Just Finished story. Here are some thoughts and questions. SPOILERS
posted04/15/2015 11:22 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
12/02/2014 04:45 AM (UTC)
I loved it! I thought it was fantastic. I do have a few questions.

Is Bo Rai Cho dead?

What happened to Jax?

Where did Fujin go?

I thought Frost was fightable?

The D'Vorah twist was amazing. I did not think she was with Shinnok.

I have one MAJOR complaint though.Âa

WHY THE F**K IS LIU KANG, Kitana, and Kung Lao in this game? They are just revenants the whole time! Why do they have older costumes? It doesnt make any sense plot wise! The only reason they are in is because of popularity. Heck, Sindel did more than all of them. It makes me angry that Rain, Baraka, Li Mei, Tanya, Bo Rai Cho, Sareena, and Fujin are all NPCs that do more than them and they dont make the main roster.

All of the NPCs were fantastic. Li Mei's redesign is outstanding. And to the people saying she isnt a fighter in this, yeah she is she tried to fight off Mileena but she failed. I feel like they are setting Li Mei, Rain, Tanya, Bo, Sareena, Frost, and Fujin up for MK11. If we get another kombat pack, and I heard that Boon all but confirmed it, we will get Fujin, Li Mei, Rain, and Bo Rai Cho because they were all greatly detailed. Sareena's costume is pretty much the same as its always been. Frost looked way too similar to Subby.

The cliffhanger at the end was good. I have a feeling we will get a Deception type story in MK11. Dark Emperor Liu Kang and Dark Empress Kitana will probably be the main villains. Dark Raiden will be back too.Âa

One more thing, Has anyone managed to figure out the Krypt secret? I cant find the Netherrealm Kamidogu.
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04/14/2015 02:06 PM (UTC)
I have the same problem I loved Queen Sindel's scenes especially when she says "killed them all in the blink of an eye !" She has great moveset along with Rain and Baraka yet we cannot play as them which sucks !!! Furthermore don't tell me Sindel is unpopular because Smoke is much popular than Jax yet we couldn't even see his gameplay in story mode.

Furthermore if there will be a new kombat pack it should include :

Fujin (thanks to the main story)

and I would like to see Reiko,Li mei,Havik and Sareena too...glasses
04/14/2015 02:19 PM (UTC)
You get the Kamidogu by gambling 10,000 koins in the area you clear with Jax's cannon.

Totally agree with you about the NPCs though. Kitana has always been my main so I'm glad she's in, obviously. But a few of those NPCs deserved a roster spot...especially Rain, Sindel, and Fujin. I would say Tanya, but we kinda got her anyway...just at an added cost.
Maybe NPC fights are activated by certain QTE sequences?

04/14/2015 03:33 PM (UTC)
baraka is dead though
04/14/2015 06:07 PM (UTC)
Sindel798 Wrote:
I loved it! I thought it was fantastic. I do have a few questions.

Is Bo Rai Cho dead?

What happened to Jax?

Where did Fujin go?

I thought Frost was fightable?

The D'Vorah twist was amazing. I did not think she was with Shinnok.

I have one MAJOR complaint though.�a

WHY THE F**K IS LIU KANG, Kitana, and Kung Lao in this game? They are just revenants the whole time! Why do they have older costumes? It doesnt make any sense plot wise! The only reason they are in is because of popularity. Heck, Sindel did more than all of them. It makes me angry that Rain, Baraka, Li Mei, Tanya, Bo Rai Cho, Sareena, and Fujin are all NPCs that do more than them and they dont make the main roster.

All of the NPCs were fantastic. Li Mei's redesign is outstanding. And to the people saying she isnt a fighter in this, yeah she is she tried to fight off Mileena but she failed. I feel like they are setting Li Mei, Rain, Tanya, Bo, Sareena, Frost, and Fujin up for MK11. If we get another kombat pack, and I heard that Boon all but confirmed it, we will get Fujin, Li Mei, Rain, and Bo Rai Cho because they were all greatly detailed. Sareena's costume is pretty much the same as its always been. Frost looked way too similar to Subby.

