Im really dissapointed at the direction midway/mk team is going
posted04/24/2007 04:32 AM (UTC)by
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"because real men throw eggs"

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03/18/2006 01:07 AM (UTC)
Ok, I've realised that almost every big change in MK has just made things worst. Here are some overveiws:

Mk3: added the run button, this gives the game more opportunitys to fight. They also added combos, whitch was a good idea, but they then did a bit too much damage. the ability with the towers was rellly good too

MK: DA/ D: The fighting gave more possiblitys to the way of fighting, but then came infinuts and 100%+ combos.In Mk D, they got rid of super unlockables. So now, once i finish the konquest and beat arcade mode, i feel as if theres no reason to keep playing. And dont even get me started on the death traps.

Mk:A : The KAK was a good concept, but this ended up in 100%+ combos, witch ruined online play. KAF was also a good idea, but i liked it more when you would push in those last buttons, and get good entertanment for the work you put in to beating the char.

So, the only good big changes where the three-style fighting, but that brought the 100%+ combos, and the moveing around in MKDA-A, that brought death traps. All the things that made the gameplay better without the flaws where the small things, like the run button. so, if Mk team/ midway keep making big changes, things will just get worst. Now, I dont no if the "unreal engine" is for gamelay or for graphics, but if its more gameplay, they should hold it off for a while, and make people satisfied with the MKDA-MKA things, because most people are angry at MkA, so i predict that if MK8 is bad, some people will give up and stop playing MK.

so, in conculsion, they should make small changes with the curret engine instead of restarting with something they havent used before

what do you guys think?
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03/01/2007 11:23 PM (UTC)
100% + combos were easily achievable on MK3 with almost anyone, save for miscreants like Sindel etc. Correct me if she has one above 120%..

The problem lies not within the changes, but with the UNCHANGED. Namely the dial-a-combo system.
03/02/2007 01:12 AM (UTC)
the only thing i'm preying my ass off to the Holy Man above us all, is that they come back with Video Endings... I'm tired of reading crap and watching a poor pathetic excuse of an ending that has only one guy reading it and its either the hero of the game or Lord Raiden himself. What i'm hoping is that they should look back at the old classic games and think

"Okay these games were very popular and had news and soccer moms complaining, now its just who fricken cares about the gore and the violence. Lets make it ten times better then the first one was... no scratch that idea..."

But at least have something in mind from what they were like long before they came into 3d action. As long as they don't go into a cartoonish, 2d version like that one game i forgot the title of. everything will be fine.
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03/02/2007 07:25 AM (UTC)
laofan Wrote:
Ok, I've realised that almost every big change in MK has just made things worst.

Ah, I see...You need more information from which to base your opinions.... I'll try to help:

laofan Wrote:

Mk3: added the run button, this gives the game more opportunitys to fight. They also added combos, whitch was a good idea, but they then did a bit too much damage. the ability with the towers was rellly good too

1. The general census is that people like the change to combos. Especially Mk3/T.
2. There still remains some aguments about the run button though. I am one who is for the run button feature. I like the idea of returning the "aggressor" feature, and the "blood ball" in MkSm. Both would have to have slightly different purposes and funtionalities though....
3. Clarify the "tower feature"...You mean falling//knocking someone off the tower?

laofan Wrote:
MK: DA/ D: The fighting gave more possiblitys to the way of fighting, but then came infinuts and 100%+ combos.In Mk D, they got rid of super unlockables. So now, once i finish the konquest and beat arcade mode, i feel as if theres no reason to keep playing. And dont even get me started on the death traps.

1. You skipped the biggest change that happened to Mortal Kombat when Mk4/Gold went 3D. Thaaaat's really where alot of the stink comes from when people speak about "the direction the MKteam took Mk".
That game didn't really get good ratings from fans at all. Even in hine-sight people still kinda snarl. lol

The way Mortal Kombat was played dramaticlly changed in Mk4. Weapons were introduced as a character-to-weapon thing. (Raiden got a mallet..ect) You could pick up things off the floor and throw them, cinematic endings were introduced in an official Mk game (it wasn't a side game like special forces or mythologies), and some others I can't remember right off hand. But ALOT changed with THAT game alone which made it very hard to take all in.


a. Kai
b. Shinnok
c. Reiko
d. Jarek
e. Tanya
f. Fujin
g. Quan Chi
h. and the Secret Character Meat

Yea, Mk4/Gold was huge if you wanna anylize changes....

2. Like Chrome stated, infinites have been there. I remember the fuss about that Sindel infinite combo actually.

3. About the super-unlockables, those went with "secret codes" and i wish they would bring both back. The last thing I wanna "unlock" is a character. I want to "acquire" a secret character by doing something to provok that characters traits without knowing it. Or, know about it, but still have a hard time making that secret character availible to me. I agree with you here.

laofan Wrote:
Mk:A : The KAK was a good concept, but this ended up in 100%+ combos, witch ruined online play. KAF was also a good idea, but i liked it more when you would push in those last buttons, and get good entertanment for the work you put in to beating the char.

