Isnt it about time for a create a charector mode?
posted12/09/2005 09:42 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
07/25/2005 05:05 PM (UTC)
I think create a charector would rule, especially for online play, because everyone would have there own seperate intity. How cool would that be?

Also to solve the weapon problem I think after choosing your charector you should go to a select weapon screen.
12/07/2005 01:32 AM (UTC)
12/07/2005 06:10 PM (UTC)
I think new charactere would be a good idea
but a storyline can not be possible with the character

but why not grin
12/07/2005 06:23 PM (UTC)
No, please no.

I think it would look awful in Mk and make no sense....I just never liked this idea.
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Currently working on: MKD & MKA - The One Ring Theory
12/07/2005 07:14 PM (UTC)

Created characters that possess no point in the game at all are not needed. they have no story, no reason t be there other than options and to please the player. it's just time and wasted space spent on something very unimpotrant and highly unnecessay.

Look at Shujinko. he was supposed to be a model for create a character in MKD, but they scrapped that. And we STILL got a bad game. So no, thanks.
12/07/2005 08:38 PM (UTC)
No place for this in MK. Just improve character customization and that will be enough.
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12/07/2005 08:44 PM (UTC)
tgrant Wrote:

Created characters that possess no point in the game at all are not needed. they have no story, no reason t be there other than options and to please the player. it's just time and wasted space spent on something very unimpotrant and highly unnecessay.

Look at Shujinko. he was supposed to be a model for create a character in MKD, but they scrapped that. And we STILL got a bad game. So no, thanks.

Hold on !

What if the character does have a plot does make sense to the game and does play a relevant part to the story.

It could be a set character storyline that simply needs you to create the persons looks.

The ending could have some sort of twist wer the character could get burnt or wounded somehow and that opens up the possibility for everybody’s different created characters to look similar in mk8

So the characters name will remain the same, but the way the character looks, and possible nickname are dependant on the person designing the characters looks.
12/07/2005 09:12 PM (UTC)
tgrant Wrote:

Created characters that possess no point in the game at all are not needed. they have no story, no reason t be there other than options and to please the player. it's just time and wasted space spent on something very unimpotrant and highly unnecessay.

Look at Shujinko. he was supposed to be a model for create a character in MKD, but they scrapped that. And we STILL got a bad game. So no, thanks.

Way to be completely wrong, dude. You can include character creation yeah. So what if they serve no point in the story? Who cares? You'd just have to go about doing it right.

Have Create-a-Character done via Konquest. You start off choosing a gender, race, age, etc. Go and modify your basic look, then get dropped off in the "Adventure" portion of the game. From there it's like Deception in the sense you have to play through it to unlock your character in the other modes. At the end (assuming they keep the three fighting styles), you pick from a group that includes two hand-to-hand styles and a weapon style, as well as it's own moves, fatalities, etc. (because being able to pick and choose from everything would be ridiculous). Coins are used to buy items to modify your characters' look, more fighting styles, etc.

MK will never be a tournament game. The people making it just don't care that much about it to make it such. Likewise, the majority of the fanbase doesn't care either. So you know, go hog wild with the extras. But if they're going to work on the extras, do it right.
12/08/2005 03:31 AM (UTC)
They will never do such a thing, in mk self creativity is unwanted. Its always what you see is what you get. Just feel lucky they gave you online play and 3 D fighting. At least its not just a game with more characters and arenas
like street fighter.
12/08/2005 04:56 AM (UTC)
Now we're copying Soul Calibur and WWE games?
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12/08/2005 06:59 AM (UTC)
Depends. if wea re to have for example sevral archetypes for characters not found in previous MK's as customizable, then ok. That way we can have some basic storylines for each possibility, while filtering out that each and everyone would run around in blatant Lin Kuei ripoffs or as gods. Thats
why it would be bad.
12/08/2005 06:59 PM (UTC)
I dont follow the storylines. I guess maybe Im trying to create the ultimate ONLINE fighting experience. look in the general topics, to see how I would do my fighting game.
12/08/2005 07:26 PM (UTC)
I love the MK storyline and I don't see how this would ruin it. I would love to be able to create my own character. They wouldn't have to even interact with the storyline at all. All the other characters, yes, but not the custom one.
12/09/2005 02:21 AM (UTC)
Yes, lets add more sub-par game modes, when what they should be doing is fixing the old ones.
12/09/2005 11:59 AM (UTC)
Haha. I dare Midway to try it. I fucking dare them to.

Let's see people try to argue that Midway doesn't produce horribly broken disasterpeices after that inevitable mess.

I can hear the scores of idiots now; "Everybody online always uses the same moves! Just because they're the best one's doesn't mean you have to use them! People have ruined this game! Not Midway, the people playing it!"
12/09/2005 03:30 PM (UTC)
Hecate Wrote:
Yes, lets add more sub-par game modes, when what they should be doing is fixing the old ones.

It'll never happen, though. Atleast as long as Boon is there.
12/09/2005 04:12 PM (UTC)
Nope. because i agree with who does'nt agree.

Liu Kang: can you help us fight shang tsung

Kabal with face:
I can't... my clan needs me,
'but know that the agree of this disagreement is agreed.

no to this Create a character.furious
12/09/2005 05:56 PM (UTC)
6volt Wrote:
Now we're copying Soul Calibur and WWE games?

actually people have been wanting create a character mode on MK for years.
They could have a bunch of costume variations for existing fighters.

No stupid stuff like a bunny hat, but cool stuff.


Sub zero Shredder outfit alterations.

Cool looking costume part variations.

1 = you have the choice of wearing a helmet.
Then you have like 3 helmets to choose from.

2 = No helmet and you can choose the hair style

3 = You can add face paint or ice crystals to his face

4 = He can wear a cloth mask = you choose from a variety.

For the torso

Have a 3 style shoulder pad selection set.

Option to not have shoulder pads

Have only 1 shoulder pad.

Long coat

No shirt

And so on.......

Nothing too complicated, but so it still looks like it fits in the game.

You don't have the problem of crap custom character fighting styles because you are using the main characters.

Bad fighting mechanics are inevitable in MK, but this could keep it from getting any worse.

I'd like for the costume variations to make sense and look good. Design them as if they were meant for a serious looking main costume.

They would have the costumes from the old games too, which would also be logically editable.

There would also be downloadable parts, and fan invented parts.

Fan invented stuff would be submitted to midway as a drawing and if it's good enough would be created for download.

The fan created stuff could be altered by the MK artists to look better.

I don't think they would have to pay anybody for this. A lot of fans would be more than happy to just have the stuff and their name be in the game.
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If you can see into my soul...Its already to late...Damnation arise...To become...Your fate. TRANSFORM!!! and FINISH HIM!!!

12/09/2005 08:41 PM (UTC)
Bleed my friend you are the voice of reason:) well done man.

Personally, I would love a create a charector mode, but if we dont get one, I think Bleed's idea is best. , and they could use Konquest in different ways, like unlucking parts for the outfit, I mean realy with create a charector mode, the skys the limit, no more would anyone complain about how a certain charector looks, now they can make it anyway they want, but i do agree on one thing you should only be able to select the fighting styles that are avaluable, that way they can keep some level of balance, but were just gonna have to wait and see, And please everyone, try to be open minded, cuz anything can happen in the MK Universe.

Dark MK out........

12/09/2005 09:42 PM (UTC)
I gotta agree with dark mk I have countless friends that say man that costum sucks or I would have done that way different and so on and so fourth. if we can't have a charictor creation mode how about a mode where you can edit the current existing Mk charictors like you could in tekken five.
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