The cliffhanger at the end was good. I have a feeling we will get a Deception type story in MK11. Dark Emperor Liu Kang and Dark Empress Kitana will probably be the main villains. Dark Raiden will be back too.�a

One more thing, Has anyone managed to figure out the Krypt secret? I cant find the Netherrealm Kamidogu.

Bo is alive, you can see him moving his head while he's on the ground after Shinnok attacks him with the amulet.

No idea, presumably he went back to his farm after apprehending Quan Chi.

Isn't that the million dollar question. No clue about Fujin either.

Frost being fightable was only a rumor.

Agreed about Liu, Kitana and Lao. They should've been NPC's.
04/14/2015 10:31 PM (UTC)
04/14/2015 10:50 PM (UTC)
I agree that those revanants shouldn't have been in the roster.

but a lot of people seem to be giving too much importance to the details. like what happened to jax ? where is fujin etc,. the games features around 30 characters and it cannot possibly tell about every incident that every character experiences. as long as they tell an overall good story which they do, I'm ok with it.
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04/14/2015 11:09 PM (UTC)
Fujin went to the Netherrealm with Jax to await D'Vorah. The writers confirmed that happened in a deleted scene.
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This beautiful sig was made by MINION.

04/15/2015 12:30 AM (UTC)
Nah uh! For real? I knew he was investigating the Netherrealm in the comics, but that was at the 15 year mark.

Do you have a source?
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04/15/2015 12:36 AM (UTC)
04/15/2015 01:31 AM (UTC)
My thoughts,
It ended too early and left too many lose ends. Also, that ending...
and i agree, Liu Kang, Kung Lao and Kitana could have easily been replaced by Sindel, Rain and Baraka. And that D'vorah twist. Also, how about those 3 sudden deaths of
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Quan Chi, Mileena and Baraka!

I did NOT see those coming. Overall, it get 7/10. I'd give MK9 8.5/10.
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04/15/2015 01:49 AM (UTC)
I'm surprised that no one is mentioning the fact that Ferra/Torr might as well not even be in this game. They show up once every few chapters, get whooped, and go on their merry way. They got the same treatment that Baraka and Reptile got in MK9. However, for Baraka and Reptile, it's more excusable. You already know who they are and their stories. I know nothing more about Ferra/Torr than I did the first time I saw gameplay of him/them. Given I haven't beaten the game with him yet, but based on what I've seen from other endings, that won't clear up much either. That's honestly what bothered me the most.
04/15/2015 01:53 AM (UTC)
Liu Kang, Kung Lao and Kitana were in the game because fans demanded they come back when they were killed by Sindel. Hell, they should of just brought back ALL the dead revenants. And include Rain, Li Mei, Fujin also
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Top 5 MK Fighters: Scorpion, Shao Kahn, Raiden, Shinnok, Shang Tsung

04/15/2015 02:54 AM (UTC)
Jenafella56 Wrote:
Liu Kang, Kung Lao and Kitana were in the game because fans demanded they come back when they were killed by Sindel. Hell, they should of just brought back ALL the dead revenants. And include Rain, Li Mei, Fujin also

and for tournament/pro players
04/15/2015 03:00 AM (UTC)
I'm still pondering why Kintana, Kang and Lao are playable..
04/15/2015 03:17 AM (UTC)
IceMamba Wrote:
Jenafella56 Wrote:
Liu Kang, Kung Lao and Kitana were in the game because fans demanded they come back when they were killed by Sindel. Hell, they should of just brought back ALL the dead revenants. And include Rain, Li Mei, Fujin also

and for tournament/pro players

Darkhound74 Wrote:
I'm still pondering why Kintana, Kang and Lao are playable..

Cuz. Just cuz.
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... here's your Subzero, now plain zero.

04/15/2015 03:49 AM (UTC)
Quan Chi's skull armor demonstrated no special properties in the story mode right? I guess it could be argued that it made his projectiles stronger, like when he bound Raiden with a magical skull, complete with an intact spine; I do not think he has ever created floating skeletons that have finesse and defy gravity before.
I feel like they need to put more emphasis on Quan Chi being a tricky sorceror than a fighter like everyone else.

