Jason Speculation/Discussion Thread
posted03/14/2015 01:34 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
01/11/2004 10:09 PM (UTC)
Ok, we're down to the wire here. We'll know in due time whether he'll be in the game. I'm not the only one cautiously optimistic around here, hoping he'll be revealed today, Friday the 13th. :)

However, what this thread is for, is I figured it'd be fun to discuss the possibilities of what design Jason could have if he were included. I'd love to get everyone's thoughts.

There's SUCH a rich history of the character, spanning 35 years. So many options and possibilities, but at the end of the day, there's only so much one character can have.

So let's break it down by:

Model + Outfit

Basic Moveset

3 Variations (and visual indicators)


2 Fatalities

I'll leave it like that so you can easily copy and paste the discussion points, and fill them in with all of your ideas!

Now, for my own:

Model + Outfit
We have to get the hockey mask, the classic one from Part 3/4/Reboot. I think that's a must. Now, for the million dollar question... Human or Zombie? Personally, I'd love to see both, and I'll get into that a little bit further down. Ultimately, he needs to be decked out in his jacket, pants, and boots. With considerable weathering and damage to the clothes of course. Let's not overdue it with too many liberties, I'd hope.

Basic Moveset
His normals should include the machete spliced in, akin to how Scorpion/Kenshi implement their swords. Specials could be made up of several different things, such as using different weapons and tools throughout the movie, or perhaps some command grabs? There's lots of fun to be had with his moveset.

3 Variations (and visual indicators)
Here's where I'd love to see the different versions of Jason really come to life(no pun intended). We could get Bag Head, Hockey Mask, and Zombified Jason being represented individually. Perhaps Jason X, or the reboot Jason swapped in there instead of Bag Head? Man, Jason has felt a bit different in each movie, visually and capabilities, so there's some room to play here. Maybe a whole variation where he's using his various weapons/tools throughout his specials and normals(knife, spear, pitchfork, harpoon gun, cleaver, axe, weed whacker etc.)? Perhaps a variation dedicated to a more grapple heavy Jason(think Bane or Grundy)? They could have a variation where he's a bit quicker, giving him his more human/hunter elements from Part 2/3/4/Reboot Or maybe a hyped up Uber Jason with the ability to regenerate health, or with some sort of armor? Hell, armor is a damn must for the dude in some form or fashion.

This is also another part where his varying tools/weapons could come into play, but his machete is likely to play a part. I'd love to see him grab his opponent's head and squeeze it 'til their skull breaks(think Part 3), and then folds his opponent backwards to shatter their back(think part 6).

2 Fatalities
So many damn possibilities! I'm just gonna post it now to get the ball rolling.
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03/13/2015 06:13 AM (UTC)
tomorrow is Jason's birthday only fitting for him to be revealed !! cant wait!
03/13/2015 06:16 AM (UTC)
It might sound tame but I'd like to see him put an MK character in a sleeping bag. Let the sound designers do the work.
03/13/2015 06:16 AM (UTC)
Zombie Wrote:
tomorrow is Jason's birthday only fitting for him to be revealed !! cant wait!

What version of Jason is your favorite? If you had your pick, which Jason would it be?
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03/13/2015 06:16 AM (UTC)
Jason is gonna fit right in with the forest stage. I'm confused about something with the guests though. I thought the guest was going to be a launch fighter but now im seeing people saying two guests will be dlc. Is there any confirmation of what it will be?
03/13/2015 06:17 AM (UTC)
JaymzHetfield Wrote:
It might sound tame but I'd like to see him put an MK character in a sleeping bag. Let the sound designers do the work.

That'd be great for a laugh, and if done right, could be one of the best fatalities we've seen yet. Especially if he slams them against a tree/ground or hangs them over a fire.
03/13/2015 06:19 AM (UTC)
lanoitarnu Wrote:
Jason is gonna fit right in with the forest stage. I'm confused about something with the guests though. I thought the guest was going to be a launch fighter but now im seeing people saying two guests will be dlc. Is there any confirmation of what it will be?

The 2 guests will be DLC(as a part of the Kombat Pack). They will not be there at launch. Judging by MK9 and Injustice, the first DLC character will likely be out just a few weeks after the game is released.

Goro will be the only "DLC" at launch, as a pre-order incentive.
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03/13/2015 06:20 AM (UTC)
blackcyborg Wrote:
Zombie Wrote:
tomorrow is Jason's birthday only fitting for him to be revealed !! cant wait!

