Interesting plot idea for MKX
posted01/14/2015 07:24 PM (UTC)by
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07/12/2014 09:39 PM (UTC)
It's been an idea out there for awhile that Liu Kang could be the final boss of the game but I got to thinking, if he was going to be used as a boss he needs more than just being pissed off at Raiden. That's good motivation for him to turn, sure, but what are his goals? The fact that the Kamidogu was brought up by the recent comic got me thinking...

If Liu Kang were to become a vengeful fire god like in his MK9 arcade ending, considering his disgust with Raiden's failures last time around...wouldn't he want to maybe destroy Raiden and take his place as protector of Earthrealm? How could wanting to protect Earthrealm make him into a bad guy? Is just opposing Raiden enough?

What if Liu is so embittered from what happened in MK9 with Raiden, he decides the only way to sufficiently protect Earthrealm(unlike Raiden) is to be viscous and rule with an iron fist? It's much like Anakin turning to the Dark Side or Harvey Dent becoming Two-Face in the Dark Knight because he feels the so-called 'forces of good' have failed to do what is right due to their weakness and idealism.

And what if Liu decides not only does he need ultimate power over Earthrealm in order to protect it but over all realms in order to prevent any threats from ever possibly arising? But how could one god take over all realms?

This brings us back to the Kamidogu: Liu could decide that the only way he could become powerful enough to accomplish this goal is if he gains control of it.

Raiden, however, knows that putting the pieces of the Kamidogu back together could lead to the end of all things, and pleads desperately for Liu to not search out the Kamidogu because of this. Liu, in his warped state of mind, after everything that happened with Raiden in MK9, sure as hell will not believe him. He will assume it is trickery on the part of Raiden, a lie.

So the final conflict of the story mode(the 'third act' if you will, after the Netherrealm war and the fall of Kotal Kahn) would be Raiden and his chosen warriors trying to stop Liu from obtaining all of the pieces of the Kamidogu at any cost.

And who might Raiden choose as his main champion to take on Liu?

How about the guy who got his neck snapped in the last game instead of Liu Kang?

Kung Lao was eager in the last game but young and foolish. It would be so interesting to see how he matures after being resurrected and aging, and to see him remain loyal to the more idealistic way of protecting Earthrealm, opposing his former comrade.

I know I'm long-winded but I hope a few people read this and just let me know what you think. Do you think something like this could be a compelling plot and fitting follow-up to the events of MK9? Or is it lame? tongue
01/08/2015 10:36 PM (UTC)
I can dig it.
01/08/2015 11:19 PM (UTC)
FerraTorr Wrote:
It's been an idea out there for awhile that Liu Kang could be the final boss of the game but I got to thinking, if he was going to be used as a boss he needs more than just being pissed off at Raiden. That's good motivation for him to turn, sure, but what are his goals? The fact that the Kamidogu was brought up by the recent comic got me thinking...

If Liu Kang were to become a vengeful fire god like in his MK9 arcade ending, considering his disgust with Raiden's failures last time around...wouldn't he want to maybe destroy Raiden and take his place as protector of Earthrealm? How could wanting to protect Earthrealm make him into a bad guy? Is just opposing Raiden enough?

What if Liu is so embittered from what happened in MK9 with Raiden, he decides the only way to sufficiently protect Earthrealm(unlike Raiden) is to be viscous and rule with an iron fist? It's much like Anakin turning to the Dark Side or Harvey Dent becoming Two-Face in the Dark Knight because he feels the so-called 'forces of good' have failed to do what is right due to their weakness and idealism.

And what if Liu decides not only does he need ultimate power over Earthrealm in order to protect it but over all realms in order to prevent any threats from ever possibly arising? But how could one god take over all realms?

This brings us back to the Kamidogu: Liu could decide that the only way he could become powerful enough to accomplish this goal is if he gains control of it.

Raiden, however, knows that putting the pieces of the Kamidogu back together could lead to the end of all things, and pleads desperately for Liu to not search out the Kamidogu because of this. Liu, in his warped state of mind, after everything that happened with Raiden in MK9, sure as hell will not believe him. He will assume it is trickery on the part of Raiden, a lie.

