Interactive Endings for MK7
posted11/09/2005 12:19 AM (UTC)by
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02/23/2003 03:56 AM (UTC)
Fresh of my 6+ hour binge of Soul Calibur III, one of the things I loved that they implamented in this version was real-time, interactive endings that left things vague enough to make sense but detailed enough to be satisfying. I think MK would greatly benefit from that sort of immersion rather that the detatched feeling that the other MK endings give you. Sure, MK4 had realtime endings that sucked, but we've come a long way since then. Since next-gen graphics are realistic enough to be more than passable, it shouldn't be too much of a problem. What do you think? Would they even consider it since *gasp* it might take more time than simple text endings? And if so, what could be done to affect the ending outcomes?
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11/04/2005 10:34 PM (UTC)
There are some who've not played SC3. Could you please explain how interactive these endings are and what you actually get to do in them? smile I'm in the UK and we Europeans don't get the game until the 18th.
11/04/2005 11:03 PM (UTC)
Do you mean video endings like in Mk4. I loved those!!! Sure they sucked but I loved those!!!! All sucked except for Sonya's, Mileena's, Tanya's and Baraka's.

They should make them again! Many games nowadays shell out millions of cutscenes for games. In MKD they could have made awesome endings and ditched the little add-ons.
11/04/2005 11:28 PM (UTC)
tgrant Wrote:
There are some who've not played SC3. Could you please explain how interactive these endings are and what you actually get to do in them? smile I'm in the UK and we Europeans don't get the game until the 18th.

Sort of like in Resident Evil 4, when a specific situation arises, you have to quickly press a button and that determines the ending. For example, say you're Mitsurugi and you you're watching a cutscene and someone tries to hit you in the cutscence, a button set will quickly appear on the upper corner, such as the guard button to block the attack, or a directional button to side-step it, or you take the hit and get the bad ending. Situational stuff like that would be awesome if implamented in an MK game. They already have that to a degree with Test Your Might, I guess, though that doesn't affect anything.
11/04/2005 11:47 PM (UTC)
Oh now I know what you mean! They're in the new tomb raider, Tomb Raider Legend. They look awesome! I love the idea of them in MK, it means an ending can go different ways.

Good thinking batman! ( i forgot your username so your batman now, alright?)
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Project MKK: Coming soon...

Currently working on: MKD & MKA - The One Ring Theory
11/05/2005 07:19 AM (UTC)
Ok, thanks for clearing that up. I'm currently playing through Rsident Evil 4. It's such an awesome game.

As for the idea, that actually does soud interesting. Sure I'd be all for it in MK. Hopefully it'd lead to varied endings, but then the whole 'what if' scenario would go overboard. I doubt they'd have the time to work out so many for each character and I'm certain they wouldn't.
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11/05/2005 01:28 PM (UTC)
thats good idea for an ending
11/05/2005 05:15 PM (UTC)
I would like to see interactive endings, but i doubt mk will will put the work into interactive movies. I think this game will have ending movies though. I think it would be cool if when you were climbing the kombat ladder your characters rival would junp out attack you. If u hit the block button u could have the first attack, but if you didnt your opponent will.
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11/05/2005 06:09 PM (UTC)
Sure, those kinds of endings might give MK an extra layer of satisfaction. For example, let's just say you go through the game as Sub-Zero. Your pre-determined battle happens to be against Scorpion for some reason. It might be cool to have a chain of QTE's like in Seuong Mi-na's ending, where you have like 3 or four events that you need to go through to get the full ending. So an ending for Sub-Zero without the QTE's being pressed might be something like simple like, him getting struck by the spear, but then grabing it while still inside and shooting a kori blast down the spear and freezing Scorpion. While, with the QTE it might have a d pad command to dodge the spear, and then it affects the way the ending progresses with Scorpion doing a teleport punch, you'd get a guard function where Sub-Zero turns around and performs a lean back to dodge the hit. It can then be followed by a an attack command, where Sub-Zero comes at Scorpion, with a strike, then another command for a follow up attack, like his kori blast, which freezes Scorpion in place.

It doesn't have to work exactly like that, but it would definetly make goin through the game worth it if you new a cool little reward like that was waiting for you.

Note: For those who haven't played Shenmue, QTE stands for Quick Time Event.
11/05/2005 09:29 PM (UTC)
I've been playing SC3 and i gotta say the interactive cutscenes are a nice touch

What i would like this time around is the input command to be different each time so it can be more difficult to predict what to press
11/08/2005 10:53 AM (UTC)
Interactive endings and cutscenes would rock for MK7. Since the game is rich in storyline it would be fun to play around with it. Like in SCIII they had cutscenes in between matches to lead to different dialogues. Ultimately leading to the ending which could go either way depending on button input, which would rock more than having the same old routine MK picture ending which isn't canon most of the time anyways.

Interactive cutscenes were best implemented in RE4 where quick button input could even determine life or death. Hopefully MK could have this... but with a huge roster hmm....
11/08/2005 02:16 PM (UTC)
I think that would be cool I can paint a scenario.

For Bo' Rai Cho's ending you would have him involved in a major battle against Onaga's armies.

So you would have to tap a corresponding button when a Tarkata jumps out. Like it would say tap button A and when you tap that button you take out that character.

If you don't tap that button you see a Tarkata dig their blade in Bo' Rai Cho and kill him in battle, and after that sequence you would see what happened if Bo' Rai Cho failed to defeat Onaga's armies.

If you win that sequence with Bo' Rai Cho you would see him with his typical cheek to cheek smile basking in his victory and get a good ending.

I love that idea, I have not yet played Soul Calibur III yet but when I do I am sure I will love it.
11/08/2005 09:51 PM (UTC)
they could incorporate test your might into it too.
11/09/2005 12:07 AM (UTC)
Garlador Wrote:
tgrant Wrote:
There are some who've not played SC3. Could you please explain how interactive these endings are and what you actually get to do in them? smile I'm in the UK and we Europeans don't get the game until the 18th.

Sort of like in Resident Evil 4, when a specific situation arises, you have to quickly press a button and that determines the ending. For example, say you're Mitsurugi and you you're watching a cutscene and someone tries to hit you in the cutscence, a button set will quickly appear on the upper corner, such as the guard button to block the attack, or a directional button to side-step it, or you take the hit and get the bad ending. Situational stuff like that would be awesome if implamented in an MK game. They already have that to a degree with Test Your Might, I guess, though that doesn't affect anything.

That would be frickin awsome.....althogh I half to admite I had a hell of a time getting past the knife fight in RE4 I kept getting

-Peace Out.
That'd be pretty cool to have in MK.

But expand on it

There could be secrets with this idea too.

Maybe earlier in Story mode, you get to fight a secret character, MK2 style secrets.

Then when you beat them, you can get some information, or a riddle that you can use in another cut scene.

I'd like some of the fight intros to have Shenmue type pre set battles.

Like, you would have to fight off a few guards before you can fight a boss, or sub boss.

There's a lot they could do with it.

Also make it part of the normal fight. Like in God of War, have a special command to kill a boss, or combo fatalities. If you mess up, the opponent gets a little life back.
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