Kira could be epic revamped - definitely worth a revisit.
posted02/20/2015 11:14 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
07/06/2014 04:27 PM (UTC)
I want to start by asking everyone to keep a TRULY open mind and look at this for what I'm actually saying. (I.E. at the very least avoid commenting about her being a Kano/Sonya rip-off.)

I think Kira could be one of the coolest characters in terms of story, gameplay, and design if she was truly given a chance to shine.

So this would include only keeping a few parts of her backstory and design, but changing a majority of it.

Her backstory is that she was a woman in disguise in the Middle East selling arms to terrorists, and when she was discovered, fought her way out of a cave before being recruited by Kabal into the Black Dragon. I chose to separate this story into two parts, the first being her in the Middle East. Beyond it being a cool story, I think it could make for excellent gameplay and variations.


Common across them all would be a stab attack with her daggers, a projectile throw of the daggers, both high and low, and a parry that wouldn't deal damage, but temporarily buff Kira's speed.

Variation 1 - Arms Dealer (Zoning Improved)

Kira would be hooded and in heavy dirty robes, covering most of her. Her eyes would be visible, but she would have eyepaint similar to Kitana's, making them darker. She would also speak in a lower voice.

In this variation, she would gain the use of a rocket launcher, that would be a high-damage projectile with a large start-up time. Think Sheeva's fireball. The enhanced version would be a heat-seeking missile, which would follow either the character. She would also be able to use a move that has a machine-gun or a semi. She would also gain an upwards gunshot as an anti-air and air downwards gunshots like Harley Quinn in Injustice.

Variation 2 - Scimitar (Combo-Enders and Rushdown)

Kira would look very similar in this variation to her last one, but would have the additions of a scimitar attached to her hilt and a small pocket as well.

In this variation, she would gain the use of the scimitar in various special moves and in her normals to increase range and chip damage. Her specials would be a flail of the scimitar (similar to Green Arrow's Hurricane Bow) which could be used to end combos, a move where she stabs the opponent repeatedly, that could enhanced to allow for juggles, a sneaky stab that would either aim low or overhead depending on the input, and to be able to throw sand and powdered glass that could harm the opponent from her belt in front of her as she dashes back, which would stop the opponent from moving and keep in the corner, for example, but the dash back would allow for some form of punish on the move.

Variation 3 - Bloodthirsty (Mix-ups and Combos)

Kira would ditch the robes and look similar to her MKDeception look, or even completely different, but obviously female.

In this variation, gravity-scaling would be reduced so as to allow for larger or other-wise impossible combos. She would also gain a few moves with her daggers that would juggle the opponent, as well as a launcher normal, and Kitana's Pretty Kicks from MK9, with an enhanced version being similar to Zatanna's kicks from Injustice. Most of the moves and specials in this variation would also have the same frame-data (or very similar), but her moves would look wilder and more crazed. She would also gain her projectile from MKDeception, albeit updated and looking better. Finally for this variation, she would also gain 3 chains that would allow for mixups.

Her first fatality would include her slicing the opponent three times horizontally, then jumping over them and grabbing their head like Sonya's second fatality in MK9, before pulling them down until the wounds expanded and internal organs fell out. Then, she would snap off their head.

What do you guys think?
02/20/2015 02:23 PM (UTC)
Pretty cool.

Everyone is worth a revisit IMO, they could all be revamped nicely and fan art/stories prove that. But it's not up to us, we don't make the games.
02/20/2015 02:29 PM (UTC)
Hmmm nope. Not her.
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02/20/2015 02:31 PM (UTC)
Yeah, I've always said that the Middle Eastern part of her backstory is the most interesting thing about her. If they went back to the drawing board and redesigned her completely with that in mind, she could actually be pretty cool.
02/20/2015 02:41 PM (UTC)
I've suggested in a Kira thread of my own that she should be repackaged as a Xenia Onatopp-like sexual sadist. Xenia was an henchwoman from the James Bond movie Goldeneye who liked to squeeze people's ribs with her legs until they suffocated.

Kira should do that to her opponents, with a few changes: She should chop her victim's arms, squeeze her opponent's ribs with her legs, slit their throat and keep on squeezing, moaning all the while.

Since Kano already has the dual knives, Kira could be given Kobra's machete to differentiate her from Kano. In fact, Kira should forcibly take it from Kobra after she squeezes him to death. It'd make a fun scene in a comic.
02/20/2015 02:57 PM (UTC)
Anyone can be revamped. Nrs doesn't seem to notice that.
02/20/2015 03:06 PM (UTC)
squirt007nc Wrote:
Anyone can be revamped. Nrs doesn't seem to notice that.

