14/2015 12:35 AM (UTC)
not sure but i do think MK11 will focus more on the 3D gen characters and we'll see quite a few characters written off this game
03/14/2015 12:37 AM (UTC)
I don't think she will be a "villain" but I don't see her joining the side of good as if nothing happened in MK9, I mainly see her doing her own thing, then eventually crossing paths with the heroes, and they maybe work together to beat a common enemy.
03/14/2015 12:45 AM (UTC)
redman Wrote:
I predicted this a few months before she was announced. If it turns out to be true I was spot on lol

Her dialogues with Cassie or Kung Lao are on the "this characters wouldn't fight for real" category, throwing quips or talking about sparring so I doubt we're seeing her as a villian here (except for the tiem she's a revenant of course).
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

03/14/2015 02:21 AM (UTC)
Why does there have to be an either or?

I would love for Kitana to be in that gray area. Pretty much doing her own things along with having a "no fucks given" personality.
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03/14/2015 02:43 AM (UTC)
Evil Kitana <3
03/14/2015 04:06 AM (UTC)
I hope not. But evil Kitana does sound bad ass
03/14/2015 04:10 AM (UTC)
Lokheit Wrote:
redman Wrote:
I predicted this a few months before she was announced. If it turns out to be true I was spot on lol

Her dialogues with Cassie or Kung Lao are on the "this characters wouldn't fight for real" category, throwing quips or talking about sparring so I doubt we're seeing her as a villian here (except for the tiem she's a revenant of course).

Yeah I can see that. Like they said in the stream today some dialogues are canon, some are just for fun.
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-sig by MINION

03/14/2015 04:27 AM (UTC)
The only person she's been really hostile to is Quan Chi. She doesn't have the same relationships she had in the last timeline. They aren't successful allies anymore or gone through the same fire that they have before.

Hopefully she's more of an ally who does her own thing this go round.
03/14/2015 05:45 AM (UTC)
Nah neutral Kitana. I have this interesting hypothesis that after Revenant Kitana supposedly gets thrown into a pit of lava or falls into some cliff, her consciousness wanders another dimension (reminiscent of Jade's ending) and she ends up in the Temple of Delia (you know Argus's wife from Armageddon, the mot powerful sorceress of Edenia) and meets Delia herself who shows Kitana that the real threat is coming (either from a dark sorceress Tanya, Noob leading Chaosrealm, or some other trying to awaken the One Being) and not from Shinnok or Dark Fire Liu Kang (if he's confirmed) and she breaks tenet with her fellow Elder Gods (who don't do shit as the invasion of Earthrealm by Shinnok may prove to be the last straw) to intervene, offering to make Kitana her disciple with the use of light magic, citing that "are too many evil sorcerers in the universe" and that the reason she helps Kitana is that she sympathizes with her and the life story she seen that she could not interfere with before. Kitana accepts and not only does she get some of Delia's powerful magic, but this experience has also awakened a sealed-off memory in her head that contains almost all of her fullest 10,000 years of kombat experience that she had all this time that can be unlocked from that magic. That may explain why Kitana was not so powerful and deadly as depicted in MK9 because she wasn't at her full power as an assassin (by logic an assassin that has 10,000 years would be able to kick a human's ass who's just 23 years old, they should demonstrate that and how badass she is). So then she reawakens, blasts out of a lava pit unscathed, fights Fire God Liu Kang, steals the Kamidogu under his eyes, stabs him to death with it, lets die monetarily before saving him at the last moment with her new light magic that have healing properties (because he all know Raiden neglects his abilities when it comes to his fellow allies in MK9's conclusion).

Also as a note I would give Delia Kitana the task of REAWAKENING her son Taven because clearly Daegon is fucking up things with his Red Dragon in Earthrealm and could become possessed with the One Being so what better way than to send his brother to stop him? This gives Taven and Kitana a good start for a character development with Taven being a powerful ally to Kitana as a demigod while Kitana helps Taven cope with his parents' death and his time shock after being in a coma for 10,000 years akin to a big sister-little brother relationship. One misunderstanding might bring Taven and Liu Kang into conflict, but Kitana as always settles the conflict between them and both guys gradually have a mutual respect for one another.

