Jasons arcade ladder ending.
posted05/07/2015 01:54 PM (UTC)by
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... here's your Subzero, now plain zero.

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05/30/2014 01:53 AM (UTC)
The ending for Jason was uploaded by Dynasty and I do not know how to make it clickable.

05/05/2015 03:40 AM (UTC)
Did Liu really think he could bargain with Jason? lmao
05/06/2015 12:23 AM (UTC)
I liked it lol Liu tried making a deal with him and Jason just killed him instead lol

Interestingly Shinnok knows who Jason is, in his intro dialogue he addresses him by his full name lol I know its non canon but its still cool how they made it seem like Shinnok knows who he is.
Just all above great job how they did Jason. Now i pick him over Quan Chi but i use him when i fight online....oh btw do you think Jason will get m ore or less popular than Sub-Zero....any thought?wow
05/07/2015 06:37 AM (UTC)
Blade4693 Wrote:

Interestingly Shinnok knows who Jason is, in his intro dialogue he addresses him by his full name lol I know its non canon but its still cool how they made it seem like Shinnok knows who he is.

Yeah that one took me off guard. Pretty amusing.

Its a shame most of the Jason intro sound like generic intro's they'll be using for all the DLC characters. I guess it makes sense they'd have generic intros in case they decide to expand the DLC roster, but you'd think a least a few of the wittier characters would have something clever to say to Jason.
05/07/2015 06:40 AM (UTC)
MrEsturk Wrote:
Blade4693 Wrote:

Interestingly Shinnok knows who Jason is, in his intro dialogue he addresses him by his full name lol I know its non canon but its still cool how they made it seem like Shinnok knows who he is.

Yeah that one took me off guard. Pretty amusing.

Its a shame most of the Jason intro sound like generic intro's they'll be using for all the DLC characters. I guess it makes sense they'd have generic intros in case they decide to expand the DLC roster, but you'd think a least a few of the wittier characters would have something clever to say to Jason.

most of the intros were actually found in the games files, tanya and tremor have full dialogue, while predator doesn't talk at all and it's only one line like Jason's intros.
05/07/2015 01:25 PM (UTC)
MrEsturk Wrote:
Blade4693 Wrote:

Interestingly Shinnok knows who Jason is, in his intro dialogue he addresses him by his full name lol I know its non canon but its still cool how they made it seem like Shinnok knows who he is.

Yeah that one took me off guard. Pretty amusing.

Its a shame most of the Jason intro sound like generic intro's they'll be using for all the DLC characters. I guess it makes sense they'd have generic intros in case they decide to expand the DLC roster, but you'd think a least a few of the wittier characters would have something clever to say to Jason.

Yeah that was a little disappointing, most of the intros with Jason are pretty average. The only ones I know of that are not 100% generic are Shinnok, Quan Chi, Raiden, and Scorpion sort of, and the last two aren't even specific, they are just less generic than most lol

Shinnok - Jason Voorhees

Quan Chi - You will serve me well

Qaun Chi - Can you overcome my sorcery?

Raiden - Misguided one!

Scorpion - Witless one.

Ferra/Torr - You no scare we (I just find that one adorable lol)

Ermac's I just don't get, he approaches and says "Well..." I don't get it, its like he was waiting for some sort of response from Jason or something lol

They all have two sort of, the one where the opponent talks first and Jason pulls the knife from his neck, and the one where Jason walks up first dragging the woman so there are some I still haven't heard or remember lol
05/07/2015 01:54 PM (UTC)
It was awesome how Jason just strangled him with his intestines. I expected Jason to kill him, but not that way. Haha!
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