Is there any hint as to how many will make it?
posted05/07/2006 12:33 PM (UTC)by
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I need a great pic here. Edenian people would be my fav. Inbox me pls.

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06/03/2004 10:46 PM (UTC)
I'm referring to the next gen. I recently had a real MK moment where I realized that the new Gen will probably revolve around a handfull of our dear current players. So in MK:A, has a number been chosen for the survivors? is there a favorite guess among us fans, addicts? I would guess 5-8 players, but thats just me. Any insite.....and sorry if this was posted b4 or is old or dead, I've been gone.
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05/04/2006 06:22 AM (UTC)
It has been asked several times before and imo it's silly to ask. MKA isn't even out so they won't be concentrating on roster palns for MK8 yet. There have been no hints or any kind of detail on the roster for MK8 other than the idea that they want to start afresh. Which means no one should really make it. They may survive, it doesn't mean they'll be in MK8.
About Me

I need a great pic here. Edenian people would be my fav. Inbox me pls.

05/04/2006 06:27 AM (UTC)
Always nice to think that maybe some of the "just brought back" or new to the scene people will make it another round. My hopes are Rain and Serena (never played or have seen her b4) there was much effort put into some characters for this game so I think I'm just keeping the dream alive that maybe we will have a handful left, but I keep regressing to the "WHOLE NEW GAME" idea for the next game. sad
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05/04/2006 06:29 AM (UTC)
Wait for the release of armageddon first and see which direction the storyline is going before you ask a question such as this. You would probably get more informed/educated/reasonable answers and speculations then than asking this isht now. It is not even a matter of if 'this has been asked before' at this point.
05/04/2006 07:05 AM (UTC)
Scorpion and Sub-Zero will definitely be in MK8, even if they aren't the same ones that were in MKA.
05/04/2006 12:33 PM (UTC)
There's no way of knowing. At first I was gonna say that since we are having 60+ for MKA, many ppl would want a similar roster # for MK8. But MKT had 37 I think, and MK4 had 15, so don't be surprised if we see around 20 - 25. It all depends on how many current characters they bring back.

Anyways, thread moved to the proper forum.
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"A man with no sense of history is like a man with no eyes or ears"
05/04/2006 06:50 PM (UTC)
I hope most ot the characters do not make it. I have seen great big lists that people have compiled with about half of the characters on one side with the Heading "Survivors" and the other half "Dead". It just seems stupid of them to list so many survivors. Boon has stated that this is the last game for this group of characters so i do indeed beleive there will be around 0,1 or 2 survivors.

I just hope the oldies are mentioned in future MK games, as legends or myths. It would be quite nostalgic.
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05/04/2006 10:41 PM (UTC)
Im hoping for about 15 man.

I honestly feel the next MK is heading in the same direction as DOA.
A stronger, more fluid fighting system.

15 really well developed characters, all unique would be awesome.

krsx66 Wrote:
There's no way of knowing. At first I was gonna say that since we are having 60+ for MKA, many ppl would want a similar roster # for MK8. But MKT had 37 I think, and MK4 had 15, so don't be surprised if we see around 20 - 25. It all depends on how many current characters they bring back.

Anyways, thread moved to the proper forum.
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05/05/2006 07:26 AM (UTC)
Yeah Randy, I agree 100% about not wanting half of the entire MK roster to return. If this is truly the new generation, the next generation of Mortal Kombat, then I say have 1 or 2 returning characters and maybe a few more that are in the same groups as past characters (ie a new Red Dragon character or a new member of the Brotherhood of the Shadow or a new Lin Kuei member or a new Shinrai Ryu character etc).

I like the old characters as much as anyone else, but I also believe that the MK team has been working with a shadow over them for several games now. The first two games created the characters that everyone loves, while 4, 5, and 6 have produced far less memorable characters. Or at least, in comparison to the first two games. With every game that comes out, people still want the old stand-by's and 95% of the old cast to return. That's fine if you're talking about Virtua Fighter, where there's no story, but with MK, I can only assume that it gets harder and harder to justify these characters being in yet another game. Yet people would be pissed if MK8 was comprised of returning characters only from MK5 and MK6 with some new ones thrown in. So what do you do?

You whipe the slate clean. You end this chapter and begin a new one. You leave some familiarity intact, because you've got to have more than a name, and you turn everything else (the story, which allows for the exit of the old characters) over to the new era. You keep twinges of the old ways throughout, but nearly everything should be overhauled, including the roster.
05/07/2006 05:39 AM (UTC)
NinjaFromHell Wrote:
Scorpion and Sub-Zero will definitely be in MK8, even if they aren't the same ones that were in MKA.

wherd you read that???
i definately think scorpion will go through (since he basicaly CANT die) altho i would rather see subby prolly.....mehglasses
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"A man with no sense of history is like a man with no eyes or ears"
05/07/2006 12:33 PM (UTC)
Pinemartin Wrote:
NinjaFromHell Wrote:
Scorpion and Sub-Zero will definitely be in MK8, even if they aren't the same ones that were in MKA.

wherd you read that???
i definately think scorpion will go through (since he basicaly CANT die) altho i would rather see subby prolly.....mehglasses

I think he was speculating.

Baraka, you put everything into detail what i was also trying to say.
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