Johnny Cage tease...
posted02/17/2015 12:42 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
12/15/2009 06:55 AM (UTC)
As everyone knows, I've been doing my civic duty, scouring Boon's twitter for clues and I came across this other gem.

For those who can't open the link, it is Boon asking "which MK character is this?" with the move command <-- --> LK (back, forward, low kick).

This is the corresponding command to JOHNNY CAGE'S SHADOW KICK!!

What is Boon hinting at??
It's a Reptile shirt, Ed revealed it a few tweets later, got my hopes up when I saw this thread title sad
02/16/2015 06:11 PM (UTC)
If Cassie is in the game with both her parent's moves, there is no reason for either Sonya or Cage to take-up roster spots.
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Ethereal, ravenous, piercing. It's Mileena bitch.

Lovely signature by MINION

02/16/2015 06:12 PM (UTC)
ScientistSalarian Wrote:
It's a Reptile shirt, Ed revealed it a few tweets later, got my hopes up when I saw this thread title sad

02/16/2015 06:13 PM (UTC)
Cassie has variations of her parents' moves, the same way Frost had a variation of Sub-Zero's, or Kira had variations of Sonya/Kano etc.
02/16/2015 06:14 PM (UTC)
I still think Cassie should have had one variation doing all Johnny's moves, one with all Sonya's, and one original.

Would have saved two spots for new characters.
02/16/2015 06:17 PM (UTC)
jpetrunak Wrote:
I still think Cassie should have had one variation doing all Johnny's moves, one with all Sonya's, and one original.

Would have saved two spots for new characters.

Exactly, and which is why Kitana's fake Jade variation should just have Jade's moves, zero of Kitana's.
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"BEER ME!" - Noob Saibot

02/16/2015 06:26 PM (UTC)
Randwulf Wrote:
jpetrunak Wrote:
I still think Cassie should have had one variation doing all Johnny's moves, one with all Sonya's, and one original.

Would have saved two spots for new characters.

Exactly, and which is why Kitana's fake Jade variation should just have Jade's moves, zero of Kitana's.

And look how well that turned out for the Jade fans on the fact that Kitana has Jade's moves, period.

People would had just bitched about the lack of Johnny Cage and Sonya in the game, even though the illogical Sonya hate in this board is really amazing to me...

If they're in the game (even though they have a good reason to be). Bitch.
If they're NOT in the game. Bitch.
If they're all in the game. Still bitch.

There's no winning this.
02/16/2015 06:26 PM (UTC)
jpetrunak Wrote:
I still think Cassie should have had one variation doing all Johnny's moves, one with all Sonya's, and one original.

Would have saved two spots for new characters.

I don't know. People haven't been reacting to well to Kitana basically stealing Jade's moveset as a third variation.
02/16/2015 07:13 PM (UTC)
Randwulf Wrote:
If Cassie is in the game with both her parent's moves, there is no reason for either Sonya or Cage to take-up roster spots.

Except she doesn't have her parents' moves, that's why they're also in the game.
02/16/2015 07:46 PM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
Randwulf Wrote:
If Cassie is in the game with both her parent's moves, there is no reason for either Sonya or Cage to take-up roster spots.

Except she doesn't have her parents' moves, that's why they're also in the game.

When was this confirmed?
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02/16/2015 08:18 PM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
Randwulf Wrote:
If Cassie is in the game with both her parent's moves, there is no reason for either Sonya or Cage to take-up roster spots.

Except she doesn't have her parents' moves, that's why they're also in the game.

Lmao she doesnt.
About Me

02/16/2015 08:36 PM (UTC)
I can ́t believe you people doubt about Johnny Cage been in the game... he is OBVIOUSLY gonna be...
02/16/2015 08:47 PM (UTC)
Johnny cage will not be in this game! Sonya has a better chance but even that is slim to nil they have both had long boring careers in MK but now they are done! I am sure they will be in story mode but not playable end of story!
02/16/2015 08:56 PM (UTC)
WeaponTheory Wrote:
Randwulf Wrote:
jpetrunak Wrote:
I still think Cassie should have had one variation doing all Johnny's moves, one with all Sonya's, and one original.

Would have saved two spots for new characters.

