Is Tremor an Earth Elemental?
posted08/01/2015 11:40 PM (UTC)by
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07/05/2007 10:03 PM (UTC)
Because that's the only way I can explain his "rock-covered" body, and absolute mastery over everything related to earth and its derivatives.

He just can't be a human who has extensively learned to manipulate and even transform into earth and rocks. All other "element-based" MK characters have the partial or total "non-humanness" (inherent, NOT learned) as a basis of their powers, e.g. Sub Zero's and Frost's ancestors were Cryomancers, Smoke is a "smoke elemental-ish" spectre, Rain's water powers are due to his semi-divine ancestry, Scorpion's fire powers stem from his hell-based dominion, Fujin commands air as a wind god, Raiden does his stuff as a thunder god, etc, etc...

That written, I consider his ending to be somewhat inaccurate. Perhaps if they had decided to put "God of Earth" instead of "Earth Elemental"... One of the reasons being the fact that a mere Elemental can't actually compare to a god. Even if their essences may be identical, their amounts of power and entitlements aren't. Otherwise, we'd be free to call e.g. Fujin an Air Elemental, which is beyond stupid...

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07/25/2015 07:45 PM (UTC)
Well according to Tremor's past history he was originally Lin Kuei. Then for whatever reason he deflected and became a black dragon member. I'm still wondering how he ties in with Bi Han. I wonder what his connection was with the lin kuei since his power's are different then that of a cryomancer. I hope they flesh that out. Or they may just scrap it entirely since now we have noob and sz.
07/25/2015 07:51 PM (UTC)
Well according to Tremor's past history he was originally Lin Kuei. Then for whatever reason he deflected and became a black dragon member. I'm still wondering how he ties in with Bi Han. I wonder what his connection was with the lin kuei since his power's are different then that of a cryomancer. I hope they flesh that out. Or they may just scrap it entirely since now we have noob and sz.

Is the whole Lin Kuei thing cannon? As far as I know, it's not mentioned in his bio for MKX or SF, it was just an idea Tobias had had he continued with the franchise.

Someone should ask Vogel
07/25/2015 08:59 PM (UTC)
He doesn't seem like a human, or not 100% human that is. I could roll with that if he was just a normal looking guy who could manipulate earth, but his rock powers seem to be integrated into his own body, like he is made of rock/earth for the most part.

Anyway maybe in MK the term elemental is used for those who have mastered a certain element and are very powerful with it instead of just being able to simply use it, that would explain why they say he evolves into one even though he already has earth based powers.
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07/25/2015 10:04 PM (UTC)
I think the only other "elemental" is Blaze and someone made him so...
07/26/2015 07:54 PM (UTC)
Well according to Tremor's past history he was originally Lin Kuei. Then for whatever reason he deflected and became a black dragon member. I'm still wondering how he ties in with Bi Han. I wonder what his connection was with the lin kuei since his power's are different then that of a cryomancer. I hope they flesh that out. Or they may just scrap it entirely since now we have noob and sz.

You don't need to be a Cryomancer to be in the Lin Kuei: Smoke, Sektor, Cyrax, in fact the cryomancers are the exception, it's just that Armageddon made it look like everyone had ice powers because they made generic enemies with sub-zero's powers. The Lin Kuei (pre reform) seemed to just try to find individuals of great power.

One of the first things I did when Tremor was released was check his intro dialogues with Kuai Liang to see if there was any mention of his past as a Lin Kuei and... well, I think that has been retconned (maybe it wasn't even part of the canon at all considering the text was never in a game IIRC).
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07/26/2015 08:33 PM (UTC)
To add to others responses OP, Tremor is human as far as is known. How he had earthquake powers I don't know lol. But his MKX form is as stated a result of the dream realm. His natural powers were enhanced and his, body mutated to rock and gold and volcanic rock. Thus making him an earth elemental.
07/26/2015 09:29 PM (UTC)
Isn't he a geomancer?
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07/27/2015 12:03 AM (UTC)
To be frank he is a Earth bender even though it is his curse since he was once human. Tremor is awesome though. He will rock you. Ha a pun.grin
07/27/2015 12:18 AM (UTC)
nightbreed_16 Wrote:
To be frank he is a Earth bender even though it is his curse since he was once human. Tremor is awesome though. He will rock you. Ha a pun.grin

Sorry Frank, this isn't Avatar. Geomancer/Earth Elemental is more appropriate.
Warbro666 Wrote:
nightbreed_16 Wrote:
To be frank he is a Earth bender even though it is his curse since he was once human. Tremor is awesome though. He will rock you. Ha a pun.grin

Sorry Frank, this isn't Avatar. Geomancer/Earth Elemental is more appropriate.

But Liu Kang punches fireballs now...

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I will rock you.

07/27/2015 02:47 AM (UTC)
Warbro666 Wrote:
nightbreed_16 Wrote:
To be frank he is a Earth bender even though it is his curse since he was once human. Tremor is awesome though. He will rock you. Ha a pun.grin

Sorry Frank, this isn't Avatar. Geomancer/Earth Elemental is more appropriate.

Yeah I was just kidding with people. I know what he is lol.grin
07/28/2015 12:50 AM (UTC)
He has nothing to do with earth, read his bio. He was once a struggling guitarist and after overdosing on heroine, the Elder Gods revived him giving him the powers of rock and roll.
What is his crystal form made of anyways, Kryptonite? Another DC krossover?

I`ve heard of ``Jade Fever``, but a Jade rash...? tongue

08/01/2015 11:40 PM (UTC)
so, you use the lame humor of i carly too..
02/11/2023 03:47 PM (UTC)

I call Tremor's chest Richter scale.

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02/16/2023 11:17 PM (UTC)Edited 02/16/2023 11:21 PM (UTC)

Tremor's original bio is still in the N64's manual but placed accidentally under Rain. So if you take the bio from N64's Rain in the manual and place Tremor's name where you see Rain's you have what would have been Tremor's original bio when he was slated to be in MK Trilogy.

"Rain is an assassin working freelance for the Lin Kuei alongside Sub-Zero, but left the clan under mysterious circumstances. Years later, Rain is found working for Shao Kahn as an assassin in the Outworld. Born a human, he finds himself questioning his loyalty towards Kahn after his invasion."

Rain's bio in PlayStation, PC and Saturn's the same but different than the one above featured in N64's manual. In those versions he is from Kitana's home world of Edenia which is what we all know him to be to this very day. I also believe in Special Forces it is also mentioned that Tremor was once a Lin Kuei, but I cannot truly remember. There is no mention where his elemental powers come from but other media like Konquest revealed the Lin Kuei trained all of their deadliest of assassins in darker arts so maybe that is how. In Special Forces he had fireball and ground pound abilities. Tremor is human that somehow gained earth elemental abilities sometime in his life. Maybe in the future we'll learn how?

Edit: After checking Tremor's MKX ending basically hints at how he became an earth elemental:

Standing over Shinnok, Tremor reveled in his power. Much had changed since the Black Dragon's excursion to the Dream Realm.
Kano had sent Tremor's team there to retrieve a "psych-bomb," to be used in Kano's theft of Shinnok's Amulet.
Exposure to that realm had increased Tremor's power--and expanded his mind. He would evolve into an Earth elemental: a demi-god whose power would rival that of Raiden and Fujin.

06/17/2023 08:31 PM (UTC)Edited 06/17/2023 08:49 PM (UTC)

I'm a Virgo, so his power/element is my (zodiac) sign. Would make sense if he was too.

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