1. The way that's worded or something it doesn't make sense. So I'll try to answer it the best I can:

1a. Kreate-a-Kharacter is still a fantasic idea for Mortal Kombat. I believe that what we got in MkA was a nicely over-rated concept. I say concept because there was just too much other crap on the disk to make it excellent...just like KaF and...and...ect

1b. I commented on the 100% combo thing already. Infinites are not a new thing.

1c. Online play isn't so bad, because...that's how the game was made, why not use it if you wanna win? This is mortal kombat....But then again, What makes Online play good or bad is pure perception, so I don't blame you there. I know that the Xboxs' overall online experience superseeds Ps.

2. Kreate-a-Fatality was a beautiful concept. It's a really ify thing how it is though. For me, it lost luster before it was even in-hand. Playing it was like...." what?" Just like the KaK feature, I think doing this feature in a later game would please everybody. Improved, and expaned upon.

I think that if they specialized some 10-15 little fatalities for each character it would be absolutely wonderful. So, I don't think they went wrong at the concept....which is what I think MkAs' KaF and KaK features are.

3. Birth of the Mk mini-game was a "pro" or a "con" for most people. That's another change unmentioned.

laofan Wrote:
So, the only good big changes where the three-style fighting, but that brought the 100%+ combos, and the moveing around in MKDA-A, that brought death traps. All the things that made the gameplay better without the flaws where the small things, like the run button. so, if Mk team/ midway keep making big changes, things will just get worst. Now, I dont no if the "unreal engine" is for gamelay or for graphics, but if its more gameplay, they should hold it off for a while, and make people satisfied with the MKDA-MKA things, because most people are angry at MkA, so i predict that if MK8 is bad, some people will give up and stop playing MK.

so, in conculsion, they should make small changes with the curret engine instead of restarting with something they havent used before

what do you guys think?

1. You only listed one, arguably good change in Mk. There are too many good elements to list accurately.

a. Character build-up, story-wise was a "good" of MkDa and MkD. That, for some folk is good enough to buy and play a game.
b. Conquest Mode was a success.
c. Three fighting stances, I'll admit was a good direction to go with Mortal Kombat, after you got used to it. BUT...I think it was an incorrect manuver to reduce or multiply stances in the feature.

That's all I'm listing for now..

2. The UnReal Engine
effects the way the game looks and what you can do with the images. It deals with bit-maping and pixel shading. It's not a "game-play mechanism//program" mainly . Think of it like: resolution vs speed.
One of the many things the program deals with. Read more in the link.(Wiki)

3. Lastly, I disagree with you on holding out any longer with this current game types' potential. I think they made the right call here. As a matter of fact....please hurry up and take your time MkTeam.

Ever since Mk4 the need to be done with this type of game has lingered for me. I hope the next "new" reflects the experience from all the past games but I DO NOT wanna see another MK that looks like MkA.

Over-All, I'm not dissapointed with where they're taking Mk. I'm more like: Getting aggitated by mediocrity. I gauge, systems should be capable now, to make the "game we all wanna see". So we'll see.

Thank you.
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Project MKK: Coming soon...

Currently working on: MKD & MKA - The One Ring Theory
03/02/2007 04:47 PM (UTC)
Dial-a-combos need to go and all this unnecessary stuff like the mini games that really aren't needed should go also. If tney'd spend less time focusing on the irrelevant things and more time focusing on that which needs perfecting (the story and fighting engine) then I believe we'd get a decent game.
03/02/2007 09:58 PM (UTC)
The only thing I hope for is that they completely forget about mini games, konquest, and the like. All that takes away from the main focus of the game which is fighting. I want a solid fighting game. Not an adventure, puzzle, chess, driving game. The krypt is OK if only they keep unlockable costumes and stages on there.

I'm sick of sound glitches, stages not showing up in arcade mode glitches, same group of fighters in every ladder. That is not lazy programming but lack of focus on the main theme.
I'm dissapointed in the seeming lack of effort to make this game a great fighter.

It's like they keep avoiding the subject.

I wish they would dump the mini games.

Focus on making MK more realistic looking, gritty, dark, serious and elaborate.

Focusing mainly on the combat and story.

Dial combos can stay only if dramatically toned down. Make them short, escapable and with a logical risk vs reward set up.

For one that launches, make it do a low launch or stun instead.
The first attack should not be as fast as a jab, unless the first attack is a jab and the next attack is blockable. Maybe a launch off a dial combo can have a tec. recovery allowing for higher gravity pull or air blocking.

Stuff like that is what they should be thinking about IMO.
03/04/2007 04:27 AM (UTC)
Mortal Kombat One was the shit because it was actual MORTAL kombat.

A bunch of guys have to fight for their realm. So it was like a desperate battle for survival - the humans versus the "other wordly" beings. (shang tsung, sub zero, scorpion).

