just a thought of a way to solve some people problems maybe??
posted07/02/2010 10:54 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
08/10/2007 03:21 PM (UTC)
i think this could be a good story for subzero and maybe more!

i did not see a topic like this.

a lot of people have been talking about turning subzero evil/bad, and a lot of people as help are saying to keep him good because the developers have been turning him good for a while so with that being said how about this.

one way is that subzero is fighting with his inner spirit to stay good and and in doing so there both good and evil split and have a good and bad subzero sort of like raiden.

another way could be the same thing there is a good and a evil spirit in subzero and the evil separates and a new character is born.

also through the years subzero and scorpion fought a evil spirit or demon was transported from the Netherealm and takes subzero body over and the story could be that subzero has to fight to get his body back.

finally noob can try to take subzero body because he is mad that subzero is able to be alive and noob is stuck in a shadows's body. just some thought let me know.just like i said before i think can be use in a way to have subzero have a new story as well as a way to bring a new character about or something. i guess kind of like with reptile.
06/24/2010 07:10 PM (UTC)
I would suggest you get a copy of Mortal Kombat 2 and Mortal Kombat Deception and beat the games with Sub-Zero for MK2 and Noob Saibot for MK Deception. That would help solve your people problems.
06/30/2010 03:02 PM (UTC)
i know the story i have the games. But many people have been asking for subzero to be bad/evil, so what i was saying have noob and subzero join together because say noob is mad that he is not living like subzero. or have subzero fight himself say that he has a evil that is trying to take over him and then turn that evil in to a new character because we have two subzero in Mk history we don't need anymore. i thought that would be a way for subzero to turn evil and then fight himself to become good again, and then a new character would be born using that evil that was in subzero , and still keeping subzero good. just a thought
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06/30/2010 09:56 PM (UTC)
flamingspike Wrote:
i know the story i have the games. But many people have been asking for subzero to be bad/evil, so what i was saying have noob and subzero join together because say noob is mad that he is not living like subzero. or have subzero fight himself say that he has a evil that is trying to take over him and then turn that evil in to a new character because we have two subzero in Mk history we don't need anymore. i thought that would be a way for subzero to turn evil and then fight himself to become good again, and then a new character would be born using that evil that was in subzero , and still keeping subzero good. just a thought

Then also pay attention to the games.

Noob Saibot was born from the older brother. That is it, it is a completely different entity that shares a past with a deceased assassin. Now, according to his MKD bios is a being bereft of any emotion.

So getting mad at living is really out of the picture for an emotionless undead warrior. Noob Saibot "likes" what he is, and is indifferent to the current Sub. That is why he murders him in his ending without a backthought.

Also, your story is convoluted and unnecessarily complex. And it only serves one exclusive purpose with disregard to the previous efforts into the Sub-Zero plot. It is not needed.
07/02/2010 10:54 AM (UTC)
flamingspike Wrote:
a lot of people have been talking about turning subzero evil/bad, and a lot of people as help are saying to keep him good because the developers have been turning him good for a while so with that being said how about this.

Sub-Zero has been good all along, if you are referring to Noob, no... Noob has been evil since his death.

flamingspike Wrote:
one way is that subzero is fighting with his inner spirit to stay good and and in doing so there both good and evil split and have a good and bad subzero sort of like raiden.

Except, Raiden was never fighting any spiritual demons, he was a pissed off God who made a vow to himself that if anyone were to put Earthrealm in the same amount of danger as what Shujinko did, the consequences for that would be death by him. He was never fighting any spirits off or anything like that. He was still a good character, just like he was in MK1 despite his ending made it sound like he was evil after all.

Having Sub-Zero fight off a spirit would not make sense at all.

flamingspike Wrote:
another way could be the same thing there is a good and a evil spirit in subzero and the evil separates and a new character is born.

No, I like how Noob came from Sub-Zero, we don't need another new character created with help from Sub-Zero.

flamingspike Wrote:
also through the years subzero and scorpion fought a evil spirit or demon was transported from the Netherealm and takes subzero body over and the story could be that subzero has to fight to get his body back.

Having a spirit take over another character's body should happen to someone that makes sense... Having Sub-Zero be possessed by a spirit or a demon doesn't make sense for this character. Not after what we've seen him gone through in this series.

flamingspike Wrote:
finally noob can try to take subzero body because he is mad that subzero is able to be alive and noob is stuck in a shadows's body. just some thought let me know.just like i said before i think can be use in a way to have subzero have a new story as well as a way to bring a new character about or something. i guess kind of like with reptile.

Except, Noob isn't bothered that he's dead. In fact, as what Chrome stated, Noob went after him in Deception and killed him. He had no remorse in doing so. Yeah he was surprised at how much his brother has changed since he saw him last, but if he was "mad" that Sub-Zero is alive and he's not, why would he have killed him in his ending?

And what about Reptile?

flamingspike Wrote:
i know the story i have the games.

There's a big difference in owning all the games and know the story. I own all the games and I still miss out on crucial things. You don't know Noob Saibot a lot because you think he's mad that he's dead. Well if he was mad that he was dead, Noob would have gone after the killer and not have killed his own brother in Deception.

I just don't like any of these ideas. They're unoriginal and I don't think Sub-Zero is the right character to be possessed by a spirit. If anything, the medallion that he wears should play a big part of his story, since it did so in Deception and somewhat in Armageddon. Though, this Sub-Zero is shown NOT to own the medallion, does NOT have a scar, therefore we can perfectly say that this is Noob. A character that HAS turned evil in future games.

If they made Sub-Zero go after Scorpion we know how it ends, but of course there's a chance that if he does, the writers might have him end up killing Scorpion instead of being killed by him. Of course that's all speculation. And it's 6 in the morning I have no idea why I'm up this early. I'm going to stop right now.

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