Exactly, and which is why Kitana's fake Jade variation should just have Jade's moves, zero of Kitana's.

And look how well that turned out for the Jade fans on the fact that Kitana has Jade's moves, period.

People would had just bitched about the lack of Johnny Cage and Sonya in the game, even though the illogical Sonya hate in this board is really amazing to me...

If they're in the game (even though they have a good reason to be). Bitch.
If they're NOT in the game. Bitch.
If they're all in the game. Still bitch.

There's no winning this.

I am not a "fan" of Kitana having anything to do with Jade, period. But, since NRS messed-up badly and made this bizarre mess of a Jade-Kitana variation, then they should have just given Kitana all of Jade's moves. It makes no sense for her to have fans, a staff, and a glaive, and her other exclusive shared attacks. None. NONE. Back to Cassie, she clearly is a merging of both Cage and Sonya. There is no reason for either of them to be taking-up roster spots.
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02/16/2015 09:59 PM (UTC)
This "taking up roster spots" logic is so asinine that the fact that it's still being thrown around amazes me. I've been lurking since the announcement of MKX and it may very well be the most commonly posted sentence on this board, and one of the more significant reasons I've chosen not to participate for so long. It's foolish enough that it really doesn't warrant a proper response, and the Netherrealm Team knows that; but at the risk of falling into the fray and just adding to the debacle, I'll indulge for once:

They know what story they want to tell and how they want to tell it, and thusly which playable characters they want to include in this iteration. They've known this for a while, before you even knew this game was being made. There hasn't been an ongoing contest of Sonya VS "Your Favorite", or Johnny VS "Your Favorite", or anything of the like. You're not adding points to your favorite character's chances of being included by grousing about other peoples' favorites. This childish game is all in your heads.

Do you really think Boon has been going around this whole time tallying up how many people complained about this character and that character, and then used that information to exclude a character he planned on having, or adding one he didn't plan on having? If he wants Tanya, or Fujin, or Reiko, or fucking Kai and Meat in the game, then guess what? They're already there, and they've been there. His team never said "You know what, I want Sonya in, so let's not make these other characters we otherwise would have made." That shit doesn't happen. There is a plan, and there has always been a plan.

So if you're afraid your favorite isn't going to be in the game, blame it on Netherrealm's decision of how they want to tell the story of THEIR game; NOT on the existence and inclusion of Sonya Blade and Johnny Cage. You're being silly, and that's the nicest way I can put it. Think outside your box of embitterment for a second, and you'll see that the logic some of you guys are using is--well, illogical.

That being said, equally asinine is the statement that Cassie "should just have all of her parents' moves", or the statement that she already does so we need to stop wanting Sonya and Johnny in the game. MK fans like us hardly ever choose a favorite character based solely on gameplay. There are other reasons for you having your favorite and the poster next to you having theirs, and it has little to do with button presses and commands. I thought Kira was one of the most despicable throwaway characters in a fighting game. I'm not a big fan of Cassie Cage OR her gameplay, for that matter. Having established that, why on Earth would you use this aforementioned excuse to attack the favorite characters of other people, and/or to voice how scared you are that yours isn't going to make it? Spend your time engaging in more interesting discussions, sharing interesting thoughts. That's supposedly the point of these boards.
About Me

02/16/2015 10:18 PM (UTC)
LeoBrZ81 Wrote:
This "taking up roster spots" logic is so asinine that the fact that it's still being thrown around amazes me. I've been lurking since the announcement of MKX and it may very well be the most commonly posted sentence on this board, and one of the more significant reasons I've chosen not to participate for so long. It's foolish enough that it really doesn't warrant a proper response, and the Netherrealm Team knows that; but at the risk of falling into the fray and just adding to the debacle, I'll indulge for once:

They know what story they want to tell and how they want to tell it, and thusly which playable characters they want to include in this iteration. They've known this for a while, before you even knew this game was being made. There hasn't been an ongoing contest of Sonya VS "Your Favorite", or Johnny VS "Your Favorite", or anything of the like. You're not adding points to your favorite character's chances of being included by grousing about other peoples' favorites. This childish game is all in your heads.

