Info on Tremors variations
posted07/16/2015 10:29 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
04/04/2011 02:45 AM (UTC)
So a few days ago I came across someone who I guess is some tester leaking info on Tremor's gameplay and how his variations play out

My summery: He's like Kenshi in that all of his special moves change depending on the variation

These are the bits he gave me and other people

Tremor will have an EX special, which is a 3hit fullscreen ground unblockable dealing 13% damage. The best part is, it hits OTG so it's a guaranteed unscaled unbreakable and unescapable damage after several moves.

Yes, normal version is an unblockable fullscreen ground pound, but pretty slow, 8% damage, and doesn't OTG.

Unblockable Ground pound is a universal ability.
Aftershock's ability is another ground pound, which you activate and it somewhat "detonates" after 3 seconds and hits low, isn't a unblockable. Generally it's pretty shitty because it has long startup and long detonation time, I culdnt find any viable oki setups with it.

BUT Aftershock has also an aerial ground pound which is another story. It's pretty cool - fast AERIAL LOW which knocks up (no followup available though), can be cancelled out of jumping attacks (so you have overhead into low while still being in air) and is advantageous on block. Best part - EX version launches for a full combo. So when jumping in you have basically a mixup with normal jumpin/air pound.

Crystalline's unique abilities are: Armor up - Tremor crystallizes up (quite fast) and gains reduced chip damage for a few seconds or until hit AND when hit by a attack, he gets reduced hitstun. Shit's not exactly like getting one hit of armor, but when you're charged up, getting hit by, let's say uppercut doesn't launch you, only (hit)stuns for couple of frames. You have to see this to get a hang of it, pretty dope anyways.
EX version NEGATES all chip damage for a few seconds (or until hit) and gets same "one hit of reduced hitstun" property.

Crystal's second unique ability is summoning a boulder - you can then throw it like an interactable OR jump away from it - again, like using an interactable. You can have only one on screen, but in mirror match two Tremors can have them both AND you can use enemy Tremor's boulder (when playing as another character, you can't use Tremor's boulder as an interactable, I'm not sure if it's intended though).

So metallic's universal ability is switching between "Golden" mode and "Lava" mode. These two stances change his other special's properties; Gold has tweaked fireballs, whereas Lava is more combo oriented - more launchers, launchers knockup higher, more hitstun etc. You always strt in Gold mode and want to switch to Lava asap basically.

Maybe I'll also write up about Tremor's universal abilities, because he has a lot.

I told you earlier about his unblockable ground pound. It's his only ability which is the same for all of his variations. His all other specials have different properties inbetween variations - I won't write them all bc I'm going to sleep, so bear with me. Here's a short writeup.

So first, he has a projectile similar to Shinnok's ceiling skelly hands - he summons some rocks falling from the sky, which hit overhead and track the enemy - or you can use left/right to summon them behind/in front of the opponent. Projectile doesn't disappear if Tremor gets hit. You can do some cool oki hard-to-blockable overhead/low setups with this or just force the opponent to block on his wakeup when ending combos with it.
Next one is just a normal projectile - Tremor tosses a slow travelling boulder, slow startup, but is kinda advantageous on block when finishing blockstrings with it (but it's interruptable). Can be ducked even with block. Pretty shit imo.

He has a low hitting projectile, similar to Kabal's buzzsaws from MK9; hits low and knocks down, but travels and starts up a little slower than Kabal's. In Metallic-Lava mode, it also launches for a full combo, lol. It's okay move.

He has a "Boulder smash" - low-medium range mid hitting punch move (range is lower than Jax's dash punch) which knocks away, EX has armor, both -7 on block. On startup, Tremor can press down to make it an overhead, which ground bounces for a nice combo (-12 on block, ex also has armor), or press up to make it a mid hitting launcher - the difference between an overhead version is, it launches not bounces and has +1% dmg (also a nice combo filler). You can charge up ex version to hit it later or dash cancel out of it.

Last one is a "Boulder blast" - a move somewhat similar to Ermac's Soul burst - so a low range (1-1,5dash range) projectile-like move. You can press up or down to aim it high (can be used as an AA) or low (hits low). Thing can be charged to hit it later, or you can press d,d to cancel it out. It's a decent combo ender, because you get a long untechable time (guaranteed unblockable OTG), but it's -12 on block, so not a good pressure tool.

Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
I dont want to spoil all the fun, but one cool Brutalitiy is when you finish the opponent with unblockable ground pound - rocks wrap slowly around opponent's legs and rest of his body slowly petrifies. Tremor gets on his knees in a monk-like pose and stays like that for a few seconds. After a while, he lightly taps the ground and BAM! opponents petrified body explodes, leaving only a skeleton (with legs still stuck to the ground by some rocks).

Now most of you are probably thinking "How do you know this guy isn't spinning bullshit?" Well, today someone was digging through the PC files and found these text files

these support everything the leaker has said. Now be warned, there's rock puns in that link

Also heres a Tremor render I don't think anyone's posted.

07/09/2015 04:48 AM (UTC)
I'll also list his fatalities and brutalities taken from the text files

Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Stone Tomb (Mid): Down Away Towards Away 3
Stalag-Might (Mid): Down Towards Away Towards 1

Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Rumble Trouble: Available in all Variations. Tremor must connect all 3 hits of the Ground Quake. Final hit must come from a Ground Quake.

Blood Rock: Available in all Variations. Player must hold Down during the final hit. Final hit must come from Rock Bottom (his X-Ray)

Rock Head: Only in Aftershock Variation. Must be Jump Distance away from the opponent. Final hit must come from Rock Toss or Boulder Throw

It's Me Tremor: Only in Metallic Variation. Must be Jump Distance away from the opponent. Must have Gold Skin active. Final hit must come from Gold Punch or Gold Launch

Krystal Kaos: Only in Crystalline Variation. Tremor must perform Summon Krystal in the final round. Final hit must come throwing the summoned Krystal
07/09/2015 04:54 AM (UTC)
Awesome info!!!

Can't wait to see that brutality in action.
07/09/2015 05:08 AM (UTC)
That looks very interesting but... it's nothing like Kenshi. Kenshi's special moves share the same concept across all variations, just with different results and looks. Tremor has wildly different abilities.

The Aftershock move seems interesting. If you manage to launch your opponent across the screen you could set up something to create an opening when your opponent is back on his feet.
07/09/2015 05:18 AM (UTC)
The_TooCool_Master Wrote:
That looks very interesting but... it's nothing like Kenshi. Kenshi's special moves share the same concept across all variations, just with different results and looks. Tremor has wildly different abilities.

The Aftershock move seems interesting. If you manage to launch your opponent across the screen you could set up something to create an opening when your opponent is back on his feet.

Wjhat I meant by that is that he doesnt gain specials or loses any, they all change depending on the variation.

Ya know how Kenshi's move list is all golden lettering? Exactly
07/09/2015 05:38 AM (UTC)
But.... the texts also talks about his universal abilities and what he details seems to be rock based special moves.
07/09/2015 05:49 AM (UTC)
The_TooCool_Master Wrote:
But.... the texts also talks about his universal abilities and what he details seems to be rock based special moves.

I told you earlier about his unblockable ground pound. It's his only ability which is the same for all of his variations.
07/09/2015 05:55 AM (UTC)
I missed that. You win.
About Me

You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

07/09/2015 10:18 AM (UTC)
Ugh, Aquaman trait and a "dualist" like variation...
About Me

Well, you all got your Tremor now. Can we finally move on?

07/09/2015 09:27 PM (UTC)
Well, let's see if the token ninja from one of the worst products to ever bear the MK license on it, who has the largest, blindest ninja fan following of any character in the history of this franchise, can make me a believer. He sounds interesting thus far, even if the laughably forced Bane crabface voice is just too funny to take seriously.
07/10/2015 02:16 AM (UTC)
frabn Wrote:
Well, let's see if the token ninja from one of the worst products to ever bear the MK license on it, who has the largest, blindest ninja fan following of any character in the history of this franchise, can make me a believer. He sounds interesting thus far, even if the laughably forced Bane crabface voice is just too funny to take seriously.

Huh, well ain't that something. Thought I wouldn't ever hear that from you, frabn

07/10/2015 02:58 AM (UTC)
Sounds pretty interesting, his render and stance look really good.
About Me

Well, you all got your Tremor now. Can we finally move on?

07/10/2015 05:10 PM (UTC)
smokeman14 Wrote:
frabn Wrote:
Well, let's see if the token ninja from one of the worst products to ever bear the MK license on it, who has the largest, blindest ninja fan following of any character in the history of this franchise, can make me a believer. He sounds interesting thus far, even if the laughably forced Bane crabface voice is just too funny to take seriously.

