Ketchup and Mustard
posted08/07/2014 08:44 PM (UTC)by
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02/20/2011 08:35 PM (UTC)
Sektor and Cyrax have been talked about on the forum's but I don't think they have their own thread yet, and in light of this recent tweet by ed boon it sounds like they are on his mind.

RT @presdinosaur115: @noobde Ronald McDonald confirmed EB: Dona39;t you mean KETCHUP & MUSTARD?

— Ed Boon (@noobde) August 4, 2014
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08/05/2014 01:31 PM (UTC)
I have said it before but those tweets do not mean anything. The roster for this game has already been decided because the roster is dependent on the story which probably the first thing NRS brainstorm and storyboard. This game is a year probably even less then that away from from release. There is no way they can shoe-in a character now.

I would imagine NRS are hard at work busy adding the new modes, fixing bugs, balancing characters and adding graphical polish to the game.

I do not mind either of Cyrax or Sektor in the game but I can only see one in the game and that would be Cyrax.
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08/05/2014 01:35 PM (UTC)
I agree, some people read too deep into his tweets. Sometimes he is probably just trolling.
08/05/2014 01:47 PM (UTC)
Toxik Wrote:
I agree, some people read too deep into his tweets. Sometimes he is probably just trolling.

Definitely sometimes he is. And yes^^ the roster has been known and solidified months ago. But boon is human, He is working with these characters every day. So they are on his mind constantly. Sometime's through his tweets you can pry information.

Cyrax I feel as tho is needed to bolster the Good guys ranks. Most of them died, and boons recent quote from the Raiden Trailer says as much.

Isn't sektor needed for the lin kuei story line? Which obviously is part of this game with sub zero mentioning them and having a variation called grandmaster.
08/05/2014 01:50 PM (UTC)
Sektor probably only appears in the storymode, and gets killed again by Sub-Zero.

Sektor survived MK2011 just be to be dissed in MKX.

Hope i'm wrong, but I fear only one cyborg will make it in, and that is Cyrax.
08/05/2014 02:08 PM (UTC)
The cyborgs have a lot of potential coming back. The variation styles suit them perfectly well, they won't age at the same rate than the others and they survived the last game.

I think both could take similar routes to their last reallities incarnations. Cyrax never wanted to be a cyborg and he could be helped out of his programming by Raiden forces and/or Subby. Sektor will probably get Lin Kuei leadership and be defeated by Subby like last time (given how Subby got a Grandmaster style himself) but I think he will scape to form his tekunin cyborg clan, which is something that I think had potential (or maybe I'm wrong and the character's career is ended in the battle for leadership this time).

Honestly, IMO Sektor was the arch rival for Subby, not Scorpion. Scorpion is this annoying guy that insists on vengeance for something that didn't happen and Sub-Zero is like "oh my... not again, I'm busy...". Sektor on the other hand is his true rival and defeating him defined Kuai Liang in the original timeline, making him evolve a lot.

I could see Sektor having variations focused on missiles, flames and even his lightsabers (or reimagination of his light weapons like Subby got a new kori arsenal). The same with Cyrax with the bombs, multiple chainsaw attacks and laser construcst like his net.
08/05/2014 02:13 PM (UTC)
The way I see this, is if there are two spots for cyborgs, then both are in. If there is only one...then I see a Noob-Smoke thing happening with Sektor-Cyrax.

Who knows people, both or one of them may have been included during the making of the roster wink
08/05/2014 02:32 PM (UTC)
Lokheit Wrote:

Honestly, IMO Sektor was the arch rival for Subby, not Scorpion. Scorpion is this annoying guy that insists on vengeance for something that didn't happen and Sub-Zero is like "oh my... not again, I'm busy...". Sektor on the other hand is his true rival and defeating him defined Kuai Liang in the original timeline, making him evolve a lot.

I could not agree more with this.

Scorp and subby are played out to the point where it is almost forced. Hopefully NRS will rekindle some hatred between them by actually incorporating another thing happening in story mode.

And sektor and subby actually have an interesting story line that is quite dynamic throughout the telling of the story. The rivalry is alive and flourishing, changing and evolving WHILE you play. Where as scorp and subby had a feud in the past and they can't let it go. NRS needs to expand or end this feud.
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08/05/2014 02:48 PM (UTC)
Maybe not both, but probably at least one.

They would work well with the 25 year thing, Cyrax is my personal favorite.
08/05/2014 03:13 PM (UTC)
Cyrax- I like the net, air throw and teleport.
Sektor- missiles and scarecrow fatality.