What version of Jason is your favorite? If you had your pick, which Jason would it be?

part 4 has always been a fav of mine and part 7 , love those 2 looks

4: more human
7: more zombie

id like to see bag head as a variation

theres so much they could do with him!

fatality: 2 words.....................sleeping................bag
03/13/2015 06:26 AM (UTC)
blackcyborg Wrote:
JaymzHetfield Wrote:
It might sound tame but I'd like to see him put an MK character in a sleeping bag. Let the sound designers do the work.

That'd be great for a laugh, and if done right, could be one of the best fatalities we've seen yet. Especially if he slams them against a tree/ground or hangs them over a fire.

03/13/2015 06:26 AM (UTC)
Zombie Wrote:
blackcyborg Wrote:
Zombie Wrote:
tomorrow is Jason's birthday only fitting for him to be revealed !! cant wait!

What version of Jason is your favorite? If you had your pick, which Jason would it be?

part 4 has always been a fav of mine and part 7 , love those 2 looks

4: more human
7: more zombie

id like to see bag head as a variation

theres so much they could do with him!

fatality: 2 words.....................sleeping................bag

Good picks, can't go wrong there(as a fellow Ft13th fan, check out Temp and I's top 5 of the series we did lastnight on our NK channel in my sig)! Part IV is definitely the classic Jason, but of course the zombified version of Part VI and VII are definitely iconic as well. I'm anxious to see if he does end up being included, which direction they take.

I'm fond of the looks of Part IV, Part 6, FvJ, and the reboot myself. Baghead would be a nice option as well.
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03/13/2015 06:32 AM (UTC)
im a huge Friday fan, its nice to run into others with the same love for a franchise that gets a lot of hate,

still waiting on the new movie, keeps getting pushed back ugh...

just make it back at the camp during the winter , simple: group of kids stumble upon the abandoned camp, snow storm rolls in , they get stuck at camp and have to survive the night with Jason stalking them.. let the blood run
03/13/2015 06:35 AM (UTC)
Darkhound74 Wrote:
blackcyborg Wrote:
JaymzHetfield Wrote:
It might sound tame but I'd like to see him put an MK character in a sleeping bag. Let the sound designers do the work.

That'd be great for a laugh, and if done right, could be one of the best fatalities we've seen yet. Especially if he slams them against a tree/ground or hangs them over a fire.


Love it so much. That and the face smash on the counter are my favorite parts of X.

Part 7's was great

As was the reboot's more vicious somewhat homage
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... here's your Subzero, now plain zero.

03/13/2015 07:59 AM (UTC)
blackcyborg Wrote:
JaymzHetfield Wrote:
It might sound tame but I'd like to see him put an MK character in a sleeping bag. Let the sound designers do the work.

That'd be great for a laugh, and if done right, could be one of the best fatalities we've seen yet. Especially if he slams them against a tree/ground or hangs them over a fire.

I need this fatality idea to happen!

Is it possible that NRS would include a Camp Crystal Lake stage?
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03/13/2015 08:04 AM (UTC)
I would love to see a camp stage! not sure if they would though, there wasn't any dlc stages in mk9 (if I remember correctly ) but if they gave him a stage then they would need to give the other dlc guest there own stage as well ...
03/13/2015 08:07 AM (UTC)
I'd absolutely love to see a Crystal Lake stage. The stages in MKX are so damn beautiful, I can imagine how great the lake, moon light glistening over the water, next to a creepy eerie camp with some fog...
03/13/2015 08:16 AM (UTC)
If they don't reveal one guest character before the game comes out ....they'd kinda waste the hype associated with the character and his fan base . Infact I'm kinda surprised they haven't revealed a guest yet , the games almost out & the dlc guest & on disc guest are almost non existent . I've never seen that done before , usually when you have the rights you whore the character out for sales .
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03/13/2015 10:01 AM (UTC)
I love the crossover they did in comics with Jason and Leatherface. That would of been cool if WB got the rights to Thomas bubba Hewitt. Would of made for an interesting rivalry in a mk game.

I'm really hoping if any jason it's uber jason. That mask and eyes with the augmented body would be insane. I get chills thinking of his x-ray.

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Credit to Minion for my awesome sig!

