Insect female (Mileena in other time period)
posted06/10/2014 10:56 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
04/26/2014 09:39 PM (UTC)
Okay before you go all SSJ2 on my ass lets put this in prespective.

The Insect/larva female.

Her voice, doesnt it sound a little like Mileena?

Also look her scars on the face and her teeth! It could be a possibility that this could be some other itteration (if NOT) of Mileena.

The jaw scars look similar to the ones when Mileena opens her mouth.

06/10/2014 11:19 AM (UTC)
Boon already said on twitter that he will be showing 2 of his favourite brand new characters. Those 2 are no doubt bug girl and the giant/gnome thing.
Well if they are in a different time period than its still a new character right? New moves new look etc.
06/10/2014 11:23 AM (UTC)
She seems nothing like Mileena.

At all.
06/10/2014 11:25 AM (UTC)

I don't think so. Doesn't matter how different the character is, if shes another version of past character, she wouldn't be "new" now, would she.
We'll have to wait and see then, Ed is a real troll.
3 characters have been show, the gaint and the aztec dude, what if those 2 were actualy meant to be the new 2 characters?
06/10/2014 11:30 AM (UTC)
cyrax_has_returned Wrote:
We'll have to wait and see then, Ed is a real troll.

Yeah I guess we'll see. I can't wait for more information regarding the game. HURRY UP, TIME
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06/10/2014 11:38 AM (UTC)
She's buzzing her way into MK fans. grin
06/10/2014 12:08 PM (UTC)
What? How..wha...what is this I can't even! I thought MK fans were ridiculous to think Kira would return for MK9 when they saw Skarlet being tied up in the Coliseum, but this? Why would the team change one of their most recognizeable characters so much??
I should make a thread about the big guy and the imp now. They might be Moloch and Drahmin....-.-'
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GT: Dimitri1033

06/10/2014 12:13 PM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
What? How..wha...what is this I can't even! I thought MK fans were ridiculous to think Kira would return for MK9 when they saw Skarlet being tied up in the Coliseum, but this? Why would the team change one of their most recognizeable characters so much??
I should make a thread about the big guy and the imp now. They might be Moloch and Drahmin....-.-'

I already have a theory about the big guy and the imp...

microchip Wrote:
I have a theory on the new imp/brawler blastermaster character.

After looking at the brawler character, many people have noted that his clothing as well as the impish character's clothing is very reminiscent of Outworld fashion. Also, despite being a large character, the brawler's body type and skin type bare a striking resemblance to another character that we've seen countless times before.

We know that Shao Kahn made a clone of himself between MK4 and MKDA and that the clone was the one that was killed by Shang Tsung and Quan Chi in Deadly Alliance. Here's Kahn's bio from Deception that sheds more light on that

My theory is that in the new MK9 timeline, Kahn already had a clone of himself being developed alongside the Mileena clones. After his death in MK9, the clone that he had was released prematurely, so instead of getting a full blown Kahn clone, we get a clone that isn't fully developed and is a bit of mongoloid. It explains the similar clothing and body structure, as well as the need to keep his face masked (probably due to not being fully developed).

And as for his imp counterpart, a Mileena clone that also hasn't fully developed.

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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

06/10/2014 12:47 PM (UTC)
Maybe the new characters are characters! *gasp*

Mk fans are seriously the biggest conspiracy theorists on earth.
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06/10/2014 12:58 PM (UTC)
There's like zero chance that anything the OP said is true.
Pls son dont let me get out my camcorder.
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06/10/2014 02:13 PM (UTC)
Mileena's mouth has always looked like a bear trap, not a Glasgow-smile. That only occured in the Legacy series.
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-sig by MINION

06/10/2014 02:17 PM (UTC)
Yeah no.
06/10/2014 02:20 PM (UTC)
microchip Wrote:
projectzero00 Wrote:
What? How..wha...what is this I can't even! I thought MK fans were ridiculous to think Kira would return for MK9 when they saw Skarlet being tied up in the Coliseum, but this? Why would the team change one of their most recognizeable characters so much??
I should make a thread about the big guy and the imp now. They might be Moloch and Drahmin....-.-'

I already have a theory about the big guy and the imp...

microchip Wrote:
I have a theory on the new imp/brawler blastermaster character.

After looking at the brawler character, many people have noted that his clothing as well as the impish character's clothing is very reminiscent of Outworld fashion. Also, despite being a large character, the brawler's body type and skin type bare a striking resemblance to another character that we've seen countless times before.

We know that Shao Kahn made a clone of himself between MK4 and MKDA and that the clone was the one that was killed by Shang Tsung and Quan Chi in Deadly Alliance. Here's Kahn's bio from Deception that sheds more light on that

My theory is that in the new MK9 timeline, Kahn already had a clone of himself being developed alongside the Mileena clones. After his death in MK9, the clone that he had was released prematurely, so instead of getting a full blown Kahn clone, we get a clone that isn't fully developed and is a bit of mongoloid. It explains the similar clothing and body structure, as well as the need to keep his face masked (probably due to not being fully developed).

And as for his imp counterpart, a Mileena clone that also hasn't fully developed.