Do you really think Boon has been going around this whole time tallying up how many people complained about this character and that character, and then used that information to exclude a character he planned on having, or adding one he didn't plan on having? If he wants Tanya, or Fujin, or Reiko, or fucking Kai and Meat in the game, then guess what? They're already there, and they've been there. His team never said "You know what, I want Sonya in, so let's not make these other characters we otherwise would have made." That shit doesn't happen. There is a plan, and there has always been a plan.

So if you're afraid your favorite isn't going to be in the game, blame it on Netherrealm's decision of how they want to tell the story of THEIR game; NOT on the existence and inclusion of Sonya Blade and Johnny Cage. You're being silly, and that's the nicest way I can put it. Think outside your box of embitterment for a second, and you'll see that the logic some of you guys are using is--well, illogical.

That being said, equally asinine is the statement that Cassie "should just have all of her parents' moves", or the statement that she already does so we need to stop wanting Sonya and Johnny in the game. MK fans like us hardly ever choose a favorite character based solely on gameplay. There are other reasons for you having your favorite and the poster next to you having theirs, and it has little to do with button presses and commands. I thought Kira was one of the most despicable throwaway characters in a fighting game. I'm not a big fan of Cassie Cage OR her gameplay, for that matter. Having established that, why on Earth would you use this aforementioned excuse to attack the favorite characters of other people, and/or to voice how scared you are that yours isn't going to make it? Spend your time engaging in more interesting discussions, sharing interesting thoughts. That's supposedly the point of these boards.

I quite like Cassie, but apart from that I agree 100% with what you said and honestly think it's one of the best posts I've seen on here for a long damn time. This moronic bitching about Johnny and Sonya (who may I remind you were the ONLY two Earthrealm fighters to survive MK9 and have the best chance out of anyone from MK9 to come back) not being playable because Cassie is in the game is literally the stupidest fucking thing I have heard, which on this site is an accomplishment so well done guys. I 100% guarantee that Sonya AND Johnny will be in this game and both will be playable. Just like LeoBrZ81 said, this entire roster was decided a LONG fucking time before this bullshit started. The whole 'X character is taking Y characters spot' is so fucking laughable that I honestly question why I even come to this forum with all the petty fucking bullshit I have to endure every time I log in. I know people are going to just blow over this post, but hopefully, and I mean HOPEFULLY, someone can just understand this.
02/16/2015 10:38 PM (UTC)
LeoBrZ81 Wrote:
This "taking up roster spots" logic is so asinine that the fact that it's still being thrown around amazes me. I've been lurking since the announcement of MKX and it may very well be the most commonly posted sentence on this board, and one of the more significant reasons I've chosen not to participate for so long. It's foolish enough that it really doesn't warrant a proper response, and the Netherrealm Team knows that; but at the risk of falling into the fray and just adding to the debacle, I'll indulge for once:

They know what story they want to tell and how they want to tell it, and thusly which playable characters they want to include in this iteration. They've known this for a while, before you even knew this game was being made. There hasn't been an ongoing contest of Sonya VS "Your Favorite", or Johnny VS "Your Favorite", or anything of the like. You're not adding points to your favorite character's chances of being included by grousing about other peoples' favorites. This childish game is all in your heads.

Do you really think Boon has been going around this whole time tallying up how many people complained about this character and that character, and then used that information to exclude a character he planned on having, or adding one he didn't plan on having? If he wants Tanya, or Fujin, or Reiko, or fucking Kai and Meat in the game, then guess what? They're already there, and they've been there. His team never said "You know what, I want Sonya in, so let's not make these other characters we otherwise would have made." That shit doesn't happen. There is a plan, and there has always been a plan.

So if you're afraid your favorite isn't going to be in the game, blame it on Netherrealm's decision of how they want to tell the story of THEIR game; NOT on the existence and inclusion of Sonya Blade and Johnny Cage. You're being silly, and that's the nicest way I can put it. Think outside your box of embitterment for a second, and you'll see that the logic some of you guys are using is--well, illogical.