03/13/2015 11:47 AM (UTC)
I have deep respect for the Friday movie franchise. Always felt people were overly critical of it. EXCEPT JASON X! Out of all his movies that's my least favorite. It was enjoyable at some points but overall a train wreck. So I would welcome Jason in with open arms if he's revealed today. Plus he'd be DLC so you're not forced to buy him.
03/13/2015 12:24 PM (UTC)
This would be a dream come true for me if he's in the game. I've been a diehard Jason fan since I was a kid. Here we go;

3 versions;

1. Human Jason(part 3 or 4)
-faster, not as strong

2. Zombie Jason(new blood)
-stronger, not as fast

3. X version(Jason X)hey it's only appropriate????
-balanced speed and strength

Also, we need a 8 bit variant version. It's be fun!
03/13/2015 12:26 PM (UTC)
NostalgiaGod Wrote:
I have deep respect for the Friday movie franchise. Always felt people were overly critical of it. EXCEPT JASON X! Out of all his movies that's my least favorite. It was enjoyable at some points but overall a train wreck. So I would welcome Jason in with open arms if he's revealed today. Plus he'd be DLC so you're not forced to buy him.

No but a mk character I would of payed 50 bucks for could have been made with the time he consumed.
03/13/2015 01:24 PM (UTC)
I want his Part 2 design, with the potato bag for a mask, as one of Jason's alts. He should remain the same size as his trademark hockey mask-wearing self. That alt should come with a unique intro when facing Ferra/Torr.

Ideas for his variants:

1) His live self from part 3, 4 and the reboot, when he actually felt pain and flinched from attacks. He carries his machete.

2) His live self from part 2. Wields a pitchfork, like in the second movie, which has longer range than the machete but it (the variant) comes with the least durability for Jason, meaning he takes more damage than he does in the other variants (just for gameplay purposes).

3) His trademark undead self, who barely flinches from any attacks. He cannot run.

His durability for his first and third variants should be greater than most other characters', and the same for both of them.

X-Ray: The sleeping bag, with a victim wrapped in it, that Jason beats the opponent with. We'd see both his opponents and his victim's bones being broken (like their heads colliding). The X-Ray ends with Jason throwing the victim at them.

He should have his own stage, Camp Crystal Lake, with a stage fatality where the opponent is uppercutted into a canoe, followed by Jason's younger self coming out of the water to nab the opponent.

To conclude, in some intros, Jason should be done murdering Kobra, the same way Quan Chi throws Moloch's severed head away in some of his.
03/13/2015 01:27 PM (UTC)
First official look at his design. He looks great!

03/13/2015 01:30 PM (UTC)
blackcyborg Wrote:

Ok, we're down to the wire here. We'll know in due time whether he'll be in the game. I'm not the only one cautiously optimistic around here, hoping he'll be revealed today, Friday the 13th. :)

However, what this thread is for, is I figured it'd be fun to discuss the possibilities of what design Jason could have if he were included. I'd love to get everyone's thoughts.

There's SUCH a rich history of the character, spanning 35 years. So many options and possibilities, but at the end of the day, there's only so much one character can have.

So let's break it down by:

Model + Outfit

Basic Moveset

3 Variations (and visual indicators)


2 Fatalities

This is fun! I was going to create my own Jason thread but seeing as how you already did it, awesome!.


For his primary look, I have always preferred the human Jason from 2-4. The Final Chapter is probably one of my favorite films in the series. So, the model from Part IV is what I would like as his primary look.


It's a given that he should always have a machete in hand during a fight.

Special moves throughout all three variations include:

1) Hammer Throw - Ala when he busts through the door and throws the hammer and barely misses Tommy and Trish. It's a one handed overhead throw. It's enhanced version, when it hits an opponent, knocks them on the ground for additional damage to be dealt.

2) Machete Swipe - Quick overhead. It's enhanced version adds an UPSLICE with launched opponent into the air for air combos/juggles.

3) Shoulder Charge - Being the bulky fellow that Jason is, the shoulder charge is a powerful move that knocks the opponent down even if they are blocking. The only way to avoid getting hit is to jump. The enhanced version knocks the opponent down but also then has Jason grab the fallen opponent off the ground by their neck with and then proceeds to viciously slam the opponent on the ground over and over again.


1) "PART II" -







03/13/2015 01:32 PM (UTC)
Nice shit man, love that he got revealed as you were in the middle of it. So damn awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
03/13/2015 01:36 PM (UTC)
Damn! The video was the same way I imagined it would be! So pumped he is in! He looks fantastic as well :) This is great news.
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