Is it hypocritical when...
posted06/12/2014 10:40 AM (UTC)by
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01/23/2014 08:08 PM (UTC)
People slam other members that trash/dislike the new characters while them haven't played with them, yet they're the same people saying "i love x, x is already better than all post mk3 characters", etc? Because that happens a lot in here
06/11/2014 11:15 PM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
People slam other members that trash/dislike the new characters while them haven't played with them, yet they're the same people saying "i love x, x is already better than all post mk3 characters", etc? Because that happens a lot in here

I don't think we needed a thread about this. I mean it happens and people WILL have their opinions regardless.
06/11/2014 11:17 PM (UTC)
No one should trash other members, but they are more than free to trash whatever character they want. Anyone who gets offended by someone else's opinion of a character they like needs a reality check.
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06/11/2014 11:19 PM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
People slam other members that trash/dislike the new characters while them haven't played with them, yet they're the same people saying "i love x, x is already better than all post mk3 characters", etc? Because that happens a lot in here

it's mostly due to design and presentation. Keep in mind that these games allow for a lot more, so the impression what is left is going to be alot more pronunced than just a face on a selection screen.

And frankly, the newcomers do seem to have alot more character to them what distinguishes them. Especially even when compared to MKDA and MKD characters. Those were decent enough.

Playstyle and tier placement is irrelelvant. How many of you love the ninjas when most of the time the ninjas were pretty bad choices for competitivbe play.
Up untill UMK3, none of the ninjas were high tier. And even then it was because UMK3 was pretty shitty.
06/12/2014 12:06 AM (UTC)
Darkhound74 Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:
People slam other members that trash/dislike the new characters while them haven't played with them, yet they're the same people saying "i love x, x is already better than all post mk3 characters", etc? Because that happens a lot in here

I don't think we needed a thread about this. I mean it happens and people WILL have their opinions regardless.

I disagree. We do need a thread about this. I've been back for probably a few days and already I had someone here refer to me as stupid and ignorant because they didn't like my opinion. So the subject needs addressing. The mods need to start showing zero tolerance for it.
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GT: Dimitri1033

06/12/2014 12:21 AM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
People slam other members that trash/dislike the new characters while them haven't played with them, yet they're the same people saying "i love x, x is already better than all post mk3 characters", etc? Because that happens a lot in here

I think there's a difference between the two.

People reacting positively to the new characters are saying things like, "oh, they look really cool and interesting."

They aren't saying things like, "I really love how intricate their combos are / I really like their storyline / I really like the impact they have on the MK universe" due to the fact that they can't make those judgements based off of what we've seen yet. They're admiring from what we can already see.

*MOST* people reacting negatively are saying things like, "I won't ever play this character", or "this character is dumb", things like that, when they don't know how the character is.

Negative comments based on appearances and things of that nature are fine, because that's all we can see so far. Things like "I don't like the way she looks" are completely fine.

But if a person says "I won't waste my time with this character" even though they've only just seen minutes of gameplay... I dunno, to me that is just dumb and jumping to conclusions.
06/12/2014 12:40 AM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
People slam other members that trash/dislike the new characters while them haven't played with them, yet they're the same people saying "i love x, x is already better than all post mk3 characters", etc? Because that happens a lot in here

Your first BIG MISTAKE is assuming the internet is a place where people act rationally.
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06/12/2014 01:12 AM (UTC)

People need to be more like The Dude and less like the sniveling keyboard warriors they are.
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06/12/2014 01:20 AM (UTC)
microchip Wrote:
They aren't saying things like, "I really love how intricate their combos are / I really like their storyline / I really like the impact they have on the MK universe"

They aren't explicit about it, but they ARE saying it. Whenever someone says the MKX characters are amazing compared to the MKDA/MKD newcomers, they're making value judgments, and they're doing so without any real basis.
06/12/2014 02:13 AM (UTC)
Just from my first impressions, the new characters are visually far more interesting than any of the characters from MKDA or MKD. Can't wait to see more new fighters, I'm blown away so far.
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Thanks to Minion for the Sig!

06/12/2014 06:52 AM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:
People slam other members that trash/dislike the new characters while them haven't played with them, yet they're the same people saying "i love x, x is already better than all post mk3 characters", etc? Because that happens a lot in here

it's mostly due to design and presentation. Keep in mind that these games allow for a lot more, so the impression what is left is going to be alot more pronunced than just a face on a selection screen.

And frankly, the newcomers do seem to have alot more character to them what distinguishes them. Especially even when compared to MKDA and MKD characters. Those were decent enough.

Playstyle and tier placement is irrelelvant. How many of you love the ninjas when most of the time the ninjas were pretty bad choices for competitivbe play.
Up untill UMK3, none of the ninjas were high tier. And even then it was because UMK3 was pretty shitty.

MK had tiers before mk9? ....huh? I honestly am a fighting game Noob(I'm pretty shit at them...but i love some) but I can't honestly believe there were tiers in mk back then....everyone was so similar except for specials,wow.
06/12/2014 07:13 AM (UTC)
I don't mind change. I actually adore changes... the team has been relying on nostalgia ever since MKSM. The cart hasn't been pushed forward ever since until now. It's awesome to push in new blood and refresh things up. I agree, uncertainty overshadows most of it, but I am willing to take the ride.Âa
Don't get me wrong,I absolutely hate some aspects of the new characters and story, but I'd take that instead of a fully predictable roster and tale.Âa

I actually respect the team for taking this jump.

