Ive never been a fan of the AI...
posted08/14/2012 02:04 AM (UTC)by
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02/11/2003 02:30 PM (UTC)
Just watch gamespot's latest "Out with the new, in the the old" video

They had to show Shao Kahn twice to make a point; and I can't help agree.

I hope to see incredible advancements in MK's AI. I don't enjoy "cheap shit" either. I like real challenges. And NO, "go play online" is not the fucking solution.
07/31/2012 11:39 PM (UTC)
I never was a fan of their AI's either. I always felt that they try to make them too cheap on purpose. I believe I saw something that said that they purposely made Kahn the way he is in this game because they wanted to make him "your worst nightmare in fight games." Now, I don't like that. I would like to see their AIs become better to fight against. It's really dumb to fight against stupid to cheap AIs when you continue to go further up on the ladder.

I hope that their Injustice game isn't like that though. I hope that they work the kinks out with it and maybe put it to good use in future MK games.
08/01/2012 02:52 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
I never was a fan of their AI's either. I always felt that they try to make them too cheap on purpose. I believe I saw something that said that they purposely made Kahn the way he is in this game because they wanted to make him "your worst nightmare in fight games." Now, I don't like that. I would like to see their AIs become better to fight against. It's really dumb to fight against stupid to cheap AIs when you continue to go further up on the ladder.

I hope that their Injustice game isn't like that though. I hope that they work the kinks out with it and maybe put it to good use in future MK games.

True, true.

Some one needs to give them the hint that they're not going to get more quarters in their pockets when we lose at home on our consoles.............
08/01/2012 10:46 AM (UTC)
Y'know, I feel like Shang had pretty good AI for a boss in MK9. He didn't need any of that armor crap Kahn and the Shokans have to be a challenge, he was just fast and used long combos to deal his damage.
I think the biggest problem with the bosses in MK, which becomes really apparent on the rare occasions you get to be behind the wheel of them and see what their moves lists are like, and this is true in both the old arcade games and MK9, is that they never actually give them a NORMAL moves list. Goro and Shao Kahn can't combo like Scorpion and Liu Kang can, they only have a limited amount of preset attacks and sometimes they can't even jump right. I realize the point is that they're supposed to be bigger and stronger and they feel like making them limited and sluggish offsets that, but I just don't think it's working and that they'd be a better challenge if they could lay into you with a proper combo.
All they need to do to make a proper boss is make Goro and Kahn have a full set of moves and mobility like a normal character, like they did in Deception/Armageddon...THEN give them more health and damage, to make them bosses. Then just give them the pain-in-the-ass reaction speed and persistence that a fight high on the ladder normally has. That's it.
08/01/2012 01:49 PM (UTC)
I never really had a problem with the AI except in MK2. The AI in the game outright cheats against players. The AI in MK9 was decent except for boss characters. They are so cheap and predictable I flawless their asses everytime. I like a good challenge, nothing impossible but nothing cheap either.

They need to find the sweet spot between challenging and fun.
08/01/2012 06:24 PM (UTC)
Bosses are the most pathetic ones. Like Razor said, they should be like normal characters and have more health and do a bit more damage. Shang Tsung really turned out nicely as a boss in MK2011- normal game style + damage boost when he morphs into other characters and since he's not loaded with armor he doesn't feel cheap.

Kintaro in MK2011 turned out really embarrassing: stay full screen away, wait til he teleports, take a sip of coffee, jump left/right and full combo punish him. Rinse and repeat. Pathetic.

Goro and Shao Kahn aren't much better. Over-the-top armor doesn't do them any good against players that study the game and it only makes them look cheap against casual players that don't bother much with technicalities.
08/01/2012 08:58 PM (UTC)
I stoped playing the last MK early after the first time because i still hate to fight Shao Kahn. He's not unbeatable but once you realize the easiest way to beat that dude is to start fighting as cheap as he does?

I totally agree. Don't think i'll get in the next one that much with that type of boss. Doesn't anger me more than it bores me.
08/14/2012 12:58 AM (UTC)
DistraughtOverlord Wrote:
I stoped playing the last MK early after the first time because i still hate to fight Shao Kahn. He's not unbeatable but once you realize the easiest way to beat that dude is to start fighting as cheap as he does?

I totally agree. Don't think i'll get in the next one that much with that type of boss. Doesn't anger me more than it bores me.


I'll see how much improvement gets done with this new Injustice game...
08/14/2012 02:04 AM (UTC)
i always thought the ai could be like soul calibur,tekken,virtua fighter. were you fight random enemies then you encounter a profile that is based on real tournament users. the same stategy won't work to beat the ai so you have to try something else. each time it gets slightly harder but not cheap. hate to say it but the mk bosses have nothing on magaki from king of fighters x1. no he's cheap.
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