KAK in MK8?
posted07/16/2007 06:18 PM (UTC)by
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06/17/2007 03:50 AM (UTC)
Do you people think there should be KAK in future MK games only with more features?I think it was pretty cool in MKA.Maybe they could extend the KAK limit for each profile.Maybe 5-10 characters per profile.What do you think about this?
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07/15/2007 10:18 PM (UTC)
I hope that KAK is followed up as it was one of my favourite features in MKA. I dont think there should be a limit on the amount of characters you can make since the 360 and ps3 both have hdd, or if they do put it at a higher amount like around 20. A must would be more features and options for alteration, as it had pretty slim pickings and old wwf games on the '64 had more options and they need to bring it more in-line with the newer wwf games specially when it comes to altering the characters appearance and expand upon the moves available.

Also in MKA it seemed that the mk team mostly thought about what characters people would like to create rather than just filling it with possibilities, as it as obvious that they wanted you to make old mk characters and characters from other games such as lara croft, street fighter and people like bruce lee. So they need to just ramp up the content there and just think about bits that can make an interesting character rather than ones that already exist.
07/15/2007 10:22 PM (UTC)
I do hope they add newer and better thought out moves that regular character's don't have.
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07/16/2007 01:51 AM (UTC)
I've always been a fan of the KAK modes in fighting games, but while I kinda liked MKA's, I think that it needs to be greatly expanded. I hate to compare MK to other games, but Soul Calibur 3's create a fighter mode blows MK's out of the water. But I blame that more on MK's fighting system than anything else.

If the KAK mode is going to get better, than MK's fighting system has to grow up and actually become a 3D fighting game's system and not the 2D fighting mechanics on a 3D plane that MK has used since Deadly Alliance came out. What I mean by that is simple. Virtua Fighter, Soul Calibur, Dead or Alive and Tekken were all built from the ground up as 3D fighters. Each character has page after page of moves that almost completely unique to that character. Virtua Fighter and Soul Calibur are especially good at this. Those games utilize a unique style for each character and all of their moves come from that style. So the way that Wolf in VF fights is completely different than the way that Shun Di, Kage, or Aoi fight.

In MKA, it was easy to create a fighter with their own moves (as opposed to setting a style like Soul Calibur 3) becuase all of the punching and kicking animations are so limited since every character in the game has a very similar low kick or sweep move for example. Sure every character has a unique stance, but outside of a few moves, every fighter's basic moves are interchangeable. No one would be upset if Johnny Cage started using the same roundhouse animation that Bo Rai Cho used in the previous game because most likely no one would even notice. In fact, no one would really care if weapons were switched between combatants in MK since with very few exceptions, they're not a signature for that character. Obviously, this would not be the same case if say Taki and Nightmare switched weapons.

I guess what I'm getting at is the fact that MK needs to develop a more complex fighting system where every character's moves are unique, that way the choices in creating a character become that much more abundant. Instead of having ten different low kicks, you could have 200 options, and you could use more of those options based on different button presses because your character wouldn't just have about 30 or 40 total basic moves anymore, but somewhere around four or five times that amount (which is almost becoming standard in the more advanced fighting games).

On the idea of options, as I said before, there needs to be more of everything. Not just fighting moves, but there should be a TON of special moves that all have varying effects. How about a move that doesn't allow the opponent to harm you for five seconds? Sure they can hit you, but it wouldn't take power off. How about a move that makes the other player's controls all wonky for a few seconds? Or perhaps a move where a large snake comes up from the ground and wraps itself around the opponents legs? Or a move that works similar to a tazer where a wire is shot at the opponent and the player jams on the A button to send wats of electricity at the opponent? I'm not really saying anything that's new or revolutionary, but just having a bunch of different fireballs and kick or punch type moves shouldn't cut it. There need to be at least 500 to 1000 special moves that come from EVERY character of EVERY MK game as well as a large number that the MK 8 roster does not have.

As far as the apperances go, as I said, Soul Calibur 3 blew MK out of the water. MK needs to have so many options that players are really allowed to let their imaginations run wild. Yes, it's really cool that I can create a tarkatan or a vampire. But what if I wanted to create my own MK race? Not alot of options there unless I want to create some silly looking hodge podge character. There has to be more of everything from hair styles to boots. A LOT more. If the MK team needs ideas, they should look no further than Soul Calibur 3. After they see what's out there, they need to find ways to make SC3 look like last generation garbage. Because SC4 is coming out next year and they've already stated that the create a fighter mode will be greatly expanded.

Lastly, I think that MK needs to utilize their best asset: The fact that it's MK. Allow players to really involve their created character in the story by making intros and endings. No, not a FMV's or anything like that, but story panels like what MK1 and 2 had. Allow players to take still images of their characters during a paused game and put them in the story panels, or focus on the character's face and use that for the character select screen. The select screen doesn't need question marks or anything, but there should be space so that the player can have somewhere around 15 spots to put their own creations. Or, allow the player to choose from a set of premade select screens so that players can put the created characters there, write their own intro story for their own tournament and basically create their own version of an MK game.

I know that some people might hate that last idea, but think about it. How many people on this board have complained about characters storylines or how moves are transferred between characters etc. Now, the player can create their own game from scratch using premade templates and text (like the intro to MK2 for example) and have their own characters competing in a storyline that's written by the player. This could be the big extra mode instead of motor kombat or chess etc. Take all of those teams that focused on the extra stuff and pool them together to really come up with a great create mode that gives the player full control over creating their own MK tournament. Becuause lets face it, alot of the hardcore MK fans keep coming back becuase of the story, and because they love the dark, somewhat sinister MK style.

Anyways, those are my ideas. What do you think?
07/16/2007 09:29 AM (UTC)
i think they should take that crap out
it ruins the game as to where real people who use real characters can have a advantage over someone who can do 1 combo and kill you instantly
they are far from balanced
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07/16/2007 06:18 PM (UTC)
I think they should keep KAK,but should have more thought in it....like having every piece of clothing or every weapon thought of..and a persons profile should hold up 2 like 20 KAK..all characters should have thier on unique style.

If u have wings u should b able 2 use them ora flaming skull head should blow fire...KAK should also let u make more than 5 er 6 special moves...they should even put every move listed in each 1.I think u should b able 2 use 10-12 specials smile
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