Biggest Shang Tsung fan speaking here.
06/12/2014 07:22 AM (UTC)
That point was made by Charbydis in the "What we dont like" thread but its kinda hard to get to with all of his condescension. Its actually a wonderful example of how NOT to argue on the interwebz, he makes pretty good points and calls out the two people he was arguing against pretty well but he comes off as such an asshole its impossible to actually agree with him. Should be archived for posterity.

Although. nobody comes out of that thread smelling like roses. The SZ girl he was arguing against and microchip don't exactly do themselves a service in that thread. On topic, yes it is. But its kinda hard to be less than enthusiastic about this game. Everything looks absolutely amazing, even the new characters! Especially the new characters!
06/12/2014 07:26 AM (UTC)
I was called "pathetic" but it doesnt bother me. I like my haters grin
06/12/2014 07:39 AM (UTC)
Cassie and D'Vorah are my new favourites out of all the reveals so far.. I was worried about Cassie being a Sonya/Cage (and a lil' Stryker) palette swap but her style is sweet.

Kinda disappointed with what I saw of Kotal Kahn. He seems slow and didn't have any real special moves that interested me. His fatality is also the lamest one we've seen so far.
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06/12/2014 07:53 AM (UTC)
b-don Wrote:
Chrome Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:
People slam other members that trash/dislike the new characters while them haven't played with them, yet they're the same people saying "i love x, x is already better than all post mk3 characters", etc? Because that happens a lot in here

it's mostly due to design and presentation. Keep in mind that these games allow for a lot more, so the impression what is left is going to be alot more pronunced than just a face on a selection screen.

And frankly, the newcomers do seem to have alot more character to them what distinguishes them. Especially even when compared to MKDA and MKD characters. Those were decent enough.

Playstyle and tier placement is irrelelvant. How many of you love the ninjas when most of the time the ninjas were pretty bad choices for competitivbe play.
Up untill UMK3, none of the ninjas were high tier. And even then it was because UMK3 was pretty shitty.

MK had tiers before mk9? ....huh? I honestly am a fighting game Noob(I'm pretty shit at them...but i love some) but I can't honestly believe there were tiers in mk back then....everyone was so similar except for specials,wow.

No they weren;t.

Tuiers are not intentionally constructed. Every fighting game can and will have tiers. Tiers represent the line of least to most useful/efficient characters.

For example in MK1 to MK4 everyone shared the same moves aside specials, and close range HP attacks. Now if you take those into account AND THE FACt that since every character had different animation frames, you can calculate how efficient a character is.

For example: Raiden in the PC MK1 version is high up because of his long limbs which means that his jump kicks will connect sooner. Cage has fast specials, Sonya is hard to use, but his general attacks are all good range and have advantages.

THE ONLY time characters shared basic attacks (HP, LP, HK, LK) was in MK4, where there were no sprites anymore, and every male and female used the same polygon body, therefore their attacks were the same.

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06/12/2014 07:55 AM (UTC)
It's very early to make judgment calls about the new characters. It's a healthy approach to reserve judgment. That said, there's also nothing wrong with getting excited by the first impressions of what we've seen. If you've been around the block a while, you can make informed conclusions based on the gameplay demos we've seen, and the designs.

Times have changed, expectations have changed. MK is reaching a broader audience, building a younger audience, and is now a 20+ year old franchise built on routine inconsistency. That's going to create a lot of division in the audience and I think we see that. There are those who are perhaps a little too loyal to things they know, and there are those who are perhaps just a little too eager to finally get one over on the popular cool kids.

Everyone's entitled to an opinion. Everyone's entitled to rethink that opinion with more time and information. It's a natural part of the process. In the early 00's, a heckuva lot of people were this excited about a mysterious new character called "Kublai Kahn". He was ultimately christened Hsu Hao when Deadly Alliance came out. Think about that, folks.

It takes all sorts to build a community. Maniacs on both ends of the spectrum, and all the people in between.

Lets just strive to be sensible and have fun with it.
06/12/2014 08:30 AM (UTC)
I'll be upset if there is no Reptile because he's been a staple favorite of mine since MK2. However, I'm not going to trash-talk or skip over this game if he isn't in it. I'd actually be excited to see one of his descendants or an all-new Saurion (male or female) take his place. I'm really hoping that 90% of the new characters share some relation to past characters or at least allude to them in some way.
06/12/2014 09:22 AM (UTC)
MK_Fanatic_ Wrote:
I'll be upset if there is no Reptile because he's been a staple favorite of mine since MK2. However, I'm not going to trash-talk or skip over this game if he isn't in it. I'd actually be excited to see one of his descendants or an all-new Saurion (male or female) take his place. I'm really hoping that 90% of the new characters share some relation to past characters or at least allude to them in some way.

THIS! Mileena is my all time fav character but I am open to changes. I love the new characters so far and I wouldn't trash them just because they could replace my favs. I'd give them a shot before dismissing them.
06/12/2014 10:40 AM (UTC)
I think I've seen enough of D'vorah to make a judgment.
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