I know he has to fight since it's a fighting game, but he's too buff/brute force when it comes to his normals it seems.
04/15/2015 03:55 AM (UTC)
TigerStyle Wrote:
I feel like they need to put more emphasis on Quan Chi being a tricky sorceror than a fighter like everyone else.

I know he has to fight since it's a fighting game, but he's too buff/brute force when it comes to his normals it seems.

I am just so happy he finally got what was coming to him since mk4
Viser Wrote:
TigerStyle Wrote:
I feel like they need to put more emphasis on Quan Chi being a tricky sorceror than a fighter like everyone else.

I know he has to fight since it's a fighting game, but he's too buff/brute force when it comes to his normals it seems.

I am just so happy he finally got what was coming to him since mk4

Same, but the only reason I wanted to see it happen was because I used to like Quan Chi a lot but he got majorly boring over the last few years since he just got stale. I feel like a game or two off for him will do wonders if they take a look at what he was like in MKM/MK4/DA and go back to that rather than the smug, always ten steps ahead but never does anything with it guy he was in the last few. Also technically, inbetween MK4 and DA Scorpion hunted and tortured him for years in the Netherrealm. But he probably needs more of that. Ironic how Scorpion now has his humanity back and a new clan, but in the old timeline his family and clan were returned to him as undead. At least there he was already gauranteed a chance to spend eternity with them, undead or not. Netherrealm might suck compared to the heavens, but hey. They were likely going to separate places before that.
04/15/2015 04:02 AM (UTC)
TigerStyle Wrote:
Viser Wrote:
TigerStyle Wrote:
I feel like they need to put more emphasis on Quan Chi being a tricky sorceror than a fighter like everyone else.

I know he has to fight since it's a fighting game, but he's too buff/brute force when it comes to his normals it seems.

I am just so happy he finally got what was coming to him since mk4

Same, but the only reason I wanted to see it happen was because I used to like Quan Chi a lot but he got majorly boring over the last few years since he just got stale. I feel like a game or two off for him will do wonders if they take a look at what he was like in MKM/MK4/DA and go back to that rather than the smug, always ten steps ahead but never does anything with it guy he was in the last few. Also technically, inbetween MK4 and DA Scorpion hunted and tortured him for years in the Netherrealm. But he probably needs more of that. Ironic how Scorpion now has his humanity back and a new clan, but in the old timeline his family and clan were returned to him as undead. At least there he was already gauranteed a chance to spend eternity with them, undead or not. Netherrealm might suck compared to the heavens, but hey. They were likely going to separate places before that.

Totally agree with that, it was getting boring to always see him behind every little thing. On that note i hope the next game doesn't really have a main bad guy, but its a multitude of important people grabbing power. Kotal, Goro, Motaro ( please bring him back) Noob and the Netherrealm ( really dislike kang and kitana being evil)
I wouldn't mind Kitana and Kang being mid-bosses, but I think they have a lot more potential returning to life and mentoring the next generation of heroes.

As for a main villain, I wouldn't mind reusing Onaga for one last big blowout callback before we move onto some new villains. Entirely new or old supporting villains like Mileena, Baraka, Reptile, or Noob just making a big play for power. Don't even give them big boss forms, Superman vs Regime Superman in Injustice was tough as hell because he didn't have a predictable boss pattern. Or maybe Kang versus his Revenant half could be a final boss, I wouldn't mind a mirror match.

As for the story in this game, I feel like it did a ton of interesting things but a lot of it's potential won't be realized until the next game. This is just a first part of something bigger so people don't feel satisfied with several loose ends hanging. I could be wrong and the next game doesn't answer them, but we'll see.
04/15/2015 04:18 AM (UTC)
Yeah that's exactly it. i feel like it left a lot in the air, and it kinda sucks we will have to wait 4 years at least to get the next one.

Onaga would be interesting, he just needs more personality, and a nicer updated look.
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