KING JERROD. Should he be a next-gen character?
posted01/25/2007 11:48 PM (UTC)by
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04/03/2004 08:12 AM (UTC)
King Jerrod is the husband of Queen Sindel who was killed by Shao Kahn (for those of you who don't know).

Now, he instantly comes into mind when you start thinking about Edenia's history, so what do you guys think...? Should he be a playable character in MK for next-gen or not?

And also, if you're answer is "yes," then tell me what you expect or want from him, like about his appearance or moves or story or whatever.

If he becomes playable sometime (which I guess I hope he will), all I want from his appearance is a handsome, regal, formal, honorable, sexy look. That's how I could best enjoy his appearance, and maybe he should have a gothic twist like Sindel.

And Sindel has sorcery-based powers so it would make sense if he had some too, but different ones of course.
01/22/2007 09:51 PM (UTC)
Personally, I'd rather leave characters like him gone. For the Edenia plot, I think it's better that there be focus on characters like Taven, Jade, and maybe ones like Kitana and Sindel.
01/22/2007 10:30 PM (UTC)
I'd rather he stayed dead.

Random resurrections are getting tiresome and say he comes back, then what?
He seeks revenge on Shao Kahn? Like we don't have enough characters who either want revenge or want to kill Kahn. He wants to restore Edenia...just like Kitana/Sindel/Jade? Say he comes back evil and Kitana or Sindel has to return him to normal....just like Kitana did with Sindel in MK3 and Sindel did with Kitana in Deception? He decides to lead Edenia into an offensive to make sure its never conquered again....just like Kitana in MK:DA?

Jerrod, like the original Kung Lao or Scorpion's family, is one of those characters who has more impact dead. I think bringing him back would just cheapen him, as well as Kitana and Sindel.
01/23/2007 12:36 AM (UTC)
No, he should stay dead.
01/23/2007 01:25 AM (UTC)
^ I'm with them...

He's dead and should remain dead only serving as a memory.
01/23/2007 07:32 PM (UTC)
Gee that's very close-minded thinking. "His storyline will suck so to hell with him."

How do you know you guys won't like him if they make him a character? What if he has a really cool look and cool special moves and fatalities or something? I don't understand why the characters' stories matter the most to some people. When did Mortal Kombat become a book? It's a fighting game, for fuck's sake.

I think he should definitely become a character. And if an unpredictable storyline is what you what from him, then... I don't know... How 'bout...

The reason why Shao Kahn invaded Edenia and killed Jerrod so suddenly is because long ago, Shao used to be one of Jerrod's students when Jerrod would travel the realms. He taught Shao much (especially how to fight and have special skills), but Shao felt he'd never reach his potential in power until he surpassed the strength of his own master. So he waited until Jerrod settled down with his family in Edenia and at Jerrod's most serene and calm point, Shao attacked his realm and killed him.
Now that Jerrod is back in life, however, he will beat Shao Kahn in combat to reclaim superiority, and after doing so, he'll remember why he used to travel the realms. He'll re-embark on his mission through the realms to find... I don't know... something interesting... like a long-lost son (one he had before meeting Sindel, and it could be one of the male MK characters), or it could be a sacred object (although we already have way too many of those in MK), or maybe he knows about The Secret Realm (sounds intruiging, huh?) and he's gonna try to find it again.

I don't know but it would be cool if he had some unfinished business with his life before he was killed, instead of become a next-gen character and dealing with things that happened AFTER he was killed, cuz then he'd only be after revenge.

So how 'bout now? You guys still think he can have no chance of being a likable and interesting character? And I mean, I'd rather have a "new" playable character appear in MK that I know of, because I no longer trust the developers with coming up with new cool characters. Most new characters from MK4 and after are shit. So, King Jerrod, who's from the classic MK games, sounds like a promising good character to me.

p.s. Doesn't the "The Secret Realm" sound interesting as hell? I wish there would be such a thing in the near MK future.
01/23/2007 07:41 PM (UTC)
Then make a brand new character.
Why does it have to be Jerrod? Why create this great intriguing character, who looks so cool, and has great moves and force him to be Jerrod?