I think they're far too in love with the core characters (the vast majority of the returnees so far) to give most of the others a chance.

I mean, even popular characters like Kabal, Smoke and Rain have made very few appearances outside compilation games.
02/20/2015 03:19 PM (UTC)
Kira > Cassie
02/20/2015 03:44 PM (UTC)
Her backstory is that she was a woman in disguise in the Middle East selling arms to terrorists

lulz dat prejudice, don't ever travel to the middle east, I'm sure everyone there is holding sniper rifles and bombs on the streets, ready to do something a terrorist would. long live USA!!!!
02/20/2015 04:21 PM (UTC)


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02/20/2015 05:04 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
squirt007nc Wrote:Anyone can be revamped. Nrs doesn't seem to notice that.

I think they're far too in love with the core characters (the vast majority of the returnees so far) to give most of the others a chance.
I mean, even popular characters like Kabal, Smoke and Rain have made very few appearances outside compilation games.

I too believe anyone could have a second chance, which i'd prefer to see anyway because why make characters if you're going to forget about them or ignore them. There's very few characters i'd like to see return because the improvement to Stryker can happen again. With each game's improvement in quality the potential for revamps just goes up.

Just for fun i've been replaying MKDA since the timing will be the same events just in alternate timeline. Anyway, Drahmin and Moloch piss me off and i'm glad those two aren't returning, but i'm disappointed for the likes of Nitara, Mavado and Hsu Hao.
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02/20/2015 05:09 PM (UTC)
Here is the thing. Everything you have just done could be done to any other character in any other situation and at anytime.

02/20/2015 06:17 PM (UTC)
RainMKX Wrote:
Her backstory is that she was a woman in disguise in the Middle East selling arms to terrorists

lulz dat prejudice, don't ever travel to the middle east, I'm sure everyone there is holding sniper rifles and bombs on the streets, ready to do something a terrorist would. long live USA!!!!

I come from a muslim family and am not American, get out of here with that fake "getting offended for others" bullshit.
02/20/2015 06:23 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
Here is the thing. Everything you have just done could be done to any other character in any other situation and at anytime.

To varying degrees of awesome and with varying degrees of effort. Meat, for example, represents one of the joke characters that in his current capacity is an instant no, but has many fan theories that make him a decent character, albeit not THE most interesting. Mokap, on the other hand, will never be a wonderful character, even with an awesome revamp.

Kira is a character that with minimal effort could easily be a great character and just straight-up isn't as pathetic as Kobra or similar MKD characters, and was marred by her moveset rather than anything else.
02/20/2015 06:29 PM (UTC)
squirt007nc Wrote:
Anyone can be revamped. Nrs doesn't seem to notice that.

Case in point, the ratio of oldies to new characters in the game so far. Do we REALLY need nearly the entire MK1 roster present?
RainMKX Wrote:
lulz dat prejudice, don't ever travel to the middle east, I'm sure everyone there is holding sniper rifles and bombs on the streets, ready to do something a terrorist would. long live USA!!!!

Shut the fuck up, please. Thank you.
02/20/2015 06:43 PM (UTC)
MileenaFanMKX Wrote:
Chrome Wrote:
Here is the thing. Everything you have just done could be done to any other character in any other situation and at anytime.

To varying degrees of awesome and with varying degrees of effort. Meat, for example, represents one of the joke characters that in his current capacity is an instant no, but has many fan theories that make him a decent character, albeit not THE most interesting. Mokap, on the other hand, will never be a wonderful character, even with an awesome revamp.

Kira is a character that with minimal effort could easily be a great character and just straight-up isn't as pathetic as Kobra or similar MKD characters, and was marred by her moveset rather than anything else.

Worded wonderfully (even though I think even Kobra could stand a shot...). If you look at just her physical design, and her backstory, she makes a compelling case for a character that would fit in rather nicely in MKX's atmosphere. It was her moveset that killed it, and pigeonholed her into a "just another Kano" image that would be very difficult to shake without a completely new design on gameplay. Also interesting to see is what her ties to Kabal would be, if any, after the events of MK9.
02/20/2015 07:14 PM (UTC)
MileenaFanMKX Wrote:
I come from a muslim family and am not American, get out of here with that fake "getting offended for others" bullshit.

LOL, terrorist
02/20/2015 08:46 PM (UTC)
Skaven13 Wrote:
MileenaFanMKX Wrote:
Chrome Wrote:
Here is the thing. Everything you have just done could be done to any other character in any other situation and at anytime.