This actually sounds legit. It makes sense! Changing a character so much makes no sense whatsoever. Those 3 are deffinitely NEW characters! That lady is NOT Tanya because she wears yellow. She is NOT Mileena in an alternate universe. She is a NEW character. Boon confirmed it. I don't even know where people got this alternate universe thing from. I would say those multiple versions Boon was talking about, was confirmed to be multiple versions of FIGHTING STYLE. We saw it in the trailer. Scorpion was fighting with his swords, or those skulls summoning demons, or had those fire projectiles. That IS multiple versions of a character. Making Mileena a freaggin insect isn't. I'm tired of all those new users making multiple threads for every stupid idea that comes to their mindconfused
06/10/2014 02:26 PM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
I don't even know where people got this alternate universe thing from.

They got it from one of Boon's tweets. When asked "will the story in mortal kombat X Kontinue from mk9 or be a new original story " Boon said: Sort of BOTH.. hard 2 explain.
So they think there'll be alternate universes or time travelling or sending another message to past or something like that. I don't think it has to do anything with the multiple character versions like you said.
06/10/2014 02:58 PM (UTC)
AJensen Wrote:
projectzero00 Wrote:
I don't even know where people got this alternate universe thing from.

They got it from one of Boon's tweets. When asked "will the story in mortal kombat X Kontinue from mk9 or be a new original story " Boon said: Sort of BOTH.. hard 2 explain.
So they think there'll be alternate universes or time travelling or sending another message to past or something like that. I don't think it has to do anything with the multiple character versions like you said.

We already have that. There was already a story of time traveling in MK9, they wouldn't be that stupid to do it all over again. The answer is simple. They will not follow the exact same story after MK3 until MKA. They will change a few stuff like they did in MK9. MK9 was not a retelling. It had the elements from the first 3 games but they changed a lot of stuff. They did overdo it at times by making Mileena a newborn, but I don't think they would go to such lengths as making her a bug.
06/10/2014 03:07 PM (UTC)
It seems each times a new MK game is in development, new characters are thought to be old ones. Way back before MK:DA came out, Li Mei was thought to be Mileena, Kenshi was thought to be Ermac, and someone even thought Drahmin was Kabal. It's like some people just can't accept new characters.

And you know the funny thing? None of those theories have ever turned out to be true, at all! And the insect gal better not be an alternate Mileena, that would be so disappointing. This new character feels fresh so I wouldn't want her to be so familiar. Let her be herself. She can be related to Mileena, but she shouldn't be Mileena herself.

Given that these theories about new characters being old ones have never ever turned out to be true, I wonder why can't people learn from history for a change? Sure, maybe one day, one time, they'll end up being right, but they never acknowledge that they've been wrong before.

I mean, Drahmin=Kabal. Lol.
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GT: Dimitri1033

06/10/2014 03:10 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
It seems each times a new MK game is in development, new characters are thought to be old ones. Way back before MK:DA came out, Li Mei was thought to be Mileena, Kenshi was thought to be Ermac, and someone even thought Drahmin was Kabal. It's like some people just can't accept new characters.

And you know the funny thing? None of those theories have ever turned out to be true, at all! And the insect gal better not be an alternate Mileena, that would be so disappointing. This new character feels fresh so I wouldn't want her to be so familiar. Let her be herself. She can be related to Mileena, but she shouldn't be Mileena herself.

Given that these theories about new characters being old ones have never ever turned out to be true, I wonder why can't people learn from history for a change? Sure, maybe one day, one time, they'll end up being right, but they never acknowledge that they've been wrong before.

I mean, Drahmin=Kabal. Lol.

You must be fun at parties.

Speculation is fun and normal before the release of a highly anticipated game. Get used to it.
06/10/2014 03:19 PM (UTC)
microchip Wrote:
DG1OA Wrote:
It seems each times a new MK game is in development, new characters are thought to be old ones. Way back before MK:DA came out, Li Mei was thought to be Mileena, Kenshi was thought to be Ermac, and someone even thought Drahmin was Kabal. It's like some people just can't accept new characters.

And you know the funny thing? None of those theories have ever turned out to be true, at all! And the insect gal better not be an alternate Mileena, that would be so disappointing. This new character feels fresh so I wouldn't want her to be so familiar. Let her be herself. She can be related to Mileena, but she shouldn't be Mileena herself.

Given that these theories about new characters being old ones have never ever turned out to be true, I wonder why can't people learn from history for a change? Sure, maybe one day, one time, they'll end up being right, but they never acknowledge that they've been wrong before.

I mean, Drahmin=Kabal. Lol.

You must be fun at parties.

Speculation is fun and normal before the release of a highly anticipated game. Get used to it.

Speculation can be fun indeed, but why do we mostly get the boring kind, like new characters being thought to be old ones? Do people really want the insect lady to be a familar character? Where would be the fun in that?
Holy fuck, all of these stupid assumptions. This takes the cake though, the bug lady is really Mileena in another time period..please make this shit stop..
06/10/2014 03:28 PM (UTC)
Wasp girl is not Mileena.

That is all.
06/10/2014 03:35 PM (UTC)
Mobster_For_SATAN Wrote:
Holy fuck, all of these stupid assumptions. This takes the cake though, the bug lady is really Mileena in another time period..please make this shit stop..

What about Drahmin being Kabal, though? I swear I saw someone throw that theory around, way back when MK:DA was in development.
DG1OA Wrote:
Mobster_For_SATAN Wrote:
Holy fuck, all of these stupid assumptions. This takes the cake though, the bug lady is really Mileena in another time period..please make this shit stop..

What about Drahmin being Kabal, though? I swear I saw someone throw that theory around, way back when MK:DA was in development.

I'm glad I didn't see that one, because Drahmin was revealed in a Gameinformer as a new character.
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