It's pointless. And I say again, Jerrod's return would only cheapen not only him, but Kitana and Sindel as well. If Jerrod had some unfinished business...let Kitana and/or Sindel handle it. If there's some sort of secret history to Jerrod...let Kitana and/or Sindel find out about it.
01/23/2007 09:02 PM (UTC)
Uh, you just said he couldn't be interesting, so I gave examples as to how he COULD be interesting, and now you say, then just let it be another character. So you seriously don't think Jerrod should become playable simply because "HE IS JERROD" ?? What would be possibly become so badly ruined or shattered by his mere playability in next-gen MK?

And he can't just be JUST replaced by some "new" guy.

He is royalty. Who else is gonna be royalty? A new king of orderrealm, or earthrealm? Plus there are no male characters that dress royally, except for Rain in MK:A but he's not of royal status.

He also has a relationship with Shao Kahn, Sindel, and Kitana. Who else could JUST be related to them all too?

And he's part of Edenia's history. Who else could be that important to Edenia? A new king?

01/23/2007 09:28 PM (UTC)
QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:
So you seriously don't think Jerrod should become playable simply because "HE IS JERROD" ?? What would be possibly become so badly ruined or shattered by his mere playability in next-gen MK?

Yes. Bringing him back, is like bringing back Uncle Ben in Spider-Man. It cheapens the tragedy of Kitana and Sindel's stories...that Kitana lost her father whom she never knew, and Sindel lost her husband...and replaces with cheesey, wishy-washy nonsense.

QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:
And he can't just be JUST replaced by some "new" guy.

He is royalty. Who else is gonna be royalty? A new king of orderrealm, or earthrealm? Plus there are no male characters that dress royally, except for Rain in MK:A but he's not of royal status.

Why not? Who says Seido doesn't have a King. Why not explore Seido's history and get it more involved with the plot?

Really all you want is there to be a "king" character for the sake of there being a "king" character.

QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:
He also has a relationship with Shao Kahn, Sindel, and Kitana. Who else could JUST be related to them all too?

And what would he add to that relationship?

QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:
And he's part of Edenia's history. Who else could be that important to Edenia? A new king?

Sindel. Taven. Argus. Kitana.

And before you say who cares about the story...I repeat: then why does it have to be Jerrod? I would rather see the design and gameplay that would be put into Jerrod be put into a character with a worth-while story that adds something new and unique to the plot.
Jerrod is nothing but a name who's only purpose is to add backstory and tragedy to Kitana and Sindel's stories. There's nothing he can bring to the story that isn't already brought or can't be brought by the Edenia characters we already have.
01/24/2007 07:11 PM (UTC)
But we first new Uncle Ben as a living person. THEN he died. Jerrod has been dead from the moment he first appeared in MK. Shouldn't he be given a chance to be alive for once?

And this is the MK Universe we're talking about. People die and return from the dead like if it's no bigger deal than taking a crap. Kitana never knew her dad? Well here's her chance... That would be interesting to me.
And no, I want Jerrod to become a playable character because I love Sindel and I'd like to see her husband in at least one game. The fact that there isn't any real king in the MK Universe makes it all that more fitting for him to appear as a character.
What would he bring to the relationship he has with Kitana, Sindel, and Shao Kahn? Don't you get it? That's the interesting part... Let's wait and find out.
Oh, and I meant what NEW character could instantly be that important to Edenia. The characters you mentioned above (Sindel, Kitana, Argus, Taven) cannot be considered "new" for next-gen.

I already gave you an example of how exactly he COULD bring something new to the story, so enough about that. And besides, writing is such a boundless, ever-changing art. There's billions of stories that could be conceived for these characters, including Jerrod.

And whatever story the developers come up with for Jerrod, it's bound to be better than some of the stories we currently have anyway. Like Kobra... "I just wanna kick ass." Gee, that's mighty fascinating.
01/24/2007 11:54 PM (UTC)
I think XiahouDun84 has some very good points, especially in his first post.

The backstory idea doesn't work as Shao Kahn is a native of Outworld and had already been its Emperor at the time of Edenia's invasion. Keep in mind that Shao Kahn had already conquered realms before Edenia and merged them with Outworld.

So let's say Jerrod is brought back from the dead and goes on a mission to find something or someone. Then what?
01/25/2007 01:51 AM (UTC)
I'd like to learn more about Jerrod in future games, but I'm not interested to actually see him as a playable character. We have quite enough people coming back from the dead with the playable characters - it'll feel like scraping the bottom of the barrel if they start resurrecting characters who we've never even seen.