That being said, equally asinine is the statement that Cassie "should just have all of her parents' moves", or the statement that she already does so we need to stop wanting Sonya and Johnny in the game. MK fans like us hardly ever choose a favorite character based solely on gameplay. There are other reasons for you having your favorite and the poster next to you having theirs, and it has little to do with button presses and commands. I thought Kira was one of the most despicable throwaway characters in a fighting game. I'm not a big fan of Cassie Cage OR her gameplay, for that matter. Having established that, why on Earth would you use this aforementioned excuse to attack the favorite characters of other people, and/or to voice how scared you are that yours isn't going to make it? Spend your time engaging in more interesting discussions, sharing interesting thoughts. That's supposedly the point of these boards.

They've done it in the past so its possible. Fujin was originally planned for deception but they made raiden come back as dark raiden to please fans. Kai was supposed to be in deadly alliance but was scarpped. Some guy was supposed to be a lizard like creature in deadly alliance but they used reptile instead. Its possible boon scrapped others to bring back classics due to him being scared of fan reactions because their classical favs arent in.
02/16/2015 11:14 PM (UTC)
Someone finally said it.
Sonya since 92
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Bladdy lovely Sig by Minion. PSN -rlg24 LIVE -WestcountryBlud

02/16/2015 11:21 PM (UTC)
LeoBrZ81 Wrote:
This "taking up roster spots" logic is so asinine that the fact that it's still being thrown around amazes me. I've been lurking since the announcement of MKX and it may very well be the most commonly posted sentence on this board, and one of the more significant reasons I've chosen not to participate for so long. It's foolish enough that it really doesn't warrant a proper response, and the Netherrealm Team knows that; but at the risk of falling into the fray and just adding to the debacle, I'll indulge for once:

They know what story they want to tell and how they want to tell it, and thusly which playable characters they want to include in this iteration. They've known this for a while, before you even knew this game was being made. There hasn't been an ongoing contest of Sonya VS "Your Favorite", or Johnny VS "Your Favorite", or anything of the like. You're not adding points to your favorite character's chances of being included by grousing about other peoples' favorites. This childish game is all in your heads.

Do you really think Boon has been going around this whole time tallying up how many people complained about this character and that character, and then used that information to exclude a character he planned on having, or adding one he didn't plan on having? If he wants Tanya, or Fujin, or Reiko, or fucking Kai and Meat in the game, then guess what? They're already there, and they've been there. His team never said "You know what, I want Sonya in, so let's not make these other characters we otherwise would have made." That shit doesn't happen. There is a plan, and there has always been a plan.

So if you're afraid your favorite isn't going to be in the game, blame it on Netherrealm's decision of how they want to tell the story of THEIR game; NOT on the existence and inclusion of Sonya Blade and Johnny Cage. You're being silly, and that's the nicest way I can put it. Think outside your box of embitterment for a second, and you'll see that the logic some of you guys are using is--well, illogical.

That being said, equally asinine is the statement that Cassie "should just have all of her parents' moves", or the statement that she already does so we need to stop wanting Sonya and Johnny in the game. MK fans like us hardly ever choose a favorite character based solely on gameplay. There are other reasons for you having your favorite and the poster next to you having theirs, and it has little to do with button presses and commands. I thought Kira was one of the most despicable throwaway characters in a fighting game. I'm not a big fan of Cassie Cage OR her gameplay, for that matter. Having established that, why on Earth would you use this aforementioned excuse to attack the favorite characters of other people, and/or to voice how scared you are that yours isn't going to make it? Spend your time engaging in more interesting discussions, sharing interesting thoughts. That's supposedly the point of these boards.

Very well said! I've always wondered why people keep expecting Johnny and Sonya to be out? They were the last two standing with Raiden. What I do find odd is why NRS hasn't revealed them yet.
02/16/2015 11:46 PM (UTC)
SlickRick82 Wrote:
LeoBrZ81 Wrote:
This "taking up roster spots" logic is so asinine that the fact that it's still being thrown around amazes me. I've been lurking since the announcement of MKX and it may very well be the most commonly posted sentence on this board, and one of the more significant reasons I've chosen not to participate for so long. It's foolish enough that it really doesn't warrant a proper response, and the Netherrealm Team knows that; but at the risk of falling into the fray and just adding to the debacle, I'll indulge for once:

They know what story they want to tell and how they want to tell it, and thusly which playable characters they want to include in this iteration. They've known this for a while, before you even knew this game was being made. There hasn't been an ongoing contest of Sonya VS "Your Favorite", or Johnny VS "Your Favorite", or anything of the like. You're not adding points to your favorite character's chances of being included by grousing about other peoples' favorites. This childish game is all in your heads.

