if your could make up a couple of new characters for mk what would they be like ?
posted10/28/2005 04:22 AM (UTC)by
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Made by ThePredator151 :D

Member Since
09/01/2005 01:07 AM (UTC)
ok so i thought up 1 this guy is called cyrmal he is crossed between robot like sector and cyrax and ninja like noob from his machinary he can form any weapon and he would look similar to rain but in a gold and red outfit his specal moves would be like a liquid spit which spreads all over his opponent for his jump move he would do a flexible bycicle kik and whilst doin that the opponent gets paralised by a small dagger then he would do a double jump and kik him to the floor landing on the opponent making the liquid tar completly cover the component .

as a female competitan i have made up i called her gilme serdess a new emperor of edenia she will kill kitana and sindel take over all the lands and prepare for a new tournament to save all the realms her main fight would be in the nexus ( in mk:d on concuest mode ) but this time it will have a bit age around it with like poles ( these will be usefull ) . gilme will have 2 mormal arms which have shiny wrist blades up them then she wil have 4 extendible arms coming out of her back she will be dressed all in pink and blue and she will be the new mother of millena he specal moves will be ...

throwing = a poisnus spray coming from her mouth and it wil spread out with the help of her 4 back arms which wil flapp it about lol.

jumping = the opponent will be grabbed by the 4 arms on gilmes bak and gilme will slash at the opponents chest she will swing up near to the top of the cage in the nexus and throw the opponent all the way to the bottom shortly after that gilme will jump down on all 4 completly destroying her opponent !! instant kill !!

so have you made up 1 or 2 or 3 ... post them on here :)

furious furious furious furious furious furious furious furious furious furious
10/19/2005 10:05 PM (UTC)
My Kombatant would be a man from Scorpion's clan. The last survivor of the Shirai Ryu. When he was young his parents were members of the clan until they were attacked. He watched his parents and all of his family die at the hands of a mysterious warrior (or Sorcerer?) He managed to escape and spent 10 years honing his skills and learning the way of a Ninja. He now wants revenge on the person that killed the clan and his family. He one day meets the Sorceror Shang Tsung who tells him that he knows where the person that killed his family was and another survivor of the Shirai Ryu clan he tells him his codename is Scorpion. Shang Tsung agreed to help him recruit Scorpion and find the man that killed his family only if he would serve him he accepted Shang Tsungs offer.(I would say this should have taken place during MKDA)

His name is Miharu. His costume is just like a Ninja (obviously, cant really imagine what it would look like though) He is young maybe about 19 and he is very cute His fighting styles are Ninjitsu, Advanced Hapkido, and his weapons are two long Kunai knives that he use. He is a very skilled warrior but he cannot see through Shang Tsungs Deception.

So what do u think?gringringrin
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10/19/2005 10:37 PM (UTC)
except that there were NO survivors of the Shirai Ryu. It was completely and utterly eradicated to the last man, woman and child. Mileena probably had no mother, and was created by Shang Tsung.

10/19/2005 10:47 PM (UTC)
You never know they probably would have decide to change it like they did the other Mortal Kombat side stories
About Me

Made by ThePredator151 :D

10/19/2005 11:04 PM (UTC)
like is say gilme is millinas new mother meaning maby milling has gotten adopted ?? and i like the 1 about the boy watching his family getting killed n hes after revenge he could have been resurected tho like he could make a pledge to the elder gods to avenge his family by killing the warrior/sorcerour that killed them . :)
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10/19/2005 11:09 PM (UTC)
Not going to happen, since it would completely ruin the altogether cheesy Scorpion backstory. Aside from that, Quan Chi left nothing alive...or even a goddamn sperm or a thought about raising kids.

This won't be retconeed, tink about it. And ninjas idn't had much conection during traiing in their villages. There was no such thing as a kid watching his family die. They were raised as possible shinobi/noichi, that makes them an even more valid target.
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10/19/2005 11:13 PM (UTC)
I'll be blunt: my point is that the ninjas biography is completely cliche and holds no valuable interest. Besides, that thing is already in motion with Scorpion.
10/19/2005 11:25 PM (UTC)
My characters name is Jubai his history is shrouded in mystry to all but the elder gods he first appered after the last Mortal Kombat tornement claiming that the elder gods killed his family.After years of training and serching he finally came across the last mortal kombat champion liu kang and challenged him to mortal kombat after a long tireing battle liu knag came out victorios but not uninjured. After jubai regained his streanth he disappered into the mist to train. After five long years he returned to face liu kang. His five years of training paid off he defeted liu kang. After his victory over liu he left only a message for the thunder god...witch read "YOUR NEXT" and he disapperd into the mist once agian.

Well that's just some of his back story it get's bloody as hell later on.
anyway this is what he looked like.

Clothes-dressed like a scruffy ninja/samurai
Wepon-Samurai sword
special move-Air Slash.
special power-complete and total power over the air.

so that's my charictor. what do you think
10/19/2005 11:35 PM (UTC)
Your character is good its hard to believe the Elder Gods would kill someones family but hey u never know
10/25/2005 04:00 PM (UTC)
that's just it He thinks it was the elder gods but really it was this other dude pretending to be raiden and when he saw the fake raiden he got really pissed off....to put it lightly.so he naturally assumed that it was the elder gods who ordered raiden to kill his family.I'll give you three guess's to figure out who killed his family but your only going to need one. the reason that person killed jubei's family is because his father and mother were directe servents of the elder gods.
Peace Out.
About Me
The boy kicked out at the world. The world kicked back a lot fuckin' harder.

MK Online Featured User 31/3/2010 12/4/2011
Shinnok-fan64 - s3Kt0r
10/25/2005 06:05 PM (UTC)
they need 2 have a gangsta type character
10/25/2005 09:20 PM (UTC)
devilwithin Wrote:
they need 2 have a gangsta type character

oh and he should talk like the Godfather.j/ktongue
10/26/2005 01:32 AM (UTC)
hmmm perhaps a masked guard,who is the head of them,who wears totally different clothes then them,or some centaur general would be cool lol...
10/26/2005 02:36 AM (UTC)
you mean jax's 2nd in DA? NOOOOOO WAY
About Me
The boy kicked out at the world. The world kicked back a lot fuckin' harder.

MK Online Featured User 31/3/2010 12/4/2011
Shinnok-fan64 - s3Kt0r
10/26/2005 06:21 PM (UTC)
devilkiller Wrote:
devilwithin Wrote:
they need 2 have a gangsta type character

oh and he should talk like the Godfather.j/ktongue

not that type of gangsta mean like character from gta: san andreas for example cj
10/28/2005 04:22 AM (UTC)
but the godfather is so much cooler.lol
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