This is the direction midway should go for mk 8 - serious, realistic, gory fighting with a purpose
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"because real men throw eggs"

03/04/2007 10:34 PM (UTC)
you guys are missing the point. You people seem to think this tread is about the improvments MK has been getting. But this tread is about why the Mk team should make small changes, and noy big ones.
I think that fixing the current engine would require so many adjustments and changes that starting from scratch is about the same thing.

It needs a big change at this point, not baby steps. They are already way behind other fighters.
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03/07/2007 09:58 AM (UTC)
laofan Wrote:
you guys are missing the point. You people seem to think this tread is about the improvments MK has been getting. But this tread is about why the Mk team should make small changes, and noy big ones.

"You People"..?!?


They shouldn't make small steps....AT ALL....with what's there now. What I meant to convey, is that Mk4, and the whole "Let's go 3D" thing, was the big step that spawned all the dissapointments. Not to say that EVERYTHING was bad....just the games as a whole failed. Until the anouncement that they were "starting all over again".

I've never seen "via-the-internet" people so elated in my life. haha
Not to be harsh, but they only get an "E" for effort, and a bucket-o-money for these last few games since Mk4....

And I just see it as life support for them to keep going...grind pass that huge "boo-boo", and make that game we/they've been wanting to make, and that we think is coming.

I actually beleive that, with the success MkDa, MkSm, MkD, and then MkA had, they should have more of a lenientcy in what//when they want to create..release. Kinda like "Mr Interscope Records" himself, "50cent"...
Dude can just do what the hell he wants cuz he brings in a gi-normous amount of $$.

Hopfully that's the case for Mr MK himself, Ed Boon and Team.
03/23/2007 03:27 AM (UTC)
can I ask how you are disappointed with the direction that the MK team is going when you know jack shit about MK8.
03/25/2007 02:12 AM (UTC)
ShaolinChuan Wrote:
The only thing I hope for is that they completely forget about mini games, konquest, and the like. All that takes away from the main focus of the game which is fighting. I want a solid fighting game. Not an adventure, puzzle, chess, driving game. The krypt is OK if only they keep unlockable costumes and stages on there.

I'm sick of sound glitches, stages not showing up in arcade mode glitches, same group of fighters in every ladder. That is not lazy programming but lack of focus on the main theme.

I agree. I just don't understand why they don't just have a fighting game with fighting, story, and maybe a couple other modes like story/quest/world(or realm tongue) tour, survival, time attack, etc.

And then for things like Konquest or mini-games could be made into an entirely different game, but Konquest would of course follow the storyline, and the mini-games would then be worked on better and possibly be quality.
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Firm Turtle

03/26/2007 02:17 AM (UTC)
Whats a dial-a-combo? If you mean like it gives you the button sequence whats so wrong with that? I for one like the newer games. the stroy in mka was decent but not horrible. I actually dislike the older mk's because they were hard. Im a sissy gamer. i like easy which is why mka is mah fave fighting mk. I agree that there should be cinematic endings in mk8. They didnt do them in mka because there were to many characters.
03/27/2007 08:38 AM (UTC)
SnowFox Wrote:
Whats a dial-a-combo? If you mean like it gives you the button sequence whats so wrong with that? I for one like the newer games. the stroy in mka was decent but not horrible. I actually dislike the older mk's because they were hard. Im a sissy gamer. i like easy which is why mka is mah fave fighting mk. I agree that there should be cinematic endings in mk8. They didnt do them in mka because there were to many characters.

Why would you think I care that you are a sissy gamer?? I am not a sissy gamer and, unlike you, and I prefer hard challenges in a game, and I think that a game with R rating or over 18 etc, should be challenging ( this game is designed for adult not kids , so they should make it challenging and not kinder garden type..but unortunately Midway ALWAYS prefers the easy way out...).
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Firm Turtle

03/27/2007 10:27 PM (UTC)
K i uh never said you should care. Just voicing my opinions thats all. And i didnt mean like "so easy a caveman could do it" i like a chanlenge but not throw my controller through the tv in frustration difficulty.
03/28/2007 10:05 PM (UTC)
laofan Wrote:
Ok, I've realised that almost every big change in MK has just made things worst. Here are some overveiws:

Mk3: added the run button, this gives the game more opportunitys to fight. They also added combos, whitch was a good idea, but they then did a bit too much damage. the ability with the towers was rellly good too

UMK3 100% combo's were no big deal and most of them need to be in the corner, but if you very good, it would be almost impossible to get in one of those and you could only do it to a few characters.

and about the KAK's...just use regular characters and you wont have a problem..
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03/31/2007 05:06 AM (UTC)
I just think the series needs to take a look back at its roots and see what made it great. Much like rock music
04/24/2007 04:32 AM (UTC)
Definately. It doesn't need to be any simpler than that. MK1 was so subtle in it's presentation and is as such my fav looking mk,if not my fav overall. Love the 'Big trouble in little China' tributes and the simple good vs evil, human vs supernatural themes. The only changes Midway need to do is to get back to their original vision and move it to the Next Gen.
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