Do you really think Boon has been going around this whole time tallying up how many people complained about this character and that character, and then used that information to exclude a character he planned on having, or adding one he didn't plan on having? If he wants Tanya, or Fujin, or Reiko, or fucking Kai and Meat in the game, then guess what? They're already there, and they've been there. His team never said "You know what, I want Sonya in, so let's not make these other characters we otherwise would have made." That shit doesn't happen. There is a plan, and there has always been a plan.

So if you're afraid your favorite isn't going to be in the game, blame it on Netherrealm's decision of how they want to tell the story of THEIR game; NOT on the existence and inclusion of Sonya Blade and Johnny Cage. You're being silly, and that's the nicest way I can put it. Think outside your box of embitterment for a second, and you'll see that the logic some of you guys are using is--well, illogical.

That being said, equally asinine is the statement that Cassie "should just have all of her parents' moves", or the statement that she already does so we need to stop wanting Sonya and Johnny in the game. MK fans like us hardly ever choose a favorite character based solely on gameplay. There are other reasons for you having your favorite and the poster next to you having theirs, and it has little to do with button presses and commands. I thought Kira was one of the most despicable throwaway characters in a fighting game. I'm not a big fan of Cassie Cage OR her gameplay, for that matter. Having established that, why on Earth would you use this aforementioned excuse to attack the favorite characters of other people, and/or to voice how scared you are that yours isn't going to make it? Spend your time engaging in more interesting discussions, sharing interesting thoughts. That's supposedly the point of these boards.

Very well said! I've always wondered why people keep expecting Johnny and Sonya to be out? They were the last two standing with Raiden. What I do find odd is why NRS hasn't revealed them yet.

Look your messages wink
02/16/2015 11:48 PM (UTC)
Kitana attained Jade's glaive and staff, she didn't steal them.

I have a feeling Johnny will make the cut.
About Me

02/17/2015 12:13 AM (UTC)
swerzy Wrote:I quite like Cassie, but apart from that I agree 100% with what you said and honestly think it's one of the best posts I've seen on here for a long damn time. This moronic bitching about Johnny and Sonya (who may I remind you were the ONLY two Earthrealm fighters to survive MK9 and have the best chance out of anyone from MK9 to come back) not being playable because Cassie is in the game is literally the stupidest fucking thing I have heard, which on this site is an accomplishment so well done guys. I 100% guarantee that Sonya AND Johnny will be in this game and both will be playable. Just like LeoBrZ81 said, this entire roster was decided a LONG fucking time before this bullshit started. The whole 'X character is taking Y characters spot' is so fucking laughable that I honestly question why I even come to this forum with all the petty fucking bullshit I have to endure every time I log in. I know people are going to just blow over this post, but hopefully, and I mean HOPEFULLY, someone can just understand this.

I enjoy Cassie now a lot more than I did upon her introduction, mostly thanks to the updated model and her intro quotes. What I think stops me from liking her enough to be a fan is that she's too Johnny-esque, both gameplay-wise and personality-wise. I liked these attributes when Johnny had them, but it rubs me the wrong way with Cassie, and has felt a little "forced", for lack of a better word. It's the kind of sentiment that will probably dissipate when I go through Story Mode, and see her interact with her parents, and observe what really shapes her into the character she is. Even the comics helped in that regard; they made me think of her more as a developing character as opposed to Cage with Tits (although the way she carries herself at the time of the comics is still kind of irritating).