Apart from that, both should be included. Sektor and Suz-Zero should feud and Cyrax joins the Special Forces as their secret weapon to take out Kano.
I wouldn't be suprised if Kano fixed up Jax some how and Jax being part of the Black Dragon as more less of a robot. Human skin for the head/face while the rest is robotic.
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08/05/2014 08:53 PM (UTC)
What if Sektor captured and assimilated Cyrax into his own body?

One body could eventually be torn between the two minds. Both characters, one slot. Boom.
DVorah Wrote:
Sektor probably only appears in the storymode, and gets killed again by Sub-Zero.

Sektor wasn't killed. He was defeated and fled to form the Tekunin.
08/05/2014 10:47 PM (UTC)
Casselman Wrote:
What if Sektor captured and assimilated Cyrax into his own body?

One body could eventually be torn between the two minds. Both characters, one slot. Boom.

That way they would become a hybrid. I posted this earlier and probably the best bet.

Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:
The way I see this, is if there are two spots for cyborgs, then both are in. If there is only one...then I see a Noob-Smoke thing happening with Sektor-Cyrax.
08/07/2014 05:13 PM (UTC)
I kinda hope that we just have one two-characters in one. I don't see Sektor and Cyrax being a Noob-Smoke kind of character.

But I also agree on the whole, "People take Boon's tweets too seriously." We know he constantly jokes/lies with them, there's no need to take anything on that site seriously. I would just mainly stick with the interviews that he appears on to rely on any kind of confirmations and such.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

08/07/2014 06:59 PM (UTC)
I saw a drawing someone did on deviant art of a Sektor/Cyrax hybrid that was extremely awesome and I always thought it'd be cool if it became real. So I'd be fine with Sekrax...or Cytor, whatever name they go with. I don't know if I'd want them to be a hybrid for the rest of time but definitely for this game could be cool.
08/07/2014 07:25 PM (UTC)
Trolling as usual. Even my slow brain can comprehend it's no allusion to S&C being in the game.
Lokheit Wrote:
Honestly, IMO Sektor was the arch rival for Subby, not Scorpion. Scorpion is this annoying guy that insists on vengeance for something that didn't happen and Sub-Zero is like "oh my... not again, I'm busy...". Sektor on the other hand is his true rival and defeating him defined Kuai Liang in the original timeline, making him evolve a lot.

I snorted at this. No lies detected here.
08/07/2014 08:21 PM (UTC)
xysion Wrote:
The roster for this game has already been decided because the roster is dependent on the story which probably the first thing NRS brainstorm and storyboard. This game is a year probably even less then that away from from release. There is no way they can shoe-in a character now.

This is a ridiculous assertion. The story has never been a deciding factor for the roster in any MK game and they have shoehorned in characters frequently in almost all previous installments.
08/07/2014 08:30 PM (UTC)
I have to agree. I highly doubt that the roster is dependent on story. The most logical conclusion is that roster is determined through a combination of story necessitation and developer picks. Likely, it's mostly the latter. Take Ferra/Torr for example. It's extremely likely the devs were trying to make a new character with an unusual body type and play style, then somewhere in the design process determined their place in the plot.

I don't think Ed Boon is ever like, "Fuck, looks like this plot needs Scorpion and Sub-Zero. How does this always happen?!"
08/07/2014 08:44 PM (UTC)
DjangoDrag Wrote:
I have to agree. I highly doubt that the roster is dependent on story. The most logical conclusion is that roster is determined through a combination of story necessitation and developer picks. Likely, it's mostly the latter. Take Ferra/Torr for example. It's extremely likely the devs were trying to make a new character with an unusual body type and play style, then somewhere in the design process determined their place in the plot.

I don't think Ed Boon is ever like, "Fuck, looks like this plot needs Scorpion and Sub-Zero. How does this always happen?!"

Yeah, I have speculated in another thread that the roster picks are more than likely picked to fit the overall theme (dark and gritty) and the 3 variation clause. At least for returning characters.

We have already seen scorpion bestowed new power's (controlling demons); Those new powers must be explained in the story mode. Therefore they will shy away from characters that cannot flesh out 3 variations; for the sake that it requires more work not just in brainstorming but more importantly in portraying the story. Scorpion cannot not be in the game so they had to do something with him.

With new character's NRS has no problems in giving them powers with no explanation because they are being introduced as such. And like @djangodrag said the new character's will fill in holes for concepts with unusual body types, new powers like controlling insects, etc.
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