So the final conflict of the story mode(the 'third act' if you will, after the Netherrealm war and the fall of Kotal Kahn) would be Raiden and his chosen warriors trying to stop Liu from obtaining all of the pieces of the Kamidogu at any cost.

And who might Raiden choose as his main champion to take on Liu?

How about the guy who got his neck snapped in the last game instead of Liu Kang?

Kung Lao was eager in the last game but young and foolish. It would be so interesting to see how he matures after being resurrected and aging, and to see him remain loyal to the more idealistic way of protecting Earthrealm, opposing his former comrade.

I know I'm long-winded but I hope a few people read this and just let me know what you think. Do you think something like this could be a compelling plot and fitting follow-up to the events of MK9? Or is it lame? tongue

Interesting stuff, although I'm not sure I could see Kung Lao go after Liu Kang in this instance since Raiden was just as responsible (indirectly) for Lao's death as he was for Liu's. I'd think if anything, Liu may convince Lao to join up and take down the Thunder God to prevent Raiden from ending more lives because of his visions and fatal responses.

Again, all this is speculation and you are no less or more right than I am or anyone until NRS reveals the storyline in due time.

I'd just like folks to keep in mind that in the OT MK4, it was revealed that Raiden and Shinnok battled ages ago and that Raiden's battle with him resulted in, among other things, the death of an entire civilization. So...Raiden's decision-making has a history of killing ALOT of people even prior to the events of MK9. And while Raiden may have regret, he felt justified in his actions. We'll find out from NRS if it all pays off in the very end.

Who knows, maybe Liu Kang (or another character who died in MK9) may be resurrected and finally say enough is enough, and put an end to Raiden's ways. After all, it was MK9 Quan Chi who said to Raiden "you are cavalier with other people's souls", he is cavalier with their lives also.
01/08/2015 11:34 PM (UTC)
Since the first comic went out, I think the confrontation against the Red Dragon and having to get to some brutal extremes, added to his past experience, might make Liu Kang crack and go crazy mode. Maybe it's even what Daegon wants but it's too much for him to handle in the end.
01/08/2015 11:36 PM (UTC)
Good plot theory, but just have one thing to say....


Raiden did kill him in a sense.
About Me

Props to MINION for making this sig.

01/09/2015 03:17 AM (UTC)
Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:
Good plot theory, but just have one thing to say....


Raiden did kill him in a sense.

Yeah, if the plot really does have a lot to do with the Kamidogu(which it may not, that might just be in the comics) then you would think Shujinko will need to be addressed in some way. If not appearing in the game as a playable character, it would seem like he'd be at least due for a story mode cameo.
About Me

Props to MINION for making this sig.

01/09/2015 03:22 AM (UTC)
Omegali2422 Wrote:
FerraTorr Wrote:
It's been an idea out there for awhile that Liu Kang could be the final boss of the game but I got to thinking, if he was going to be used as a boss he needs more than just being pissed off at Raiden. That's good motivation for him to turn, sure, but what are his goals? The fact that the Kamidogu was brought up by the recent comic got me thinking...

If Liu Kang were to become a vengeful fire god like in his MK9 arcade ending, considering his disgust with Raiden's failures last time around...wouldn't he want to maybe destroy Raiden and take his place as protector of Earthrealm? How could wanting to protect Earthrealm make him into a bad guy? Is just opposing Raiden enough?

What if Liu is so embittered from what happened in MK9 with Raiden, he decides the only way to sufficiently protect Earthrealm(unlike Raiden) is to be viscous and rule with an iron fist? It's much like Anakin turning to the Dark Side or Harvey Dent becoming Two-Face in the Dark Knight because he feels the so-called 'forces of good' have failed to do what is right due to their weakness and idealism.

And what if Liu decides not only does he need ultimate power over Earthrealm in order to protect it but over all realms in order to prevent any threats from ever possibly arising? But how could one god take over all realms?