As for the topic in the quoted post (which incidentally strays from the original thread topic haha): What I've observed is that hardcore fans of fighting games tend to be a very polarized, divisive crowd with strong and often thick-headed opinions about how things should be. This is from exploring other fighting game forums over the years, having friends with similar taste, and sometimes being caught-up in the thickheadedness myself. Everyone seems to have their own personal, unique vision of what the quintessential iteration of their favorite game must be, and they feel their devotion attacked when it strays from that, and instinctively get vocal in defense. Having said this, every tiring redundancy you see dominating forums like this one eventually goes away. Then there'll be a phase where everyone is extremely happy and ecstatic, and no one is complaining about anything, smiles abound; then, very cyclically, more indignation and complaining will come when the novelty wears off grin. What I've learned is pick your battles, pick as few battles as possible, and just drop the mic and walk away from the arena for a while when it gets to be too much haha.

squirt007nc Wrote:They've done it in the past so its possible. Fujin was originally planned for deception but they made raiden come back as dark raiden to please fans. Kai was supposed to be in deadly alliance but was scarpped. Some guy was supposed to be a lizard like creature in deadly alliance but they used reptile instead. Its possible boon scrapped others to bring back classics due to him being scared of fan reactions because their classical favs arent in.

I've heard of the Fujin instance, not really the others; but assuming they are all so, it's still sensible to deduce that none of those decisions were made late into the game, or even close to halfway. They're major decisions that take months of work, and their inclusions or exclusions have major affects on the very backbone of the product (story and gameplay mechanics). For example, I'd be willing to bet, sensibly, that "Let's put Dark Raiden in instead of Fujin" was a decision made very early on, even if the reason was indeed an attempt to please the fans (which would be odd, since fans don't voice their opinions the moment the decision is made).

"Give us So-and-So instead of Sonya and Johnny!" would be a tolerable one-time statement if it was made from the time the game was announced to before the fact, and even then the weight it would carry is very questionable; the studio has a plan of what they want to do before all the opinions come in, not the other way around, so it's plausible that they're going to go with the former, always. And even if Boon did scrap certain characters in favor of including certain classics, it goes back to what I've been saying, that the studio always has a plan, initially, for what they want to do; the reasoning for the plan may be fan service, or innovation, or taking risks, but the fact of the matter is there is always an initial plan going in, like with any artistic work.

SlickRick82 Wrote:Very well said! I've always wondered why people keep expecting Johnny and Sonya to be out? They were the last two standing with Raiden. What I do find odd is why NRS hasn't revealed them yet.

I personally think they haven't been revealed because it would be safe to assume they're included, thus their reveals wouldn't really have as much of a "Wow" factor as the reveal of other less likely characters. Then, potentially, it might be also that either reveal would be better served coupled with tidbits from the story of the game, given the ending of MK9. So it would be more useful to keep Sonya and Johnny in the background until more has been revealed.

Or, I don't know, maybe they're in but not playable; very unlikely and very incongruous with what Boon has already said on the matter, but then again you can never be 100% sure until you see the game. BUT, if by some shocking, irritating turn of events Sonya is not playable, you can bet I won't be on this forum cussing Cassie Cage out for taking her roster spot, or yelling about how other less important characters are playable (WTF REPTILE BUT NO SONYA SHE SURVIVED SHE SO IMPORTANT REPTILE JUST A LACKEY BLAH BLAH). I'll be disappointed, of fucking course lol, but I'll have no choice but to chalk it up to "That's what they wanted to do", and go find a second favorite to master.
02/17/2015 12:14 AM (UTC)
LeoBrZ81 Wrote:
swerzy Wrote:I quite like Cassie, but apart from that I agree 100% with what you said and honestly think it's one of the best posts I've seen on here for a long damn time. This moronic bitching about Johnny and Sonya (who may I remind you were the ONLY two Earthrealm fighters to survive MK9 and have the best chance out of anyone from MK9 to come back) not being playable because Cassie is in the game is literally the stupidest fucking thing I have heard, which on this site is an accomplishment so well done guys. I 100% guarantee that Sonya AND Johnny will be in this game and both will be playable. Just like LeoBrZ81 said, this entire roster was decided a LONG fucking time before this bullshit started. The whole 'X character is taking Y characters spot' is so fucking laughable that I honestly question why I even come to this forum with all the petty fucking bullshit I have to endure every time I log in. I know people are going to just blow over this post, but hopefully, and I mean HOPEFULLY, someone can just understand this.