Huh, well ain't that something. Thought I wouldn't ever hear that from you, frabn

They've done a really good job pulling him away from the generic ninja roots he came from and making him LOOK unique. That's step one. In my book, that warrants giving him a shot. His powers also seem unique enough (assuming the info provided is truth) to set him apart.

And remember - its not the CHARACTER I hate, it's the fact that so much of his fan following stems from the sole fact that he is a ninja. I welcome any opportunity for me to have my opinion reversed.
07/10/2015 11:45 PM (UTC)
I cannot wait!

Those pants are bugging me out tho.
About Me

I will rock you.

07/11/2015 01:54 PM (UTC)
thisiscourage Wrote:
I cannot wait!

Those pants are bugging me out tho.

They're called mom jeans lol just kidding. Tremor looks amazing. His pants are funny looking though I have to give you that.winkgrin
Uppercut Editions
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07/11/2015 02:55 PM (UTC)
Would be cool if Tremor's P2 Color was Silver, and then they gave him a classic ninja look with next patch. Therefore creating Khrome.

Then Khrome fanboys would be piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiisssed.
About Me

"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

07/14/2015 02:25 PM (UTC)
Great info, thanks a bunch!

I'll guesstimate since Predator is available to everyone today, and since we already have the Tremor patch, that Tremor will be released in two weeks, making him available July 28th for KP owners and August 4th for everyone else.

Can't wait.
I wonder if that crystal variation would be like one of the Smoke variations I made, where he was encased in Diamond, as Diamond is an allotrope of Carbon. (Smoke is Carbon in the air.)

Looking forward to some Metal Mario action...

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07/14/2015 06:33 PM (UTC)
It's officially my birthday and I can't wait for tremor man. I haven't even really played mk cuz I been waiting for him!
07/16/2015 10:29 AM (UTC)

Hard Jab - 1
Side Strike - 2
High Kick - 3
Turning Boot - 4
Spin Slap - b1
Rising Stone - b2
Low Stomp - b3
Back Heel - b4
Low Punch - d1
Rising Rock - d2
Low Kick - d3
Low Shake -d4
Palm Strike - f1
Rock Slam - f2
Hinge Kick - f3
Flying Kick - f4


Stone Klaw - 11
Beast Kick - 114
Death Strike - 12
Low Rumble - 12d3
Hard Knockback - 123
Evil Kore - f12
Body Quake - f121
Rocky Start - b12
Rock On - b121
Not Pelite - b1d4
Igneous Strike - b1d4u4
Hard Place - 21
Klean Slate - 212
Gravel Before Me - 21d4
Mountainous Pain - 21d4u4
Not for Granite - b24
Krater Kicks - 33
Landslide - b32
Shock Wave - b322

Common special moves are:

Rock Toss - bf2
Stone Punch - db2
Stone Strike - db2u
Stone Smash - db2d
Delay - hold 2
Can be dash canceled.
Stone Shatter - db1
Up Shatter - db1u
Down Shatter db1d
Delay - hold 1
Cancel - dd
Rock Drop - db3
Close - db3b
Far db3f
Rolling Stone - bf4
Ground Pulse - dd4


Aftershock: Gives Tremor earthquake moves. * Earth Shake - dd1 * Air Earth Shake - air dd1 - Close - air dd1b - Far - air dd1f

Metallic - Gives Tremor Gold and Lava Skin/Armor * Lava Skin/Gold Skin - dd1 - Lava Armor/Gold Armor - hold 1

Crystalline - A summoner variation, where Tremor can summon a Krystal. * Summon Krystal - df3 - Flying Krystal (f+mb) * Krystallization - dd1

Metallic and Crystalline variations change the names of his common specials, may change their properties as well.

X-Ray - Rock Bottom

Fatalities -

Stone Tomb (mid) Stalag-Might (mid)

Brutalities -

Rock Head (Aftershock) - Final hit is Rock Toss (bf1) or Boulder Toss (ENbf1)
It's Me Tremor (Metallic) - Final hit from Gold Punch (db1) or Gold Launch (ENdb1)
Krystal Khaos (Crystalline) - Tremor must Summon Krystal in final round, final hit from throwing the Krystal (f+mb)
Rumble Trouble (All) - All three hits of Ground Quake must connect (ENdd4), final hit from Ground Quake
Blood Rock (All) - Player must hold down for final hit, final hit from Rock Bottom (xray)
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