This brings us back to the Kamidogu: Liu could decide that the only way he could become powerful enough to accomplish this goal is if he gains control of it.

Raiden, however, knows that putting the pieces of the Kamidogu back together could lead to the end of all things, and pleads desperately for Liu to not search out the Kamidogu because of this. Liu, in his warped state of mind, after everything that happened with Raiden in MK9, sure as hell will not believe him. He will assume it is trickery on the part of Raiden, a lie.

So the final conflict of the story mode(the 'third act' if you will, after the Netherrealm war and the fall of Kotal Kahn) would be Raiden and his chosen warriors trying to stop Liu from obtaining all of the pieces of the Kamidogu at any cost.

And who might Raiden choose as his main champion to take on Liu?

How about the guy who got his neck snapped in the last game instead of Liu Kang?

Kung Lao was eager in the last game but young and foolish. It would be so interesting to see how he matures after being resurrected and aging, and to see him remain loyal to the more idealistic way of protecting Earthrealm, opposing his former comrade.

I know I'm long-winded but I hope a few people read this and just let me know what you think. Do you think something like this could be a compelling plot and fitting follow-up to the events of MK9? Or is it lame? tongue

Interesting stuff, although I'm not sure I could see Kung Lao go after Liu Kang in this instance since Raiden was just as responsible (indirectly) for Lao's death as he was for Liu's. I'd think if anything, Liu may convince Lao to join up and take down the Thunder God to prevent Raiden from ending more lives because of his visions and fatal responses.

Again, all this is speculation and you are no less or more right than I am or anyone until NRS reveals the storyline in due time.

I'd just like folks to keep in mind that in the OT MK4, it was revealed that Raiden and Shinnok battled ages ago and that Raiden's battle with him resulted in, among other things, the death of an entire civilization. So...Raiden's decision-making has a history of killing ALOT of people even prior to the events of MK9. And while Raiden may have regret, he felt justified in his actions. We'll find out from NRS if it all pays off in the very end.

Who knows, maybe Liu Kang (or another character who died in MK9) may be resurrected and finally say enough is enough, and put an end to Raiden's ways. After all, it was MK9 Quan Chi who said to Raiden "you are cavalier with other people's souls", he is cavalier with their lives also.

I do see your point...but for some reason, I can also see Kung Lao being more forgiving toward Raiden...or at least being able to see that even if Raiden did mess up, Liu is in the wrong and has to be stopped.

I never thought about the possibility that Raiden may NOT be redeemed in this game. Hmmm. Could we finally see someone take down the Thunder God as justice for his squandering of the lives of so many mortals?
About Me

"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

01/09/2015 09:02 AM (UTC)
FerraTorr Wrote:
I can also see Kung Lao being more forgiving toward Raiden...or at least being able to see that even if Raiden did mess up, Liu is in the wrong and has to be stopped.

I think he'll definitely forgive Raiden. Especially since he wanted that opportunity more than anything.
About Me

Props to MINION for making this sig.

01/09/2015 06:13 PM (UTC)
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
FerraTorr Wrote:
I can also see Kung Lao being more forgiving toward Raiden...or at least being able to see that even if Raiden did mess up, Liu is in the wrong and has to be stopped.

I think he'll definitely forgive Raiden. Especially since he wanted that opportunity more than anything.


Plus, Raiden is probably the one responsible for getting Kung Lao resurrected. That has to count for something.
About Me

"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

01/09/2015 06:20 PM (UTC)
FerraTorr Wrote:
Plus, Raiden is probably the one responsible for getting Kung Lao resurrected. That has to count for something.

Right, and if Raiden did resurrect him, that also makes me think that he resurrected Kitana as well. JUST for brownie points with Liu Kang. SO curious on how they're gonna smooth that bump.
About Me

Props to MINION for making this sig.

01/09/2015 06:22 PM (UTC)
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
FerraTorr Wrote:
Plus, Raiden is probably the one responsible for getting Kung Lao resurrected. That has to count for something.

Right, and if Raiden did resurrect him, that also makes me think that he resurrected Kitana as well. JUST for brownie points with Liu Kang. SO curious on how they're gonna smooth that bump.