I enjoy Cassie now a lot more than I did upon her introduction, mostly thanks to the updated model and her intro quotes. What I think stops me from liking her enough to be a fan is that she's too Johnny-esque, both gameplay-wise and personality-wise. I liked these attributes when Johnny had them, but it rubs me the wrong way with Cassie, and has felt a little "forced", for lack of a better word. It's the kind of sentiment that will probably dissipate when I go through Story Mode, and see her interact with her parents, and observe what really shapes her into the character she is. Even the comics helped in that regard; they made me think of her more as a developing character as opposed to Cage with Tits (although the way she carries herself at the time of the comics is still kind of irritating).

As for the topic in the quoted post (which incidentally strays from the original thread topic haha): What I've observed is that hardcore fans of fighting games tend to be a very polarized, divisive crowd with strong and often thick-headed opinions about how things should be. This is from exploring other fighting game forums over the years, having friends with similar taste, and sometimes being caught-up in the thickheadedness myself. Everyone seems to have their own personal, unique vision of what the quintessential iteration of their favorite game must be, and they feel their devotion attacked when it strays from that, and instinctively get vocal in defense. Having said this, every tiring redundancy you see dominating forums like this one eventually goes away. Then there'll be a phase where everyone is extremely happy and ecstatic, and no one is complaining about anything, smiles abound; then, very cyclically, more indignation and complaining will come when the novelty wears off grin. What I've learned is pick your battles, pick as few battles as possible, and just drop the mic and walk away from the arena for a while when it gets to be too much haha.

squirt007nc Wrote:They've done it in the past so its possible. Fujin was originally planned for deception but they made raiden come back as dark raiden to please fans. Kai was supposed to be in deadly alliance but was scarpped. Some guy was supposed to be a lizard like creature in deadly alliance but they used reptile instead. Its possible boon scrapped others to bring back classics due to him being scared of fan reactions because their classical favs arent in.

I've heard of the Fujin instance, not really the others; but assuming they are all so, it's still sensible to deduce that none of those decisions were made late into the game, or even close to halfway. They're major decisions that take months of work, and their inclusions or exclusions have major affects on the very backbone of the product (story and gameplay mechanics). For example, I'd be willing to bet, sensibly, that "Let's put Dark Raiden in instead of Fujin" was a decision made very early on, even if the reason was indeed an attempt to please the fans (which would be odd, since fans don't voice their opinions the moment the decision is made).

"Give us So-and-So instead of Sonya and Johnny!" would be a tolerable one-time statement if it was made from the time the game was announced to before the fact, and even then the weight it would carry is very questionable; the studio has a plan of what they want to do before all the opinions come in, not the other way around, so it's plausible that they're going to go with the former, always. And even if Boon did scrap certain characters in favor of including certain classics, it goes back to what I've been saying, that the studio always has a plan, initially, for what they want to do; the reasoning for the plan may be fan service, or innovation, or taking risks, but the fact of the matter is there is always an initial plan going in, like with any artistic work.

SlickRick82 Wrote:Very well said! I've always wondered why people keep expecting Johnny and Sonya to be out? They were the last two standing with Raiden. What I do find odd is why NRS hasn't revealed them yet.

I personally think they haven't been revealed because it would be safe to assume they're included, thus their reveals wouldn't really have as much of a "Wow" factor as the reveal of other less likely characters. Then, potentially, it might be also that either reveal would be better served coupled with tidbits from the story of the game, given the ending of MK9. So it would be more useful to keep Sonya and Johnny in the background until more has been revealed.

Or, I don't know, maybe they're in but not playable; very unlikely and very incongruous with what Boon has already said on the matter of their inclusion, but then again you can never be 100% sure until you see the game. BUT, if by some shocking, irritating turn of events Sonya is not playable, you can bet I won't be on this forum cussing Cassie Cage out for taking her roster spot, or yelling about how other less important characters are playable (WTF REPTILE BUT NO SONYA SHE SURVIVED SHE SO IMPORTANT REPTILE JUST A LACKEY BLAH BLAH). I'll be disappointed, of fucking course lol, but I'll have no choice but to chalk it up to "That's what they wanted to do", and go find a second favorite to master.

Look your messages too is about sonya wink
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02/17/2015 12:42 AM (UTC)
sonyamkoriginal Wrote:Look your messages too is about sonya wink


...DUDE!!! Hahaha grin Thanks!
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