Kitana can be pissed off at Raiden for letting Jade die (and Sindel that's my prediction) and her at MK9 despite knowing Raiden was trying to save Earth at the same time, but imagine if she got mostly pissed off not at Quan or Shinnok, but Fire God Liu Kang or him being an asshole to everybody in the game? In the old canon, there never was one issue of tension between Liu and Kitana, just all lovy, good-good. I want Kitana to just walk up to Fire Liu after she's restored, bitch-slap him in the face much to his shock and call him a coward for using his godly powers not to protect Earth as he vows to claim, but to isolate himself as an obsessive dictator and hurt his allies who done nothing wrong to him. To her it's a betrayal to his own realm and his honor as a Champion of Mortal Kombat as we all know how she feels about traitors. Kitana tells him Liu in disgust that he's no different from Shao Kahn and that she can't get him to listen to reason, she'll have to beat the shit out of him even if she might possibly die again. As for the second scenario, I can picture recurring verbal confrontations between Liu (after he's resurrected) in MKX and Raiden just yelling at each other where it gets to a point near the end of the game Kitana just runs in, getting tired of both their shit and shuts down the shouting match. First she can point out to Raiden that though he had good intentions, his shitty performance record as a god in MK9 and that he hasn't done enough to protect his allies especially Jade. Then the plot twist comes when she turns to Liu Kang, slaps him in the face and to his shock she calls him a "fucking idiot." Then it goes something like this:

"What the hell happened to you that made you into such an asshole? You have all of your friends and allies especially Kung Lao next to you who are trying to help you and yet you're constantly pushing them away and treating them like shit. You think acting like the "Chosen One" gives you a right to hurt the people you care about? I now see why you're all obsessed with Raiden. You just want to kill him, steal his title as Protector God so you can feel so good about protecting Earthrealm and satisfy your selfish notion that you can do BETTER than he did. Well I got news for you Liu. You're NOT the chosen one so stop acting like you're above everyone else. Raiden may have done his fair share of horrible mistakes, but at least he is willing to acknowledge them and try to fix them. WHAT THE HELL HAVE YOU DONE? All you've done besides NOT helping your allies is walk in and start arguments with Raiden. I swear to the Elder Gods you can be such a big Earthrealm baby. I understand your death was traumatic, believe me I've experienced it too, but do you remember Raiden trying to kill you? That's funny because I was watching the flashback events from Delia's Temple play out and I saw you actually TRYING to kill Raiden while he defended himself. That's actually kind of stupid of you to rush him. And stop blaming yourself about how your friends died because you weren't there to save us as the almighty hero of the hour. The whole fate of Earthrealm doesn't weigh on your shoulder so stop aacting like you're inadequate because you weren't three with us. All of them are alive and have moved on with their lives, WHY CAN'T YOU? And stop WHINING about how your death was so traumatic and make it so important to you? There are fates worse than death Liu. You know NOTHING about a lifetime of suffering. I've seen my father killed in front of my eyes, my mother and I imprisoned, my entire REALM burn to the ground when Shao Kahn invaded, being indoctrinated under Shao to assassinate THOUSANDS of my own people and I listed all of my targets secretly so I can never forget their names as a remainder of my guilt. Even after all of that, I managed to break myself free and enlist your help in freeing my people. Is it hard to adjust to a new life? Yes, but I dealt with it. You think your death is the center of the world Liu? CRY ME A RIVER. You want to save Earthrealm? Start by acknowledging your demons and letting them go so they don't haunt you for the rest of your life. Let your friends help you and stop acting like a god. BE YOURSELF FOR ONCE. As for a solution, I suggest that you two reconcile with each other and stop this childish bantering while Shinnok and other invaders are taking advantage of this. I warn you this will be the last time I babysit two grown men in a interdimensional war.

I think if you add moments like these, you can actually make Kitana and Liu's relationship with CONFLICT so they can steadily overtime resolve it and make the two develop as imperfect human characters. Sonya and Johnny are divorced and they hate each other's guts throughout the game, but presumingly reconcile along with Cassie at the end of MKX (I hope so) so why not give Liu and Kitana both conflict and make KItana the stern voice of reason to Liu's fucked-up head? Make Kitana as the badass Outworld assassin as she was built up in the old canon and a powerful fighter (MK's version of Lady Shiva) due to that hidden potential she never knew she had/used until Delia reawakened it within her. and actually kick Liu Kang's ass and win.

03/14/2015 06:00 AM (UTC)

I've always wanted evil Kitana. I always thought it would have been way better if Kitana and Jade were evil. I always thought it was cheesy and cliche that Kitana was always good. The evil king's daughter falls in love with the hero and turns good. Isn't that what always happens? Let's keep her evil for once.

wdm6789 Wrote:

I've always wanted evil Kitana. I always thought it would have been way better if Kitana and Jade were evil. I always thought it was cheesy and cliche that Kitana was always good. The evil king's daughter falls in love with the hero and turns good. Isn't that what always happens? Let's keep her evil for once.

To be fair it only would've been cliche if they actually had a relationship. Liu decided to protect Earthrealm instead.
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