Yeah, I think of the remaining 'dead' characters Kitana probably has the best shot at being resurrected alongside KL. Unlike Kung Lao, she could side with Liu after she is resurrected and be a villain for this game.
About Me

"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

01/09/2015 06:29 PM (UTC)
FerraTorr Wrote:
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
FerraTorr Wrote:
Plus, Raiden is probably the one responsible for getting Kung Lao resurrected. That has to count for something.

Right, and if Raiden did resurrect him, that also makes me think that he resurrected Kitana as well. JUST for brownie points with Liu Kang. SO curious on how they're gonna smooth that bump.

Yeah, I think of the remaining 'dead' characters Kitana probably has the best shot at being resurrected alongside KL. Unlike Kung Lao, she could side with Liu after she is resurrected and be a villain for this game.

I do too. And because of all the new characters being mentioned, I'm starting to see the majority of the DLC being MK9 returnees. Said it before, and I'll say it again; If she's not in the main roster, she'll get a DLC slot. Fersure.

If she ends up a villain, I wonder if she'll still have any interest in Edenia. Or will she just go straight for the Outworld throne with Liu Kang by her side? Oh the possibilities!
01/09/2015 08:45 PM (UTC)
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
FerraTorr Wrote:
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
FerraTorr Wrote:
Plus, Raiden is probably the one responsible for getting Kung Lao resurrected. That has to count for something.

Right, and if Raiden did resurrect him, that also makes me think that he resurrected Kitana as well. JUST for brownie points with Liu Kang. SO curious on how they're gonna smooth that bump.

Yeah, I think of the remaining 'dead' characters Kitana probably has the best shot at being resurrected alongside KL. Unlike Kung Lao, she could side with Liu after she is resurrected and be a villain for this game.

I do too. And because of all the new characters being mentioned, I'm starting to see the majority of the DLC being MK9 returnees. Said it before, and I'll say it again; If she's not in the main roster, she'll get a DLC slot. Fersure.

If she ends up a villain, I wonder if she'll still have any interest in Edenia. Or will she just go straight for the Outworld throne with Liu Kang by her side? Oh the possibilities!

All very good, thought-provoking ideas about Kitana. After all, somebody's gotta fight her scantily-clad beastly twin sister. Who better than her than to deny Mileena an attempt to take over Outworld and, possibly, follow in her father Kahn's footsteps of re-conquering Kitana's homeworld of Edenia.

Who knows what NRS will effin' do. This first comic was alright, I'm hoping the second comic coming out reveals more about the storyline, and even perhaps confirmation of a brand new playable character in MKX.
01/09/2015 10:08 PM (UTC)
Kung Lao, Kitana and Jax are all going to be revived, bookmark this. And not because of story purposes or whatever, but because they're NRS' favorites.
About Me

Props to MINION for making this sig.

01/10/2015 12:05 AM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
Kung Lao, Kitana and Jax are all going to be revived, bookmark this. And not because of story purposes or whatever, but because they're NRS' favorites.

I don't think my eyes can roll far enough back in my head at your statement. You sound a little crusty.
01/10/2015 02:51 AM (UTC)
FerraTorr Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:
Kung Lao, Kitana and Jax are all going to be revived, bookmark this. And not because of story purposes or whatever, but because they're NRS' favorites.

I don't think my eyes can roll far enough back in my head at your statement. You sound a little crusty.

About Me


01/14/2015 07:46 AM (UTC)
Well Liu could be interesting if he gets resurrected too. He is currently dead.
01/14/2015 07:22 PM (UTC)
I think it's obvious by now how everyone is being resurrected. The comic keeps mentioning the war with Netherrealm. And we know from MK9 that Quan Chi had everyone's souls, so during this war, some how the Warriors that died and we're fighting for Quan chi turned on him and some how had their souls freed.
01/14/2015 07:24 PM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
Kung Lao, Kitana and Jax are all going to be revived, bookmark this. And not because of story purposes or whatever, but because they're NRS' favorites.

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