To varying degrees of awesome and with varying degrees of effort. Meat, for example, represents one of the joke characters that in his current capacity is an instant no, but has many fan theories that make him a decent character, albeit not THE most interesting. Mokap, on the other hand, will never be a wonderful character, even with an awesome revamp.

Kira is a character that with minimal effort could easily be a great character and just straight-up isn't as pathetic as Kobra or similar MKD characters, and was marred by her moveset rather than anything else.

Worded wonderfully (even though I think even Kobra could stand a shot...). If you look at just her physical design, and her backstory, she makes a compelling case for a character that would fit in rather nicely in MKX's atmosphere. It was her moveset that killed it, and pigeonholed her into a "just another Kano" image that would be very difficult to shake without a completely new design on gameplay. Also interesting to see is what her ties to Kabal would be, if any, after the events of MK9.

Hey thanks. That means a lot because I usually struggle a lot to get my points across properly on here. I'm not very good with words sometimes.

She's incredibly dark and looks scary, and I think that with an MKX update she could be one of the darkest characters with a wonderful impact on the game, including the Black/Red Dragon storylines. Her moveset WAS awful, but her design was one of the better ones in MKD.

As for Kobra, my personal thoughts are that he COULD be decent, but that he can't ever be the most interesting character because he's human but without any real schtick, at least in terms of his appearances in other games. However, the aspect of being a serial killer who loves death and violence could make him a really compelling character storywise if done properly. I just don't think that a) it will be done by NRS (or at the very least, it's a huge gamble), and b) without SOME change to his gameplay and story that differs from MKD, unlike Kira. He needs an interesting 'gimmick', so to say, so an undiscovered power or gameplay devoted to things like parries, chain throws, and reversals, or he can't really be fun to play as (compared to the rest of the kast).
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02/20/2015 09:33 PM (UTC)
RainMKX Wrote:
MileenaFanMKX Wrote:
I come from a muslim family and am not American, get out of here with that fake "getting offended for others" bullshit.

LOL, terrorist


It's like you're not even trying anymore.

On-topic: Count me with the "everyone can be revamped" crowd. They shouldn't solely focus on them, however; I'd still like to see new characters as well.
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Ethereal, ravenous, piercing. It's Mileena bitch.

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02/20/2015 09:55 PM (UTC)
If Kira makes it in I will be so so happy
02/20/2015 10:04 PM (UTC)
MileenaFanMKX Wrote:
She's incredibly dark and looks scary, and I think that with an MKX update she could be one of the darkest characters with a wonderful impact on the game, including the Black/Red Dragon storylines. Her moveset WAS awful, but her design was one of the better ones in MKD.

As for Kobra, my personal thoughts are that he COULD be decent, but that he can't ever be the most interesting character because he's human but without any real schtick, at least in terms of his appearances in other games. However, the aspect of being a serial killer who loves death and violence could make him a really compelling character storywise if done properly. I just don't think that a) it will be done by NRS (or at the very least, it's a huge gamble), and b) without SOME change to his gameplay and story that differs from MKD, unlike Kira. He needs an interesting 'gimmick', so to say, so an undiscovered power or gameplay devoted to things like parries, chain throws, and reversals, or he can't really be fun to play as (compared to the rest of the kast).

Kobra is a waste of space, but he had ONE thing going for him in the game: his connection with Kira. Between Armageddon's Konquest mode (in which she abandoned him vs. Taven) and both their endings, I kind of look at him a little differently now. We could always use some subtle humor that's not obvious slapstick like Bo Rai Cho or forced like Johnny Cage. It'd be a great foil for Kira's badassery. Serious!Kobra simply does not work. She's more threatening than he is, plus there's already enough people in the series who get off on killing, and he's remembered less for that anyway than for being a Ken ripoff based on The Karate Kid. Heck, that's why Scorpion is so damn boring; he does nothing but take himself seriously whenever he's not after Sub-Zero.
02/20/2015 10:35 PM (UTC)
Im definitely on board for Kira to have a revamp. She already had a decent back story, what killed her whole character was the fact that she was a Kano/Sonya carbon copy with moves.

-So I say tweak very little with her Bio
-A redesign wouldn't hurt at all, even though i did like her primary look, her Alt was horrible.
-A complete revamp of her move set

And i think fans would line up behind her.
02/20/2015 10:43 PM (UTC)
Kira will get killed off in the comic, I guarantee you.

She's pretty lame.
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02/20/2015 11:14 PM (UTC)
Well, according to her biokard, it was Ed's idea to make her a Kano/Sonya hybrid. I'd love to see her revamped.
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