Is Kung Jinn a Homosexual?
posted04/16/2021 02:43 PM (UTC)by
NorthernKnick A.K.A. The ALLFATHER
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Things I Hope to see More of in MK1!!

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02/25/2021 04:52 AM (UTC)

Is Kung Jinn a Homosexual? Or does he Love sombody The Shaolin Exiled, Forbid, Cast Out or Frown Upon like Romeo and Juliet or something? Or he could Have Not Gone Threw With an Arranged Culteral Marriage to bring 2 families together so they wont allow him in or somthing There never was any Info on this I dont Think. Cuz I really dont think him to be Gay.

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Kung Lao/Smoke main. Maker of puns and bad jokes.

04/16/2021 03:54 PM (UTC)

One of the writers confirmed that he is gay like 6 years ago

04/16/2021 04:51 PM (UTC)Edited 04/16/2021 05:06 PM (UTC)

Shouldn't have queers of that kind in MK. Bisexual would make more sense (Sheeva). I consider Quan Chi queer, the odd type (as in nothing to do with his sexuality).

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Member Since
09/18/2004 09:25 PM (UTC)
Please do not use this kind of discriminatory language. It's possible to express such a viewpoint in an articulate and non-exclusionary manner.04/18/2021 04:30 AM (UTC)
NorthernKnick A.K.A. The ALLFATHER
About Me

Things I Hope to see More of in MK1!!

04/17/2021 12:01 AM (UTC)Edited 04/17/2021 12:12 AM (UTC)

Or his personality it really doesnt fit or make sense your right. Not that there would be anything bad about this . But it really didnt fit his personality at all. Cuz even Kotal Kahn Said he had a tounge of silver or something like that and he just kept the role going he didnt flinch like a dude would if a chick said that to him and make some kind of enuendo. I just dont see it to be true.

About Me

Kung Lao/Smoke main. Maker of puns and bad jokes.

04/17/2021 01:00 AM (UTC)

Or his personality it really doesnt fit or make sense your right. Not that there would be anything bad about this . But it really didnt fit his personality at all. Cuz even Kotal Kahn Said he had a tounge of silver or something like that and he just kept the role going he didnt flinch like a dude would if a chick said that to him and make some kind of enuendo. I just dont see it to be true.

Sexuality Personality. Also there are a lot of assumptions in that bit about his interaction with Kotal Kahn that I'm not sure I'm comfortable with. Like because he's gay, he has to flinch when Kotal Kahn makes a verbal jab at him? I don't get it

NorthernKnick A.K.A. The ALLFATHER
About Me

Things I Hope to see More of in MK1!!

04/18/2021 12:02 AM (UTC)Edited 04/18/2021 12:10 AM (UTC)

Or his personality it really doesnt fit or make sense your right. Not that there would be anything bad about this . But it really didnt fit his personality at all. Cuz even Kotal Kahn Said he had a tounge of silver or something like that and he just kept the role going he didnt flinch like a dude would if a chick said that to him and make some kind of enuendo. I just dont see it to be true.

Sexuality Personality. Also there are a lot of assumptions in that bit about his interaction with Kotal Kahn that I'm not sure I'm comfortable with. Like because he's gay, he has to flinch when Kotal Kahn makes a verbal jab at him? I don't get it

I know if a chick said my tongue forged words of silver. It would not go unNoticed in our conversation. And if he was "Gay" it might be an option of him doing a double take on what Kotal said rolling his eye or making a embarrised movement of some kind from what Kotal says yes. I also dont think it would have been played off so lightly by NRS not giving any story behind it or even going without any little bit of recognization story wise seeing how it would be the 1st known Gay Character whether your uncomfortable or not it is still a questionable subject.

Sexuality is not the same as personality. I can be personally attracted to a Dog but doesnt meen I want to have sex with it.

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