But I guess Jerrod could rule a new realm of the unseen characters and the "decorative" characters. Belokk could try to take over the realm, and it's up to King Jerrod, Grand Duke Hornbuckle, and Scorpion's Unnamed Wife to take down the threat.

01/25/2007 02:56 AM (UTC)
No. Jerrod should stay dead. For reasons already stated.

If he MUST come back......the next-gen games had better be prequels.
01/25/2007 07:18 PM (UTC)
Alright, so the overall answer is "no."

Still, if the reason why you guys don't want him to return is because he'll have a crappy story, then you guys are being very shallow.

Sub_Zero7th, the example story I provided was... just an example. If he returns, there's tons of different storylines he could be given.

Now, If you guys don't want him back because he'll be a returning-from-the-dead character and you guys have had your fill of that, then okay, that's a more understandable reason.

But like I said, I can't believe you people settle for completely stupid storylines like Kobra's, but you wouldn't give Jerrod a chance to take a role in MK even after knowing he's capable as playing a significant role or having some interesting unfinished business to take care of (that could be relevant to the main storyline of a future game).

Oh well, I thought some people would want him back just to enjoy fighting as him and getting to see him, but I guess not, since clearly video games are no longer meant to be played, they're meant to be READ. Funny how I never noticed the transition, till you tasteless comic-book freaks pointed it out.

01/25/2007 11:13 PM (UTC)
Settle for Kobra? He doesn't even have a large fanbase, he's just in because he has a fanbase to begin with. Alot of people don't and never cared about Meat/Chameleon but they made the cut in MKA because of popularity even though they aren't that popular.

King Jerrod doesn't really have a fanbase to begin with. People don't look at him as a possible playable character that has significance to the storyline. He's just one of those overlooked kings out of thousands that Shao Kahn has slayed; not much more.

Like people say, the whole revive and revenge plot is ridiculously stale and boring. The last thing we need is another dead warrior coming back to life....Jerrod would take revenge against Kahn, and then what? There would be nothing for him to do but live happily ever after with Sindel.

Its Kitanas/Sindels duty to take out Kahn for him anyway since he's already dead. That's 2 family members after the emperor....I don't think its really necessary to have another.

If Jerrod does return, which Imo would be pointless, they might as well bring in other dead kings and more family members from characters. Jerrods mention is to state that he was one of great kings defeated by Kahn. Storywise, they sometimes go a bit in depth with him because of the fact that Kitana and Sindel are popular and important characters. Jerrod is a reminder of a conquered king, he's dead and over with.

I'm not bashing him or anything, simply stating my opinion.
01/25/2007 11:48 PM (UTC)
QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:
Alright, so the overall answer is "no."

Still, if the reason why you guys don't want him to return is because he'll have a crappy story, then you guys are being very shallow.

Sub_Zero7th, the example story I provided was... just an example. If he returns, there's tons of different storylines he could be given.

Now, If you guys don't want him back because he'll be a returning-from-the-dead character and you guys have had your fill of that, then okay, that's a more understandable reason.

But like I said, I can't believe you people settle for completely stupid storylines like Kobra's, but you wouldn't give Jerrod a chance to take a role in MK even after knowing he's capable as playing a significant role or having some interesting unfinished business to take care of (that could be relevant to the main storyline of a future game).

Oh well, I thought some people would want him back just to enjoy fighting as him and getting to see him, but I guess not, since clearly video games are no longer meant to be played, they're meant to be READ. Funny how I never noticed the transition, till you tasteless comic-book freaks pointed it out.

I don't want Jerrod to be a next-gen character is because I don't see much to do with his character. It'll either be farfetched or one-dimensional. I also don't want to see characters like the Original Kung Lao be revived and playable. They should stay dead, and we don't really need any more resurrections. Death needs to have meaning and consequence in MK, otherwise, it'll be more like Dragonball Z.

Since when have we settled for Kobra's story? I don't even like his character and story anyway. He's just a cheap bitch who got greatly toned down in MKA (Thank God!).

Back to Jerrod...Even as a playable character, I wouldn't really be interested. It'd be just having him in there for the sake of having him to play with. Video games aren't meant to be read. It's just that Mortal Kombat has had a storyline since the beginning and it has grown and developed over the years with each installment. People like me actually care about the storyline of MK, but you have to understand that is NOT the only thing I care about when it comes to MK, especially if you've seen some of my posts in the MK sections like MKA.
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